Cards for Kids Program - Through Cards for Kids Public Act 102-0843 the non-resident fee of $40 will be waived for the remainder of 2024 - 2025 school year in compliance with the Community Eligible Provision (CEP) of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program for those students of Nokomis C.U.S.D 22 that live outside of Nokomis Township. This Act allows public library boards to adopt regulations waiving nonresident fees for everyone under the age of 18, regardless of their financial ability to pay for a nonresident card.
Parents or heads of households will still need to be present to first set up the library card for each student. A current school ID as proof that the child attends schools in Nokomis CUSD 22 and the Parent or Legal Guardian's state issued photo ID is required. A separate form will need to be filled out to allow for internet use.
Sign up today for Hoopla! Go to: You will use your barcode as your username, and the password is the pin that you made when getting your library card. If you don't remember your pin, just let us know and we can add it to your account.
Internet Access Copy Machine Use ($.25 for the first 5 copies - any over that are $.10) Fax Services ($1.00 for the first page, $.50 for each additional page per fax) Books (novels, mysteries, adult, children, reference, large print, E-books) Movies (DVDs) Games (board, Play Station 2, X-Box, Game Cube, WII, X-box 360, PS-3, and puzzles) Cloud Library Puzzles Nooks Kindles Cameras Video Cameras Field Trip Pack Music CDs Audio Books Magazines Newspapers Microfilm Reader Book Dedications Child & Caregiver Activity Area
The library offers a free library card to anyone residing in Nokomis Township. All residents that live in Nokomis Township pay a library tax that is included on their real estate tax bill. By law, the library is required to charge a certain fee to anyone living outside of the township. The yearly fee for a family card is $40.00 which gives the patron access to all library services.