ATTENTION: As of October 16, the Board Meeting Minutes will no longer be posted to the website. Instead, they will be made available at the library. If you would like to take a look at them, just let us know. Thank you!
Nokomis Library Board of Trustees
September 11, 2023, 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crowe, and Lisa Casterline.
LuAnn Bolte nominated by Chris Ukena to become a member of the board of directors, Brenda Matthews 2nd the nomination. The board voted and all were in favor for LuAnn to become a member of the board.
Secretary’s Report: was read and will be filed. Brenda motioned to accept it. And Judy seconded all the board voted in agreement to accept.
Treasurer Report: was read and will be filed. The treasurer’s report in a new format and improved was greatly appreciated by the board. Brenda motioned to accept and Chris second it all the board voted yes to accept.
Circulation Report: reviewed and will be added to monthly report.
Correspondence: Reviewed the Pual Fields of Hanses, paperwork regarding the work on the ADA ramps on our corner of Spruce and Front Street.
The Board voted on signing the avobe-mentioned paperwork. All board members voted yes to sign the paperwork. President Margie was given permission to sign the Temporary construction easement. The Board members witness the signing. Copy of the Deed was given to Margie to add to the paperwork. The paperwork will be sent along with these minutes.
Old Business: The Thank You party was discussed. It was decided to have the party in November.
Discussion about the new hire was discussed. It was agreed to do a further study on how many hours will be needed.
September 19th was the date decided on to move the totem pole and the carousels.
New Business: It was decided Judy would become the secretary. All voted and agreed.
Custodial responsibilities handed out for board member to view and alter as needed. Will review suggestions in October board meeting and vote on the agreed responsibilities. This list will be added to the Library Standards Note Book.
It will be announced on the Library face book site, that we have a tutor 1st and 2nd grade students needing help with reading skills. Peggy Warsing has volunteered her time.
Discussed the need for a storage shed, lawn mower, and weed eater. Decisions will be made later.
Addendum: The thank you party will be held 11/11. Vote was completed by text on Library Board Thread Judy, Chris, Brenda, Louann, and Margie voted yes.
Director’s report: Discussed Chamber of Commerce meeting and cot of $50 per year. All voted yes to join the Chamber of Commerce.
Volunteer Amber Huff will have a book signing evening. Currently the date is undecided. It was discussed we could have other authors in the area to be added. Also, we decided to buy the 2 books Amber has written. All voted yes.
Library will hold a Solar Eclipse event. Articles have been donated enabling seeing the Solar Eclipse on Oct 14th at 11:57 am. This event will be announced on the Library Face Book site. All voted yes.
October 13th snf 14th is the dates for the city-wide RummageSale. We will have books for sale.
The library will be involved with the Library Crawl.
The library will be involved in the Trunk or Treat. Decisions on how to decorate will be offered and decided at Oct. board meeting.
Adjorn meeting
Motion to accept
2nd motion
Nokomis Library Trustee
Chris Ukena
September 11, 2023, 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crowe, and Lisa Casterline.
LuAnn Bolte nominated by Chris Ukena to become a member of the board of directors, Brenda Matthews 2nd the nomination. The board voted and all were in favor for LuAnn to become a member of the board.
Secretary’s Report: was read and will be filed. Brenda motioned to accept it. And Judy seconded all the board voted in agreement to accept.
Treasurer Report: was read and will be filed. The treasurer’s report in a new format and improved was greatly appreciated by the board. Brenda motioned to accept and Chris second it all the board voted yes to accept.
Circulation Report: reviewed and will be added to monthly report.
Correspondence: Reviewed the Pual Fields of Hanses, paperwork regarding the work on the ADA ramps on our corner of Spruce and Front Street.
The Board voted on signing the avobe-mentioned paperwork. All board members voted yes to sign the paperwork. President Margie was given permission to sign the Temporary construction easement. The Board members witness the signing. Copy of the Deed was given to Margie to add to the paperwork. The paperwork will be sent along with these minutes.
Old Business: The Thank You party was discussed. It was decided to have the party in November.
Discussion about the new hire was discussed. It was agreed to do a further study on how many hours will be needed.
September 19th was the date decided on to move the totem pole and the carousels.
New Business: It was decided Judy would become the secretary. All voted and agreed.
Custodial responsibilities handed out for board member to view and alter as needed. Will review suggestions in October board meeting and vote on the agreed responsibilities. This list will be added to the Library Standards Note Book.
It will be announced on the Library face book site, that we have a tutor 1st and 2nd grade students needing help with reading skills. Peggy Warsing has volunteered her time.
Discussed the need for a storage shed, lawn mower, and weed eater. Decisions will be made later.
Addendum: The thank you party will be held 11/11. Vote was completed by text on Library Board Thread Judy, Chris, Brenda, Louann, and Margie voted yes.
Director’s report: Discussed Chamber of Commerce meeting and cot of $50 per year. All voted yes to join the Chamber of Commerce.
Volunteer Amber Huff will have a book signing evening. Currently the date is undecided. It was discussed we could have other authors in the area to be added. Also, we decided to buy the 2 books Amber has written. All voted yes.
Library will hold a Solar Eclipse event. Articles have been donated enabling seeing the Solar Eclipse on Oct 14th at 11:57 am. This event will be announced on the Library Face Book site. All voted yes.
October 13th snf 14th is the dates for the city-wide RummageSale. We will have books for sale.
The library will be involved with the Library Crawl.
The library will be involved in the Trunk or Treat. Decisions on how to decorate will be offered and decided at Oct. board meeting.
Adjorn meeting
Motion to accept
2nd motion
Nokomis Library Trustee
Chris Ukena
Nokomis Library Board of Trustees
August 18th, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, and Director Lisa Casterline (for a portion of the meeting)
Secretary's Report: Was read and will be filed. Chris motioned to accept it, and Brenda seconded. All voting yes: Chris, Brenda, Margie, and Judy
Treasurer's Report: Was read and will be filed. Discussion that report will be accepted with the idea that a new format is needed. A format with clarity and explanation within the Treasurer's report. A decision was made to hire Debby Forbes to help with the new format. Brenda motioned to accept it and Chris seconded it. All voting yes: Brenda, Judy, Margie, and Chris.
Circulation Report: Reviewed and will be added to monthly report.
Lisa Billingsley sent a letter of official notice of resignation from the NPL board.
Allison Maretti sent a letter of official notice of resignation from the NPL board.
Paul Fields of Hansen sent a certified mail containing papers regarding the work on the ADA ramps on our corner of Spruce and Front St.
It was decided to talk to the mayor and review the letter in depth before signing.
Old Business: No disuccsion.
New Business: A new part-time hire will be needed at the library. The board needs to know the hours required for his position before placing an ad in various sites.
Librarian's Report: No report, contents already covered.
President's Report: No report, Lisa sent a resignation letter.
Margie made a motion to adjourn, Brenda seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Brenda, Chris, and Margie. Meeting ended at 6:30 PM.
August 18th, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, and Director Lisa Casterline (for a portion of the meeting)
Secretary's Report: Was read and will be filed. Chris motioned to accept it, and Brenda seconded. All voting yes: Chris, Brenda, Margie, and Judy
Treasurer's Report: Was read and will be filed. Discussion that report will be accepted with the idea that a new format is needed. A format with clarity and explanation within the Treasurer's report. A decision was made to hire Debby Forbes to help with the new format. Brenda motioned to accept it and Chris seconded it. All voting yes: Brenda, Judy, Margie, and Chris.
Circulation Report: Reviewed and will be added to monthly report.
Lisa Billingsley sent a letter of official notice of resignation from the NPL board.
Allison Maretti sent a letter of official notice of resignation from the NPL board.
Paul Fields of Hansen sent a certified mail containing papers regarding the work on the ADA ramps on our corner of Spruce and Front St.
It was decided to talk to the mayor and review the letter in depth before signing.
Old Business: No disuccsion.
New Business: A new part-time hire will be needed at the library. The board needs to know the hours required for his position before placing an ad in various sites.
Librarian's Report: No report, contents already covered.
President's Report: No report, Lisa sent a resignation letter.
Margie made a motion to adjourn, Brenda seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Brenda, Chris, and Margie. Meeting ended at 6:30 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 12, 2023 4:25 PM
Specialty Meeting
Roll Call: Chris Ukena, Brenda Matthews, Margie Eisenbarth, and Cynthia Crowe
The meeting was called to decide what action, if any, the board should take with SL Concrete.
Chris Ukena documented her interactions with SL, both on site and over the phone *1
SL sent an intent to sue letter to Chris, dated July 29, 2023. *2
SL also sent a letter to Lisa Billingsley demanded a response for the intent to sue letter. *3
Trent West, the attorney for Nokomis Township, drafted a response letter for the board to approve. This letter was sent in a text message to the Trustees. *4
He and Chris had a call meeting on July 12 to discuss options for the board. Chris typed up notes for the board to discuss. *5
Judy Rupert and Allison Maretti sent text message of 'yes' to Trent sending the letter.
At the meeting Cynthia motioned that Trent sent the letter and we should prepare our countersuit so that we would be ready when and if needed. Chris seconded the motion and all in attendence voted 'aye'. Motion passed to have Trent send the letter.
There is some of the prep paperwork available already: Tyler Johnson sent a document of problems that he and Chris Glenn found with the SL work. Chris Glenn sent a bill with explanation of work needed. Allison took pictures and a video of the problems SL created.
July 12, 2023 4:25 PM
Specialty Meeting
Roll Call: Chris Ukena, Brenda Matthews, Margie Eisenbarth, and Cynthia Crowe
The meeting was called to decide what action, if any, the board should take with SL Concrete.
Chris Ukena documented her interactions with SL, both on site and over the phone *1
SL sent an intent to sue letter to Chris, dated July 29, 2023. *2
SL also sent a letter to Lisa Billingsley demanded a response for the intent to sue letter. *3
Trent West, the attorney for Nokomis Township, drafted a response letter for the board to approve. This letter was sent in a text message to the Trustees. *4
He and Chris had a call meeting on July 12 to discuss options for the board. Chris typed up notes for the board to discuss. *5
Judy Rupert and Allison Maretti sent text message of 'yes' to Trent sending the letter.
At the meeting Cynthia motioned that Trent sent the letter and we should prepare our countersuit so that we would be ready when and if needed. Chris seconded the motion and all in attendence voted 'aye'. Motion passed to have Trent send the letter.
There is some of the prep paperwork available already: Tyler Johnson sent a document of problems that he and Chris Glenn found with the SL work. Chris Glenn sent a bill with explanation of work needed. Allison took pictures and a video of the problems SL created.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 10, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Brenda Matthews, and Director Lisa Casterline
Secretary's Report: Was read and will be filed. Chris motioned to accept. Lisa seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Treasurer's Report: Was read and will be filed. Allison motioned to accept it, but wants to look into our donation record regarding the Nokomis Savings Bank donation and which account it was deposited in. Seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Lisa made a motion to add line items for new building and the summer reading program (donations and expenses for both items). Chris seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Lisa motioned to accept the report with corrections of format for the new building and summer reading programs added. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
The board will be asking Sonya Maretti to come in and train Cynthia and Lisa on QuickBooks, as well as help reorganize the QuickBooks program and reports.
Circulation Report: Library has been closed for moving/renovation. No circulation report.
July 10, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Brenda Matthews, and Director Lisa Casterline
Secretary's Report: Was read and will be filed. Chris motioned to accept. Lisa seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Treasurer's Report: Was read and will be filed. Allison motioned to accept it, but wants to look into our donation record regarding the Nokomis Savings Bank donation and which account it was deposited in. Seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Lisa made a motion to add line items for new building and the summer reading program (donations and expenses for both items). Chris seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
Lisa motioned to accept the report with corrections of format for the new building and summer reading programs added. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Chris, Lisa, Allison, and Brenda.
The board will be asking Sonya Maretti to come in and train Cynthia and Lisa on QuickBooks, as well as help reorganize the QuickBooks program and reports.
Circulation Report: Library has been closed for moving/renovation. No circulation report.
- Baker & Taylor are changing their prices due to the economy
- Illinois State Historical Society letter for subscriptions
- We don't believe there would be much demand for these at this time.
- Susan Mendoza, state comptroller, sent us a check for the per capita grant.
- We believe it may be one of their programs to give libraries more money.
- Book donation from Worthy Books
- The Tao of Self-Confidence, A Guide to Moving Beyond Trauma and Awaking the Leader Within by Sheen Yap Chen
- Live & Learn Construction Grant
- All money has been used. Cynthia will send final report this week.
- Bid from Wareham's Security for two wireless panic buttons and cellular communicator
- Cynthia was looking into this. There is no law stating that it's a requirement.
- Table it for now until we find out if it's required.
- We have the paperwork from First National Bank to close Debby's credit card and open one for Lisa C.
- City of Nokomis Council members paid $850 towards new cabinets behind circ. desk.
- FY23 Public Library Per Capita Grant
- Mendoza check, see correspondence.
- Lion's Club donated $200 for Summer Reading Program
- New vacuum was purchased at Walmart
- Paul Fields of Hansen will send certified mail containing papers regarding the work on the ADA ramps on our corner of Spruce and Front St. The state is having them upgrade al of the ramps. The letter will come in Cynthia's name, but we need to check the bylaws for who should legally sign the papers of conveyance of land.
- Find our copy of the deed. Check with Martha Beaman.
- Notify newspapers about opening?
- Table this for next meeting
- Library will be open the 12th for business.
- Grand opening at a later date.
- No report, contents already covered.
- No report, contents already covered.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
May 8, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Brenda Matthews, Margie Eisenbarth, Lisa Casterline, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Allison, Brenda, and Margie. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it as written, and Brenda seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Allison, Brenda, and Margie. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
New Business
Librarian’s Report
Chris motioned to adjourn. Brenda seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:34 PM
May 8, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Brenda Matthews, Margie Eisenbarth, Lisa Casterline, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Allison, Brenda, and Margie. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it as written, and Brenda seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Allison, Brenda, and Margie. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Book donation from Barnes & Noble
- Burn the Boats by Matt Higgins
- Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias
- Grant offerings through the State
- Email from New Nokomis Mayor
- Establishing communication with community groups.
- Meeting in May
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – preparing library for move
- Anna Yackle—ideas on moving a library
- Side door for green space has been ordered
- Approval being sent in for ADA door operator
- The light has been installed in the parking lot
- Hoping to have the library open the week of Homecoming
- weekend after 4th of July
- Hoopla Information
- Sustainable Shelves—first shipment ready to send
- Schneeberg Collection—on loan to Greenville Museum
- Paid Leave for All Workers Act—effective Jan. 1, 2024
New Business
- Abstract of Votes
- City Spring Clean Up Days—May 13, 2023
- We need to haul our relevant library items out
- Rob-See-Co. Grant
- Seed company providing small and rural libraries with grants
- We could get a portion of the grant for core ed. Programs, computer upgrades, or book expansions.
- By June 2023
- Grant winners will be notified by September
- Annual Report Submitted
Librarian’s Report
- Lisa C. needs to be added to the appropriate bank accounts
- Credit Card needs changed or cancelled
- Retirement—Debby gave us her letter of resignation, effective May 30th.
- Open house retirement party for her?
- What if we honor her at the open house for the grand opening? Or go offsite?
- Open house retirement party for her?
- Application for small business grants from Amazon.
Chris motioned to adjourn. Brenda seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:34 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
April 10, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Brenda Matthews, Lisa Casterline, and Director Debby Lehman. Margie arrived a few minutes late.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, and Brenda. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Brenda seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, and Brenda. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report read was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: None received
Old Business
Painting – Judy and Jim Rupert and Chris Ukena
Lighting for outside at new building
Parking and sidewalk
Outdoor electrical
Vinyl down soon
Green Space door
Letters for wall – Lisa B. Make out of vinyl
New Business
Vice President – Margi
Secretary – Allison
Treasurer – Cynthia
Brenda motioned for this slate of officers and Margie seconded.
Librarian’s Report
Cynthia motioned to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:17 PM
April 10, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Brenda Matthews, Lisa Casterline, and Director Debby Lehman. Margie arrived a few minutes late.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, and Brenda. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Brenda seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, and Brenda. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report read was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: None received
Old Business
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – preparing library for move
Painting – Judy and Jim Rupert and Chris Ukena
Lighting for outside at new building
Parking and sidewalk
Outdoor electrical
Vinyl down soon
Green Space door
Letters for wall – Lisa B. Make out of vinyl
- Website changed to a paid account
- Sustainable Shelves – waiting for confirmation
New Business
- National Library Week – hand out cups, put out sign and post on facebook
- Paid Leave for Worker Act goes into effect January 1, 2024
- Electronic License Service - No
- Schneeberg collection on loan to Greenville Museum
- Donation for Lego Table
- Election of New Officers
Vice President – Margi
Secretary – Allison
Treasurer – Cynthia
Brenda motioned for this slate of officers and Margie seconded.
Librarian’s Report
- Senior programs – Michele Anderson, heritage health
- Starting to work on the IPLAR
Cynthia motioned to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:17 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
March 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. Brenda and Judy had to leave for other meetings around 6PM.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written and the special meeting minutes as written. Margie seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation reports for November and December were read and will be filed.
No report.
Cynthia motioned to adjourn. Chris seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:21 PM
March 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. Brenda and Judy had to leave for other meetings around 6PM.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written and the special meeting minutes as written. Margie seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation reports for November and December were read and will be filed.
- Request and Donation – Nancy Glassmeyer
- Illinois House Bill 2789
- A stand against censorship which would protect libraries and the freedom to read. Would forbid us from banning books.
- This would require us to make an anti-censorship policy. The IHLS is for it.
- Will take effect Jan 1, 2024.
- We are deciding to wait and see what happens with the house bill before we draft a policy.
- Woman’s Club donated on behalf of guest speaker, Jodi Reynolds
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – preparing library for move
- Jim Rupert got us $14,000 in donations within two weeks
- Extra books around the library will be shipped to Sustainable Shelves (see below in new business)
- We need to think about moving the library. Logistics will be difficult. There are companies that specialize in moving libraries. We would have to be with them completely. We’ve not looked into cost yet, but it may be worth it.
- Storage rooms need to be cleaned out. We will do it in pairs for safety reasons.
- Starting Tuesdays at 9 AM, pairs will come in to clean the back room.
- Christian County takes monitors and electronics for free if you live in the county. We’ll be checking in with friends and family to see if anyone would be willing to take it.
- We’ll look for other free electronics disposal places just in case
- Sexual harassment training
- Allison, Donna, Emma, Debby, Judy, and Chris have finished
- Hiring a new director
- Interviews before board meeting
- Four set up, one did not show.
- Three interviews took place.
- During the transition, Debby would act as a consultant after training has completed if any questions or concerns come up.
- We have our eye on a candidate, and will offer $18/hour during training, and upon completion of training, she’ll be offered $20/hour. She will be contacted by Debby.
- Interviews before board meeting
- Library’s web page – Weebly is charging
- Check and see if they offer a not-for-profit plan
- Barcoder refresher training – mandatory for workers
- Senior programs – Michele Anderson, heritage health
- Bingo, chair exercises, social interaction, etc. for seniors in our community
- There is no charge
- We’d love this once we move into the new building and have room for activities.
- We’ll advertise in the paper, church bulletins, WSMI.
- Baker & Taylor – Sustainable Shelves program
- Credited 30 days after they receive the books
- They resell and recycle books
- We’ll need boxes to ship books in, but they pay for shipping.
- Debby will look more into it for us so that we can start sorting and sending in books before the move.
- Proposed budget
- We have a full budget and an amended budget. Votes needed to approve both budgets.
- Allison motioned to approve the amended budget, and Margie seconded the motion. Voting yes: Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Margie motioned to approve the proposed budget, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, and Allison. Motion carried.
- We have a full budget and an amended budget. Votes needed to approve both budgets.
- Possible fund raiser – Murder… with a Twist
- Many Hunt A Killer-esque standalone games, where teams got two hours to play their games. Shelbyville charged people to play the games. Had inexpensive prizes and light snacks. Minimum age of 16.
- Look into how much it would take us to do this and if we’d make a return.
No report.
Cynthia motioned to adjourn. Chris seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:21 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
February 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written and the special meeting minutes as written. Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report for January was read and will be filed.
New Business
Respectfully request a reduction in hours. If we will cover those hours until we can find another person to fill in, then we approve.
President’s Report
No report.
Chris motioned to adjourn. Brenda seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM
February 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Margie Eisenbarth, Brenda Matthews, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes as written and the special meeting minutes as written. Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report for January was read and will be filed.
- 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty
- Gift from Barnes & Noble
- ILA membership thank you (Illinois Library Association)
- First National Bank Notice of Change to our Limits and Fees
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – project news
- North side is painted, and all major walls have been put in/taken out. Drop ceilings will be put in before bathrooms are finished.
- We need approximately $10,000 to finish renovations
- Look into fundraiser options or other grant options
- Keyless locks
- For new library, has worked for other locations
- 25 Days of Christmas
- Lisa did an awesome job
- Raised roughly $2100
- Sexual harassment training
- Allison, Donna, Emma, Debby, Chris, and Judy have finished
- Per Capita Grant Application and Expenditure Report
- Debby filed
- Hiring a new director
- See Debby’s letter
- She’d like to drop a day while we find another library director so that she can retire that position
- Lisa got ahold of our prospect, and she’s interested but may not be able to do it. We’re trying to work things out.
- We’ll put another ad out
- Newspaper, Facebook, library website.
- IDOT Easement
- Cynthia said they have already started work on it.
- Montgomery County Board Grant Opportunity
- Cynthia?
- It was a letter we got from the township about a tax that we could apply for. Through the county. We should contact them anyway.
New Business
- Budget items
- Any suggestions to add?
- Expand line items for utilities to include electricity
- Add trash pickup
- Add maintenance once we hire someone to do that
- Possibly add security
- Any suggestions to add?
- Macon County Conservation District
- Summer reading program
- For $60
- If it’s worthwhile, then we give Debby permission to do it.
- Summer reading program
- Economic Interest Forms
- Fill them out
- Due before May 1st
- Aspen Discovery
- Are we interested? Hopefully $250 a year.
- It is a new program they want to put on Polaris that should make it easier to use, as well as search/find things. It’s to improve patron use They want to split the cost between libraries.
- Cynthia motioned for us to get Aspen Discovery. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison.
- Revisit government holidays
- Per Cynthia.
- See list
- Most people don’t know we’re open on bank holidays.
- Allison made a motion to close on MLK Day, President’s Day, and Columbus Day. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison.
- Per Cynthia.
- Library Certification filed - Debby
- Minimum Wage Increase as of Jan 1, 2023
- Donna and Emma $1.00 increase as of January 1, 2023
- Donna at $13.50
- Emma at $13.00
- Debby at $20.75
- At new fiscal year raise them to:
- Donna at $13.75
- Emma stays at $13.00
- Debby to $21.00
- Cynthia made a motion to accept the new raise. Margie seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Margie, Brenda, and Allison.
- To take effect April 1st.
- Donna and Emma $1.00 increase as of January 1, 2023
Respectfully request a reduction in hours. If we will cover those hours until we can find another person to fill in, then we approve.
President’s Report
No report.
Chris motioned to adjourn. Brenda seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM
Nokomis Library Special Board Meeting
January 16, 2023
5:15 PM
In Attendance: Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Judy Rupert, and Allison Maretti
Meeting to discuss adding new board members, currently considering:
Chris motioned to add Brenda and Margie to the board. Judy seconded. All in favor: Chris, Judy, Lisa, Cynthia, and Allison.
Allison motioned to end meeting. Chris seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
January 16, 2023
5:15 PM
In Attendance: Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Judy Rupert, and Allison Maretti
Meeting to discuss adding new board members, currently considering:
- Brenda Matthews
- Treasure for Nokomis Township
- Margie Eisenbarth
- Formerly on the board, would rejoin
Chris motioned to add Brenda and Margie to the board. Judy seconded. All in favor: Chris, Judy, Lisa, Cynthia, and Allison.
Allison motioned to end meeting. Chris seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
January 9, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Chris motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation reports for November and December were read and will be filed.
Thank you received from employees.
Donation from VanDyke family.
Thank you from 4-H Club
Hoopla Agreement for Flex – do
Caroline Presnell question tabled
Johann Volkenborn book donated
Old Business
Librarian’s Report
Leak from pipes in PD Bay freezing.
President’s Report
Resignation from Debi Dawson.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM
January 9, 2023 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Chris motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation reports for November and December were read and will be filed.
Thank you received from employees.
Donation from VanDyke family.
Thank you from 4-H Club
Hoopla Agreement for Flex – do
Caroline Presnell question tabled
Johann Volkenborn book donated
Old Business
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – project news
- Computers individual hookups -$600 each, CTI
- Drywall up
- Furniture from Raymond
- 25 Days of Christmas
- Lisa did an awesome job
- Library made more friends on Facebook
- Lisa did an awesome job
- April 2023 election
- Judy filed
- FY 2023 Public Library Per Capita Grant
- Serving Our Public Chapters was discussed
- Employee
Librarian’s Report
Leak from pipes in PD Bay freezing.
President’s Report
Resignation from Debi Dawson.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
November 14, 2022 5:27 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Nothing new to report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 PM
November 14, 2022 5:27 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Illinois NORML – workshop on how to use CBD or cannabis
- Workshop offer
- We’ve rejected the workshop, as we don’t think there will be much attendance.
- District Library – Cynthia update
- It would bring in money, but passing it can be hard.
- Possible pushback from taxpayers
- Table at this time
- Library sign – Judy update
- We’re going to put some signs up on the brick that should be able to be peeled away, yet have the library’s name on the building until we get a permanent sign up.
- Live & Learn Construction Grant – project news
- We have gotten all the demo done
- Framework is completed for new walls
- Wood that was in the center wall has been saved and reused, saving money.
- Some shelves and carrels are assembled. Extra shelves have been put in to storage room to help with space.
- Electric placements have been decided and Easterday is working on helping us get a deal on lights with Ameren.
- We’re able to reuse doors and trim
- 25 Days of Christmas -Debi, Allison, and Judy took packets
- April 2023 election
- 3 seats
- Some possible people in mind
- December 12-19, 2022 date to file
- Treats with Santa
- Sponsored by the Nokomis Women’s Club
- Dec. 10th 10-1 PM at the Library
- FY 2023 Public Library Per Capita Grant
- Serving Our Public Chapters 3-6
- Employee quit
- Walked out on Oct. 18th
- Advertise open positon?
- Offer to other candidates first
- Minimum wage increase January 1, 2023
- Employee evaluations
- Pictures found at library
- Old pictures were found in the library
- Library will be closed on Dec. 26 and Jan 2nd for the holidays.
Nothing new to report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
October 17, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM
October 17, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned to accept secretary minutes as written. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it as written, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Grinnell Mutual- Policy Change- cannabis exclusion
- Secretary of State – 2023 Guide to the SOS Literacy Effort
- District Library- Cynthia Update- Cynthia will check with County, Lisa will check with Hillsboro Library on lawyer & costs etc.
- Library Sign- Judy Update – still in Hillsboro- Judy will check on good place.
- Live and Learn Construction Grant–Project News
- Phase 1- update- see update on handout.
- Family Reading Night – Nov. 17- Lisa will look into it.
- Fund Raising—Calendar raffle for 25 Days of Christmas – calendars are at library available to sell
- Minolta Microfilm Reader- Jim & Judy Rupert picked up and delivered
- Employee Ad-
- Employee hired by board- Deborah Young
- Liability Insurance Certificate – is available for viewing
- Queen of Heart’s Fund
- FY 2023 Public Library Per Capita and Equalization Grant- Serving our Public- discussed 2 chapters
- April 2023 Election 3 seats
- Women’s club – Treats with Santa – here at library
- LSTA Grant Final Quarterly Report filed- was told it was great, and they may send a report be filled out so they have more information for their report to IMLS
- New Employee- hired
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
September 12, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes and board of trustee minutes and phone transcripts. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM
September 12, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept secretary minutes and board of trustee minutes and phone transcripts. Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Thank you from ALA (American Library Association)
- Thank you from Montgomery County Health Department
- Live and Learn Construction Grant–Project News
- Meeting held-August 24- project ready to be started by project managers.
- We have to start construction by 11/4
- Cynthia Crowe and Chris Ukena voted as project managers via text notes.
- Employee Ad
- Received 4 resumes – will look into the local resume- & set up an interview
- We have other sites to put ads on as well
- Hoopla Statement- need to promote
- Per Capita Grant Check Received
- Family Reading Night – Nov. 17- Lisa will look into it.
- Fund Raising—Calendar raffle for 25 Days of Christmas
- Basket Sales- Winners drawn and will be called.
- Microfilm Microfiche Reader Printer from Jo Branscome, Greenville College - Debby contacted to say interested. Judy will check into pick up.
- Letter Regarding Library to Insurance Company- Insuring people working at new building.
- Construction Grant
- Checks received for construction grant account
- Received Second Tax Money
- Treats with Santa – here at library – Board thought this would be a good idea.
- New email to replace google email.
- Per Capita Grant Requirements for next year.
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
New Building Meeting—Phase 1
August 24, 2022 5:20 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Allison Maretti, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, and Chris Ukena.
Phase 1—Bathrooms
To keep with the grant, we have to send pictures and new architect drawings back to grant group. (See attached documents regarding plans and full steps/order invoices)
We have to decide on and order ADA compliant supplies within a week, as we will be starting on the bathrooms sometime between Thursday, August 25th—Monday August 29th.
We will be reusing materials if possible in the bathrooms.
We will also be reaching out to volunteers to help us with debris removal and gutting of the bathrooms, as well as helping re-construct the bathrooms. We will be collecting more volunteers as we go to help throughout the phases.
To help provide materials and supplies, we’ll make a wishlist for supply donations for the community to help.
Meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM
Phase 1
Pictures have been taken of existing hall before constructions begins
1. Send new info to Grant
2. Notice on front door construction has begun funded by the grant
3. Order /Buy
Automatic Soap dispenser
Automatic faucet
Hand dryer
Toilet paper holder
Changing station
4. Decide on all doors and door handles. Then buy 2 doors for bathrooms with the framework
5. Mark Sowarsh to remove bathroom fixtures and water fountain this week. Possibly Thursday 8/25 or
8/26 Friday. At latest early next week.
We will reuse bathroom mirrors, grab bars and urinal. Bathroom vanity will be sent to a repurpose
Shop (Denny will take care of this)
6. Check with Petty Monday morning on the possibility of a discount on the dumpster. Sara Petty said she would ask
Her Dad and get back with me. Denny Bauman said we could use his flat bed with sides for waste material if
Needed and it will cost 150.00 to take to the dump.
7. Once bathroom fixtures are removed Denny Bauman will begin gutting bathrooms next week.
This is Volunteer work.
8. Get in contact with Dan Easterday review electrical needs in bathroom.
Show Dan the position of electrical lights needed for the library
Show Dan where outlets and special lighting is needed.
Obtain a different bid from Dan.
Question if it would help with price if we buy our own lights
If Dan’s bid is greater than 25000.00 we have to show a need for bids in the newspaper.
9. Possibly will be able to get volunteers to replace the dry wall in bathrooms and hang a drop ceiling…
Working on this. Once this is resolved we will need to buy dry wall and drop ceiling.
10. Have electrical work completed. Dan Easterday
11. Sowarsh to replace bathroom fixtures.
New Building Meeting—Phase 1
August 24, 2022 5:20 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Allison Maretti, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, and Chris Ukena.
Phase 1—Bathrooms
To keep with the grant, we have to send pictures and new architect drawings back to grant group. (See attached documents regarding plans and full steps/order invoices)
We have to decide on and order ADA compliant supplies within a week, as we will be starting on the bathrooms sometime between Thursday, August 25th—Monday August 29th.
We will be reusing materials if possible in the bathrooms.
We will also be reaching out to volunteers to help us with debris removal and gutting of the bathrooms, as well as helping re-construct the bathrooms. We will be collecting more volunteers as we go to help throughout the phases.
To help provide materials and supplies, we’ll make a wishlist for supply donations for the community to help.
Meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM
Phase 1
Pictures have been taken of existing hall before constructions begins
1. Send new info to Grant
2. Notice on front door construction has begun funded by the grant
3. Order /Buy
Automatic Soap dispenser
Automatic faucet
Hand dryer
Toilet paper holder
Changing station
4. Decide on all doors and door handles. Then buy 2 doors for bathrooms with the framework
5. Mark Sowarsh to remove bathroom fixtures and water fountain this week. Possibly Thursday 8/25 or
8/26 Friday. At latest early next week.
We will reuse bathroom mirrors, grab bars and urinal. Bathroom vanity will be sent to a repurpose
Shop (Denny will take care of this)
6. Check with Petty Monday morning on the possibility of a discount on the dumpster. Sara Petty said she would ask
Her Dad and get back with me. Denny Bauman said we could use his flat bed with sides for waste material if
Needed and it will cost 150.00 to take to the dump.
7. Once bathroom fixtures are removed Denny Bauman will begin gutting bathrooms next week.
This is Volunteer work.
8. Get in contact with Dan Easterday review electrical needs in bathroom.
Show Dan the position of electrical lights needed for the library
Show Dan where outlets and special lighting is needed.
Obtain a different bid from Dan.
Question if it would help with price if we buy our own lights
If Dan’s bid is greater than 25000.00 we have to show a need for bids in the newspaper.
9. Possibly will be able to get volunteers to replace the dry wall in bathrooms and hang a drop ceiling…
Working on this. Once this is resolved we will need to buy dry wall and drop ceiling.
10. Have electrical work completed. Dan Easterday
11. Sowarsh to replace bathroom fixtures.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
August 8, 2022 5:20 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Allison Maretti, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman. Joining us is guest Marge Holiday.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Allison, Lisa, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Allison, Lisa, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM
August 8, 2022 5:20 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Allison Maretti, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman. Joining us is guest Marge Holiday.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Allison, Lisa, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, Allison, Lisa, Cynthia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Senator Doris Turner 48th Senate District—Summer Book Club
- Read 8 books during the rest of summer and get a free sundae
- Sec of State Jesse White—Family Reading Night, November 17, 2022
- Live and Learn Construction Grant–Guidelines
- Cynthia read and condensed to bullet points for us to form a guided list of what we need to do.
- We have to start construction by 11/4
- Cynthia and Chris would like to have a presentation on the 24th of this month to discuss more about the construction plan.
- Hoopla
- Binge Pass gives you unlimited streaming for 7 days
- Magazines, Hellosaurus, Curiosity, and Great Courses
- Binge Pass gives you unlimited streaming for 7 days
- Employee Ad
- Received one resume from Library list-serv
- And one from a neighboring library
- We have other sites to put ads on as well
- Reading Program—winding down
- Planning a pizza party
- ELS Electronic License Service—Some libraries do this. I have not been able to find out if they do it through ELS. Decided not to tackle at this time.
- Fund Raising—Collection 4-way totaled $1,108.20
- Basket Sales
- We’re going to see if we can take the baskets out to Queen of Hearts to see if we can sell more tickets.
- Construction Grant
- Grant Savings Account
- Debi sign and take Driver’s License to Bank
- Grant Savings Account
- U-Haul Rental, Moving shelves and desks, payment
- Friends of the Library
- Letterhead for Fund Raising
- Decided on option one, need to add phone number.
- Received First Tax Money
- Masonic Hall Minutes Book 1916-1925
- Someone found it and donated it to us.
- Google is being changed to Microsoft Educational Account
- John at IHLS is going very slowly
- Keys to new building
- All are out to board members and have not been returned.
Nothing new to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 11, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Gia O’Malley, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Judy R motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Switching from Google to Microsoft Educational Account- still working with John Knirr at IHLS through multiple Zoom meeting and Phone Calls.
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Judy made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
July 11, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Debi Dawson, Gia O’Malley, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Judy R motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Memorial for Pat Epley
- Live and Learn Construction Grant–Signed contract emailed June 2, 2022 – Haven’t received signed contract back but have received the rubrics from Mini Grants.
- Laptops, jetpacks, Chromebooks, microphones, and headphones are ready to be checked out. We have had 1 jet pack checked out.
- Employee ad—on library List-serv
- Reading program—Frog show was a success (19 children)
- Fund raising
- Gia filled in with some info.
- Four-way fundraising- July 22-23 if enough people
- Nelson’s dinner sign up on hold
- Looking into Farmer’s Market on August 6 at Fred B. Johnson Park 10am-2pm – We will do themed baskets- Baking, Cardinals, etc…
- Gia filled in with some info.
- Property Tax – We do not need to file for exempt status every year.
- Hoopla Status-( Team meeting with rep on July 8, 2022)- looking into ways to advertise to increase circulation
- Per Capita Grant Funded- $4,110.83 (have not received check yet)
- Third Quarter Financial and Narrative Report for “Bridging the Digital Divide” filed
- ELS Electronic License Service- possible selling of stickers- Check into more information as to what it entails.
- Emma is willing to work Friday and/or Saturday after she goes back to school.
- Treasurer’s report for new building is needed be more detailed. A file needs to be kept with receipts & documentation kept at library and updated every month needs of the grant.
Switching from Google to Microsoft Educational Account- still working with John Knirr at IHLS through multiple Zoom meeting and Phone Calls.
President’s Report
Nothing new to report.
Judy made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
June 12, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, Debi Dawson, Gia O’Malley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Switching from Google to Microsoft Educational Account.
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Debi made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
June 12, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, Debi Dawson, Gia O’Malley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Book donation from Amazon Moonshot by Dr. Albert Bourla
- Lazerware
- Thank you—Fred’s Feathered Friends
- Live and Learn Construction Grant–Signed contract emailed June 2, 2022
- Laptops need BIOS password changed. Then are ready to check out
- Debby’s been working with Dale Yeske. If she does the rest, no charge.
- We’ll send a thank you to Dale when we’re done.
- Allison volunteered to help
- Debby’s been working with Dale Yeske. If she does the rest, no charge.
- Employee ad—on library List-serv
- Possibly post on other job sites as well?
- Reading program—Parrot show was a success (K-12/30 and 2-5/13)
- Fund raising
- Cynthia and Gia met to brainstorm ideas.
- Four-way fundraising
- Hand out bookmarks with info
- Schedule at a time with something else going on
- Can make a lot in a day
- Friday 5-7, Saturday 9-Noon
- Catholic school does a catering take out meal. We would need at least 10 workers for every 200 meals sold. We could have people walk into new building or come up to the building to pick up.
- Senior students could be enlisted to help
- Fun Run/Walk on a Saturday morning. $25 per person. Includes walk, t-shirt, and possibly a bag of goodies. Could be a good profit.
- Four-way fundraising
- Cynthia and Gia met to brainstorm ideas.
- IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual Report)—population incorrect. Debby sent an email to Karen Egan at the State Library, and they corrected the numbers.
- Non-resident fee survey 2022
- Debi motioned. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes for cards: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Allison, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
- Desks. Free if we get them by the end of the month.
- Desks located at Greenville College. They’ve been in storage for a few years. They were taken apart, so we’re seeing what was still good.
- 4 desks and multiple shelves (unsure of the amounts)
- Pritzker signed library bill—giving Sec of State power to appoint Library Trustees, if a vacancy is unfilled for 90 days Jesse White can make an appointment.
- Tax Computation Report
Switching from Google to Microsoft Educational Account.
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Debi made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
Library Board Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2022
Roll call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Gia and seconded by Cynthia. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Judy and seconded by Gia.
No comments reports so stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
Book donations- from Secretary of State – Jesse White- Ann Templeton books.
Money Wall donation- Sharon Lehnen
Memorial for Helen Cassidy Hoehn by NTHS Class of 1953
Happy Birthday for Share
Old Business
Live and Learn Construction Grant Review Committee Meeting Thursday, April 28, $35,000. Debi is optimistic. Received Letter from IL Dept of Natural Resources for the Live & Learn Construction Grant saying that we are able to remodel.
Jet Packs now have a CIPA filtering- Computers are being set up for use by public per grant.
Emma Blaum started May 6, 2022.
Suggestions- mentioned from April Board members- windows or doors instead of tearing wall out. Lessen noise- retain support, strip & wax floor instead of new tile, leave carpet on one side and just cover platform areas. – maybe use carpet from the platforms.
New Business
Dale Yeske has been contacted about the computers.
Active Shooter training at Litchfield Library
Employee Ad – on Library List – Serv – Debby looking at future retirement- no timeline.
Librarian’s Report
Summer Reading Program- Off the Beaten Path
Gia will pass out at the Schools.
Annual Report has been submitted to Illinois State Library.
President’s Report
Looking into 501c3 for funds to library.
Cynthia motioned to adjourn, Lisa seconded. Adjournment @ 6:00.
Library Board Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2022
Roll call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Gia and seconded by Cynthia. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Judy and seconded by Gia.
No comments reports so stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
Book donations- from Secretary of State – Jesse White- Ann Templeton books.
Money Wall donation- Sharon Lehnen
Memorial for Helen Cassidy Hoehn by NTHS Class of 1953
Happy Birthday for Share
Old Business
Live and Learn Construction Grant Review Committee Meeting Thursday, April 28, $35,000. Debi is optimistic. Received Letter from IL Dept of Natural Resources for the Live & Learn Construction Grant saying that we are able to remodel.
Jet Packs now have a CIPA filtering- Computers are being set up for use by public per grant.
Emma Blaum started May 6, 2022.
Suggestions- mentioned from April Board members- windows or doors instead of tearing wall out. Lessen noise- retain support, strip & wax floor instead of new tile, leave carpet on one side and just cover platform areas. – maybe use carpet from the platforms.
New Business
Dale Yeske has been contacted about the computers.
Active Shooter training at Litchfield Library
Employee Ad – on Library List – Serv – Debby looking at future retirement- no timeline.
Librarian’s Report
Summer Reading Program- Off the Beaten Path
Gia will pass out at the Schools.
Annual Report has been submitted to Illinois State Library.
President’s Report
Looking into 501c3 for funds to library.
Cynthia motioned to adjourn, Lisa seconded. Adjournment @ 6:00.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
April 11, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: None
Old Business
Economic Interest Reports need to be filed.
Bridging the digital divide- second Financial Narrative Report completed- 2 more to do – with total of 4 to complete
Budget sent to Township for 2022-2023
Live & Learn construction grant- meeting April 28
• New building fund raisers
Suggestions for new building
• Windows or glass doors instead of tearing out wall, lessen noise and retain support, strip and wax floor instead of new tile, leave carpet. Leave carpet- and just cover platform areas.
• FOIA Request on Challenged books- nothing challenged – we replied
• Construction grant Historical Preservation sent digitally sent March 28, 2022
• US Census Bureau Survey- sent March 23, 2022
• Laptops getting locked down- working on
• Community Yard Sale – May 13 & 14 - Decided not to do.
• Printer Issues- No longer buy Toner Cartridges- decision to buy new – laser printer or all in one printer. Debby will pick all in one or printer that will work up to $600. Cynthia made motion to allow Debby to pick printer or copier up to $600. Judy seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
• Cynthia will resend spread sheet for possible donors. She wants updates. New building-wants a key pad lock so people can go to it. Everyone would have a different code.
• Krystal West is willing to help fundraising later. Money wall is up.
• Fundraising idea- Painting party- possibly. Dance at park pavilion.
New Business:
Librarian’s Report:
• Emma Blaum will start after college classes.
• Summer Reading Program – kick-off with Fred and His Amazing Feathered Fred- May 31
• Singing Frogs coming in July
• Debby is working on the annual report. The end of fiscal year was March 31, 2022.
Elections of Officers
• Cynthia Crowe – treasurer
• Allison Maretti- secretary
• Debi Dawson- president
• Lisa Billingsley- vice president
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
April 11, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Debi, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: None
Old Business
Economic Interest Reports need to be filed.
Bridging the digital divide- second Financial Narrative Report completed- 2 more to do – with total of 4 to complete
Budget sent to Township for 2022-2023
Live & Learn construction grant- meeting April 28
• New building fund raisers
Suggestions for new building
• Windows or glass doors instead of tearing out wall, lessen noise and retain support, strip and wax floor instead of new tile, leave carpet. Leave carpet- and just cover platform areas.
• FOIA Request on Challenged books- nothing challenged – we replied
• Construction grant Historical Preservation sent digitally sent March 28, 2022
• US Census Bureau Survey- sent March 23, 2022
• Laptops getting locked down- working on
• Community Yard Sale – May 13 & 14 - Decided not to do.
• Printer Issues- No longer buy Toner Cartridges- decision to buy new – laser printer or all in one printer. Debby will pick all in one or printer that will work up to $600. Cynthia made motion to allow Debby to pick printer or copier up to $600. Judy seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
• Cynthia will resend spread sheet for possible donors. She wants updates. New building-wants a key pad lock so people can go to it. Everyone would have a different code.
• Krystal West is willing to help fundraising later. Money wall is up.
• Fundraising idea- Painting party- possibly. Dance at park pavilion.
New Business:
Librarian’s Report:
• Emma Blaum will start after college classes.
• Summer Reading Program – kick-off with Fred and His Amazing Feathered Fred- May 31
• Singing Frogs coming in July
• Debby is working on the annual report. The end of fiscal year was March 31, 2022.
Elections of Officers
• Cynthia Crowe – treasurer
• Allison Maretti- secretary
• Debi Dawson- president
• Lisa Billingsley- vice president
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
March 14, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Debi Dawson, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Gia motioned and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Debi, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, Debi, Allison, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Old Business
New Business:
Librarian’s Report:
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
March 14, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Debi Dawson, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Gia motioned and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Debi, Allison, and Gia. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Gia motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, Debi, Allison, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Nokomis High Yearbooks (1964-1969) donated
- Barnes & Noble Book Donation Accepted by Jamie Beaton
- College admission help book
- The Spiel Foundation Donation Board and Card Game bundle
- Impact, Penny Lane, Know, Bugs in the Kitchen, and Labyrinth
Old Business
- New building open houses
- March 15 3:30-7:00 PM
- March 20 1:00-3:00 PM
- New building fund raisers
- 5k fundraiser info
- Gia looked into it and talked to others who have had it here in town
- Shirt sale for it
- Registration and liability waver
- Donor signs
- Route starting from new library?
- Do not need a professional timer
- Prizes divided by age categories
- Letter to local businesses and clubs asking for donations
- 5k fundraiser info
- OMA/FOIA Training site is back up
- Attached to our meeting packet
New Business:
- Hiring and Interview policy
- Looking at other library’s policies to see what they do.
- May have a special board meeting to discuss policy in detail
- Library hours
- Possibly close during lunch?
- Renting building for craft show—April 9th 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Around 10 people interested, being charged per booth basis
- Usually no contract, but they always clean up their messes.
- Maybe make a contract? And waiver for insurance?
- Gia has motioned not to rent out the space due to liability concerns. Lisa has seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, Debi, Allison, and Chris. Motion carried.
- Policies for checking out grant items
- Computers, Chromebooks, and hotspots—policies are different for the items.
- Allison will add locked accounts to the computers. Lisa has voted to accept the policies with account updates and grammar corrections. Cynthia has seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, Debi, Allison, and Chris. Motion carried.
- Budget proposal
- We’ll add a note to the form for delivery that this budget does not include our Capital Campaign or our projected construction. Lisa has voted to accept the proposed budget with the addendum. Chris has seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, Debi, Allison, and Chris. Motion carried.
- Economic interest forms for County Clerk
- Postponed to this meeting since several were absent last time and they’ve updated the sheets and questions.
- A board member is calling the County Clerk for clarification beyond the instructions.
Librarian’s Report:
- Employee
- The new prospective employee had to refuse the position due to extenuating circumstances.
- We’ll put a listing on Indeed.
- Working on getting Reading Program off the ground
- Letters sent out
- Donations received
- Debby would like to set up something for the kick-off. School gets out May 25th. Gia could get classes up here in May for the kick-off.
- Next financial narrative report due March 31, 2022
- End of fiscal year March 31, 2022
- Annual report will be due
President’s Report
Nothing to report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
February 14, 2022
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman
Special Guest: Krystal West
Secretary’s Report
Cynthia motioned to accept the report. Judy seconded. All in favor.
Treasure’s Report
Allison motioned to accept the report. Cynthia seconded. All in favor.
Circulation Report was read and will be filed.
Special Business
President is absent. No report.
Meeting adjourned at 6:38. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Judy. All in favor.
Nokomis Public Library
February 14, 2022
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman
Special Guest: Krystal West
Secretary’s Report
Cynthia motioned to accept the report. Judy seconded. All in favor.
Treasure’s Report
Allison motioned to accept the report. Cynthia seconded. All in favor.
Circulation Report was read and will be filed.
Special Business
- Money Wall—media marketing once it’s up to go
- Best once we have our open house at the new building
- Krystal can’t do anything for the next two months due to prior engagement for fund raisers
- Open House
- Still TBD, possibly a weeknight evening (not a Thursday).
- Maybe a Tuesday? Tentative date of March 15th, 3:30-7 pm.
- Possibly do a second open house another time (March 20th, 1-3 pm)
- Our next meeting is the night before (March 14th), could use some of the time to set up.
- Maybe a Tuesday? Tentative date of March 15th, 3:30-7 pm.
- Would offer drinks or snacks
- Cookies, Rice Krispy treats, Kool-Aid, tea, coffee, water
- Everyone bring something
- Cookies, Rice Krispy treats, Kool-Aid, tea, coffee, water
- Games for kids—coloring books, younger level books, etc?
- Displays of the layout mockup
- Maybe one in a frame?
- Tables and chairs
- Lisa and Cynthia have some tables
- Chairs?
- We could take the library kids’ tables and chairs
- If people want to donate online, we could use a Venmo link.
- Still TBD, possibly a weeknight evening (not a Thursday).
- Heartful Children’s Foundation donated two books:
- Colors of Love and Peace
- Colors of Paradise
- Request and Donation—Nancy Glassmeyer – Tax Forms
- Library Technology Grant—Reimbursement received
- New Building
- Fundraising ideas
- Money Wall
- See Special Business above
- Texas Roadhouse Rolls
- Cynthia emailed them to check into it
- Fun Races
- Fun Run and Walk
- Future decoration fundraiser?
- Money Wall
- Fundraising ideas
- Per Capita Grant and Expenditure Report sent in Feb 10, 2022
- Construction Grant due Feb 15th
- Grant Project number 22-6035-EDI—Bridging the Digital Divide at Nokomis Library
- We have 9 Verizon Jet Packs (hot spots) now that can be checked out once cataloged
- Insurance audit filled out and sent in
- Economic interest forms for County Clerk due May 2nd
- We’ll try to do them in our April meeting
- Employee Search
- Working on getting Reading Program off the ground
- Letters have started going out to request community support
- Installing virus protection on all computers and laptops
- Working on cataloging all grant items (laptops, Chromebooks, microphones, headphones, hotspots)
- Masks
- If they lift the mandate, we’ll go mask optional.
- Macon County Conservation District does summer reading programs. It would be $60, and we would like to do their Frog Music Show (they bring frogs for the kids).
President is absent. No report.
Meeting adjourned at 6:38. Motion made by Cynthia, seconded by Judy. All in favor.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
January 10, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Special Guest: Crystal West attended to speak about fund raising. Open House possibly in March. Lisa suggested a Wall of Money. Possible coincide with Girl Scout Cookie Sales Booth (possibly February 4, 2022.) Ideas: Nothing Bundt Cakes, 5K, T-shirts, etc. Make Krystal a admin on Facebook Account. Promote the library for a start.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Gia motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Chris Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Christmas card from LazerWare.
Thank you cards from Donna and Debby
Guide to Literacy from Secretary of State Jesse White
Old Business
Architectural Drawings
Per Capita Grant due Feb. 15, 2022
Construction Grant due Feb. 15, 2022
Bridging the Digital Divide report filed
New Business:
Librarian’s Report-
On the Bridging the Digital Divide Grant
Gia made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
January 10, 2022 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman.
Special Guest: Crystal West attended to speak about fund raising. Open House possibly in March. Lisa suggested a Wall of Money. Possible coincide with Girl Scout Cookie Sales Booth (possibly February 4, 2022.) Ideas: Nothing Bundt Cakes, 5K, T-shirts, etc. Make Krystal a admin on Facebook Account. Promote the library for a start.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Gia motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Chris. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, Gia, and Chris Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Christmas card from LazerWare.
Thank you cards from Donna and Debby
Guide to Literacy from Secretary of State Jesse White
Old Business
- New building
- Fund Raising
- See Special Guest comments
- 5K, Nothing Bundt Cakes, T-Shirts
- Fund Raising
Architectural Drawings
- We have 3 Contractors interested. (Tyler Johnson, Lance Hubbard, Steve Pearse) Plumbers: Dan Easterday, and Mark Sowarsh)
- May need to do it in phases.
- Might need insulation on top
- Copper pipe?
- Flooring (for areas where stage areas are.
- Pick front doors.
- Ceilings
- Trim
- Beam needed
- Fire Marshall – Door on north side?
Per Capita Grant due Feb. 15, 2022
Construction Grant due Feb. 15, 2022
Bridging the Digital Divide report filed
New Business:
- Wages: were discussed and updated due to Minimum Wage Increase.
- Letter written for City’s Downtown Grant.
- Illinet Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing report filed
- Annual Certification Report filed
- Updated Addresses for Montgomery County Treasurer
- Employees were discussed – Cynthia motioned, Judy seconded. Gia, Chris, Lisa, Judy, and Cynthia voted yes.
Librarian’s Report-
On the Bridging the Digital Divide Grant
Gia made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
December 13, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: Christmas Card from Starr Shooters 4-H Club
Donation from Amazon- Age of AI by Henry A. Kissinger
Donation from Amazon – Dear William by David Magee
Old Business
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
December 13, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Correspondence: Christmas Card from Starr Shooters 4-H Club
Donation from Amazon- Age of AI by Henry A. Kissinger
Donation from Amazon – Dear William by David Magee
Old Business
- New building
- Fund Raising
- 5K, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Gift and Garden fundraiser, letters to some donors,
- Looking for help- younger help, with fundraising, volunteers,
- Fund Raising
- Architectural Drawings
- All of the grants need to have them
- Blueprints of building cannot be located, the architect will be asked to recreate blueprints for us
- Plans drawn of building as stands. – include plan for handicap accessible, and develop plan with book shelves, etc.
- Meeting with board at later date- possible Monday , Dec. 27 in pm
- Grants for new building—on hold until we get architectural drawings
- Illinois Library Presents- programs $40 / join- will wait until later
- Per Capita Grant Requirements—Chapters 10-appendices completed
- Per Capita Grant due Jan 15, 2022
- Grant Project Number 22-6035-EDI—Bridging the Digital Divide at Nokomis Library
- Nokomis is in a dead zone- T-mobile’s map says – will contact Verizon & ATT
- Covid- 19- Vaccination Clinic- at Library- Cynthia motioned to do, Judy seconded-
- PTax 228- new building is tax exempt
- IDES Rate Determination – no change
- First National Bank Credit Card -Credit Limit Increased
- Illinois Libraries Present
- Illinois Library Presents- programs $40 / join- will wait until later
- New Hire: Odesca Gibbs – introduced to board
- Library Legislature Meet up
- Christmas bonuses- Lisa motioned to give bonuses, Cynthia second. Motion carried.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
November 8, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Gia O’Malley, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. President Debi Dawson was absent, and members Judy Rupert and Chris Ukena had to leave early.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No president’s report. Debi was absent.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison (the others left early). Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
November 8, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Gia O’Malley, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. President Debi Dawson was absent, and members Judy Rupert and Chris Ukena had to leave early.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Judy motioned to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Sparklight Bid for our E-Rate
- New building
- Volunteer to be Chair of Fun Raising
- We need someone to chair
- Gia and Cynthia volunteered to co-chair
- Everyone is happy to help fundraise still
- The board will bring new ideas to fundraise to the next meeting
- Architectural Drawings
- All of the grants need to have them
- Blueprints of building cannot be located, the architect will be asked to recreate blueprints for us
- Wareham Security Proposals—Tabled
- Grants for new building—on hold until we get architectural drawings
- Library sign
- It’s been on hold, we’ve been waiting until we move to put it in.
- We’re going to continue to wait until we move
- It’s been on hold, we’ve been waiting until we move to put it in.
- Volunteer to be Chair of Fun Raising
- Kripsy Kreme Sales Profit
- Per Capita Grant Requirements—Chapters 5-9 were read
- OMA Training—Attend Member Day
- Nov 18th
- Link to register has been given to board members
- Pandemic Paid Sick Leave—Tabled
- Per Capita Grant due Jan 15, 2022
- Grant Project Number 22-6035-EDI—Bridging the Digital Divide at Nokomis Library
- Laptops, Chromebooks, microphones, and headphones have been ordered
- We still have a few items to purchase to fulfill the grant
- Illinois Libraries Present—webinar Nov 10th
- This will give us the chance to find out what their programs will be and if we wish to pay to be involved.
- Circulation at other libraries
- We have a list to compare our Covid circulation to other libraries. We’re not doing too bad.
- New Hire: Odesca Gibbs
- Employee Handbook
- Was redone in March 2021, and a copy will be given to the new hire
- Per Capita Grant Requirements Chap 5-9
- Chapters 10-13 and Appendices for next month
- Open the Treehouse?
- The board agreed to reopen the Treehouse, so long as items are wiped down after they are played with
- Subscription Purchase (comparison) Report was given
- Thanksgiving Holiday
- Closed Thursday, but should we also do Friday?
- We don’t have many people come in the Friday afterwards.
- Cynthia made a motion to close the Friday after Thanksgiving, as a nonpaid holiday. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Chris, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Closed Thursday, but should we also do Friday?
No president’s report. Debi was absent.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison (the others left early). Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
October 18, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No president’s report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
October 18, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison motioned to accept it, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- E-mail from Kevin Schilt of West Salem, IL
- New building—Where are we?
- Meeting with architect Tuesday, Oct. 19
- There is still a lot of stuff inside the building (as of Oct. 13)
- Meeting cancelled so that we can get more details in order before discussing with him.
- Wareham Security Proposals
- Security and fire safety proposals
- Grants for new building
- MJM Electric Cooperative Grant
- Shelving the grant for now as it requires us to know how we’ll lay everything out in the new building.
- OMA Training—Attend Member Day on Nov. 18
- Link is still down, but if we attend the meeting it’ll count
- Meeting with architect Tuesday, Oct. 19
- Resignation—Chelsie
- Grant Project Number 22-6035-EDI Bridging the Digital Divide at Nokomis Library
- We got this grant through the Secretary of State. This will go towards circulating computers.
- Illinois Libraries Present services
- Libraries are banding together to supply online programs mostly for adults. It’ll include authors, programs on diversity, equality, etc. They’re trying to make it affordable for all libraries. It’s a pilot program. They’ll run it for 6 months. It would cost us $40. There would be one or two programs a month. We can show it here, or supply the link so that people can watch it online at home.
- We’re not sure if the community would utilize this. We’ll want to read the contract closely before we choose to sign it.
- We’d like to know more about what exactly they’re offering before we decide.
- Libraries are banding together to supply online programs mostly for adults. It’ll include authors, programs on diversity, equality, etc. They’re trying to make it affordable for all libraries. It’s a pilot program. They’ll run it for 6 months. It would cost us $40. There would be one or two programs a month. We can show it here, or supply the link so that people can watch it online at home.
- 3rd annual Halloween in Nokomis
- Oct. 30 - Parade and Trunk or Treat
- Board voted not to participate
- Oct. 30 - Parade and Trunk or Treat
- Pandemic Paid Sick Leave Policy
- Not mandatory, but a suggestion. Tabled for now until we can decide.
- Per Capita Grant Available
- New Building banking account need signatures - Signed
- Krispy Kreme Sales
- Money raised
- Question on card
- Per Capita Grant Requirements Chap 1-4
- Chapters 5-9 for next month
No president’s report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Debi seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
Sept 13, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. Guest Chelsie Trowbridge.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No president’s report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:38 PM.
Sept 13, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman. Guest Chelsie Trowbridge.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Gia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- none
- Krispy Kreme Donuts & Thrivent
- October 9, 2021 sale date
- Masking Requirements
- Masks are required indoors for people over 2 years old.
- New Building—it’s ours!
- Where are we?
- Timing and Expectations
- No way it’s done in 2021. Need to fundraise first.
- Need to open an account (building and remodeling fund for new building) at one or both banks.
- What needs done to open?
- Clean up day—friends and family event cleaning together.
- Security and ADA compliant
- Who is doing what?
- Timing and Expectations
- Possible to have a key to do a longer walk through and take some measurements? Yes
- Where are we?
- Remodeling Grants
- Three construction grants. One is significantly less than the other two.
- One solar grant.
- Wareham Security Proposals
- Cameras, etc.
- There are monthly upkeep fees
- Chelsie has a few grant proposals involving security
- Per Capital Grant
- Check has been received
- Grants for new building—Chelsie
- Four options. Three are due January and one is due next April.
- Construction grants
- The mini-grant is not a match grant. 100% to us. $2,500-35,000 available. 6-9 months to get the funds. Couldn’t start any construction until we got the grants.
- We can do walls, ADA compliance, security, drop boxes, plumbing?, internal windows for circulation desk, everything but bookshelves essentially.
- For the match grants, we would have to fundraise. Two are 50% matching and must have funds when we apply. Third is a different match rates, due in April.
- Remodeling for Accessibilities Grant would be $25,000 (matching).
- New Construction and Remodeling Grant would be $125,000 (matching).
- Third Grant would be $35,000-75,000 (matching).
- Four options. Three are due January and one is due next April.
- Family Reading Night—Nov. 18, 2021
- MJM Electric Cooperative Grant
- Operation Roundup Grant, up to $5,000. We qualify for their grant. It’s for community involvement, ways for interaction and improvement. Like new things for the children’s area, maker’s space for teens, etc.
- ROE #3 Learning Express—Montgomery County Baby Shower
- Do we want a table or booth?
- We don’t know what we’d promote, given Covid and our distance from Hillsboro.
- At the Moose Lodge, Oct 13th, 10-2. We could be a partner. For ages birth to 3.
- Celebrating families with expecting parents or parents.
- Do we want a table or booth?
- Nokomis Early Childhood—Lap-sit
- Can they still have it in the library? Would last until August 2022. We say go ahead.
- Nokomis pre-school program
- Using library space for weekly lap-sits, use of computers for staff and family, and helping families acquire library cards.
- Unemployment Claim (false claim from a scammer)
- Per Capita Grant Requirements—Go thorough Serving Our Public 4.0, 14 Chapters
- Grant due in January
- First four chapters due next meeting
- Women’s Club has Treats with Santa at the Masonic Lodge usually, asking if they can use our building.
- We have no insurance, but they do.
- If their insurance covers, we’ll have them sign a waiver, so that we aren’t libel for anything.
- Krispy Kreme Sales
- Look into a popcorn fundraiser after?
- Lisa has a monthly raffle idea based on one done in Hillsboro.
- Sport’s Pool Fundraiser
- Solar Power Suggestion
No president’s report.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:38 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
August 9, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No president’s report to add.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
August 9, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
- The special minutes were motioned to accept by Cynthia. Gia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Kellogg’s Feeding Reading – Book Donation
- Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah
- Summer Reading Program—Ended July 31, 2021
- Pizza party was held August 5th.
- New policies – free nonresident cards for:
- Disabled Veterans
- Cards for Kids
- Krispy Kreme Donuts & Thrivent – October 9, 2021 sale date
- Debby spoke to Thrivent. They donated money to start up our donut sale.
- New Building
- Title paperwork is done, but waiting on arrival of it.
- Should do a published thing in the paper about the purchasing of the building, picture op with the Masons?
- Laws on Handicap Accessibility – compliance will not be difficult
- Bathroom doorways will have to be renovated to be ADA compliant.
- Handicap sign needs replaced.
- Building Insurance Estimate on empty building
- Price will change once we move into it
- Laws on Real Estate Taxes for Libraries (PTax-300)
- Sign we planned before just needs one more approved change
- Also will need to decide location of sign
- Check city sign rules
- Judy will get dimensions for us to double check possible locations
- Also will need to decide location of sign
- RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) Program – set up booth/table
- Sponsored by CEFS.
- Were asked to post a brochure and sign on our news board.
- They also asked if they could put out an informational booth.
- We’ve given Debby permission to make decision based on what kind.
- Masking
- Schools and public buildings are requiring masking. Libraries have not yet been added to the list. We’re going to continue for now with our policy for optional masks.
- Building
- Paperwork arrived during the meeting.
- We are now completing the paperwork to purchase the building.
- Working on Grants with Illinois State Library
- One is to get us new computers, copier, printer, etc. Due soon.
- Closing out Reading Program. It’s officially finished.
- Going to start Krispy Kreme Sales
No president’s report to add.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 26, 2021 5:15 PM
Special Meeting
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Today’s meeting pertains to a county grant (American Rescue Act) meeting Debi attended. We don’t entirely fit the criteria, but were given advice on how to apply as a library for our best interest. The county has hired an information specialist to look over all the applications. The county board will then determine who gets grants of varying amount. There is a deadline for use of the funds.
The Masons have made us an offer for the lodge building for an undisclosed amount. The building is around 2,000 square feet larger than our current location. The building consists of two lots. We would like to possibly survey the lot to check the exact size and layout we would have access to.
The board will vote on purchasing the building, as well as check into the cost of appropriate changes to make the building accessible. The building would benefit us with not only more space, but more parking spaces. If we purchase the building, we will be looking into grants for a not-for-profit to aid in expenses. We see a lot of potential: green space grants, construction grants, accessibility compliance grants.
We asked for librarian Debby Lehman’s perspective. There is more space, which would be beneficial to the library. Insurance would go up, but we think the monthly utilities would be feasible. But we would have many set-up expenses, including security, renovation, water fountains, etc.
Lisa motioned to purchase the Mason’s building. Chris seconded. The board has unanimously voted to purchase the Masonic Lodge and walked through the building (Voting yes: Lisa, Chris, Gia, Allison, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi).
To the city, the masons sold the building to us very reasonably, and it’s going to take a while to get all of the refurbishing done. We plan on renting for a while yet, but will give three months’ notice.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned after the walk through at 6:40 PM.
July 26, 2021 5:15 PM
Special Meeting
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Today’s meeting pertains to a county grant (American Rescue Act) meeting Debi attended. We don’t entirely fit the criteria, but were given advice on how to apply as a library for our best interest. The county has hired an information specialist to look over all the applications. The county board will then determine who gets grants of varying amount. There is a deadline for use of the funds.
The Masons have made us an offer for the lodge building for an undisclosed amount. The building is around 2,000 square feet larger than our current location. The building consists of two lots. We would like to possibly survey the lot to check the exact size and layout we would have access to.
The board will vote on purchasing the building, as well as check into the cost of appropriate changes to make the building accessible. The building would benefit us with not only more space, but more parking spaces. If we purchase the building, we will be looking into grants for a not-for-profit to aid in expenses. We see a lot of potential: green space grants, construction grants, accessibility compliance grants.
We asked for librarian Debby Lehman’s perspective. There is more space, which would be beneficial to the library. Insurance would go up, but we think the monthly utilities would be feasible. But we would have many set-up expenses, including security, renovation, water fountains, etc.
Lisa motioned to purchase the Mason’s building. Chris seconded. The board has unanimously voted to purchase the Masonic Lodge and walked through the building (Voting yes: Lisa, Chris, Gia, Allison, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi).
To the city, the masons sold the building to us very reasonably, and it’s going to take a while to get all of the refurbishing done. We plan on renting for a while yet, but will give three months’ notice.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned after the walk through at 6:40 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 12, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Gia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
July 12, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Debi Dawson, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa motioned and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Gia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Books-A-Million donated a copy of Liquids Till Lunch by MaryRuth Ghiyam
- ILA Note
- Regarding the Serving Our Public outlines
- Hoopla – 6 registered
- Annual required online trainings
- FOIA training site is still down, but you should be able to use the Municipal Minute sheet for a link
- Summer reading program
- We have 38 children signed up.
- Second drawing has been held.
- We have been posting online story times and handing out crafts weekly
- First in-person program was held by Montgomery County Health Department
- There was a skit, activities, and a snack
- FY2022 ILLNET/OCLC Services Program
- Did not renew since we’re a member of the IHLS group, and don’t have to be in both.
- Per Capita Grant funded
- Aquarium
- Still looking at new supplies
- Holiday on June 19, 2022
- Library will be closed that day as it’s a federal holiday
- Summer School toured the library on June 22nd.
- Grades Pre-K—4th Grade
- 43 students and 12 teachers/aides
- Upgrade phone?
- Through Consumer Cellular
- We have to have 4 or 5G services
- Check our phone to see if it is up to date or buy a new one
- We believe we’re up to date still
- Through Consumer Cellular
- New Policies—Disabled Veterans and Cards for Kids
- Do we accept the Cards for Kids policy?
- Motion made by Cynthia, Chris seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Do we accept the Cards for Disabled Veterans policy?
- Motion made by Allison, Gia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Do we accept the Cards for Kids policy?
- Plaques have been picked up to engrave
- Debby had the system reset Polaris to send out notices for items coming due. Should be fixed now.
- We received our first wave of tax money on July 8th.
- We’ve got a picture and article in The Journal News
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, Lisa, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
June 14, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Debi Dawson, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Chris motioned to accept it, and Gia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
Librarian’s Report
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
June 14, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Debi Dawson, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Chris motioned to accept it, and Gia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Public Library Association Survey – a thank you for participating
- Hoopla – 6 registered
- LSTA Grant — Back to Books Grant
- Final reports due in July
- Annual required online trainings
- FOIA training site down, but you should be able to use the Municipal Minute sheet for a link
- Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration
- Chelsie worked the booth from 11-3:30. We gave away bags purchased from Totally Promotional
- 125 bags for $183.87
- Chelsie worked the booth from 11-3:30. We gave away bags purchased from Totally Promotional
- Summer reading program
- Gia delivered the flyer to North School. We have 32 children signed up. First drawing has been held
- Gia suggested bringing summer school classes up to the library.
- Is there a day/class size that would be best for library?
- Book Sale is slow
- Tax Computation Report
- We received the report from Montgomery County
- Non-resident fee program
- Vote (if yes, we need a policy for the free cards for kids and disabled veterans)
- Motion to accept selling non-resident cards made by Chris at $40 per year. Gia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, and Allison. Motion carried.
- We need to write a policy regarding this involving specifics. We’ll have this prepared by next meeting so that we can vote.
- Vote (if yes, we need a policy for the free cards for kids and disabled veterans)
- FY2022 ILLINET/OCLC services program—renewal
- Will we participate?
- Due June 30th
- Debi motioned to participate if we have to in order not to lose the benefits. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
- What services do we get from them?
- Can order things from out of state—we don’t use this
- WorldCat is an option
- But will Illinois Heartland enter our records into WorldCat if we aren’t a member of this?
- Debby will check on this
- Some grants require you to be a member of this to be awarded.
- Debby will check on this
- Can order things from out of state—we don’t use this
- Phase 5
- Masks? Proof of Vac? Hand Sanitizer? Seating Open? In library programs? Toys out? Tree house open? Sensory table? Children not able to be vaccinated=masks?
- We are fully reopened now, but do we want restrictions?
- Keep hand sanitizers, seating will be reopened, restart library programs. Hold off on the kid’s toys, table, and tree house, but allow them to look through books.
- Not requiring masks anymore, up to patron discretion.
- Masks for employees are up to them.
- Masks for children are up to them.
- Krispy Kreme fundraiser during homecoming, as we do in usual years?
- We’ve missed the timeframe for Thrivent.
- Consider for a later date in August?
Librarian’s Report
- WWII collection – should it be barcoded?
- Not barcoded, but detailed descriptions and inventory of the items will be taken, as well as pictures.
- Aquarium
- All our fish died. When we deep-cleaned the tank, they began dying
- We received a Plecostomus donation, but they died as well.
- The tank has been emptied, but we’ll have to spend a little extra to buy new supplies.
- Maybe a new tank as we discussed before
- 30 gallon tank, must fit on the card file.
- 33” long x 18 ¼ wide, board members will be looking out.
- Guppies? Goldfish? What do we want? Gia has offered to pick them up when we’re prepared.
- 30 gallon tank, must fit on the card file.
- Maybe a new tank as we discussed before
- Our plaques need updated. A guy in Litchfield could do it. We’ll get a quote beforehand.
- Had two people ask if we had fines. Asked about not receiving notices of due books.
- Fines were reinstated several meetings ago and Debby is checking into Polaris to see why notices weren’t sent out.
Allison made a motion to adjourn. Gia seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
May 10, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No report as president is absent.
Cynthia made a motion to appoint Gia O’Malley to Library Board. Judy seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried. Welcome, Gia!
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:14 PM.
May 10, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Gia O’Malley, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia motioned to accept it, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Living the Confidence Code by Katty Kay & Clare Shipman, donated by Porchlight
- The Calcium Connection by Brunde Broady, donated by Porchlight
- Forty Gavels donated by Reuben G. Soderstrom Foundation
- Hoopla is live
- two people are signed up (one is Chelsie)
- LSTA Back to Books Grant
- All books ordered, now waiting on survey results.
- Annual Required Online Trainings
- FOIA site is down. Unable to complete that training still.
- However, the harassment training is still able to be completed.
- Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration—June 5th, 11 AM to 7PM
- Chelsie will work, Allison has offered to help if needed.
- Purchase handouts with library name
- Board decided on drawstring bags. Allison will help look for cheapest options. Capping spending at $200, though if we can get a better buy for a bit over, Chris has offered to donate the $25-50 difference.
- Chris motioned to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Board decided on drawstring bags. Allison will help look for cheapest options. Capping spending at $200, though if we can get a better buy for a bit over, Chris has offered to donate the $25-50 difference.
- Annual Agreement for SHARE
- Debby spoke to Cassandra at IHLS They agreed to give us this year at the previous price. However, unless our income goes down, it will be the higher price next year.
- Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR) filed
- April 6, 2021 Voting Abstract
- Certificates of Election
- Official Oath was taken
- Election of Officers
- President: Debi Dawson
- Vice President: Lisa Billingsley
- Treasurer: Cynthia Crowe
- Secretary: Allison Maretti
- What do we think about Summer Reading Program?
- June is summer school, could we tie in with that?
- Gia said teachers could promote if we have the info gathered.
- Need something Covid-friendly to promote the event.
- Hot dogs and Kool-Aid drop-by? A kick off to get them started?
- Come and register during these dates and win:
- What if we purchased an iPad as a prize to win? Or a Kindle?
- Knights Action Park tickets?
- Coupons from Dairy Queen or Casey’s for signing up?
- June is summer school, could we tie in with that?
- Book Sale on Community Garage Sale Date?
- It’s Saturday, May 15th.
- Allow them to come into the library following guidelines to purchase.
No report as president is absent.
Cynthia made a motion to appoint Gia O’Malley to Library Board. Judy seconded. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Gia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried. Welcome, Gia!
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:14 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Minutes
April 12, 2021
Roll call- Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Judy and seconded by Chris. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Chris. No comments so report stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
State Farm Audit finished. Refund received $1.01
Trustee Training- March, April, and May dates available.
Old Business
Hoopla – Going Live April 30th. We have a Zoom Call scheduled for April 19th and
there will be a training video. We received advertising incentives.
LSTA Grant Back To Books Grant – 2nd Reimbursement Received
Annual Required Online Trainings – Certificates? - Difficulty logging in to AG site.
Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration – Chelsie will work at the booth June 5
New Board Member?- Still searching.
New Budget and letter sent to the township.
New Business
Library Hours Standards- meeting the standards based on population.
E-Rate – Window Closed
FY2022 Annual Agreement for Share – rates have raised.
Yard Sale- decide not to participate.
Librarian’s Report
Working on LSTA Grant items (large print books) and the IPLAR (Illinois Annual Report)
President’s Report
-nothing new to report
Adjournment @ 5:53 Motion by Lisa and seconded Chris.
April 12, 2021
Roll call- Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, and Director Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Judy and seconded by Chris. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Chris. No comments so report stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
State Farm Audit finished. Refund received $1.01
Trustee Training- March, April, and May dates available.
Old Business
Hoopla – Going Live April 30th. We have a Zoom Call scheduled for April 19th and
there will be a training video. We received advertising incentives.
LSTA Grant Back To Books Grant – 2nd Reimbursement Received
Annual Required Online Trainings – Certificates? - Difficulty logging in to AG site.
Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration – Chelsie will work at the booth June 5
New Board Member?- Still searching.
New Budget and letter sent to the township.
New Business
Library Hours Standards- meeting the standards based on population.
E-Rate – Window Closed
FY2022 Annual Agreement for Share – rates have raised.
Yard Sale- decide not to participate.
Librarian’s Report
Working on LSTA Grant items (large print books) and the IPLAR (Illinois Annual Report)
President’s Report
-nothing new to report
Adjournment @ 5:53 Motion by Lisa and seconded Chris.
Nokomis Public Library
Library Board Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2021
Roll call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Lisa and seconded by Cynthia. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy.
No comments reports so stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
Debi Dawson Cynthia Crowe both received mailings from Jehovah Witness.
Congratulations to Recipients of Vehicle Grant.
Dr. Seuss Information – Our books have been left on the shelf. Cynthia makes a motion to take the 6 books off the shelf but to keep them. Judy seconded motion. Judy, Cynthia, Debi voted aye. Lisa voted no.
Census Certificate was received from the Census Bureau for our participation.
Banking Survey – Bank was called. They do not know anything about this. Plan to cash
Check. Company is safe to deal with it.
Old Business
Employee Handbook - Debby made notes- discussed changes made. Discussion held. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. All voted yes.
Hoopla – waiting for new Facebook page to take off, however SIP2 taken care of and
Filling out Forms - almost ready.
PPE Grant Completed – Reimbursement Received
LSTA Grant Back To Books – Purchases are being made and 1st Reimbursement Received -Filing for the second reimbursement of grant.
Annual Required Online Trainings – Certificates – Judy turned in her Sexual Harassment
New Insurance Policy from Marten Insurance –policy was received
Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration- Booth at Fairground- June 5, from 11-5.
Judy will donate the $50. Will ask for volunteers to go to help. Chelsie will be paid.
Economic Interest Forms (Need Chris)
New Board Member- Looking for one
New Business
Quarantine time Reduced from 72 Hours to 48 Hours
Chelsie Will Attend via Zoom Adding Color to Your 2021 Summer Reading Program
March 11, 2021.
Raises- Debby raise April 1, 2021 - $0.50 – making it $19.75/hour. Judy made the motion Lisa seconded. All voted aye. Raises again in January to meet state requirements.
Budget- Lisa made motion to accept budget as presented. Judy seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
Still Ordering Large Print Books, Bar Coding, and Tracking Expenditures
President’s Report- no report
Adjournment @6:20.
Library Board Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2021
Roll call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crowe, Lisa Billingsley, and Director Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report was read and approved. Motion made by Lisa and seconded by Cynthia. No comments so report stands.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy.
No comments reports so stands.
Circulation report was read and will be kept on file.
Debi Dawson Cynthia Crowe both received mailings from Jehovah Witness.
Congratulations to Recipients of Vehicle Grant.
Dr. Seuss Information – Our books have been left on the shelf. Cynthia makes a motion to take the 6 books off the shelf but to keep them. Judy seconded motion. Judy, Cynthia, Debi voted aye. Lisa voted no.
Census Certificate was received from the Census Bureau for our participation.
Banking Survey – Bank was called. They do not know anything about this. Plan to cash
Check. Company is safe to deal with it.
Old Business
Employee Handbook - Debby made notes- discussed changes made. Discussion held. Motion made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. All voted yes.
Hoopla – waiting for new Facebook page to take off, however SIP2 taken care of and
Filling out Forms - almost ready.
PPE Grant Completed – Reimbursement Received
LSTA Grant Back To Books – Purchases are being made and 1st Reimbursement Received -Filing for the second reimbursement of grant.
Annual Required Online Trainings – Certificates – Judy turned in her Sexual Harassment
New Insurance Policy from Marten Insurance –policy was received
Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration- Booth at Fairground- June 5, from 11-5.
Judy will donate the $50. Will ask for volunteers to go to help. Chelsie will be paid.
Economic Interest Forms (Need Chris)
New Board Member- Looking for one
New Business
Quarantine time Reduced from 72 Hours to 48 Hours
Chelsie Will Attend via Zoom Adding Color to Your 2021 Summer Reading Program
March 11, 2021.
Raises- Debby raise April 1, 2021 - $0.50 – making it $19.75/hour. Judy made the motion Lisa seconded. All voted aye. Raises again in January to meet state requirements.
Budget- Lisa made motion to accept budget as presented. Judy seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
Still Ordering Large Print Books, Bar Coding, and Tracking Expenditures
President’s Report- no report
Adjournment @6:20.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
February 8, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM.
February 8, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison motioned and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa motioned to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Memorial donation from Class of 1953 for John Lee Vandenbergh
- Donated book from Amazon: Humor, Seriously by Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas
- Verification of Election Ballot
- Request for 2021 Tax forms with donation
- Thumbs up from Youth Ministry Group
- They found our site looking for virtual activity recommendations and wanted to thank us.
- Employee handbook
- Debi is absent, will address next meeting.
- Hoopla
- Waiting for new Facebook page to take off
- LSTA Grant Back to Books—purchases are being made
- PPE Grant Completed
- Reimbursement Requested—waiting
- Annual Required Online Trainings—Bring in certificates
- We may have a new board member interested, will discuss next meeting.
- Kim Taylor
- Cynthia can get into contact with her
- Kim Taylor
- Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapter 12-13 Discussion
- ILA Legislative Meet-ups—Friday, February 26th 8-9 AM—Zoom
- Farmhouse Market—Presentation—Wednesday, February 24th
- Montgomery County Bicentennial Celebration
- June 2021
- From Litchfield, want to partner with us for a booth
- Possibly a book giveaway
- Bookish craft
- Costumed characters
- Info about our libraries
- Chip in $50 each
- Witt Library is checking with board first.
- Good idea, but Covid considerations must be taken into account.
- Allison (and Judy?) will look into it.
- Economic interest forms
- Still ordering large print books
- Donation—David Carey
- Chelsie working on Summer Reading Program
- Possible kick-off event ideas?
- Would occur around May 31st
- Possible kick-off event ideas?
No report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Allison seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
January 11, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
No report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6.22 PM.
January 11, 2021 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Allison moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed.
- Jesse White, Secretary of State—Literacy Effort
- Brenda Barnstable—Christmas Donation
- Thank you cards
- One from Debby
- One from Donna
- Employee handbook
- Debi is absent, will address next meeting.
- Insurance Companies
- Special meeting was held on December 28th.
- We decided on Marten Insurance
- Hoopla
- After more discussion, we’ve determined to try Hoopla and SIP2.
- At the moment, we are going to limit cards to $10 a month (which will be around 3-4 checkouts a month).
- We will need to get the word out. Check Facebook page status again, as social media would be best to advertise.
- Cynthia made to motion to try Hoopla for a year and to limit accounts by dollar amount per card. Lisa seconded motion.
- Voting yes: Judy, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison.
- LSTA Grand Awarded Newspaper Article
- PPE Grant Completed
- Reimbursement Requested
- Now we’re waiting.
- Reimbursement Requested
- LSTA Grant Back To Books
- Purchases have started.
- Large print books.
- Purchases have started.
- FOIA Request received and reply was sent
- Grant Opportunity
- A surplus vehicle for the library. Board is uninterested. It would add to the costs of insurance and liability.
- Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapter 11 Discussion
- 12-13 for next meeting.
- Annual Required Online Training
- We may have a new board member interested, will discuss next meeting.
- LSTA Back To Books Grant
- Debby has ordered over 75 titles so far, and catalogued 40 of them.
No report.
Cynthia made a motion to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6.22 PM.
Addendum (12/29): After speaking with Marten Insurance, it was discovered that we can't split our policy to have them cover only workman's comp. The board discussed our options via text messaging and ultimately decided to go with Marten Insurance for both. All voted in favor.
Transcript of text message conversation:
Chris Ukena: Ok Eek yes the policy of workmen's comp and property are separate policies BUT Marten Insurance brokers will not allow covering the Library for just workmen's comp. To get the lower price it is all or nothing. Ok that being said. County Companies price is 1326.00. Plus Nathan with Country Companies lives in Raymond. Marten Insurance price is 1165.00 Plus Trish lives in Nokomis. Ugh just giving all the info because I know we we're talking loyalty to the township versus loyalty to the library. The difference is 161.00. Opinions??? Do we have to meet again??? UGH. So sorry I suggested the policies were separate maybe buy from each company
Lisa Billinglsy: Go with cheapest
Cynthia Crowe: I guess go with cheapest. Knock wood and don't scare the fishies... we haven't had the need to use it
Allison Maretti: I think we go with the cheapest, too
Nokomis Public Library (Debby Lehman): That was 4 votes for the cheapest. Four is a quorum. Just an fyi
Chris Ukena: Let's wait for Debi's & Judy's response. If that is ok with everyone, before I call Marten's Ins.
Cynthia Crowe:
Nokomis Public Library: It is fine with me. I just didn't know how soon you wanted to finish with this.
Chris Ukena: Ok yes I understand
Judy Ruppert: Do what you need to do as long as we keep it in our county-jr
Debi Dawson: Go with Trish if she is cheapest we do have a fiscal duty to watch our funds & Trish is a reliable person from Nokomis - that'd be my 2 cents...
Chris Ukena: Ok it is agreed Marten insurance. Allison should you make an addendum to our meeting notes?
Debi Dawson:
Allison Maretti: I'm not able to access the notes at home. But I can make a note and add them next time we have a meeting
Nokomis Public Library: If you want to email it to me. I would be able to add it.
Allison Maretti: Perfect! I'll get it written up then Okay.
Chris Ukena: Ok thanks Allison & Debbie and Thanks everyone!!! Debi I will give your phone number to Trish plus I will let her know tomorrow would be a better day since you are out of town. Happy New Year
Nokomis Public Library: Thanks for all your hard work, Chris! Happy New Year!
Nokomis Board of Trustees
December 28, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Topic: Special meeting to discuss insurance in the following year, 2021.
Workman’s Comp is a separate policy.
Property and liability is one policy.
Chris created a spreadsheet to compare the quotes we were given so that we can efficiently decide which company is best to go with.
Comparing prices, Country Financial and Marten Insurance seem to be our best bets, with a difference of $129 for WC, both with a $1000 deductible for the entire policy.
Cynthia has made a motion to go with Country Financial for property and liability, and Marten Insurance for workman’s comp, since they are two different policies anyway. Seconded by Chris. Voted yes: Lisa, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, Allison, and Debi.
Hoopla business—Debby has been going back and forth with their company. We can’t get around the new Polaris software.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM.
December 28, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crowe, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Topic: Special meeting to discuss insurance in the following year, 2021.
Workman’s Comp is a separate policy.
Property and liability is one policy.
Chris created a spreadsheet to compare the quotes we were given so that we can efficiently decide which company is best to go with.
Comparing prices, Country Financial and Marten Insurance seem to be our best bets, with a difference of $129 for WC, both with a $1000 deductible for the entire policy.
Cynthia has made a motion to go with Country Financial for property and liability, and Marten Insurance for workman’s comp, since they are two different policies anyway. Seconded by Chris. Voted yes: Lisa, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, Allison, and Debi.
Hoopla business—Debby has been going back and forth with their company. We can’t get around the new Polaris software.
- Tabled for next meeting
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
December 14, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 364 adult books, 191 children’s books, 229 DVD/BluRay, 48 audio books, 4 child games, 38 e-books, 32 CDS, 9 video games. 915 total.
Time for Christmas bonuses. Chris made a motion for bonuses. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 PM.
December 14, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Lisa Billingsley, Cynthia Crowe, Chris Ukena, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 364 adult books, 191 children’s books, 229 DVD/BluRay, 48 audio books, 4 child games, 38 e-books, 32 CDS, 9 video games. 915 total.
- IHLS—Change in Quarantine Process
- Now three day quarantine
- Thank you from MidAmerica Books
- Christmas card from Lazerware
- SIU-C—Illinois 101 Recommended Reading List booklet
- Board Member mailings
- Allison picked hers up
- IDES Rate Determination
- New rate for 2021. Hasn’t changed much.
- Employee handbook Debi printed a sample copy
- Review at home and mark edits for next meeting
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris has gotten bids for liability and workman’s comp, as well as for replacement costs. Most are higher priced or about the same price.
- Do we have a replacement cost with State Farm for our current insurance?
- We aren’t sure. We’ll call and ask to be sure.
- Ishmael couldn’t compete with the price.
- Country Companies is higher price
- Prairie (Taylorville) has a comparable price.
- MacAfee (Pana) has a higher price.
- Marten Insurance (Raymond) has more bids.
- State Farm never replied to Chris’ email.
- Jack Tosetti said a mutual company may have better pricing.
- Must renew or choose a new company by the first part of January.
- Hoopla—new issue (SIP2)
- We have to have this Polaris SIP2 software to ensure that our patrons can access Hoopla.
- To install the software, it is $200, and another $200 a year to maintain the program.
- Debby has not sent them the check yet as this information was not brought up in our preliminary talks with them.
- We did sign a contract with them. We will call them to see what can be done.
- If we can’t get out of it, we will use it for a year. We will also look into things that are offered over this software that we believe patrons would enjoy.
- Allison moved to accept our plans, and Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Lion’s Club donation article
- Personal Quarantine
- 7-14 days. Can be ended after 7 days if negative, or 10 days if not tested.
- Recordkeeping
- Must comply with guidelines set by state in reporting and bookkeeping regarding Covid.
- DCEO Guidance
- Personal Quarantine
- Discussing Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapter 10
- Chapters 11-13 due for next meeting.
- Nokomis Women’s Club donation
- $310 from the cinnamon rolls fundraiser
- LSTA Back to Books Grant
- awarded $4,900.00 for expanding large print collection to meet community needs
- LSTA PPE Grant
- awarded $500.00 for PPE to ensure safety of staff and patrons
- FY21 Per Capita Grant
- due March 15, 2021
- We are on target.
- (will probably revert to January in coming years)
- Illinois Heartland free cataloging will end June 30, 2021. Afterwards we will have to pay.
- Member’s Matter Meeting attended Dec. 11th
- Discussed Cards for Kids, Veterans, Library Certification (through L2 this year), etc.
- Cards for Kids—someone living in an unserved area and in the poverty level, we are required to issue a free non-resident card to the child.
- This will require us to adjust our card system, as we only offer family cards in regards to children.
- Policy will have to be written regarding specifics.
- We don’t issue that many non-resident cards to begin with.
- This will require us to adjust our card system, as we only offer family cards in regards to children.
- Cards for Kids—someone living in an unserved area and in the poverty level, we are required to issue a free non-resident card to the child.
- Discussed Cards for Kids, Veterans, Library Certification (through L2 this year), etc.
Time for Christmas bonuses. Chris made a motion for bonuses. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Debby will get $175
- Donna will get $65
- Chelsie will get $65
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
November 9, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 514 adult books, 328 children’s books, 175 DVD/BluRay, 65 audio books, 3 activities, 1 child games, 40 e-books, 27 CDS, 9 video games, 1 CD ROM. 1163 total.
No report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 PM.
November 9, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Allison seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 514 adult books, 328 children’s books, 175 DVD/BluRay, 65 audio books, 3 activities, 1 child games, 40 e-books, 27 CDS, 9 video games, 1 CD ROM. 1163 total.
- IHLS—Change in Quarantine Process—now a 5 day quarantine
- Family Reading Night—November 19th
- A night for families to stay home or venture out to libraries or to other reading activities. It is celebrated on the third week in November each year.
- Per governor’s Covid mandate, we’ll be strongly promoting the event but cannot host it ourselves.
- Employee handbook Debi to bring a sample copy
- For next month
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris will handle before
- Hoopla
- They lowered the advanced deposit for us upon request. We have to return a survey and a copy of our exemption.
- Debby would like the board to also review the contract sent to us by Hoopla.
- Lisa motioned to accept Hoopla, Judy seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison.
- Reader’s Advisory Policy and Reference Service Policy
- Lisa motioned to adopt the policies. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison.
- Discussing Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapter 9
- Chapter 10 due for next meeting.
- FY21 Per Capita Grant info
- Due date is in March, and focuses on only two requirements.
- We will apply once the form is up.
- Microsoft Office (ours is 2010) and Norton will need to be renewed for all computers within the next 2-3 months
- Lisa proposed cancelling and instead having patrons use Google.
- Google Drive doesn’t have an app like Microsoft Publisher, however, they do suggest Lucidpress (which is a free program similar).
- Norton protection software. Go-ahead to renew it.
- Lisa proposed cancelling and instead having patrons use Google.
- December Schedule—close Saturday, December 26th?
- We’re fine with closing the library that day.
- Donation from Lion’s Club of $100
No report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
October 19, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Abby Huff, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Abby seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 518 adult books, 310 children’s books, 165 DVD/BluRay, 82 audio books, 1 activities, 0 child games, 42 e-books, 18 CDS, 17 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 1161 total.
No report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Abby seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 17 PM.
October 19, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Abby Huff, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Abby seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 518 adult books, 310 children’s books, 165 DVD/BluRay, 82 audio books, 1 activities, 0 child games, 42 e-books, 18 CDS, 17 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 1161 total.
- Donation: Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty, given by Barnes & Noble
- IHLS—Change in quarantine process
- We’ve already changed our length of quarantine to match this practice.
- IHLS—IHLS Member Day invitation
- Online, innovative virtual day of professional development and networking, day for staff, trusties, etc.
- Donation: D. Miller, donated $18 instead of buying doughnuts
- Barnes & Noble—cybersecurity hack
- Employee handbook Debi to bring a sample copy
- Employee handbook and board handbook will be done by next meeting
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris
- Coronavirus: Monday closing time question
- Currently close at 7 pm, and records say no patrons come past 6 pm. Seems due to Covid situation. Debby is allowed to make change to time.
- Hoopla
- Lisa thinks it works, however financials becomes an issue again. We need a way to fund the idea and are looking into it.
- Library is receptive to the idea of it to boost circulation.
- Lisa made a motion to try to get donations to start using Hoopla. Cynthia seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison.
- Fall Funds Day—total profit $1140.50
- Krispy Kreme Donuts profit $938.50
- Raffle profit $168.00, winner donated her share back
- Book Sale-Grab a Bag profit $34.00
- Litchfield Public Library Reading Program—Hurry Up, 2021!
- Discussing Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapters 6-8
- Chapter 9 due for next meeting.
- Game Day T-Shirt Project—request for advertising
- Tax Monies received Oct. 1st
- Closing Election Day question
- Email from IHLS advising each library to check with their lawyer to see if library has to close due to Election Day being a state holiday.
- We usually have less staff working on state holidays, and close on a few occasions.
- Due to schools also being closed that day, we’ll stay open so that people can come in.
- 2020 Per Capita Grant Monies—check received $3673.75
- Cards for Kids Act
- A law for libraries. Anyone 18 and under can get a free library card. The law is currently non-enforceable. We will watch and wait for IHLS to tell us what to do.
- Candy left from the reading program that wasn’t used. Can we do sacks or small bags for kids who come into the library wearing costumes.
- Made policies for the handbook in regards to chapter 8 of Serving our Public--Reader’s Advisory Service
- Will read again for adoption next meeting.
No report.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Abby seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 17 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
September 14, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Abby Huff, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, Chris, Abby, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison moved to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Lisa, Cynthia, Judy, Allison, Abby, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 548 adult books, 272 children’s books, 147 DVD/BluRay, 61 audio books, 0 activities, 6 child games, 34 e-books, 18 CDS, 9 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 1095 total.
Remote Learning ideas
President is absent. No report.
Judy made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 40 PM.
September 14, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Abby Huff, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Cynthia moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, Chris, Abby, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison moved to accept it, and Chris seconded the motion. Voting yes: Lisa, Cynthia, Judy, Allison, Abby, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 548 adult books, 272 children’s books, 147 DVD/BluRay, 61 audio books, 0 activities, 6 child games, 34 e-books, 18 CDS, 9 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 1095 total.
- Donation: Die With Zero by Bill Perkins, given by Books-a-Million
- Donation: Sunny the Bunny Goes to Camp by Jace Higgins, given by Books-a-Million
- Employee handbook Debi to bring a sample copy
- Debi absent
- Girls Who Code
- Clubs have moved to virtual. We feel it’s better to be shelved until we can resume in-person clubs.
- Returned materials quarantined increased to 7 days (formerly was 4).
- Aug 7th: a statewide mandate was announced that children age 2 and up must wear masks. This includes libraries.
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris
- Hoopla and Kanopy
- Kanopy has only movies. Library has decided not to use Kanopy, as it does not seem to fit our library to pay for patrons to rent movies.
- Hoopla has books, audio books, TV, music, comic books, and games. Average cost is $2 (Ranges $.23-$2). Lisa and Allison will try their login to see if we think it would be a good fit for our library.
- Fall Funds Day—Oct 10th
- Krispy Kreme Donuts
- Raffle
- Book Sale-Grab a Bag
- Other Events…
- Discussing Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapters 3-5.
- Chapters 6-8 due for next meeting.
- Pandemic Policy and Guidelines.
- Cynthia made a motion to accept with the changes to be added. Chris seconded. All in favor: Chris, Lisa, Allison, Judy, Cynthia, and Abby.
Remote Learning ideas
- Libraries and different organizations, such as mason lodges, have stations set up with tents and tables with the school system so that people without internet are able to come use the library’s internet in a safe, socially distanced area.
- We have the library and parking lot open for our internet to be used for free.
- Should we have to go online, the idea should be revisited to find locations as it gets colder so that no one has to sit outside.
President is absent. No report.
Judy made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 40 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
August 10, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison moved to accept it, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 463 adult books, 249 children’s books, 87 DVD/BluRay, 36 audio books, 0 activities, 61 e-books, 18 CDS, 9 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 923 total. Down 1000 from last year.
Old Business
Librarian’s Report
We are purchasing $10 Amazon gift cards for the children who have turned items in for the Reading Program.
Hoopla—Lends movies, audiobooks, e-books, and is put out by Midwest Tape. Libraries rave about it. It’s pay per use (so library can limit by number/amount), and a possible upfront cost. 99 cents to $3.99 per item depending on item/newness. Average of $2.99 per item.
State Library is putting out some grants. Back to Books grant.
President’s Report
Nothing new.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 35 PM.
August 10, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Chris Ukena, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Chris seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Allison moved to accept it, and Lisa seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Chris. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. 0 Magazines, 463 adult books, 249 children’s books, 87 DVD/BluRay, 36 audio books, 0 activities, 61 e-books, 18 CDS, 9 video games, 0 all miscellaneous items. 923 total. Down 1000 from last year.
- We could advertise online/in newspaper for kids to come get books as classroom books will be harder to get.
Old Business
- Employee handbook Debi to bring a sample copy
- Needs to be reformatted before approval. It’s quite messy and scattered.
- Notations will be made of what is intended to be changed for comparison.
- Girls Who Code
- Lisa is checking into it.
- Is it possible during COVID?
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris will have info next meeting.
- Virtual Meeting Policy
- Added to policy book
- Coronavirus
- Computer use—Opened up two computers to public on July 27th.
- One desktop and one laptop were opened.
- An article was put in the newspaper to advertise this.
- Hours—Extended hours on Saturday to our normal of open till 2:00 PM on August 8th.
- Hours may change again once school starts up.
- Sanitizing—When library is opened, closed, and after every computer use.
- Quarantining—All items for 4 days, then they are sanitized.
- Computer use—Opened up two computers to public on July 27th.
- Chapters 3-4 to be read for next meeting.
Librarian’s Report
We are purchasing $10 Amazon gift cards for the children who have turned items in for the Reading Program.
Hoopla—Lends movies, audiobooks, e-books, and is put out by Midwest Tape. Libraries rave about it. It’s pay per use (so library can limit by number/amount), and a possible upfront cost. 99 cents to $3.99 per item depending on item/newness. Average of $2.99 per item.
- Compare Hoopla with Kanopy. Which is better with price and content?
State Library is putting out some grants. Back to Books grant.
President’s Report
Nothing new.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6: 35 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
July 13, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. No magazines, 307 adult books, 227 children’s books, 80 DVD, 15 audio books, 3 children activities, 1 game, 63 e-books, 4 music, 7 video games.
Correspondence: Cynthia McCurdy—Memorial for Merlin Westenberger for $50. A thank you was sent.
Old Business
Census information: Nokomis 68.5% and the township is at 69.4%
Explore More Illinois. Rails Library has a cultural pass place. We could get discounts for things up north.
President’s Report
Nothing new.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
July 13, 2020 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Lisa Billingsley, Allison Maretti, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was read. Lisa moved and Cynthia seconded to accept the report. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report was read. Lisa moved to accept it, and Allison seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read and will be filed. No magazines, 307 adult books, 227 children’s books, 80 DVD, 15 audio books, 3 children activities, 1 game, 63 e-books, 4 music, 7 video games.
Correspondence: Cynthia McCurdy—Memorial for Merlin Westenberger for $50. A thank you was sent.
Old Business
- Employee handbook Debi to bring a sample copy
- Needs to be reformatted before approval. It’s quite messy and scattered.
- Notations will be made of what is intended to be changed for comparison.
- Girls Who Code
- Lisa is still checking into it.
- Bids from Insurance Companies
- Chris is absent.
- OCI (sending material to prisons)
- Tabled due to current situation.
- Coronavirus
- Computer use—Open two desktops (though open computers are subject to change at librarian’s discretion). Saran wrap/press ‘n seal to be used on monitors and keyboards. Will be wiped down after each use.
- If time/loitering becomes an issue on the computer, the librarian is allowed to ask them to get off. Longer periods on will be allowed for education and employment.
- Hours—Hours may change. Debby will be looking at the rate of patrons utilizing the library and adjust accordingly if needed.
- Open areas—Only new area open are computers. If they are used more, we may open more space for laptops.
- Sanitizing—Stick with what we’ve been doing. Patrons are getting better at wearing masks and sanitizing, but still have to ask patrons to put masks on and use sanitizer.
- Quarantining—Continue doing as we’ve been doing
- Computer use—Open two desktops (though open computers are subject to change at librarian’s discretion). Saran wrap/press ‘n seal to be used on monitors and keyboards. Will be wiped down after each use.
- Kanopy—not free for libraries that subscribe.
- E-rates info (brought up by Cynthia). Debby hasn’t received anything and there isn’t a consistent date to expect it by. Likely will be discussed again later due to confusion with the new sign-in.
- 2020 sexual harassment training
- Required by law—discussing how to turn people in for harassment and how not to harass.
- Will be added to handbook
- Real Estate Monies received—We received monies. On 7/1 we received $10,104.95 for library and $1,344.56 for the building. Our current distribution is $12,649.21 for the library and $1,683.10 for the building.
- OCLC Contract (Online Library Catalogue)
- We will be renewing our subscription with them.
- Virtual Meetings Policy to be voted on
- Required steps for virtual meetings: amends the open meetings act and addresses remote participation of public bodies during disaster situations. Virtual meetings, if they take place, must be recorded and publicized.
- Motion made by Debi, Lisa seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, and Allison. Motion carried.
- Per Capita Grant Award
- We received the award for $3,673.75, but have not received the monies yet,.
- NCI Business Systems Contract
- Our machine has a broken drawer and cannot be replaced due to age. It needed a new toner discard pack and it took them a year to send it. Debby believes it would be better to quit the contract since they can no longer order parts for the machine.
- Allison will check in on prices and a different company.
- Our machine has a broken drawer and cannot be replaced due to age. It needed a new toner discard pack and it took them a year to send it. Debby believes it would be better to quit the contract since they can no longer order parts for the machine.
- Requirement for next Per Capita Grant
- 13 chapters in Serving Our Public 4.0. We must go over them all before next April. We all must go over it. It’s advised to do two chapters per meeting, and use the checklist to see if we meet the goals.
Census information: Nokomis 68.5% and the township is at 69.4%
Explore More Illinois. Rails Library has a cultural pass place. We could get discounts for things up north.
President’s Report
Nothing new.
Lisa made a motion to adjourn. Judy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May26, 2020 - 5:00 PM
Roll Call: Lisa, Allison, Abby, Cynthia, Debi, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes by Judy. Lisa seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Lisa and seconded by Debi. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: Korean Dream: A Vision for United Korea—Donated by the Alliance for Korea United Customer Virus by Barnes and Noble
Letter from lawyer concerning Tony Stolsek’s will and his donation to the library.
Debi has decided (based on the Library Association’s suggestion) that we kept our librarians on the payroll, paying them what they normally would make (regular salary). Donna has been cleaning the library as well as barcoding books. Chelsie has been working on grants, story time, and the summer reading program.
Debby was sending us emails to us from the CDC, ALA, etc, but as it grew crazier and the situation changed, emails were solely sent to the board president (Debi). She’s offered to forward them to other members if interested.
Museum and library partner email--We decided that we didn’t need this since we opened up the parking lot for internet usage by our patrons.
May 14th--There was a webinar concerning board of trustees and librarians knowing about Covid. Debby attended. They talked about cleaning supplies and what you needed to have, understanding the virus viability on returned materials, capacity of medical facilities, health and wellbeing of community, press release templates, sample re-opening plans.
May 21st—a director’s chat discussing reopening. Debi has been perusing them. Director Debby has been attending all of them. Larger libraries are planning on/doing curbside starting the 1st of June. Several are opening with limited hours and facilities.
If patrons want to pick up books, they must wear gloves to prevent contamination. Perhaps add sanitizer and make it a choice. Sanitize or wear gloves to handle books.
Librarians should be in here while working in order to get paid. Hours should be cut for safety of staff and patrons. First hour we are open can be set aside for the elderly, at risk, or those worried about being around sick people. Masks need to be worn by patrons (some will be made available?).
The fish tank is nasty and corroded, despite many cleaners and methods used to clean the tank. Debi will buy a new fish tank and lid if the info is provided (others will pitch in if needed).
Permission granted to communicate and vote via text on small issues.
Is Debby allowed to order books? Yes, but be cautious.
Motion to adjourn made by Abby. Seconded by Lisa. All in favor: Allison, Judy, Debi, Lisa, Abby, and Cynthia.
May26, 2020 - 5:00 PM
Roll Call: Lisa, Allison, Abby, Cynthia, Debi, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes by Judy. Lisa seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Lisa and seconded by Debi. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: Korean Dream: A Vision for United Korea—Donated by the Alliance for Korea United Customer Virus by Barnes and Noble
Letter from lawyer concerning Tony Stolsek’s will and his donation to the library.
- Could we write a thank you to his existing family? Make sure to inform the newspaper of NPL receiving a generous donation.
- Economic Interest Statements
- Employee Handbook—Debi has created one
- Girls Who Code—Lisa hasn’t checked due to Covid
- Equitable Restrooms Act—A changing table has been added and a water fountain will be added.
- Insurance Company Bids—Chris is absent this meeting. Will check in next time.
- OCI Yearbook Project Offer—Debby hasn’t done this due to Covid
- Non-Resident Fee--Are we selling cards?
- People that already have them will have to prorate them somehow. People that don’t yet have them will have to purchase one.
- If they plan on keeping it, extend for three months due to lost Covid open time.
- Donation—Tony Stolsek $5,000 (see above)
- Library Opening—Curbside pickup June 1
- Possibly delayed to allow patrons (numbers, masks, hand sanitizer, computer use, face shields, Plexiglas divider screen, accept donations, chairs removed or covered. No sitting and loitering, toys and games put away, fines waived, hours open, and hours for pick up)
- See Board President’s section for information.
- Girls Who Code—HS touches on coding, but doesn’t really teach it. HS thinks this is a great idea.
- Unless it is a rule that boys can’t attend, we should advertise that it is sponsored by GWC and that boys are welcome to attend as well.
- Letter sent to Township with our proposed budget
- Information from Township about Tax Levies
- Debby got projections on taxes we should receive from library and building levy for a total of $52,098.63
- Newspaper article about loved ones honored at NPL
Debi has decided (based on the Library Association’s suggestion) that we kept our librarians on the payroll, paying them what they normally would make (regular salary). Donna has been cleaning the library as well as barcoding books. Chelsie has been working on grants, story time, and the summer reading program.
Debby was sending us emails to us from the CDC, ALA, etc, but as it grew crazier and the situation changed, emails were solely sent to the board president (Debi). She’s offered to forward them to other members if interested.
Museum and library partner email--We decided that we didn’t need this since we opened up the parking lot for internet usage by our patrons.
May 14th--There was a webinar concerning board of trustees and librarians knowing about Covid. Debby attended. They talked about cleaning supplies and what you needed to have, understanding the virus viability on returned materials, capacity of medical facilities, health and wellbeing of community, press release templates, sample re-opening plans.
May 21st—a director’s chat discussing reopening. Debi has been perusing them. Director Debby has been attending all of them. Larger libraries are planning on/doing curbside starting the 1st of June. Several are opening with limited hours and facilities.
- Debby has been given permission to go up to $40 per gallon on hand sanitizer. Lisa made the motion. Abby seconded. In agreement: Debi, Cynthia, Abby, Lisa, Judy, and Allison.
If patrons want to pick up books, they must wear gloves to prevent contamination. Perhaps add sanitizer and make it a choice. Sanitize or wear gloves to handle books.
Librarians should be in here while working in order to get paid. Hours should be cut for safety of staff and patrons. First hour we are open can be set aside for the elderly, at risk, or those worried about being around sick people. Masks need to be worn by patrons (some will be made available?).
- Start with curbside and no interaction between people? They would tell librarians what they wanted/authors they liked. Reading program could pick up sacks. Number the people when we open.
- Rules on door for entry once open for limited patronage.
- Home delivery?
- Borrow chairs from the Dawson Funeral Home that can be wiped down for easy sanitation.
- Grace period once library reopens before fines start again.
- Plexiglas can be installed if it would make the librarians more comfortable, so long as there is a slot big enough for books to go through.
- Can take books out to patron’s cars (not curbside, but convenience). Do so at a safe distance and Debby’s discretion.
- Donna’s concerns? Abby found that the circumstances heavily impact. Allow remote work whenever possible. May have to provide a leave of absence. Employees who self-quarantine based on health reasons are able to draw unemployment.
- Library will open June 1st, hours subject to change. Patrons must wear a mask and gloves/use sanitizer upon entering (their choice). No computers or the children’s play area or upstairs area will be available until IHLA has ruled on it (but personal computers are allowed). Patrons should check in with the front desk when they arrive. The number of patrons allowed is at librarians’ discretion. No loitering. Motion made by Cynthia. Seconded by Debi. All in agreement: Judy, Abby, Debi, Lisa, Cynthia, and Allison.
The fish tank is nasty and corroded, despite many cleaners and methods used to clean the tank. Debi will buy a new fish tank and lid if the info is provided (others will pitch in if needed).
Permission granted to communicate and vote via text on small issues.
Is Debby allowed to order books? Yes, but be cautious.
Motion to adjourn made by Abby. Seconded by Lisa. All in favor: Allison, Judy, Debi, Lisa, Abby, and Cynthia.
Nokomis Public Library
Board Meeting March 16, 2020
Roll Call
Members Present – Judy, Allison, Debi, Chis, and librarian Debby Lehman. By phone: Cynthia. Guests: Jocko Nash and Chief of Police Bill Kenny.
COVID-19 Report
City of Nokomis has shut down the public access to the building. Heartland has recommended no curbside service. Jocko has suggested we wait two weeks and reassess the situation regarding curbside access.
Motion made by Allison to allow easily-disinfected items to be loaned out, so long as distance is maintained between the staff and patrons according to the CDC. Cynthia seconded. Vote yes: Judy, Debi, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison.
Motion made by Chris to wave the late fees. Judy seconded. Vote yes: Judy, Allison, Cynthia, Debi, and Chris.
Motion to adjourn by Debi. Seconded by Judy. Vote yes: Judy, Allison, Cynthia, Debi, and Chris. Adjourned at 5:50 PM.
Board Meeting March 16, 2020
Roll Call
Members Present – Judy, Allison, Debi, Chis, and librarian Debby Lehman. By phone: Cynthia. Guests: Jocko Nash and Chief of Police Bill Kenny.
COVID-19 Report
City of Nokomis has shut down the public access to the building. Heartland has recommended no curbside service. Jocko has suggested we wait two weeks and reassess the situation regarding curbside access.
- DVDs/Audiobooks/CDs will still be available to borrow per appointment, as they easily sanitized.
- The library parking lot does have wifi connected to the library. Limit 4 cars/laptops at a time for students to work on. Cars must be parked in parking spots. Patrons are not allowed in the building. The wifi password will be posted on our website.
- Covid-19 resources as well as activity sites will be posted on our site.
- No late fees incurred at this time will be charged due to the specific nature of the situation.
Motion made by Allison to allow easily-disinfected items to be loaned out, so long as distance is maintained between the staff and patrons according to the CDC. Cynthia seconded. Vote yes: Judy, Debi, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison.
Motion made by Chris to wave the late fees. Judy seconded. Vote yes: Judy, Allison, Cynthia, Debi, and Chris.
Motion to adjourn by Debi. Seconded by Judy. Vote yes: Judy, Allison, Cynthia, Debi, and Chris. Adjourned at 5:50 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 9, 2020
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Chris, Lisa, Allison, Debi, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes by Lisa. Chris seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Lisa and seconded by Debi. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Illinois Reads—Sat. March 14th Illinois Valley Community College is hosting the 2020 Illinois Reads Book Festival. Open to all.
Gift book--Fearless Innovation by Alex Goryachev
Mental Health—Tabled.
Employee handbook—example for next meeting.
Girls Who Code—Lisa is checking into
Trustee In-Service—Circulation Training March 5th. Judy, Chris, Allison, and Chelsie attended.
Equitable Restrooms Act—amended by adding Sect. 18 must include baby changing stations in public restrooms. We have no restrooms in the library, so will be given to the city to handle.
Insurance—State Farm. Will be asking for bids from local insurance companies.
Coronavirus—Librarians’ Response to Coronavirus and Other Pandemics webinar, Thurs. March 26th. Advice on how to clean the library and items to prevent the spread of germs.
2020 Historical Records Grants Program—They want a dollar-for-dollar match. Decided not to do it.
OCI Yearbook Project Offer—Yearbooks owned by the library at the time (1917-2016) were all digitized onto CD. They are willing to put them onto thumb drives, jpegs, etc. to make them searchable in a PDF format for no charge. We will be accepting their offer.
No additions
Board President’s Report:
Debi motioned to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Meeting ended at 6:40 PM.
March 9, 2020
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Chris, Lisa, Allison, Debi, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes by Lisa. Chris seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Lisa and seconded by Debi. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Illinois Reads—Sat. March 14th Illinois Valley Community College is hosting the 2020 Illinois Reads Book Festival. Open to all.
Gift book--Fearless Innovation by Alex Goryachev
- Sent by Books-A-Million. Business help guide.
Mental Health—Tabled.
Employee handbook—example for next meeting.
Girls Who Code—Lisa is checking into
Trustee In-Service—Circulation Training March 5th. Judy, Chris, Allison, and Chelsie attended.
- Good class. Basics were learned to check books in and out, make patron records, etc.
- Lots of behind the scenes information on how to barcode and assign our books to proper records.
Equitable Restrooms Act—amended by adding Sect. 18 must include baby changing stations in public restrooms. We have no restrooms in the library, so will be given to the city to handle.
Insurance—State Farm. Will be asking for bids from local insurance companies.
Coronavirus—Librarians’ Response to Coronavirus and Other Pandemics webinar, Thurs. March 26th. Advice on how to clean the library and items to prevent the spread of germs.
2020 Historical Records Grants Program—They want a dollar-for-dollar match. Decided not to do it.
OCI Yearbook Project Offer—Yearbooks owned by the library at the time (1917-2016) were all digitized onto CD. They are willing to put them onto thumb drives, jpegs, etc. to make them searchable in a PDF format for no charge. We will be accepting their offer.
- Have opened their services to up to include newspapers, audio, microfilm, etc.
- Will be inquiring after their pricing for newspaper digitization.
- Motion by Debi to raise Debby to $19.25, as well as an extra week of vacation. Donna to $10.75 in April 2020 then to $11.25 by Jan 1st, 2021. Chelsie to $10.00 in April 2020 then to $11.00 Jan 1st, 2021. If budget is well in April, raises would be revisited as a topic of discussion. Seconded by Chris. Voted yes: Debi, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Allison.
No additions
Board President’s Report:
Debi motioned to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Voted yes: Judy, Lisa, Chris, Debi, Lisa, and Allison. Meeting ended at 6:40 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
February 10, 2020
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes with amendments (Amended to delete month by month case for other holidays, and the statement about New Hires was changed to: Everyone please help come up with new fundraiser ideas.)
was made by Lisa and seconded by Cynthia. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Lisa and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, Chris, and Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Nancy Glassmeyer wanting tax forms mailed
Macon County Conservation Department - Motion by Lisa for Singing Frogs and seconded by Chris. All voted yes Debi, Judy, Cynthia, Lisa & Chris (Debi will pay for)
IHLS – Minimum Wage Forecasting
Old Business
Mental Health: Attempted to contact still no one has returned Debi’s calls. We discussed other alternatives within our own community.
Unemployment Insurance Audit has been filed
Employee Handbook written to fulfill a Per Capita Grant statement - Debi will take that responsibility and bring to next meeting.
We received payment for five DVDs never returned, that had been turned
over to the State’s Attorney. Received $104.00
Barcoding classes scheduled for February 5th were canceled due to weather.
New Business:
Barcoding Classes have been rescheduled for Chelsie and Allison on February 19th, 2020.
Statement of Economic Interest forms have been received from Montgomery County and members present at meeting have filled them out. We have two more forms that trustees absent for the meeting need to fill out.
Macoupin County received a grant to help Macoupin and Montgomery
County residents fill out the 2020 Census forms. They will be at the
Nokomis Public Library on April 21st 9-12 and April 20th 4 to 7 pm
The new edition of the Serving Our Public 4.0 has been purchased for the
library through IHLS.
Girls Who Code Club: This is for 6th thru 12th grade girls. We would have 7
to 8 computers available. Cynthia feels we should find how many would be
interested. The Board is questioning if they have a coding class at the High School and who we could get to help. Lisa feels we should attempt it. Lisa will check into the grant further and Debby will contact the school.
Memorials received for Jan Foster in the amount of $2360.00.
Raises for the preparation of the proposed budget were tabled for the next
meeting. Debby is supposed to do 3 budgets with different salaries/raises. Lisa made the motion Cynthia seconded it. All voted yes Debi, Judy, Cynthia, Lisa and Chris
Librarian’s Report:
Feb 25th training for the circulation desk with Sue coming here from IHLS. Debby will set up date and time. Board will be notified about the time.
Lisa has checked on the newspaper digital grant and will continue to work with it.
Board President’s Report:
Judy made a motion to adjourn at 6:35, and Lisa second it all agreed.
Meeting was adjourned.
February 10, 2020
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Lisa, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept minutes with amendments (Amended to delete month by month case for other holidays, and the statement about New Hires was changed to: Everyone please help come up with new fundraiser ideas.)
was made by Lisa and seconded by Cynthia. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Lisa and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Lisa, Chris, and Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Nancy Glassmeyer wanting tax forms mailed
Macon County Conservation Department - Motion by Lisa for Singing Frogs and seconded by Chris. All voted yes Debi, Judy, Cynthia, Lisa & Chris (Debi will pay for)
IHLS – Minimum Wage Forecasting
Old Business
Mental Health: Attempted to contact still no one has returned Debi’s calls. We discussed other alternatives within our own community.
Unemployment Insurance Audit has been filed
Employee Handbook written to fulfill a Per Capita Grant statement - Debi will take that responsibility and bring to next meeting.
We received payment for five DVDs never returned, that had been turned
over to the State’s Attorney. Received $104.00
Barcoding classes scheduled for February 5th were canceled due to weather.
New Business:
Barcoding Classes have been rescheduled for Chelsie and Allison on February 19th, 2020.
Statement of Economic Interest forms have been received from Montgomery County and members present at meeting have filled them out. We have two more forms that trustees absent for the meeting need to fill out.
Macoupin County received a grant to help Macoupin and Montgomery
County residents fill out the 2020 Census forms. They will be at the
Nokomis Public Library on April 21st 9-12 and April 20th 4 to 7 pm
The new edition of the Serving Our Public 4.0 has been purchased for the
library through IHLS.
Girls Who Code Club: This is for 6th thru 12th grade girls. We would have 7
to 8 computers available. Cynthia feels we should find how many would be
interested. The Board is questioning if they have a coding class at the High School and who we could get to help. Lisa feels we should attempt it. Lisa will check into the grant further and Debby will contact the school.
Memorials received for Jan Foster in the amount of $2360.00.
Raises for the preparation of the proposed budget were tabled for the next
meeting. Debby is supposed to do 3 budgets with different salaries/raises. Lisa made the motion Cynthia seconded it. All voted yes Debi, Judy, Cynthia, Lisa and Chris
Librarian’s Report:
Feb 25th training for the circulation desk with Sue coming here from IHLS. Debby will set up date and time. Board will be notified about the time.
Lisa has checked on the newspaper digital grant and will continue to work with it.
Board President’s Report:
Judy made a motion to adjourn at 6:35, and Lisa second it all agreed.
Meeting was adjourned.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Jan 13, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Abby, Allison, Judy and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Correction made to amend report to include the amounts of the Christmas bonuses discussed last meeting. Motion to accept amended minutes by Lisa. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Abby and seconded by Allison. Voting yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Literacy Effort (book) from Secretary of State.
Thank You (2) from Debby and Donna.
ILA Legislative Meet-ups—A chance for the library community to meet with law makers in light of the E-books for All movement.
Worker’s Comp Policy Audit—State Farm.
Old Business:
Mental Health—Tabled.
Per Capita Grant—filed
Christmas in Nokomis—aprox. twenty people came.
New Employee—making progress
New Business:
Census Training offered.
Resignations—Trista Casey and Emily Cesaretti
Christmas gift (book)--The Magnificent American West
Mental Health First Aid Training—Chatham Area Public Library
Closing on Christmas Eve due to staffing. Do a year-by-year case for Christmas Eve and a month-by-month case for other holidays as to the library being open or not.
In-service for Board Members on Circ Desk—Motion by Allison to train board members to work circulation desk to fill staffing needs. Chris seconded. Voted yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion passed.
SHARE Classes available
Resumes—received resumes from Chelsie Trowbridge and Mary Reed.
Librarian’s Report:
Outside the Box Idea—a toy library containing toys that can be checked out for children to take home. To make room for the toys, we discussed cleaning up the storage room and led to the discussion of digitization of newspapers.
Board President’s Report:
Debi is not here. Cynthia is acting as president.
New members—please help come up with new fundraisers to help pull in patrons.
Connection between the baseball museum and library—possibly a book reading or movie.
Abby motioned to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Vote yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Meeting ended at 6:51 PM.
Jan 13, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Cynthia, Chris, Lisa, Abby, Allison, Judy and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Correction made to amend report to include the amounts of the Christmas bonuses discussed last meeting. Motion to accept amended minutes by Lisa. Chris seconded. Voting yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Abby and seconded by Allison. Voting yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Literacy Effort (book) from Secretary of State.
Thank You (2) from Debby and Donna.
ILA Legislative Meet-ups—A chance for the library community to meet with law makers in light of the E-books for All movement.
Worker’s Comp Policy Audit—State Farm.
Old Business:
Mental Health—Tabled.
Per Capita Grant—filed
Christmas in Nokomis—aprox. twenty people came.
New Employee—making progress
New Business:
Census Training offered.
Resignations—Trista Casey and Emily Cesaretti
Christmas gift (book)--The Magnificent American West
Mental Health First Aid Training—Chatham Area Public Library
Closing on Christmas Eve due to staffing. Do a year-by-year case for Christmas Eve and a month-by-month case for other holidays as to the library being open or not.
In-service for Board Members on Circ Desk—Motion by Allison to train board members to work circulation desk to fill staffing needs. Chris seconded. Voted yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, and Allison. Motion passed.
- Board members should schedule ahead with Debby to learn how to run the circulation desk on a personal basis.
SHARE Classes available
Resumes—received resumes from Chelsie Trowbridge and Mary Reed.
Librarian’s Report:
Outside the Box Idea—a toy library containing toys that can be checked out for children to take home. To make room for the toys, we discussed cleaning up the storage room and led to the discussion of digitization of newspapers.
- Digitization of newspapers—several grants found online and possibly checking with Beth Heldebrandt.
Board President’s Report:
Debi is not here. Cynthia is acting as president.
New members—please help come up with new fundraisers to help pull in patrons.
Connection between the baseball museum and library—possibly a book reading or movie.
Abby motioned to adjourn. Lisa seconded. Vote yes: Abby, Lisa, Chris, Cynthia, Lisa, and Allison. Meeting ended at 6:51 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
December 9, 2019
Roll Call: Lisa, Chris, Judy, Abby, Allison, Debi & Head Librarian Debby Lehman present
Secretaries Report: (submitted by Debi in absence of secretary) Correction was made by Chris stating she was present. Motion was made by Lisa and seconded by Judy to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was carried by voice acclimation.
Treasurers Report: The report was submitted in writing to each board member. A motion was made by Abby and seconded by Lisa to accept as written; the motion was carried by voice acclimation.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read, explained to new board members and filed for later use.
Correspondence: Books – A – Million donated The Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get written by Joe Ricketts of Ameritrade
Christmas Cards from Starr Shooters 4-H (with thanks) and from LazerWare were presented.
Old Business: We revisited the request from Illinois State University to assist them hosting a meeting/class for interested adults concerning youth mental health first aid. Debi offered to look into this project with board approval. Abby made the motion, and Chris seconded to allow further conversation with ISU and to go ahead with planning. Motion was carried with yes votes from the entire board. Debi will look further into the logistics and report back at the January meeting.
Abby turned in her notes from the workshop for the PerCapita Grant. Thank you Abby.
Christmas In Nokomis will be held December 14, 2019 and the library will be hosting a book signing for Sue Ade from 10-12 p.m.; children’s book readings by Rev. Millhouse from 11-12 p.m.; and Margie Eisenbarth will be having a children’s craft hour from 12-1 p.m.. We will provide cookies (Debi, Lisa & Judy) and drinks.
New Business: The final payment of real estate taxes was received. The payment was for $17,736.54 and the total for the year is $49,652.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security sent the rate determination for the year 2020 of 0.625.
The resignation of Cody Rench took effect December 4,2019.
Brenda Fesser will begin December 12, 2019.
Christmas bonuses were brought up by Debi. Judy made the motion for Christmas bonuses to total the amount of $275.00. Motion was seconded by Lisa. After much discussion Judy, Lisa, Chris, Allison & Debi Voted yes and Abby voted no. Motion carried.
Librarians Report: $120.00 was donated in Jan Foster’s Memory.
Abby made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 p.m., Judy seconded and motion carried with all yes votes voiced.
December 9, 2019
Roll Call: Lisa, Chris, Judy, Abby, Allison, Debi & Head Librarian Debby Lehman present
Secretaries Report: (submitted by Debi in absence of secretary) Correction was made by Chris stating she was present. Motion was made by Lisa and seconded by Judy to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was carried by voice acclimation.
Treasurers Report: The report was submitted in writing to each board member. A motion was made by Abby and seconded by Lisa to accept as written; the motion was carried by voice acclimation.
Circulation Report: The circulation report was read, explained to new board members and filed for later use.
Correspondence: Books – A – Million donated The Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get written by Joe Ricketts of Ameritrade
Christmas Cards from Starr Shooters 4-H (with thanks) and from LazerWare were presented.
Old Business: We revisited the request from Illinois State University to assist them hosting a meeting/class for interested adults concerning youth mental health first aid. Debi offered to look into this project with board approval. Abby made the motion, and Chris seconded to allow further conversation with ISU and to go ahead with planning. Motion was carried with yes votes from the entire board. Debi will look further into the logistics and report back at the January meeting.
Abby turned in her notes from the workshop for the PerCapita Grant. Thank you Abby.
Christmas In Nokomis will be held December 14, 2019 and the library will be hosting a book signing for Sue Ade from 10-12 p.m.; children’s book readings by Rev. Millhouse from 11-12 p.m.; and Margie Eisenbarth will be having a children’s craft hour from 12-1 p.m.. We will provide cookies (Debi, Lisa & Judy) and drinks.
New Business: The final payment of real estate taxes was received. The payment was for $17,736.54 and the total for the year is $49,652.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security sent the rate determination for the year 2020 of 0.625.
The resignation of Cody Rench took effect December 4,2019.
Brenda Fesser will begin December 12, 2019.
Christmas bonuses were brought up by Debi. Judy made the motion for Christmas bonuses to total the amount of $275.00. Motion was seconded by Lisa. After much discussion Judy, Lisa, Chris, Allison & Debi Voted yes and Abby voted no. Motion carried.
Librarians Report: $120.00 was donated in Jan Foster’s Memory.
Abby made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 p.m., Judy seconded and motion carried with all yes votes voiced.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
November 18, 2019; 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, & Lisa; also present librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report was presented for approval. Motion to accept as written was made by Abby and seconded by Cynthia. Motion was carried by acclimation.
Treasurer’s report was presented for approval. Motion was made by Cynthia to accept as written and seconded by Abby. There being no corrections motion was carried by acclimation.
Circulation Report: The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file. The explanation for these records was given as numbers are used for our e-rate.
Correspondence: A book donation, Principles was made by Simon & Schuster in cooperation with Baker & Taylor
A second book donation was made by Barnes and Noble,The Rule.
A binder containing Genealogy history of the Keiser & Hussman families was donated.
Debby was notified that OCLC billing system was hacked, fixed and there seems to be no problems.
Old Business: Historic Road Show Recipe program has not responded to our inquiries so this has been filed unless we hear back from them.
We heard from Morgan Rondinelli concerning holding a meeting for interested parties about drug and other problems teens and young adults are facing. This was tables until we have a full board.
Due to the high cost and our lack thereof the Karl Kindt III World’s Fair Program was voted down. The motion to not present this program was made by Abby and seconded by Judy with all board members presenting a “no” vote.
The classes and other items necessary for the Per Capita Grant we completed as follows:
Three trustees and all employees completed a class on Organizational Management they took notes and most were presented during this meeting. Some of these notes gave us ideas to implement during the coming year.
The employees and board members all familiarized themselves with the Illinois Digital Archives and Digital Public Library of America.
The Trustees reviewed Chapters 11-14 of the Trustees Facts File.
We also presented board members with a list of prospective new board members to replace those who moved away recently.
New Business: Cynthia and Debby are going to take over learning E-Rate (forms and submission)
State Farm sent insurance information for next year, this was filed.
Debby reported we have 27,628 items listed in Polaris, however, we are not done bar coding yet.
Sue Ade asked if we would/could do a book signing for her. We decided collectively to host one for her on the day of Nokomis’ Christmas Celebration (December 14) from 10-12.
Rev. Mark Milhouse volunteered to read for a children’s program. Cynthia suggested we choose the books. Debby will do the choosing.
There was a request to sponsor an ad for Nokomis High School. Debi reminded the board that it has been the boards stand to not sponsor advertising for anything other than our library unless we can donate an out of township library card.
Librarian's Report: Debby reported that although the bar coding is not done the work is continuing.
President’s Report: Debi will be meeting with past board member Kathy Moore to learn how to do the Per Capita Grant and invites anybody to come along for the ride :).
A motion was made by Cynthia to adjourn at 6:35PM, seconded by Judy. Motion carried with all members voicing a yes vote.
November 18, 2019; 5:15 PM
Roll Call: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, & Lisa; also present librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report was presented for approval. Motion to accept as written was made by Abby and seconded by Cynthia. Motion was carried by acclimation.
Treasurer’s report was presented for approval. Motion was made by Cynthia to accept as written and seconded by Abby. There being no corrections motion was carried by acclimation.
Circulation Report: The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file. The explanation for these records was given as numbers are used for our e-rate.
Correspondence: A book donation, Principles was made by Simon & Schuster in cooperation with Baker & Taylor
A second book donation was made by Barnes and Noble,The Rule.
A binder containing Genealogy history of the Keiser & Hussman families was donated.
Debby was notified that OCLC billing system was hacked, fixed and there seems to be no problems.
Old Business: Historic Road Show Recipe program has not responded to our inquiries so this has been filed unless we hear back from them.
We heard from Morgan Rondinelli concerning holding a meeting for interested parties about drug and other problems teens and young adults are facing. This was tables until we have a full board.
Due to the high cost and our lack thereof the Karl Kindt III World’s Fair Program was voted down. The motion to not present this program was made by Abby and seconded by Judy with all board members presenting a “no” vote.
The classes and other items necessary for the Per Capita Grant we completed as follows:
Three trustees and all employees completed a class on Organizational Management they took notes and most were presented during this meeting. Some of these notes gave us ideas to implement during the coming year.
The employees and board members all familiarized themselves with the Illinois Digital Archives and Digital Public Library of America.
The Trustees reviewed Chapters 11-14 of the Trustees Facts File.
We also presented board members with a list of prospective new board members to replace those who moved away recently.
New Business: Cynthia and Debby are going to take over learning E-Rate (forms and submission)
State Farm sent insurance information for next year, this was filed.
Debby reported we have 27,628 items listed in Polaris, however, we are not done bar coding yet.
Sue Ade asked if we would/could do a book signing for her. We decided collectively to host one for her on the day of Nokomis’ Christmas Celebration (December 14) from 10-12.
Rev. Mark Milhouse volunteered to read for a children’s program. Cynthia suggested we choose the books. Debby will do the choosing.
There was a request to sponsor an ad for Nokomis High School. Debi reminded the board that it has been the boards stand to not sponsor advertising for anything other than our library unless we can donate an out of township library card.
Librarian's Report: Debby reported that although the bar coding is not done the work is continuing.
President’s Report: Debi will be meeting with past board member Kathy Moore to learn how to do the Per Capita Grant and invites anybody to come along for the ride :).
A motion was made by Cynthia to adjourn at 6:35PM, seconded by Judy. Motion carried with all members voicing a yes vote.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Oct 21, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Abby and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Abby. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Debi, Abby and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: An invitation was received to the annual meeting Heartland Library System
Karl Kindt III sent information about a slideshow about the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904. There was no indication of cost.
Illinois General Assembly passed 599 bills in the last session. Among the bills is HB910 which allows the Aurora Board to have elected not appointed trustees. There is a bill that deals with unserved areas being served through a library becoming a library district. There was also a bill that dealt with human rights.
Old Business:
Kris sent in her FOIA paperwork.
Morgan Rondinelli notified us that she will be going off the board dealing with mental health at ISU, but she has passed along our willingness to work with them to prepare programming on youth based mental health issues for our community. The board tabled the program at this time.
The plaques have been dropped off and we are waiting to hear when they can be picked up.
Hillsboro Library has expanded to a Library District.
A discussion was held about Family Reading Night. The schools no longer hold this program.
The Board went through the requirements of the Per Capita grant. There are three requirements yet to be met. 1. All employees and 1 trustee need to take an organizational management class by the end of the year. Debi, Abby and Judy will each watch at least 1 of the classes available on line. They will report what they have learned through the class. Debby will work with the staff to make sure all staff participates in this education. 2. Familiarize the Library staff and Board with Illinois Digital Archives. 3. The Board will review Ch 11 – 14 of Trustee Facts and Files. Trustees took home the information to read and make notes. They will report back during the Nov Board meeting.
New Business: A new trustee needs to take over filing E-Rate. Cynthia agreed.
Two new employees have been hired. They are Emily Cesaretti and Cody Rench.
New possible members for the open board seats were discussed.
Librarian’s Report:
Pumpkin Storytime was a success. Nine attended.
Board President’s Report:
Debi reminded everyone to read their packets and be prepared to discuss it at the next meeting.
Kathy moved and Debi seconded a motion to adjourn. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby and Debi. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Oct 21, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Abby and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Abby. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Debi, Abby and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: An invitation was received to the annual meeting Heartland Library System
Karl Kindt III sent information about a slideshow about the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904. There was no indication of cost.
Illinois General Assembly passed 599 bills in the last session. Among the bills is HB910 which allows the Aurora Board to have elected not appointed trustees. There is a bill that deals with unserved areas being served through a library becoming a library district. There was also a bill that dealt with human rights.
Old Business:
Kris sent in her FOIA paperwork.
Morgan Rondinelli notified us that she will be going off the board dealing with mental health at ISU, but she has passed along our willingness to work with them to prepare programming on youth based mental health issues for our community. The board tabled the program at this time.
The plaques have been dropped off and we are waiting to hear when they can be picked up.
Hillsboro Library has expanded to a Library District.
A discussion was held about Family Reading Night. The schools no longer hold this program.
The Board went through the requirements of the Per Capita grant. There are three requirements yet to be met. 1. All employees and 1 trustee need to take an organizational management class by the end of the year. Debi, Abby and Judy will each watch at least 1 of the classes available on line. They will report what they have learned through the class. Debby will work with the staff to make sure all staff participates in this education. 2. Familiarize the Library staff and Board with Illinois Digital Archives. 3. The Board will review Ch 11 – 14 of Trustee Facts and Files. Trustees took home the information to read and make notes. They will report back during the Nov Board meeting.
New Business: A new trustee needs to take over filing E-Rate. Cynthia agreed.
Two new employees have been hired. They are Emily Cesaretti and Cody Rench.
New possible members for the open board seats were discussed.
Librarian’s Report:
Pumpkin Storytime was a success. Nine attended.
Board President’s Report:
Debi reminded everyone to read their packets and be prepared to discuss it at the next meeting.
Kathy moved and Debi seconded a motion to adjourn. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby and Debi. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
September 9,, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Abby, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Debi, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Judy and seconded by Chris. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Abby, Chris, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Abby, Chris, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: None
Old Business Cynthia finished her FOIA Certification.
There has been no information about the Historic Recipe Road Show.
There has been nothing new from Morgan Rondinelli.
Kathy will take the plaques in for engraving.
Per Capita Grant requirements for the coming year are tabled and will be done at the end of the meeting if time permits.
Jada Casey will be helping Kathy with the Treehouse.
The surveys for the Summer Reading Program were shared. There were many positive comments. Most responders liked the change from counting number of books read to counting the number of minutes that were read. Many liked the activities available during the summer reading program.
The Treehouse sign in sheets have been put into a binder to keep.
New Business: We received information about Family Reading Night from Sec of State Jesse White. Debby will check to see if the schools are doing anything for this.
Trista asked the board to consider allowing her to cut back her hours for an unknown period of time. A discussion was held about the topic. The Board decided to hire an additional part time librarian.
Librarian’s Report:
Board President’s Report: The Board reviewed Chapter 3 (Personnel) of Serving Our Public 3.0 in regards to how much of the standards we meet.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.
September 9,, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Abby, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, Debi, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Judy and seconded by Chris. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Abby, Chris, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Abby, Chris, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: None
Old Business Cynthia finished her FOIA Certification.
There has been no information about the Historic Recipe Road Show.
There has been nothing new from Morgan Rondinelli.
Kathy will take the plaques in for engraving.
Per Capita Grant requirements for the coming year are tabled and will be done at the end of the meeting if time permits.
Jada Casey will be helping Kathy with the Treehouse.
The surveys for the Summer Reading Program were shared. There were many positive comments. Most responders liked the change from counting number of books read to counting the number of minutes that were read. Many liked the activities available during the summer reading program.
The Treehouse sign in sheets have been put into a binder to keep.
New Business: We received information about Family Reading Night from Sec of State Jesse White. Debby will check to see if the schools are doing anything for this.
Trista asked the board to consider allowing her to cut back her hours for an unknown period of time. A discussion was held about the topic. The Board decided to hire an additional part time librarian.
Librarian’s Report:
Board President’s Report: The Board reviewed Chapter 3 (Personnel) of Serving Our Public 3.0 in regards to how much of the standards we meet.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
August 12, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read, and the spelling of Chris’s name will be corrected. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Debi and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: A book was donated titled “Alzheimer’s With My Mother, Eileen” by Jim Dicke II.
Old Business: Cynthia and Chris need to do their FOIA certification.
There is nothing new from the Historic Recipe Road Show.
Morgan Rondinelli responded to our questions concerning Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. Debby will contact Morgan and ask for an organizational meeting with other interested parties.
Plaques need to be updated. Kathy will take them later in the month or in September.
New Business: Debby returned a modem to NewWave after she received a bill from NewWave.
We went through the requirements for the Per Capita Grant 2020.
Jaydah Casey submitted a request to volunteer at the library. We decided to accept her offer of volunteering, and we would make clear we have a hiring procedure and she would not get preferential treatment.
It was decided to send a $10 gift card to those who volunteered to help during the time Donna was out sick. Kathy made the motion and Debi seconded. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Debi. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report:
A report on the Summer Reading Program was given. The following was reported: Storytime with Rainbow Fish – 29 children and 10 adults, Monarchs on the Move- 14 children and 6 adults, Royalty Reads – 7 children and 2 adults, Storytime with the Man in the Yellow Hat – 7 children and 3 adults, 4H Honeybee Challenge – 19 children and 7 adults, How Do Alligators Give Hugs – 10 children and 6 adults, Reading is Magic – 32 children and 8 adults.
Thank you cards have been sent to Chris Huff, Margie Eisenbarth and Montgomery Illinois Extension.
It was decided to keep the Tree House sign in sheets.
Board President’s Report:
Cynthia moved and Judy seconded a motion to adjourn. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi. Meeting adjourned at 6:07 PM.
August 12, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read, and the spelling of Chris’s name will be corrected. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Cynthia, Judy, Debi and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: A book was donated titled “Alzheimer’s With My Mother, Eileen” by Jim Dicke II.
Old Business: Cynthia and Chris need to do their FOIA certification.
There is nothing new from the Historic Recipe Road Show.
Morgan Rondinelli responded to our questions concerning Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. Debby will contact Morgan and ask for an organizational meeting with other interested parties.
Plaques need to be updated. Kathy will take them later in the month or in September.
New Business: Debby returned a modem to NewWave after she received a bill from NewWave.
We went through the requirements for the Per Capita Grant 2020.
Jaydah Casey submitted a request to volunteer at the library. We decided to accept her offer of volunteering, and we would make clear we have a hiring procedure and she would not get preferential treatment.
It was decided to send a $10 gift card to those who volunteered to help during the time Donna was out sick. Kathy made the motion and Debi seconded. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Debi. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report:
A report on the Summer Reading Program was given. The following was reported: Storytime with Rainbow Fish – 29 children and 10 adults, Monarchs on the Move- 14 children and 6 adults, Royalty Reads – 7 children and 2 adults, Storytime with the Man in the Yellow Hat – 7 children and 3 adults, 4H Honeybee Challenge – 19 children and 7 adults, How Do Alligators Give Hugs – 10 children and 6 adults, Reading is Magic – 32 children and 8 adults.
Thank you cards have been sent to Chris Huff, Margie Eisenbarth and Montgomery Illinois Extension.
It was decided to keep the Tree House sign in sheets.
Board President’s Report:
Cynthia moved and Judy seconded a motion to adjourn. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Debi. Meeting adjourned at 6:07 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
July 8, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Chris . Voting yes: Chris, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Chris, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: a book was donated by Too Far Media. It is titled Rin, Tongue and Dorner by Rich Shapiro.
We received an advertising request for posters for High School Sports.
We received an advertising request for the Girls Volleyball Invitational.
Old Business: The FOIA Certification is needed from Cynthia and Chris.
We are on the new cellular service for phones. We have begun using Consumer Cellular at $25 per month.
We have begun using Hello Fax for our faxes.
We will not have a float in the parade this year.
Trista gave a report on the Design Thinking Workshop. She found it valuable. She said we should work on finding out what community people want from their library and try to meet that need. Trista is working on coming up with some ideas for us to consider.
There was nothing new from the Historic recipe road show.
Morgan Rondinelli responded to some of our questions concerning Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. They have two programs that they would be willing to present through our library. One is an overview of mental health and the other is about youth issues with mental health. The cost would be free if we were to provide the food. Debby will contact them with our questions.
New Business: Our Tax Computation Report came. We will get $1,692.69 more than we budgeted.
Information about levies for a District Library was received.
Two advertising requests were received. One is for High School Sport’s posters and the other was for the Girls Volleyball Invitational Program. Tabled
Librarian’s Report: There are 20 names that need to be added to our donor plaques. Debby will take them to Litchfield to have them engraved.
Donna is coming back to work in early August.
Abby and her husband Chris helped get us started on the new cell phone and fax services.
Trista picked up the new sim card as she was going through Litchfield.
In the Summer Reading Program:
27 people attended Sam, I Am
23 attended Composting with worms
17 attended Story time with Pete the Cat
Board President’s Report: Debi will contact a candidate for the board.
Kathy moved and Chris seconded the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 6 PM
July 8, 2019
5:15 PM
Roll Call: Kathy, Debi, Cynthia, Judy, Chris, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was read. Motion to accept was made by Cynthia and seconded by Chris . Voting yes: Chris, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read. A motion to accept was made by Kathy and seconded by Judy. Voting yes: Chris, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Kathy. Motion carried.
Circulation Report: The Circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
Correspondence: a book was donated by Too Far Media. It is titled Rin, Tongue and Dorner by Rich Shapiro.
We received an advertising request for posters for High School Sports.
We received an advertising request for the Girls Volleyball Invitational.
Old Business: The FOIA Certification is needed from Cynthia and Chris.
We are on the new cellular service for phones. We have begun using Consumer Cellular at $25 per month.
We have begun using Hello Fax for our faxes.
We will not have a float in the parade this year.
Trista gave a report on the Design Thinking Workshop. She found it valuable. She said we should work on finding out what community people want from their library and try to meet that need. Trista is working on coming up with some ideas for us to consider.
There was nothing new from the Historic recipe road show.
Morgan Rondinelli responded to some of our questions concerning Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. They have two programs that they would be willing to present through our library. One is an overview of mental health and the other is about youth issues with mental health. The cost would be free if we were to provide the food. Debby will contact them with our questions.
New Business: Our Tax Computation Report came. We will get $1,692.69 more than we budgeted.
Information about levies for a District Library was received.
Two advertising requests were received. One is for High School Sport’s posters and the other was for the Girls Volleyball Invitational Program. Tabled
Librarian’s Report: There are 20 names that need to be added to our donor plaques. Debby will take them to Litchfield to have them engraved.
Donna is coming back to work in early August.
Abby and her husband Chris helped get us started on the new cell phone and fax services.
Trista picked up the new sim card as she was going through Litchfield.
In the Summer Reading Program:
27 people attended Sam, I Am
23 attended Composting with worms
17 attended Story time with Pete the Cat
Board President’s Report: Debi will contact a candidate for the board.
Kathy moved and Chris seconded the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 6 PM
Nokomis Public Library
June 10, 2019
Roll Call: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Chris, Kathy and Librarian Debby.
The Secretary’s Report was read.. Abby moved it be approved and Judy seconded the motion. All members present voted yes. The motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia moved it be approved, and Abby seconded the motion. All members present voted yes. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was given, and it will be kept on file.
A book donation was received from Books A Million: Danielle : Chronicle of a Superheroine.
Old Business
Cynthia will renew her FOIA certification soon.
A discussion was held about cell phone pricing.
Kathy moved to try Straight Talk for cell phone service. Cynthia seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about faxing. Hello Fax will cost $10 per month. It would cost $60 to use our current fax number, if we wanted to keep that number. The board felt this was not necessary. Kathy moved that we move our fax capabilities to Hello Fax. Judy seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about having a float in the parade. The theme would be Happiness is learning about snakes and turtles at the library.
A donation had been made previously toward the fireworks at Homecoming. We have learned that the library’s name will go on next year’s shirt instead of this year’s shirt.
There was nothing new about Historic Recipe Road Show.
Debby has emailed our willingness to partner with Illinois State University to bring Mental Health First Aid to Montgomery County. Nothing has been heard back yet.
New Business
E-rate has been funded for the coming year, and the 486 form has been filed. Debby is working with CTI to begin service July 1st, and also with New Wave to end service on June 30.
A contract for OCLC was received. It needs to be responded to by the end of June. The cost to the library will be $206.14 per year. Kathy moved we continue with membership in OCLC. Cynthia seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
The annual report has been finished and filed.
99 people attended the Summer Reading Program led by the Macon County Conservation District on snakes and turtles.
34 people attended the games and activities program.
Abby made a motion to adjourn at 6:05. Kathy seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
June 10, 2019
Roll Call: Debi, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Chris, Kathy and Librarian Debby.
The Secretary’s Report was read.. Abby moved it be approved and Judy seconded the motion. All members present voted yes. The motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Cynthia moved it be approved, and Abby seconded the motion. All members present voted yes. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was given, and it will be kept on file.
A book donation was received from Books A Million: Danielle : Chronicle of a Superheroine.
Old Business
Cynthia will renew her FOIA certification soon.
A discussion was held about cell phone pricing.
Kathy moved to try Straight Talk for cell phone service. Cynthia seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about faxing. Hello Fax will cost $10 per month. It would cost $60 to use our current fax number, if we wanted to keep that number. The board felt this was not necessary. Kathy moved that we move our fax capabilities to Hello Fax. Judy seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about having a float in the parade. The theme would be Happiness is learning about snakes and turtles at the library.
A donation had been made previously toward the fireworks at Homecoming. We have learned that the library’s name will go on next year’s shirt instead of this year’s shirt.
There was nothing new about Historic Recipe Road Show.
Debby has emailed our willingness to partner with Illinois State University to bring Mental Health First Aid to Montgomery County. Nothing has been heard back yet.
New Business
E-rate has been funded for the coming year, and the 486 form has been filed. Debby is working with CTI to begin service July 1st, and also with New Wave to end service on June 30.
A contract for OCLC was received. It needs to be responded to by the end of June. The cost to the library will be $206.14 per year. Kathy moved we continue with membership in OCLC. Cynthia seconded the motion. All present voted yes. The motion carried.
The annual report has been finished and filed.
99 people attended the Summer Reading Program led by the Macon County Conservation District on snakes and turtles.
34 people attended the games and activities program.
Abby made a motion to adjourn at 6:05. Kathy seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
Nokomis Public Library
Board Meeting - May 13, 2019
Roll Call
Members Present – Debi, Judy, Kathy, Abby, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report was read. Kathy moved and Judy seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, and Kathy. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Kathy moved to approve and Abby seconded. Voting yes Debi, Judy, Abby, and Kathy. Motion was approved.
The circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
A thank you was received from LLCC Adult Education for helping with their adult education program.
A memorial was received from the class of 1953 in memory of Barbara Craig LeBron.
A donation was received in Melda Hieronymus Burns name.
A message was received from NewWave about updating the phone service.
Contact was made with Darren Fritts about technology help, and he replied with a desire to help in the future if needed.
Old Business
A discussion was held about phone pricing and the cost of our current fax and the cost of faxing through the Internet. More information will be gathered and reported back next month.
The Krispy Kreme doughnut sale made $462.00. The Community Yard sale and book sale made $161 plus an unpaid amount due.
Hillsboro Library is holding an Annexation Ordinance to cover all areas of Hillsboro School District that are not covered by an existing library. They are gathering petitions to get it on the ballot in 2020.
An email was sent to Culinary Historians of Illinois indicating we are interested in having them.
A discussion was held about whether to have a float or car in the parade. It was decided to try to have this. Kathy will work with other members to organize this.
New Business
Morgan Rondinelli from AmeriCorp wrote about Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. We are interested in finding out more about this topic.
Design Thinking is a one day workshop offered in Edwardsville. It is sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Debby and Trista will attend. Kathy will work the library.
Nokomis Homecoming is selling t-shirts for a fundraiser. It will cost $25 to include the Library’s name on the back of the shirt. We will do this.
The Non-resident fee program was discussed. Currently the fee is $35 per year. Kathy moved to Sell non-resident cards and to raise the for a non-resident card to $40 per year. Judy seconded. Voting yes: Abby, Debi, Judy, Kathy. Motion carried.
New library members and the FOIA officer need to provide FOIA certification. This is done through the Illinois Attorney General’s website.
The abstract of votes was read. The following trustees were elected: Cynthia Crow, Abby Huff, Judy Rupert.
Chris Ukena was appointed as a library trustee.
Election of officers was held. President – Debi, Vice President – Judy, Secretary – Kathy, Treasurer – Cynthia. Officers were elected by acclamation.
Librarian’s Report
Debby is working on the IPLAR.
Macon County Conservation District will present a program for summer reading about snakes and turtles. It will be held May 30th.
Debby got a copy of the Quickbooks program. The cost of this was reimbursed by the township.
Erate was funded for the year.
Board Meeting - May 13, 2019
Roll Call
Members Present – Debi, Judy, Kathy, Abby, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report was read. Kathy moved and Judy seconded. Voting yes: Debi, Judy, Abby, and Kathy. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Kathy moved to approve and Abby seconded. Voting yes Debi, Judy, Abby, and Kathy. Motion was approved.
The circulation report was read and will be placed on file.
A thank you was received from LLCC Adult Education for helping with their adult education program.
A memorial was received from the class of 1953 in memory of Barbara Craig LeBron.
A donation was received in Melda Hieronymus Burns name.
A message was received from NewWave about updating the phone service.
Contact was made with Darren Fritts about technology help, and he replied with a desire to help in the future if needed.
Old Business
A discussion was held about phone pricing and the cost of our current fax and the cost of faxing through the Internet. More information will be gathered and reported back next month.
The Krispy Kreme doughnut sale made $462.00. The Community Yard sale and book sale made $161 plus an unpaid amount due.
Hillsboro Library is holding an Annexation Ordinance to cover all areas of Hillsboro School District that are not covered by an existing library. They are gathering petitions to get it on the ballot in 2020.
An email was sent to Culinary Historians of Illinois indicating we are interested in having them.
A discussion was held about whether to have a float or car in the parade. It was decided to try to have this. Kathy will work with other members to organize this.
New Business
Morgan Rondinelli from AmeriCorp wrote about Mental Health First Aid in Montgomery County. We are interested in finding out more about this topic.
Design Thinking is a one day workshop offered in Edwardsville. It is sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Debby and Trista will attend. Kathy will work the library.
Nokomis Homecoming is selling t-shirts for a fundraiser. It will cost $25 to include the Library’s name on the back of the shirt. We will do this.
The Non-resident fee program was discussed. Currently the fee is $35 per year. Kathy moved to Sell non-resident cards and to raise the for a non-resident card to $40 per year. Judy seconded. Voting yes: Abby, Debi, Judy, Kathy. Motion carried.
New library members and the FOIA officer need to provide FOIA certification. This is done through the Illinois Attorney General’s website.
The abstract of votes was read. The following trustees were elected: Cynthia Crow, Abby Huff, Judy Rupert.
Chris Ukena was appointed as a library trustee.
Election of officers was held. President – Debi, Vice President – Judy, Secretary – Kathy, Treasurer – Cynthia. Officers were elected by acclamation.
Librarian’s Report
Debby is working on the IPLAR.
Macon County Conservation District will present a program for summer reading about snakes and turtles. It will be held May 30th.
Debby got a copy of the Quickbooks program. The cost of this was reimbursed by the township.
Erate was funded for the year.
Nokomis Public Library Minutes
Board Meeting April 8, 2019
Present: Abby, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, Librarian Debby, and guest Chris Ukena.
The minutes were read. Cynthia moved the minutes be approved as read, and Judy seconded. Those voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Abby. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Abby moved to accept it and Cynthia seconded. The following voted yes: Debi, Abby, Cynthia, and Judy. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file.
Donna sent a very kind thank you note to the library trustees for the gift card.
The book “Writings from Handy Colony” was donated by Tales Press of Urbana.
Old Business
Posters for National Donate to Life were posted for the month of April.
Debby wrote a letter and it was sent to the township along with the 2019-2020 Budget.
After a lengthy discussion, the trustees voted to not retain Darren Fritts as their IT expert paying him a monthly fee. Thanks would be sent, and it was agreed we would contact him if needed.
Phones pricing was discussed. This was tabled.
Community Garage Sale we have the Chamber of Commerce room May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
Krispy Kreme donuts are being sold. Debby will handle the ordering. Debi will pick up in Springfield on May 4th. Schedule so far: Debi sell donuts 8 am –?, Abby sell donuts Sat. 9:15 – 12, Cynthia Sat. 9 am - ?, Judy rummage set up – Thursday, Kathy maybe Friday 9-1?
Culinary Roadshow is requesting more information. Debby will handle.
New Business
Abby made a motion to accept the New Annual Agreement with SHARE, and Cynthia seconded. Motion passed.
Hillsboro Public Library sent us notice that at its’ next meeting they will pass an annexation ordinance that concerns unserved area within the Hillsboro School District. A discussion was held.
Pricing for Domain name will increase $2.00 per year. Cynthia made a motion to accept this increase and Judy seconded. Motion passed.
Per Capita Grant of $3,673.75 award letter was read.
Librarian Report
Debby reported on sick employee and handling work hours.
Treasurer’s bond needs to be increased from $35,000 to $40,000 to remain within the Illinois Library Statutes. Debby will handle this.
Puppets were donated to the library by Mary Bates.
President’s Report
Cynthia brought up providing a parade mascot and a possibility of raising money (kids feed change to a dinosaur). These were tabled until next month.
Election of officers will be held at the next meeting.
Abby moved and Judy seconded that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Board Meeting April 8, 2019
Present: Abby, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, Librarian Debby, and guest Chris Ukena.
The minutes were read. Cynthia moved the minutes be approved as read, and Judy seconded. Those voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Judy, and Abby. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read. Abby moved to accept it and Cynthia seconded. The following voted yes: Debi, Abby, Cynthia, and Judy. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file.
Donna sent a very kind thank you note to the library trustees for the gift card.
The book “Writings from Handy Colony” was donated by Tales Press of Urbana.
Old Business
Posters for National Donate to Life were posted for the month of April.
Debby wrote a letter and it was sent to the township along with the 2019-2020 Budget.
After a lengthy discussion, the trustees voted to not retain Darren Fritts as their IT expert paying him a monthly fee. Thanks would be sent, and it was agreed we would contact him if needed.
Phones pricing was discussed. This was tabled.
Community Garage Sale we have the Chamber of Commerce room May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
Krispy Kreme donuts are being sold. Debby will handle the ordering. Debi will pick up in Springfield on May 4th. Schedule so far: Debi sell donuts 8 am –?, Abby sell donuts Sat. 9:15 – 12, Cynthia Sat. 9 am - ?, Judy rummage set up – Thursday, Kathy maybe Friday 9-1?
Culinary Roadshow is requesting more information. Debby will handle.
New Business
Abby made a motion to accept the New Annual Agreement with SHARE, and Cynthia seconded. Motion passed.
Hillsboro Public Library sent us notice that at its’ next meeting they will pass an annexation ordinance that concerns unserved area within the Hillsboro School District. A discussion was held.
Pricing for Domain name will increase $2.00 per year. Cynthia made a motion to accept this increase and Judy seconded. Motion passed.
Per Capita Grant of $3,673.75 award letter was read.
Librarian Report
Debby reported on sick employee and handling work hours.
Treasurer’s bond needs to be increased from $35,000 to $40,000 to remain within the Illinois Library Statutes. Debby will handle this.
Puppets were donated to the library by Mary Bates.
President’s Report
Cynthia brought up providing a parade mascot and a possibility of raising money (kids feed change to a dinosaur). These were tabled until next month.
Election of officers will be held at the next meeting.
Abby moved and Judy seconded that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
Board Meeting March 11, 2019
Present: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Librarian Debby
The minutes were read and corrected as necessary. Kathy moved the minutes be approved as corrected, and Cynthia seconded. Those voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Abby. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read and Abby moved to accept it. Judy seconded. The following voted yes: Kathy, Debi, Abby, and Judy. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file.
Information was received from Sec. of State Jesse White about tissue donation. Debby will put up the posters in April for National Donate Life Month.
Old Business
Cynthia worked on the library credit card, which has arrived.
Debby spoke to Darren about his work helping us with technology. There was a discussion and this topic was tabled through a motion by Cynthia.
Minimum wage was discussed, but the changes will not affect us this year.
The amount to pay for cleaning was discussed. The librarian who cleans pay was raised from 10.25 to 10.50 per hour. It was moved by Kathy and seconded by Cynthia to raise the cleaning rate the same as her hourly rate for library. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Abby, and Debi. The motion carried.
Phone pricing was discussed. NewWave has the lowest price for this service. Abby moved the subject be tabled for now.
Debby reported on an Internet speed test performed on some of the computers recently. Computers that are hardwired had faster speeds.
New Business
A book full of local remembrances was donated by Rev. Warren Kirk.
Bernadette Hines donated $2,000 to the library.
The Insurance premium audit was done for unemployment insurance.
There will be an IDES Pop Up Job Search in the library on Thursday March 28, from 11AM – 1 PM.
Debby voted for Global Council members in the recent elections.
A notice from the Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois was received. They will come and give a workshop and take handwritten recipes from residents. The recipes will then be digitized for publication. The library is interested in participating.
Debby will have jury duty the first week in April.
A discussion was held about staff shortages.
A discussion was held about the community yard sale. It will be held on May 3, 2019. We will hold it on Friday and Saturday. We will also sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts on that Saturday.
A discussion was held about new library trustees.
A motion was made that if librarians have to stay after closing due to patrons leaving after closing, they be paid for an additional 15 minutes. Abby seconded the motion. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. The motion carried.
Macon County District sent a letter about a hand on show about Snakes and Turtle and Frogs and Toads.
Share Directors put a Cloud Library Fee Structure in which would raise our amount $200.00 per year. Debby gave feedback that it is not a good idea for our library.
A discussion was held about 5 dvds that have not been returned. Debby will file with the State’s Attorney to see if we can recover them.
Trista made a booklet for the Summer Reading Program.
Librarian Report
Debby presented an idea of honoring lost loved ones through donating memorial donations to the library. Debby will put an article in the newspaper.
Kathy gave a brief report on E-rate.
President’s Report
Kathy moved to accept the first budget proposal and Abby seconded the motion. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. Motion carried.
Abby moved and Judy seconded that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM.
Board Meeting March 11, 2019
Present: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Debi, Cynthia, and Librarian Debby
The minutes were read and corrected as necessary. Kathy moved the minutes be approved as corrected, and Cynthia seconded. Those voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, and Abby. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was read and Abby moved to accept it. Judy seconded. The following voted yes: Kathy, Debi, Abby, and Judy. The motion carried.
The Circulation Report was read and will be placed on file.
Information was received from Sec. of State Jesse White about tissue donation. Debby will put up the posters in April for National Donate Life Month.
Old Business
Cynthia worked on the library credit card, which has arrived.
Debby spoke to Darren about his work helping us with technology. There was a discussion and this topic was tabled through a motion by Cynthia.
Minimum wage was discussed, but the changes will not affect us this year.
The amount to pay for cleaning was discussed. The librarian who cleans pay was raised from 10.25 to 10.50 per hour. It was moved by Kathy and seconded by Cynthia to raise the cleaning rate the same as her hourly rate for library. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Abby, and Debi. The motion carried.
Phone pricing was discussed. NewWave has the lowest price for this service. Abby moved the subject be tabled for now.
Debby reported on an Internet speed test performed on some of the computers recently. Computers that are hardwired had faster speeds.
New Business
A book full of local remembrances was donated by Rev. Warren Kirk.
Bernadette Hines donated $2,000 to the library.
The Insurance premium audit was done for unemployment insurance.
There will be an IDES Pop Up Job Search in the library on Thursday March 28, from 11AM – 1 PM.
Debby voted for Global Council members in the recent elections.
A notice from the Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois was received. They will come and give a workshop and take handwritten recipes from residents. The recipes will then be digitized for publication. The library is interested in participating.
Debby will have jury duty the first week in April.
A discussion was held about staff shortages.
A discussion was held about the community yard sale. It will be held on May 3, 2019. We will hold it on Friday and Saturday. We will also sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts on that Saturday.
A discussion was held about new library trustees.
A motion was made that if librarians have to stay after closing due to patrons leaving after closing, they be paid for an additional 15 minutes. Abby seconded the motion. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. The motion carried.
Macon County District sent a letter about a hand on show about Snakes and Turtle and Frogs and Toads.
Share Directors put a Cloud Library Fee Structure in which would raise our amount $200.00 per year. Debby gave feedback that it is not a good idea for our library.
A discussion was held about 5 dvds that have not been returned. Debby will file with the State’s Attorney to see if we can recover them.
Trista made a booklet for the Summer Reading Program.
Librarian Report
Debby presented an idea of honoring lost loved ones through donating memorial donations to the library. Debby will put an article in the newspaper.
Kathy gave a brief report on E-rate.
President’s Report
Kathy moved to accept the first budget proposal and Abby seconded the motion. Voting yes: Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and Debi. Motion carried.
Abby moved and Judy seconded that we adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM.
Nokomis Board of Trustees
Feb 11, 2019
Members present: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Kathy Moore, Abby Huff, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s report was read. Kathy moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting to accept were: Debby, Kathy, Judy and Cynthia.
Treasurer’s Report was read. Kathy moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Those voting to accept were Debi, Kathy, Judy, Cynthia.
The circulation report was read and will be filed.
A letter was received about a survey dealing with Internet availability from a student from the University of Chicago as part of her senior thesis. It was decided to put it up in the library and post it with messages in the hallway.
A thank you was received from Jean Smith Lewis concerning family obituaries Debby sent her.
A freedom of Information request has been received concerning district maps. Debby sent him a copy of the digital map from the Illinois Heartland website.
Old Business
Cynthia is working on getting the Library credit card updated.
We received information about Darren Fritts employment as a tech expert. A discussion was held about the terms we should employ Darren for the coming year. Debby will call and discuss his employment with him.
We received the city codes on CD for the library to keep on file, to keep updated with the Per Capita Grant.
Debby wrote an article about how patrons saved $117,842.78 by using the library.
New Business
The Prevailing Wage Act changes were presented.
All trustees need to fill out Statements of Economic Interest. Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and librarian Debby has done so. Will and Jan still need to fill theirs out.
A donation was received from Dave Carey.
Kathy went through the Internet rubric. Abby moved and Cynthia seconded that based upon the rubric the library write the form 471 for a contract with CTI. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Abby, Judy and Kathy. Motion carried.
Debby would like to start training someone to take her position when she retires. A discussion was held about who she could train. Debby will begin to train Trista.
Payroll raises for the coming year were discussed. Kathy made a motion to raise Debby’s salary $.45 per hour, and to raise Trista and Donna $.20 per hour. Debi seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, and Judy. Abby Abstained. Debi moved that Trista could have up to two more hours per week, and that she use part of that time for creating a handbook for the library director job. Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Judy, and Cynthia. Abstaining – Abby.
Librarian’s Report
NewWave has begun to charge us $8.99 per month for our modem.
Judy suggested holding a blind date with a book event. Where people could come in and pick a wrapped book to take home and read.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Feb 11, 2019
Members present: Debi Dawson, Judy Rupert, Cynthia Crow, Kathy Moore, Abby Huff, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s report was read. Kathy moved and Judy seconded to accept the report. Voting to accept were: Debby, Kathy, Judy and Cynthia.
Treasurer’s Report was read. Kathy moved to accept it, and Cynthia seconded the motion. Those voting to accept were Debi, Kathy, Judy, Cynthia.
The circulation report was read and will be filed.
A letter was received about a survey dealing with Internet availability from a student from the University of Chicago as part of her senior thesis. It was decided to put it up in the library and post it with messages in the hallway.
A thank you was received from Jean Smith Lewis concerning family obituaries Debby sent her.
A freedom of Information request has been received concerning district maps. Debby sent him a copy of the digital map from the Illinois Heartland website.
Old Business
Cynthia is working on getting the Library credit card updated.
We received information about Darren Fritts employment as a tech expert. A discussion was held about the terms we should employ Darren for the coming year. Debby will call and discuss his employment with him.
We received the city codes on CD for the library to keep on file, to keep updated with the Per Capita Grant.
Debby wrote an article about how patrons saved $117,842.78 by using the library.
New Business
The Prevailing Wage Act changes were presented.
All trustees need to fill out Statements of Economic Interest. Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Judy, Abby, and librarian Debby has done so. Will and Jan still need to fill theirs out.
A donation was received from Dave Carey.
Kathy went through the Internet rubric. Abby moved and Cynthia seconded that based upon the rubric the library write the form 471 for a contract with CTI. Voting yes: Debi, Cynthia, Abby, Judy and Kathy. Motion carried.
Debby would like to start training someone to take her position when she retires. A discussion was held about who she could train. Debby will begin to train Trista.
Payroll raises for the coming year were discussed. Kathy made a motion to raise Debby’s salary $.45 per hour, and to raise Trista and Donna $.20 per hour. Debi seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, and Judy. Abby Abstained. Debi moved that Trista could have up to two more hours per week, and that she use part of that time for creating a handbook for the library director job. Judy seconded the motion. Voting yes: Debi, Kathy, Judy, and Cynthia. Abstaining – Abby.
Librarian’s Report
NewWave has begun to charge us $8.99 per month for our modem.
Judy suggested holding a blind date with a book event. Where people could come in and pick a wrapped book to take home and read.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
January 14, 2019
The following members were present: Judy, Abby, Debi, Jan, Will, and Director Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:20pm
Secretary’s Report-Abby made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Will made a motion to accept the report and Jan seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for December.
Cloud Library Collection Stats for December - 42,757 online items 18,000+ audio files
61,717 that our patrons can access.
Information Regarding the FY20 Share Fee Scale
Thank you from Rodney Davis
Thank you cards from employees
Old Business
Little Free Library- children’s books- box for Will to take to Ugly Mugs
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No new information.
Per Capita Grant is filed.
Institute of Museum and Library Services- Special Initiative- No action was taken.
Donated Non-Resident Library Cards to Winter Wonderland have been used.
New Business
FOIA Request- Kaza Rhan- Election Results
Library Patrons Saved Year-to-Date: $117,842.78 due to using the library
Library Certification- We are certified.
Payment for Damaged DVD-
Local Authors- Catalog- Will made a motion to have the Nokomis booklets barcoded and
Abby seconded the motion. All voted Yes.
Darren Fritts- Contract-Issue was tabled until February’s Meeting.
Abby made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jan seconded. The meeting was closed 6:00pm.
January 14, 2019
The following members were present: Judy, Abby, Debi, Jan, Will, and Director Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:20pm
Secretary’s Report-Abby made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Will made a motion to accept the report and Jan seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for December.
Cloud Library Collection Stats for December - 42,757 online items 18,000+ audio files
61,717 that our patrons can access.
Information Regarding the FY20 Share Fee Scale
Thank you from Rodney Davis
Thank you cards from employees
Old Business
Little Free Library- children’s books- box for Will to take to Ugly Mugs
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No new information.
Per Capita Grant is filed.
Institute of Museum and Library Services- Special Initiative- No action was taken.
Donated Non-Resident Library Cards to Winter Wonderland have been used.
New Business
FOIA Request- Kaza Rhan- Election Results
Library Patrons Saved Year-to-Date: $117,842.78 due to using the library
Library Certification- We are certified.
Payment for Damaged DVD-
Local Authors- Catalog- Will made a motion to have the Nokomis booklets barcoded and
Abby seconded the motion. All voted Yes.
Darren Fritts- Contract-Issue was tabled until February’s Meeting.
Abby made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jan seconded. The meeting was closed 6:00pm.
Nokomis Public Library
December 10th, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debi, Will and Director Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:26pm
Secretary’s Report-Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Judy made a motion to accept the report and Abby seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for November
Returned Check- taken care of.
Christmas Card- Starr Shooters 4-H
Donation- Micahel Glenn
Christmas donation- Dallas & Shirley Braye
Sundown Towns-Debby has already replied.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Christmas books were added to Trendz. Ugly Mugs gets new children books.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No actions
Santa at the library Dec. 5, 2018 4:00-4:45 (10 adults and 17 Children)
In the process of changing the credit card- Debby and Cynthia will be on the card.
Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant FY 2019 Requirements
Reviewed chapters 6-10 of “Trustee Facts File Third Edition”
Staff and one trustee are completing one free online education
opportunity focusing on meeting the needs of patrons with need/disability
Staff and trustees have familiarized themselves with services of Illinois Veteran’s
History Project . Per Capita is due January 15
New Business
Real Estate Taxes received
E-Rate Matrix was discussed. We have changed the matrix to devalue “prior experience with Vendor” from 15 to 5 and “In State” from 10 to 5. Then we added Speed of Connection to have a value of 15.
IDES will host a Walk in Job Search Help in the library on December 27th 11-1pm
USAC Webinar – Kathy will attend and Debby will handle the registration.
Cloud Library Collection Stats were read
Institute of Museum and Library Services- Special Initiative-Debi and Abby are looking into the grants
Montgomery County Enterprise Zone- Kathy made a Motion to Adopt the Resolution Approving Participation in the Montgomery County Enterprise Zone. Cynthia seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 Ayes and 1 Nays and 1 Absent.
Librarian’s Report
The LSTA Grant allowed us to purchase 99 large print books and 128 STEM books.
Jury Duty was discussed
President’s Report
Kathy made a motion to give $150 to Debby and $50 to Donna and Trista for a Christmas bonus. All voted yes. Motion Passed.
Library will be closed December 24 & 25, Closed December 31 & Janurary 1
December 10th, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debi, Will and Director Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:26pm
Secretary’s Report-Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Judy made a motion to accept the report and Abby seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for November
Returned Check- taken care of.
Christmas Card- Starr Shooters 4-H
Donation- Micahel Glenn
Christmas donation- Dallas & Shirley Braye
Sundown Towns-Debby has already replied.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Christmas books were added to Trendz. Ugly Mugs gets new children books.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No actions
Santa at the library Dec. 5, 2018 4:00-4:45 (10 adults and 17 Children)
In the process of changing the credit card- Debby and Cynthia will be on the card.
Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant FY 2019 Requirements
Reviewed chapters 6-10 of “Trustee Facts File Third Edition”
Staff and one trustee are completing one free online education
opportunity focusing on meeting the needs of patrons with need/disability
Staff and trustees have familiarized themselves with services of Illinois Veteran’s
History Project . Per Capita is due January 15
New Business
Real Estate Taxes received
E-Rate Matrix was discussed. We have changed the matrix to devalue “prior experience with Vendor” from 15 to 5 and “In State” from 10 to 5. Then we added Speed of Connection to have a value of 15.
IDES will host a Walk in Job Search Help in the library on December 27th 11-1pm
USAC Webinar – Kathy will attend and Debby will handle the registration.
Cloud Library Collection Stats were read
Institute of Museum and Library Services- Special Initiative-Debi and Abby are looking into the grants
Montgomery County Enterprise Zone- Kathy made a Motion to Adopt the Resolution Approving Participation in the Montgomery County Enterprise Zone. Cynthia seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 Ayes and 1 Nays and 1 Absent.
Librarian’s Report
The LSTA Grant allowed us to purchase 99 large print books and 128 STEM books.
Jury Duty was discussed
President’s Report
Kathy made a motion to give $150 to Debby and $50 to Donna and Trista for a Christmas bonus. All voted yes. Motion Passed.
Library will be closed December 24 & 25, Closed December 31 & Janurary 1
Nokomis Public Library
November 13th, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:17pm
Secretary’s Report-Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debby read the circulation numbers for May.
Donation of Three Days in Moscow Ronald Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Empire by Bret Baiier-donated by publisher
Donation of Hillbilly Elegy written by J.D. Vance was donated by Barbara Goodwin Sturdy
St. Louis Catholic School Donation request. Kathy made a motion to donate two out of district library district cards and it was seconded by Judy.
Bethalto Library suggests program- “A Library Crawl” suggestion was discussed. No action taken.
NewWave changes to phone service
O’Fallon- check for damaged DVD
Nancy Barnstable-return of items found in boxes of her mother
IHLS Fast Facts Folder
Old Business
Little Free Library- Ugly Mugs will get Trendz old children’s books. Trendz gets a new box.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- The Newspaper put the article in a week late. We may need to put flyers up here.
Back to Books Grant- (Kathy’s Report) In March we wrote the grant through Illinois State Library. We set up the fair, and only 20 people attended the fair. 11 patrons viewed the large print books at the large print open house. 77 STEM were checked out, and 99 of the large print were checked out. When asked what the patrons wanted, purchasing what they wanted; they did check them out. Saturday events may be diminished because of travelling sports. A new partnership has been created with the nursing home for large prints.
Jeff Gepner requested a book, Keeping Prisons Safe. When asked for payment upfront, he failed to respond.
Santa at the library Dec. 5, 2018 4:00-4:45 (a few books choices for reading)
Books for Santa to give ordered from Scholastic FACE (ordered 48-2 cancelled) cost $66.30
New Business
Real Estate Taxes received
Credit card needs changed
IDES hosted a Walk in Job Search help Thursday, October 25, from 11-1
Family Reading Night- November 15th
Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant FY 2019 Requirements
Review Chapter 8 of “Serving Our Public”
Review chapters 6-10 of “Trustee Facts File Third Edition”
Staff and trustees will complete at least one free online education
Opportunity focusing on meeting the needs of patrons with need/disability
Outreach Illinois Veterans’ History Project
Per Capita Grant is available (due January 15)
Trustee Election materials
Summer Reading Program Party Stats
Unemployment Insurance $503.01
Librarian’s Report
Still barcoding items (24,103 items barcoded- $576,776.98 worth of material)
Newspaper article – Debby put an article in the local newspaper about access to materials through SHARE, and a reminder to remember the library on “giving Tuesday”.
President’s Report
The meeting was closed 7:10pm
November 13th, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:17pm
Secretary’s Report-Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debby read the circulation numbers for May.
Donation of Three Days in Moscow Ronald Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Empire by Bret Baiier-donated by publisher
Donation of Hillbilly Elegy written by J.D. Vance was donated by Barbara Goodwin Sturdy
St. Louis Catholic School Donation request. Kathy made a motion to donate two out of district library district cards and it was seconded by Judy.
Bethalto Library suggests program- “A Library Crawl” suggestion was discussed. No action taken.
NewWave changes to phone service
O’Fallon- check for damaged DVD
Nancy Barnstable-return of items found in boxes of her mother
IHLS Fast Facts Folder
Old Business
Little Free Library- Ugly Mugs will get Trendz old children’s books. Trendz gets a new box.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- The Newspaper put the article in a week late. We may need to put flyers up here.
Back to Books Grant- (Kathy’s Report) In March we wrote the grant through Illinois State Library. We set up the fair, and only 20 people attended the fair. 11 patrons viewed the large print books at the large print open house. 77 STEM were checked out, and 99 of the large print were checked out. When asked what the patrons wanted, purchasing what they wanted; they did check them out. Saturday events may be diminished because of travelling sports. A new partnership has been created with the nursing home for large prints.
Jeff Gepner requested a book, Keeping Prisons Safe. When asked for payment upfront, he failed to respond.
Santa at the library Dec. 5, 2018 4:00-4:45 (a few books choices for reading)
Books for Santa to give ordered from Scholastic FACE (ordered 48-2 cancelled) cost $66.30
New Business
Real Estate Taxes received
Credit card needs changed
IDES hosted a Walk in Job Search help Thursday, October 25, from 11-1
Family Reading Night- November 15th
Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant FY 2019 Requirements
Review Chapter 8 of “Serving Our Public”
Review chapters 6-10 of “Trustee Facts File Third Edition”
Staff and trustees will complete at least one free online education
Opportunity focusing on meeting the needs of patrons with need/disability
Outreach Illinois Veterans’ History Project
Per Capita Grant is available (due January 15)
Trustee Election materials
Summer Reading Program Party Stats
Unemployment Insurance $503.01
Librarian’s Report
Still barcoding items (24,103 items barcoded- $576,776.98 worth of material)
Newspaper article – Debby put an article in the local newspaper about access to materials through SHARE, and a reminder to remember the library on “giving Tuesday”.
President’s Report
The meeting was closed 7:10pm
No Quorum in September or October
Nokomis Public Library
August 13, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:17pm
Secretary’s Report-Abby made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Abby made a motion to accept the report and Kathy seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for May.
Paula Drews donated Capsized! By Patricia Sutton. Cynthia will send a thank you card.
Jeff Gepner requested to purchase a book, Keep Prisons Safe. That the library owns or even a loan of the book. Kathy made a motion to loan the book for 2 months and he will pay the to and from postage and the out-of-resident fee of $10. Judy seconded. All voted yes.
An employee needed to be excused from 7/27/2018 through 8/7/2018 due to an illness.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Kathy took adult books to Trendz.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No new information; however, Jesse White’s office sent us a poster with all famous authors from Illinois.
Raffle Santa-The raffle was donated back to the library. The winner was from Chicago. Also, we are setting up a date for him to visit the library on a December Wednesday from 4-5pm. We also need a sign up sheet to see how many kids are coming.
Back to Books Grant-STEM Fair and Large Print Open House- Only 19 kids came to the event and only 9 adults.
Prevailing Wage Ordinance and Publication
New Business
Second Installment of Real Estate Taxes Received- Current Taxes Paid $10,781.12
Per Capita Grant 2018 was received $3673.75
October’s and November’s meeting will be on second Tuesday at 5:15pm. Kathy made a motion. Seconded by Abby. All voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
Montgomery Co. Ag in the Classroom- This was the Extension office most well attended library event.
Going Live on Polaris- The staff is learning the system. First day there were 180 requests. It has calmed down to around 10-18.
Summer Reading Program and Party- The party will be Friday, August 17th.
Ebooks- We charge a fee of $20 per patron. Changing to free.
President’s Report
The newspaper recently has included some wonderful library news articles.
The meeting was closed 6:15pm
August 13, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Abby, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:17pm
Secretary’s Report-Abby made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Abby made a motion to accept the report and Kathy seconded. All voted yes.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for May.
Paula Drews donated Capsized! By Patricia Sutton. Cynthia will send a thank you card.
Jeff Gepner requested to purchase a book, Keep Prisons Safe. That the library owns or even a loan of the book. Kathy made a motion to loan the book for 2 months and he will pay the to and from postage and the out-of-resident fee of $10. Judy seconded. All voted yes.
An employee needed to be excused from 7/27/2018 through 8/7/2018 due to an illness.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Kathy took adult books to Trendz.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- No new information; however, Jesse White’s office sent us a poster with all famous authors from Illinois.
Raffle Santa-The raffle was donated back to the library. The winner was from Chicago. Also, we are setting up a date for him to visit the library on a December Wednesday from 4-5pm. We also need a sign up sheet to see how many kids are coming.
Back to Books Grant-STEM Fair and Large Print Open House- Only 19 kids came to the event and only 9 adults.
Prevailing Wage Ordinance and Publication
New Business
Second Installment of Real Estate Taxes Received- Current Taxes Paid $10,781.12
Per Capita Grant 2018 was received $3673.75
October’s and November’s meeting will be on second Tuesday at 5:15pm. Kathy made a motion. Seconded by Abby. All voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
Montgomery Co. Ag in the Classroom- This was the Extension office most well attended library event.
Going Live on Polaris- The staff is learning the system. First day there were 180 requests. It has calmed down to around 10-18.
Summer Reading Program and Party- The party will be Friday, August 17th.
Ebooks- We charge a fee of $20 per patron. Changing to free.
President’s Report
The newspaper recently has included some wonderful library news articles.
The meeting was closed 6:15pm
Nokomis Public Library
July 9, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, Abby, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm
Secretary’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for June.
Consumer Reports- $12 online subscription for the first year.
Consolidated Communications-We already locked in prices through E-Rate this year.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Will will check on
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union-Will Shalter notified Nokomis High School teachers about students exploring their background on how their families came to the U.S. Cynthia and Kathy will be head over putting together the stories.
Raffle Santa- The raffle is not going well. We need to boost advertising.
Nokomis Homecoming Parade-Cynthia will be in the Homecoming parade to advertise the raffle. A movie night proposal with two teenagers
Montgomery Co. Ag in the Classroom August 2nd- There is a signup sheet for the event.
New Business
New fine and check out rates- Polaris system updates. Patron cards issued for 3 years. Patrons are listed as: Adult or Juvenile. Non-resident Fee is $35 per year. Limit of 10 holds per number. Books 2 weeks- Limit of 999. Fines Books $.10 per day. Movies are $1.00 per day. No fines on Sunday. May only have 5 overdue items before they are blocked. Fine of $5.00- no checkouts. Maximum Fine: $20. Send text or email Patrons can order books online from home. Every person gets a a card. Movies and Video Games are now 7 days (limit is 5). Send text or email reminder two days before item is due. Overdue notices sent: email or text-first notice 7 days late second notice 14 days late third notice 21 days late. Bill for price of item at 30 days
Circulation Training- The library will be closed (July 19th 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Tax Comp Report- The library will receive 1,808.12 more tax dollars
Librarian’s Report
Back to Books Grant- STEM fair will be July 28th. Debi will be cooking the food. Cynthia and Will will be there to man the booths between 10:00 a.m. til 12:00 a.m. Will be planning an open house for the large print books.
Patron Training- Donna and other added more patrons into the
Fritts Invoice- Invoice #07072018 for $2,405.36
Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
July 9, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Debby, Debi, Abby, and Will
Meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm
Secretary’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Judy seconded.
Circulation- Debi read the circulation numbers for June.
Consumer Reports- $12 online subscription for the first year.
Consolidated Communications-We already locked in prices through E-Rate this year.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Will will check on
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union-Will Shalter notified Nokomis High School teachers about students exploring their background on how their families came to the U.S. Cynthia and Kathy will be head over putting together the stories.
Raffle Santa- The raffle is not going well. We need to boost advertising.
Nokomis Homecoming Parade-Cynthia will be in the Homecoming parade to advertise the raffle. A movie night proposal with two teenagers
Montgomery Co. Ag in the Classroom August 2nd- There is a signup sheet for the event.
New Business
New fine and check out rates- Polaris system updates. Patron cards issued for 3 years. Patrons are listed as: Adult or Juvenile. Non-resident Fee is $35 per year. Limit of 10 holds per number. Books 2 weeks- Limit of 999. Fines Books $.10 per day. Movies are $1.00 per day. No fines on Sunday. May only have 5 overdue items before they are blocked. Fine of $5.00- no checkouts. Maximum Fine: $20. Send text or email Patrons can order books online from home. Every person gets a a card. Movies and Video Games are now 7 days (limit is 5). Send text or email reminder two days before item is due. Overdue notices sent: email or text-first notice 7 days late second notice 14 days late third notice 21 days late. Bill for price of item at 30 days
Circulation Training- The library will be closed (July 19th 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Tax Comp Report- The library will receive 1,808.12 more tax dollars
Librarian’s Report
Back to Books Grant- STEM fair will be July 28th. Debi will be cooking the food. Cynthia and Will will be there to man the booths between 10:00 a.m. til 12:00 a.m. Will be planning an open house for the large print books.
Patron Training- Donna and other added more patrons into the
Fritts Invoice- Invoice #07072018 for $2,405.36
Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
June 11, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Will, and Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:20pm
Secretary’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded.
Circulation- Judy read the circulation numbers for May.
Thank you-Cynthia Crowe
Historical Memory- James Zailis (1890-1959) a Coal Miner Story
Kyle Leintz- RFI- He was in search of a Jim Bottomley signed baseball.
Chicago White Sox Library Appreciation Grand Slam- We decided not to pursue it.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Looking into children’s books for the coffee shop and adult books for the hair salon.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- Kathy and Cynthia are working on “coming to Nokomis stories” We are looking into the high school teachers to create an assignment on their family genealogy.
Garage Sale- $150.90, Book Sale $72, and Krispy Kreme Donut Sale $232 ($383 total)
Raffle Santa-Rick is thrilled about being raffled off. The raffle will take place on July 25th. The winner will receive Rick’s contact information.
OCLC Renewal- Some discussion was brought up by how often it is being used.
New Business
LSTA Grant Check received $4,999- We are inviting Andy Manar and Avery Bourne to our STEM Fair and our Open House for Large Print Books.
Nokomis Homecoming parade- Cynthia had an idea about having a pickup truck with signs indicating what we have available at the Library.
New Freedom of Information Officer- Cynthia Crowe
Montgomery County Ag Literacy Program- Extension program “The Popcorn Astronauts. Debby will contact them to set up the program.
Prevailing Wage Rates- Kathy made a motion to accept the Prevailing Wage Rates, and Cynthia seconded. Motion unanimously passed.
Librarian’s Report
Back to Books Grant- She is starting to purchase books
EIU-Booth Library Exhibit has been picked up
Polaris- Go live July 26th- July 19th will be circulation training.- June 28th patron training will be held. Sue Pearson will be here at 9:30am
President’s Report
Nokomis Gift and Garden- Memorial Bill
June 11, 2018
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Will, and Debby.
Meeting was called to order at 5:20pm
Secretary’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded. All voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report- Kathy made a motion to accept the report and Cynthia seconded.
Circulation- Judy read the circulation numbers for May.
Thank you-Cynthia Crowe
Historical Memory- James Zailis (1890-1959) a Coal Miner Story
Kyle Leintz- RFI- He was in search of a Jim Bottomley signed baseball.
Chicago White Sox Library Appreciation Grand Slam- We decided not to pursue it.
Old Business
Little Free Library- Looking into children’s books for the coffee shop and adult books for the hair salon.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union- Kathy and Cynthia are working on “coming to Nokomis stories” We are looking into the high school teachers to create an assignment on their family genealogy.
Garage Sale- $150.90, Book Sale $72, and Krispy Kreme Donut Sale $232 ($383 total)
Raffle Santa-Rick is thrilled about being raffled off. The raffle will take place on July 25th. The winner will receive Rick’s contact information.
OCLC Renewal- Some discussion was brought up by how often it is being used.
New Business
LSTA Grant Check received $4,999- We are inviting Andy Manar and Avery Bourne to our STEM Fair and our Open House for Large Print Books.
Nokomis Homecoming parade- Cynthia had an idea about having a pickup truck with signs indicating what we have available at the Library.
New Freedom of Information Officer- Cynthia Crowe
Montgomery County Ag Literacy Program- Extension program “The Popcorn Astronauts. Debby will contact them to set up the program.
Prevailing Wage Rates- Kathy made a motion to accept the Prevailing Wage Rates, and Cynthia seconded. Motion unanimously passed.
Librarian’s Report
Back to Books Grant- She is starting to purchase books
EIU-Booth Library Exhibit has been picked up
Polaris- Go live July 26th- July 19th will be circulation training.- June 28th patron training will be held. Sue Pearson will be here at 9:30am
President’s Report
Nokomis Gift and Garden- Memorial Bill
Nokomis Public Library
May 4, 2018
Meeting was called to order at 5:20pm
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Will, Debi and Debby.
Secretary’s report from February was read. Kathy made a motion to approve. Cynthia seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy made a motion to approve. Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
A letter from the USDA about the national lunch program which is administered by ISBE was read. They are looking for sites to help feed students throughout the summer.
A letter from Michael and Cynthia McCurdy-Memorial for Jeff DeWerff for $50
A letter from the Secretary of State - 2018 Per capita grant $3,673.75
Old Business
Little Free Library- Trendz is requesting more books particularly adult books.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union – tabled until next month
Garage and Krispy Kreme Donut Sale- Debi will be picking up the donuts in Fairview. Jan said that she is going to work Friday and Saturday. We received our permit to sell items on Friday and Saturday. The sale will happen 9-5 on Friday and 8-12 on Saturday. Sales of the donuts will be until noon on Saturday. Jan, Judy, and Debi will sell items on Friday. On Thursday, we will be setting up the garage sale here at the city.
Eastern Illinois University- Booth Library (Exhibit) The exhibit is up and in the front window. It will be here until June 4th.
2017 Per Capita Grant $2,281.96
Rick Jones- Santa raffling off for July (Needs to be on Old Business for next meeting)
New Business
All Around Sport-advertising request- It was discussed that the price is too much.
eRead Renewal- The annual member fee $365.90. A motion was made by Will to not renew eRead and was seconded by Kathy.
A motion was made by Kathy to sign up with Illinois Heartland Cloud Sharing Library $345.32 and seconded by Cynthia.
Back To Books Grant- We were awarded $4,999 for STEM and Large print books. We are going to have program at the end of the summer reading program to promote these new books.
Non-Resident Fee Survey- There was discussion about how we calculate our Non-Resident Fee. The fee is going to remain at $35.
OCLC Renewal- $214 annual fee
Book Donation- Measure What Happens by John Doerr
Librarian’s Report
IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual Report)- The report is finished and filed.
Township IMRF Question- Some discussion over how to proceed to levy for our employees to have this benefit. We are researching to understand better how much would have to be levied to acquire this benefit.
President’s Report
Kathy motioned to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Cynthia. Meeting adjourned 6:11pm
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Rummage Sale Planning
May 7, 2018
Note: The only purpose was to finalize plans for the May 18-19 rummage sale. There was no library business discussed.
Attending: Kathy, Abby, Cynthia, Judy and Debby
Debby reported that she has:
Thursday May 17: Kathy, Cynthia, Abby and Judy will price and display the items for sale.
Friday May 18: Judy and Debby will work at the sale
Saturday May 19: Debi will pick up the donuts in Fairview. Cynthia and Abby will work the sale
Debby will get cash to make change.
A sign advertising the donut sale will be posted on the pole facing State St.
Abby will bring her large cooler to the monthly meeting on May 14. Cynthia will fill it with Kool-aid to hand out to patrons on Saturday. Cynthia will also bring napkins for the donuts that are sold individually.
Board of Trustees Rummage Sale Planning
May 7, 2018
Note: The only purpose was to finalize plans for the May 18-19 rummage sale. There was no library business discussed.
Attending: Kathy, Abby, Cynthia, Judy and Debby
Debby reported that she has:
- Ordered 50 dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts to be sold on Saturday morning. Pre-sale orders are currently being taken at the library. The donuts cost $4 per dozen and will be sold for $8 per dozen, this is the recommendation of Krispy Kreme. Filled donuts will also be available for individual sale at the cost of $1.00 each.
- The city permit for the sale has been obtained.
- A notice was sent to area churches to be included in the upcoming Sunday services. The announcement has the donut sale details and asks for donations to be sold.
- The same notices have been posted on the NPL website and fb page.
- The Chamber of Commerce room has been reserved for May 17-19
Thursday May 17: Kathy, Cynthia, Abby and Judy will price and display the items for sale.
Friday May 18: Judy and Debby will work at the sale
Saturday May 19: Debi will pick up the donuts in Fairview. Cynthia and Abby will work the sale
Debby will get cash to make change.
A sign advertising the donut sale will be posted on the pole facing State St.
Abby will bring her large cooler to the monthly meeting on May 14. Cynthia will fill it with Kool-aid to hand out to patrons on Saturday. Cynthia will also bring napkins for the donuts that are sold individually.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 9, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:22 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will, Debi and Debby
The secretary’s report from February was read. Debi made a motion that it be approved and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Lincoln Land Community College: Thank you for working with them regarding adult edu and lit
Darren Fritts: The time log for past month. Tasks included working with Kathy on erate, New Wave IP address and system updates.
Member Spotlight - Litchfield Public Library: A notice was received regarding the new Litchfield Public Library building opening. The email included pictures of the building and notes about the building itself as well as the funding process and reactions from the patrons.
Old Business
Little Free Library: Will has contacted Julia Crow regarding her students decorating permanent boxes used in the future. Kathy will contact Trendz regarding how the boxes are being received. The box at Ugly Mugs is in a dark space, signage will be added so that patrons will hopefully notice it more often.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union: Cynthia will have both the flyer and notice updated so the board can review at the May meeting.
Garage/Krispy Kreme Donut Sale: As Judy is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and they are the org that sets the Sale date, she will work to get a date set. The best date for NPL would be May 18-19.
Eastern Illinois University Exhibit: Debby responded to the initial letter asking for borrowing only the pane of Random Clavin. The request was approved and the panel will be on display mid May thru mid June.
Township Budget Letter and IMRF Question: Debby sent a letter to the Township explaining the NPL current income and expenditures. She requested the township to levy for IMRF.
Santa Raffle: Rick Jones has agreed to a raffle for his time as Santa during the Christmas season. Cynthia will contact Rick to set the parameters such as location, number of children, and amount of time. NPL will have a Christmas celebration during the month of July including lights and decorations with the drawing being held on Jul 25th.
New Business
Annual agreement for SHARE Members: The agreement needs signed and fees will be $1200
Computer Purchase Request: Trista has asked to purchase the unused Dell tower, monitor and keyboard. Debi suggested that Trista could have all three and instead of purchasing she should just make a donation to NPL and all board members agreed
Librarian’s Report
Bar-coded items: There are close to 21,000 items coded. The implementation of the program is expected to begin soon. Current cards will continue to be used with a strip attached when it is presented.
IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual report): Debby is currently working on the report which is due in the 60 days from March 31st.
President’s Report
The eRate cat1 and cat2 requests have been filed.
LSTA grant has been sent but a notice has not yet been received.
Debi made a motion of the following slate of officers for the new fiscal year: Debi as Board President, Judy as Vice President, Cynthia as Treasurer and Will as Secretary. Abby seconded the motion and all members approved. The new board will take effect at the May 2018 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:07
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 9, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:22 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will, Debi and Debby
The secretary’s report from February was read. Debi made a motion that it be approved and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Lincoln Land Community College: Thank you for working with them regarding adult edu and lit
Darren Fritts: The time log for past month. Tasks included working with Kathy on erate, New Wave IP address and system updates.
Member Spotlight - Litchfield Public Library: A notice was received regarding the new Litchfield Public Library building opening. The email included pictures of the building and notes about the building itself as well as the funding process and reactions from the patrons.
Old Business
Little Free Library: Will has contacted Julia Crow regarding her students decorating permanent boxes used in the future. Kathy will contact Trendz regarding how the boxes are being received. The box at Ugly Mugs is in a dark space, signage will be added so that patrons will hopefully notice it more often.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union: Cynthia will have both the flyer and notice updated so the board can review at the May meeting.
Garage/Krispy Kreme Donut Sale: As Judy is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and they are the org that sets the Sale date, she will work to get a date set. The best date for NPL would be May 18-19.
Eastern Illinois University Exhibit: Debby responded to the initial letter asking for borrowing only the pane of Random Clavin. The request was approved and the panel will be on display mid May thru mid June.
Township Budget Letter and IMRF Question: Debby sent a letter to the Township explaining the NPL current income and expenditures. She requested the township to levy for IMRF.
Santa Raffle: Rick Jones has agreed to a raffle for his time as Santa during the Christmas season. Cynthia will contact Rick to set the parameters such as location, number of children, and amount of time. NPL will have a Christmas celebration during the month of July including lights and decorations with the drawing being held on Jul 25th.
New Business
Annual agreement for SHARE Members: The agreement needs signed and fees will be $1200
Computer Purchase Request: Trista has asked to purchase the unused Dell tower, monitor and keyboard. Debi suggested that Trista could have all three and instead of purchasing she should just make a donation to NPL and all board members agreed
Librarian’s Report
Bar-coded items: There are close to 21,000 items coded. The implementation of the program is expected to begin soon. Current cards will continue to be used with a strip attached when it is presented.
IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual report): Debby is currently working on the report which is due in the 60 days from March 31st.
President’s Report
The eRate cat1 and cat2 requests have been filed.
LSTA grant has been sent but a notice has not yet been received.
Debi made a motion of the following slate of officers for the new fiscal year: Debi as Board President, Judy as Vice President, Cynthia as Treasurer and Will as Secretary. Abby seconded the motion and all members approved. The new board will take effect at the May 2018 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:07
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Special Meeting
March 19, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:16 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, and Will
This is a special meeting to vote for which company’s bid to accept for internet usage.
Kathy presented the matrix to evaluate the bids received. There were three companies that submitted bids: Illinois Century Network, New Wave and Wabash Communications. Each company was given points for five factors: Prices of eligible products, prior experience with vendor, low/no set up fee, history of expedient communication, and local or in state vendor. Points available for allocation sum to 100. Illinois Century Network had three prices depending on length of contract. Wabash Communication had the cheapest monthly rate but there was a $491,020 one time set up fee. This set up fee far exceeds the budget. Illinois Century received 80 of the 100 points available, New Wave received 100 and Wabash Communications received 10. It was decided that the contract should be made with New Wave for one year’s time. The decision for a one year contract was based on the future availability of fiber optic lines.
There were no bids submitted for the equipment that will be needed. Darren Fritts priced the needed equipment at CDWC and submitted the quote which is good thru April 19, 2018. The total cost of $1908.71 includes shipping and Darren’s Labor. There are no taxes included in the cost; the tax-exemption is subject to tax-exempt certificate approval by CDWG.
Attached: Nokomis Public Library Bid Evaluation Matrix and equipment cost submitted by Darren Fritts.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45
Board of Trustees Special Meeting
March 19, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:16 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, and Will
This is a special meeting to vote for which company’s bid to accept for internet usage.
Kathy presented the matrix to evaluate the bids received. There were three companies that submitted bids: Illinois Century Network, New Wave and Wabash Communications. Each company was given points for five factors: Prices of eligible products, prior experience with vendor, low/no set up fee, history of expedient communication, and local or in state vendor. Points available for allocation sum to 100. Illinois Century Network had three prices depending on length of contract. Wabash Communication had the cheapest monthly rate but there was a $491,020 one time set up fee. This set up fee far exceeds the budget. Illinois Century received 80 of the 100 points available, New Wave received 100 and Wabash Communications received 10. It was decided that the contract should be made with New Wave for one year’s time. The decision for a one year contract was based on the future availability of fiber optic lines.
There were no bids submitted for the equipment that will be needed. Darren Fritts priced the needed equipment at CDWC and submitted the quote which is good thru April 19, 2018. The total cost of $1908.71 includes shipping and Darren’s Labor. There are no taxes included in the cost; the tax-exemption is subject to tax-exempt certificate approval by CDWG.
Attached: Nokomis Public Library Bid Evaluation Matrix and equipment cost submitted by Darren Fritts.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:20 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from February was read. With a typo to be fixed, Abby made a motion that it be accepted and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Nokomis Woman’s Club: Donation of $150.00
Too Far Media – Brian Courtney: Donation of the book “Arms from the Sea” by Rich Shapiro
Montgomery County Farm Bureau: Donation of the children’s book “John Deere, That’s Who!” by Tracy Nelson Maurer, illustrated by Tim Zeltner.
State Farm Insurance-Final Premium Audit: The additional increase for premiums was waved.
Darren Fritts: The time log that was requested by the board.
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificate: Debi Dawson did not fill out, was reported that she was unable to take the training due to medical reasons
Little Free Library: Boxes were delivered to Trendz and Ugly Mugs. Trendz expressed that they are happy to participate. Will is contacting Randy and Julia, the art and industrial arts instructors at NHS, to see if interested in building and decorating boxes that could be used on a more permanent basis.
Fund Raisers: Debby reported that the library does not need permits for 50/50 Drawing or other chance fund raisers, also the library will not be taxed on the funds raised. Cynthia will speak with Rick Jones regarding a Visit with Santa raffle. If he agrees, board will plan for raffle and drawing to be around time of DNA Christmas celebration. Parameters of the Visit will be worked out with Santa regarding size and time length. Winner should contact Santa to plan the visit date.
“Commemorating Illinois’ Admission to the Union”: Kathy reported that if we have an event it will be posted on the IL Bicentennial. Cynthia presented first drafts of flyer and article about a poster/art work contest to be held in the fall so the entries can be displayed for the Dec. 3 anniversary.
Garage/Krispy Kreme Donut Sale: Debby got permission from the city to use the meeting room for a garage sale, waiting for date from the Chamber of Commerce. We will take donut orders that will be picked up at the sale, as well as having extra boxes to be sold at the garage sale.
Statement of Economic Interest: Tabled until Debi and Jan are available.
New Business
L. Kevin Skypainter Turner: Mr. Turner donated pieces of his artwork, two painted pendants along with certificates of authenticity. The board discussed using them as prizes for a program or a raffle.
IMRF Levy: Debbie reported that IMRF is eligible for Levy and will contact the township
Eastern Illinois University Booth Library has an exhibit for in the Library: The exhibit is eight panels each highlighting a Veteran with tattoos regarding their service. One of the panels honors Nokomis resident, Random Clavin. It is not necessary to borrow the entire group of panels and as the panels are large, 46x60 inches, only the one panel honoring the town resident will be requested. The tentative plan is to borrow the panel to be part of a window display for one of the patriotic federal holidays.
Budget Proposals: Will and Debby presented three budget proposals for the2018-2019 fiscal year. The proposals were discussed with the main focus on the estimated revenues. Also included in the discussion were the E-Rate bids and the inclusion of monies available for compensating the librarians for time they currently donate for overseeing programs, etc. The approved budget is attached.
E-Rate Bids: President called for a special meeting March 19th of the trustees to discuss the bids.
Librarian’s Report
LSTA Grant – Back 2 Books (March 31st deadline, Funds Expended or Encumbered by September 30th) Target: Low income population, Large Print Steam/Stem books, High Interest
Keys for Darren Fritts: The city office granted permission to give Darren a set of keys as needed. They asked that the police department should be notified when Darren is working late.
President’s Report
LSTA Grant: Target the patrons that use large print books, have an event when the books are available, outreach program with the Nokomis Rehabilitation & Health Care Center. Target families with school age children that would use Steam/Stem Books, have a science fair based on the books, reach out to home schooling families. Both target programs to include a survey of which genre/subject books they are interested in and post surveys of the events and materials included.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25.
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:20 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from February was read. With a typo to be fixed, Abby made a motion that it be accepted and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Nokomis Woman’s Club: Donation of $150.00
Too Far Media – Brian Courtney: Donation of the book “Arms from the Sea” by Rich Shapiro
Montgomery County Farm Bureau: Donation of the children’s book “John Deere, That’s Who!” by Tracy Nelson Maurer, illustrated by Tim Zeltner.
State Farm Insurance-Final Premium Audit: The additional increase for premiums was waved.
Darren Fritts: The time log that was requested by the board.
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificate: Debi Dawson did not fill out, was reported that she was unable to take the training due to medical reasons
Little Free Library: Boxes were delivered to Trendz and Ugly Mugs. Trendz expressed that they are happy to participate. Will is contacting Randy and Julia, the art and industrial arts instructors at NHS, to see if interested in building and decorating boxes that could be used on a more permanent basis.
Fund Raisers: Debby reported that the library does not need permits for 50/50 Drawing or other chance fund raisers, also the library will not be taxed on the funds raised. Cynthia will speak with Rick Jones regarding a Visit with Santa raffle. If he agrees, board will plan for raffle and drawing to be around time of DNA Christmas celebration. Parameters of the Visit will be worked out with Santa regarding size and time length. Winner should contact Santa to plan the visit date.
“Commemorating Illinois’ Admission to the Union”: Kathy reported that if we have an event it will be posted on the IL Bicentennial. Cynthia presented first drafts of flyer and article about a poster/art work contest to be held in the fall so the entries can be displayed for the Dec. 3 anniversary.
Garage/Krispy Kreme Donut Sale: Debby got permission from the city to use the meeting room for a garage sale, waiting for date from the Chamber of Commerce. We will take donut orders that will be picked up at the sale, as well as having extra boxes to be sold at the garage sale.
Statement of Economic Interest: Tabled until Debi and Jan are available.
New Business
L. Kevin Skypainter Turner: Mr. Turner donated pieces of his artwork, two painted pendants along with certificates of authenticity. The board discussed using them as prizes for a program or a raffle.
IMRF Levy: Debbie reported that IMRF is eligible for Levy and will contact the township
Eastern Illinois University Booth Library has an exhibit for in the Library: The exhibit is eight panels each highlighting a Veteran with tattoos regarding their service. One of the panels honors Nokomis resident, Random Clavin. It is not necessary to borrow the entire group of panels and as the panels are large, 46x60 inches, only the one panel honoring the town resident will be requested. The tentative plan is to borrow the panel to be part of a window display for one of the patriotic federal holidays.
Budget Proposals: Will and Debby presented three budget proposals for the2018-2019 fiscal year. The proposals were discussed with the main focus on the estimated revenues. Also included in the discussion were the E-Rate bids and the inclusion of monies available for compensating the librarians for time they currently donate for overseeing programs, etc. The approved budget is attached.
E-Rate Bids: President called for a special meeting March 19th of the trustees to discuss the bids.
Librarian’s Report
LSTA Grant – Back 2 Books (March 31st deadline, Funds Expended or Encumbered by September 30th) Target: Low income population, Large Print Steam/Stem books, High Interest
Keys for Darren Fritts: The city office granted permission to give Darren a set of keys as needed. They asked that the police department should be notified when Darren is working late.
President’s Report
LSTA Grant: Target the patrons that use large print books, have an event when the books are available, outreach program with the Nokomis Rehabilitation & Health Care Center. Target families with school age children that would use Steam/Stem Books, have a science fair based on the books, reach out to home schooling families. Both target programs to include a survey of which genre/subject books they are interested in and post surveys of the events and materials included.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:20 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from January was read. Will made a motion to approve, and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Mary Beth Weeks: Memorial donation for Elaine Holloway $50
Fidelity Brokerage Service: Donation from Dave Carey $1000
Secretary of State Jesse White: 2018 Guide to Literacy booklet
Macon County Conservation District: Summer program regarding birds and songs of birds by the Rock Springs Nature Center, has presentation fee of $60
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificate: Debi Dawson did not fill out, was reported that she was unable to take the training due to medical reasons
E-Rate Matrix: Example of past matrix was distributed with explanation of how and why it was used
Little Free Library: Boxes are ready for Trendz and Ugly Mugs for a test run of the program. Trendz requested children’s books. Ugly Mugs built a shelf for the box. Will is contacting Randy and Julia, the art and industrial arts instructors at NHS, to see if interested in building and decorating boxes that could be used on a more permanent basis.
School Annuals/Silent Auction: There were articles printed in both the IHLS e-newsletter and the Springfield State Journal-Register regarding the auction. A reporter from the SJR came to NPL to interview Debby.
Fund Raisers: Several fund raisers were discussed, including city-wide garage sale in May, Trivia Night built around IL authors, and a Book Tasting. Debby is going to research holding a Trivia Night and the papers that would need to be filed since there would be monetary prizes given. If a Trivia Night is held, the questions could include many about IL because of the bicentennial. It was decided that NPL would participate in the garage sale, hopefully in the meeting room at city hall. There will be requests sent to various organizations and submitted to the Free-Press Progress for items to be donated. Krispy Kreme donuts will also be sold, there will be a sign up sheet before the sale. Those that have signed up before can pick up on the Saturday of the sale, extra donuts will be available for purchase as well. The sale items will be priced as laid out on the Thursday before the Friday/Saturday sale.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union: There will be a poster contest for patrons of various age groups with the theme of IL (history, people, towns, etc). Cynthia will spec the rules and prizes for the board to review at the March meeting.
Darren Fritts: Darren has submitted his hours for Jan. As was anticipated, due to the many issues to resolve there were more hours than allotted per month. He has suggested that he will bill us for 4 hours each month but the actual hours worked will progress over all of the months in the year, with some months having more or less than 4. Will suggested, and Debby will ask for monthly invoices for the 4 hours as well as a log of the total hours worked. Darren is, kindly, only billing for about half of his total hours with the other hours considered as volunteer. For the yearly budget, Darren is an independent contractor not an employee.
New Business
Statement of Economic Interest: Members present signed and filled out their forms.
Employee raises for next year’s budget: Based on a 3% cost of living increase, Debby will receive a $.55 an hour increase, Donna and Trista will each receive a $.30 an hour increase. Donna will also receive an increase of $.30 per hour for cleaning. Motion made by Abby, seconded by Cynthia for the noted raises. All present members voted to approve the motion. There will be a discussion at a later date regarding compensation for time at after hours programs.
Librarian’s Report
Library Certification: Completed and filed with notice of receipt
Per Capita Grant: The grant has been filed
Issues: Debby had to call about the domain name as it was not available to use. Debby had to call to correct the expiration date of SHARE membership. There were problems with the connecting copier with computers, it is resolved.
President’s Report
Presley Lamb needs community hours for various programs and has volunteered to work the hours at the library. Debby will set up a meeting between Kathy and Presley to discuss using the hours to help with the tree house.
Margie Eisenbarth as ideas for children’s programs that she would like to discuss at a future meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:20 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from January was read. Will made a motion to approve, and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Mary Beth Weeks: Memorial donation for Elaine Holloway $50
Fidelity Brokerage Service: Donation from Dave Carey $1000
Secretary of State Jesse White: 2018 Guide to Literacy booklet
Macon County Conservation District: Summer program regarding birds and songs of birds by the Rock Springs Nature Center, has presentation fee of $60
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificate: Debi Dawson did not fill out, was reported that she was unable to take the training due to medical reasons
E-Rate Matrix: Example of past matrix was distributed with explanation of how and why it was used
Little Free Library: Boxes are ready for Trendz and Ugly Mugs for a test run of the program. Trendz requested children’s books. Ugly Mugs built a shelf for the box. Will is contacting Randy and Julia, the art and industrial arts instructors at NHS, to see if interested in building and decorating boxes that could be used on a more permanent basis.
School Annuals/Silent Auction: There were articles printed in both the IHLS e-newsletter and the Springfield State Journal-Register regarding the auction. A reporter from the SJR came to NPL to interview Debby.
Fund Raisers: Several fund raisers were discussed, including city-wide garage sale in May, Trivia Night built around IL authors, and a Book Tasting. Debby is going to research holding a Trivia Night and the papers that would need to be filed since there would be monetary prizes given. If a Trivia Night is held, the questions could include many about IL because of the bicentennial. It was decided that NPL would participate in the garage sale, hopefully in the meeting room at city hall. There will be requests sent to various organizations and submitted to the Free-Press Progress for items to be donated. Krispy Kreme donuts will also be sold, there will be a sign up sheet before the sale. Those that have signed up before can pick up on the Saturday of the sale, extra donuts will be available for purchase as well. The sale items will be priced as laid out on the Thursday before the Friday/Saturday sale.
Commemorating Illinois’ admission to the Union: There will be a poster contest for patrons of various age groups with the theme of IL (history, people, towns, etc). Cynthia will spec the rules and prizes for the board to review at the March meeting.
Darren Fritts: Darren has submitted his hours for Jan. As was anticipated, due to the many issues to resolve there were more hours than allotted per month. He has suggested that he will bill us for 4 hours each month but the actual hours worked will progress over all of the months in the year, with some months having more or less than 4. Will suggested, and Debby will ask for monthly invoices for the 4 hours as well as a log of the total hours worked. Darren is, kindly, only billing for about half of his total hours with the other hours considered as volunteer. For the yearly budget, Darren is an independent contractor not an employee.
New Business
Statement of Economic Interest: Members present signed and filled out their forms.
Employee raises for next year’s budget: Based on a 3% cost of living increase, Debby will receive a $.55 an hour increase, Donna and Trista will each receive a $.30 an hour increase. Donna will also receive an increase of $.30 per hour for cleaning. Motion made by Abby, seconded by Cynthia for the noted raises. All present members voted to approve the motion. There will be a discussion at a later date regarding compensation for time at after hours programs.
Librarian’s Report
Library Certification: Completed and filed with notice of receipt
Per Capita Grant: The grant has been filed
Issues: Debby had to call about the domain name as it was not available to use. Debby had to call to correct the expiration date of SHARE membership. There were problems with the connecting copier with computers, it is resolved.
President’s Report
Presley Lamb needs community hours for various programs and has volunteered to work the hours at the library. Debby will set up a meeting between Kathy and Presley to discuss using the hours to help with the tree house.
Margie Eisenbarth as ideas for children’s programs that she would like to discuss at a future meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:15 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from November was read. Kathy asked for two corrections. Abby made a motion that it be accepted as corrected and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Techsoup IT support: An offer of services
State Farm Policy Audit: Unemployment insurance audit
Secretary of State: Sent the Illinois Blue Book, which includes listings of elected officials in the state, the state constitution, etc.
PLA (Public Library Association) Preliminary Program: Conference held in Philadelphia March 2018
Secretary of State – Illinois Admission to the Union Reading List: IL is celebrating the state’s bicentennial. The letter includes a list of books for reading in specific months. Cynthia will meet with Debby to discuss promotion ideas.
Thank you note from Debby was received for the Christmas bonus and ham.
ILA (Illinois Library Association): Thank you note
Christmas Greetings: From Lazerware and from Nokomis Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
IL Dept of Employment Security: Rate determinate
Old Business
Unemployment Insurance Rates Will checked into this and no action is needed.
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Debi Dawson has not completed the training. Kathy will note this in the grant as a leave of absence from the board.
E-Rate Matrix: Kathy and Will have been working on the report. There is almost $9000 available if we submit Category 2. They are scheduled to meet with Darren (IT) for information to determine what is needed to add/change at the library to use the Cat2. If improvements are approved we will receive 80% of the costs. The report is due in March but will be submitted sooner.
Darren Fritz: Darren and NPL have agreed to the terms of his IT services, 4 hours a month at $50 an hour.
Little Free Library: Kathy will speak to Andrea at Trends on Jan 9th. Will spoke to Tim Brookshire at Ugly Mugs and he has agreed to participate. Will has the contact information for the owner of the laundromat.
Sexual Harassment Policy: Debby tweaked an example of a state policy. Abby made the motion to adopt the policy, Will seconded the motion. All members voted yes to the motion.
New Business
Margie Eisenbarth: Margie has asked permission to hold a program on a Saturday at the end of January. The program will be decorating gingerbread houses. All members approved
Library Certification: The certification includes updated information about the library and the trustees. The certification is filled out by Debby.
Librarian’s Report
Silent Auction: At the end of last year Debby proposed that the library hold silent auction to sell duplicate copies of NHL yearbooks. The auction raised $675. Thank you Debby for this successful fund raiser.
Updated Call List: Debbie has updated the emergency numbers
Wedgeit: This is a doorstop specifically designed to keep a door opened in an emergency situation. Debby asked the Nokomis Police Department’s assessment of the Wedgeit. They felt it could be useful but would like to see a sample. Debby reached out to the inventor and he sent a free sample. The board decided more should be purchased.
Fund Raisers: Judy has researched ideas for fund raisers and will be meet with Debby to discuss.
Christmas Wish Tree: Several patrons made either monetary or item donations.
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant:
Meeting adjourned at 6:20
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:15 by the President
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
The secretary’s report from November was read. Kathy asked for two corrections. Abby made a motion that it be accepted as corrected and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy made a motion that it be accepted as written and Abby seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Techsoup IT support: An offer of services
State Farm Policy Audit: Unemployment insurance audit
Secretary of State: Sent the Illinois Blue Book, which includes listings of elected officials in the state, the state constitution, etc.
PLA (Public Library Association) Preliminary Program: Conference held in Philadelphia March 2018
Secretary of State – Illinois Admission to the Union Reading List: IL is celebrating the state’s bicentennial. The letter includes a list of books for reading in specific months. Cynthia will meet with Debby to discuss promotion ideas.
Thank you note from Debby was received for the Christmas bonus and ham.
ILA (Illinois Library Association): Thank you note
Christmas Greetings: From Lazerware and from Nokomis Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
IL Dept of Employment Security: Rate determinate
Old Business
Unemployment Insurance Rates Will checked into this and no action is needed.
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Debi Dawson has not completed the training. Kathy will note this in the grant as a leave of absence from the board.
E-Rate Matrix: Kathy and Will have been working on the report. There is almost $9000 available if we submit Category 2. They are scheduled to meet with Darren (IT) for information to determine what is needed to add/change at the library to use the Cat2. If improvements are approved we will receive 80% of the costs. The report is due in March but will be submitted sooner.
Darren Fritz: Darren and NPL have agreed to the terms of his IT services, 4 hours a month at $50 an hour.
Little Free Library: Kathy will speak to Andrea at Trends on Jan 9th. Will spoke to Tim Brookshire at Ugly Mugs and he has agreed to participate. Will has the contact information for the owner of the laundromat.
Sexual Harassment Policy: Debby tweaked an example of a state policy. Abby made the motion to adopt the policy, Will seconded the motion. All members voted yes to the motion.
New Business
Margie Eisenbarth: Margie has asked permission to hold a program on a Saturday at the end of January. The program will be decorating gingerbread houses. All members approved
Library Certification: The certification includes updated information about the library and the trustees. The certification is filled out by Debby.
Librarian’s Report
Silent Auction: At the end of last year Debby proposed that the library hold silent auction to sell duplicate copies of NHL yearbooks. The auction raised $675. Thank you Debby for this successful fund raiser.
Updated Call List: Debbie has updated the emergency numbers
Wedgeit: This is a doorstop specifically designed to keep a door opened in an emergency situation. Debby asked the Nokomis Police Department’s assessment of the Wedgeit. They felt it could be useful but would like to see a sample. Debby reached out to the inventor and he sent a free sample. The board decided more should be purchased.
Fund Raisers: Judy has researched ideas for fund raisers and will be meet with Debby to discuss.
Christmas Wish Tree: Several patrons made either monetary or item donations.
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant:
- Review Trustee Fact file Library By-Laws: Members read through the document and gave feedback to Kathy to include in the grant.
- Outreach Component: Kathy contacted Amy Blaum at Pre-K about a program for mutual benefits. Amy provided the contact information for GED programs. Kathy has a meeting on Thursday to discuss what the library could offer (such as a meeting place or tutors). We could then piggyback on their Adult Literacy Grant.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 5: 18
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Will and Debby
Visitors: Darren Fritz, IT (beginning of meeting) has degrees in Computer Science. He works with several school districts as well as St. Louis Elementary where he also taught. On Friday, Dec 8th, Darren toured the library with Debby so that he could speak to the board. He recommends that the system needs to be mapped, that the hub should be changed to switches and that some equipment will need to be upgraded. Currently we are running new software on old equipment, that, along with the hub, slows down services. He also recommends that everything needs to be running through wi-fi instead of cables. His involvement would include data back-ups and regular system as well as hardware maintenance. Kathy asked about helping with a roadmap, knowing with our budget that much of it would be a “wish list”. He considers that part of the job. He is not familiar with Polaris but is eager to learn. With a commitment from him, he asks for a commitment in return. He has requested $55 per hour with five hours per month. Darren understands our budget concerns and is open to working with us regarding price/hours. He also mentioned several times that he tends to work more hours than he actually bills.
After Darren left, the board compared his costs to that of Lazerware. They are comparable but Darren is local and we feel his would be more of a personal commitment and not just a business agreement. The library cannot go on with patches that Debby, et al, use to fix system problems. Also, Darren has the knowledge needed to make the upgrades necessary to make the service we provide run at a faster rate. The motion was made by Will and seconded by Judy that Darren will be contacted with the offer of $50 per hour for 4 hours a month. From Jan thru March the money will come from Contingency funds with changes made in the 2018 budget. The board also re-visited the need for Friends of the Library committee to help raise funds.
The secretary’s report from November was read. Will made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
E-rate Form 470 Filing Sessions: Classes are available, $50 per session. Also webinar is available. Since dates present scheduling conflicts, Will and Kathy will meet at library to watch the seminar that is posted online.
Book Donation: Bernadine Hines donated Republican Like Me: How I Left the Liberal Bubble and Learned to Love the Right by Ken Stern
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Debi Dawson needs to submit certificates to Debby.
Ornament Making: In conjunction with the DNA Christmas Walk the NPL had a Christmas Tree Ornament event. Kathy, Judy, Debi and Margie Eisenbarth had stations for the children to make ornaments inspired by a children’s Christmas book. Will wore a Santa hat to entertain and Abby manned a hot cocoa station. About 20 children participated. If there is a Christmas Walk in 2018 the NPL will participate again with making ornaments.
E-Rate Matrix: Tabled until next month.
Insurance: There is a discrepancy in the description for unemployment insurance. A call to the main offices will be made by Will.
Last month’s correspondence included a notice from State Farm that rates will go up for the liability insurance. Debby contacted Country Financial for a bid. After comparing the bids Cynthia made the motion to stay with State Farm. The motion was seconded by Judy and all members voted yes.
Emergency Exit and Ceiling Vent: After a call from Debby, the city checked the south west Emergency Door. It had previously been sticking and was hard to open. During the November meeting, Will opened it but it took quite a bit of force. The workers could find no issues. They were also asked to fix a ceiling vent cover that was hanging down from the vent. The workers moved it closer to the ceiling but it is still not flush.
Real Estate Tax Monies Received: $44,988.62 was received and deposited into NPL accounts.
Library Foundation: Will spoke to Valerie Belusko at MCEDC about the Montgomery County Community Foundation. It is a fund that persons can make tax deductible donations to in the name of the NPL. The foundation handles all investments and paperwork. The library can then draw funds as needed.
Little Free Library: Instead of doing outdoor boxes and finding volunteers to take care of the boxes, it was decided that we would have a pilot program with shelves in a few businesses. Will plans on reaching out to Tim Brookshire at Ugly Mugs and the owner of the laundromat to see if they would participate. Kathy will contact Andrea Ruppert at Trends . NPL will provide the shelf and books that were not sold during the library’s book sale and ask that the businesses contact us when more books are needed.
New Business
Mandated Sexual Harassment Prohibition Policy: Kathy will use a sample policy and email it to trustees to review before the January meeting. The policy will also be available at the library a week before the meeting.
Christmas bonuses: Cynthia will contact Lynn Hamlin about donating turkeys/hams to give to the NPL employees. Will made the motion to give the same monetary bonuses as last year ($150 to Debbie and $50 each to Donna and Trista), Judy seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Librarian’s Report
Family Winter Reading Program: Twelve children participated in the stuffed animal sleepover. There were fewer that attended the Pioneer event. The Luau was a big success.
Vacuum Cleaner: Debby purchased a Shark Retail vac for $138.11. Props were given for coming in way under the $300 allotted for the purchase.
Silent Auction: There is a total of $205 (at last check) in bids from the silent auction to sell duplicate copies of NHS yearbooks
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant:
Meeting Adjorned: The meeting was called by Kathy at 8:01
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 5: 18
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Cynthia, Will and Debby
Visitors: Darren Fritz, IT (beginning of meeting) has degrees in Computer Science. He works with several school districts as well as St. Louis Elementary where he also taught. On Friday, Dec 8th, Darren toured the library with Debby so that he could speak to the board. He recommends that the system needs to be mapped, that the hub should be changed to switches and that some equipment will need to be upgraded. Currently we are running new software on old equipment, that, along with the hub, slows down services. He also recommends that everything needs to be running through wi-fi instead of cables. His involvement would include data back-ups and regular system as well as hardware maintenance. Kathy asked about helping with a roadmap, knowing with our budget that much of it would be a “wish list”. He considers that part of the job. He is not familiar with Polaris but is eager to learn. With a commitment from him, he asks for a commitment in return. He has requested $55 per hour with five hours per month. Darren understands our budget concerns and is open to working with us regarding price/hours. He also mentioned several times that he tends to work more hours than he actually bills.
After Darren left, the board compared his costs to that of Lazerware. They are comparable but Darren is local and we feel his would be more of a personal commitment and not just a business agreement. The library cannot go on with patches that Debby, et al, use to fix system problems. Also, Darren has the knowledge needed to make the upgrades necessary to make the service we provide run at a faster rate. The motion was made by Will and seconded by Judy that Darren will be contacted with the offer of $50 per hour for 4 hours a month. From Jan thru March the money will come from Contingency funds with changes made in the 2018 budget. The board also re-visited the need for Friends of the Library committee to help raise funds.
The secretary’s report from November was read. Will made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
E-rate Form 470 Filing Sessions: Classes are available, $50 per session. Also webinar is available. Since dates present scheduling conflicts, Will and Kathy will meet at library to watch the seminar that is posted online.
Book Donation: Bernadine Hines donated Republican Like Me: How I Left the Liberal Bubble and Learned to Love the Right by Ken Stern
Old Business
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Debi Dawson needs to submit certificates to Debby.
Ornament Making: In conjunction with the DNA Christmas Walk the NPL had a Christmas Tree Ornament event. Kathy, Judy, Debi and Margie Eisenbarth had stations for the children to make ornaments inspired by a children’s Christmas book. Will wore a Santa hat to entertain and Abby manned a hot cocoa station. About 20 children participated. If there is a Christmas Walk in 2018 the NPL will participate again with making ornaments.
E-Rate Matrix: Tabled until next month.
Insurance: There is a discrepancy in the description for unemployment insurance. A call to the main offices will be made by Will.
Last month’s correspondence included a notice from State Farm that rates will go up for the liability insurance. Debby contacted Country Financial for a bid. After comparing the bids Cynthia made the motion to stay with State Farm. The motion was seconded by Judy and all members voted yes.
Emergency Exit and Ceiling Vent: After a call from Debby, the city checked the south west Emergency Door. It had previously been sticking and was hard to open. During the November meeting, Will opened it but it took quite a bit of force. The workers could find no issues. They were also asked to fix a ceiling vent cover that was hanging down from the vent. The workers moved it closer to the ceiling but it is still not flush.
Real Estate Tax Monies Received: $44,988.62 was received and deposited into NPL accounts.
Library Foundation: Will spoke to Valerie Belusko at MCEDC about the Montgomery County Community Foundation. It is a fund that persons can make tax deductible donations to in the name of the NPL. The foundation handles all investments and paperwork. The library can then draw funds as needed.
Little Free Library: Instead of doing outdoor boxes and finding volunteers to take care of the boxes, it was decided that we would have a pilot program with shelves in a few businesses. Will plans on reaching out to Tim Brookshire at Ugly Mugs and the owner of the laundromat to see if they would participate. Kathy will contact Andrea Ruppert at Trends . NPL will provide the shelf and books that were not sold during the library’s book sale and ask that the businesses contact us when more books are needed.
New Business
Mandated Sexual Harassment Prohibition Policy: Kathy will use a sample policy and email it to trustees to review before the January meeting. The policy will also be available at the library a week before the meeting.
Christmas bonuses: Cynthia will contact Lynn Hamlin about donating turkeys/hams to give to the NPL employees. Will made the motion to give the same monetary bonuses as last year ($150 to Debbie and $50 each to Donna and Trista), Judy seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Librarian’s Report
Family Winter Reading Program: Twelve children participated in the stuffed animal sleepover. There were fewer that attended the Pioneer event. The Luau was a big success.
Vacuum Cleaner: Debby purchased a Shark Retail vac for $138.11. Props were given for coming in way under the $300 allotted for the purchase.
Silent Auction: There is a total of $205 (at last check) in bids from the silent auction to sell duplicate copies of NHS yearbooks
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant:
- Review Chapter 12 Safety from Serving our Public 3.0: The fifteen points were discussed and noted which NPL currently has compliance to and which do not. Plans were made to make updates to some of the current NPL policies.
- Points 2 thru 4 were tabled until Jan meeting.
Meeting Adjorned: The meeting was called by Kathy at 8:01
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 13, 2017
The following members were present: Jan, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
Visitors: None
The secretary’s report from October was read. Jan made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Note: Both the president, Kathy, and vice-president, Debi, were absent so Will conducted the meeting.
State Farm Insurance Bill, see New Business below
Old Business
Active Shooter Class: Debby reported on notes from the class that she, Trista and Donna attended on Oct, 16th. The main objective is to minimize loss. Instructions included common things about shooters, indicators, planning before an incident, actions to take when an incident should occur, have a rally point, and what to expect after the incident.
It is suggested that a bucket be kept in the place you will lock down. The bucket should contain items like water, granola bars, bandages, alcohol. The bucket will probably be kept in the storage room.
It was decided that the Casey’s would be the outdoor rally point for those who escape. There will be an allowance of 15 minutes to get to Casey’s, after that anyone not there will be considered missing.
There is a device called a wedgeit that is used to keep doors from being opened. When a room is in lock down it is shoved under the door making it close to impossible to open. The library needs three of them, each costing $8.50 for a total price of $25.50.
The emergency door on the south west corner of the library sticks, it is very hard to open and not adequate for an emergency situation. Debby will report this to the city.
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Will turned his certificates into Debby.
IT Research: The retired teacher that Pana Library uses for IT needs is not available for NPL to use. The St. Louis school uses Darren Fritz but he has not returned any of Debby’s messages. It is concerning that he is hard to contact but the hope is that if he was doing work for us that he would be more available.
Library Ambassadors and the Montgomery County Community Foundation: The foundation does not give out grants nor does it match funds. The purpose is donations received would be invested and instead of using principal the library would use the interest. The Foundation manages the accounts. Will is going to call his contact to verify this information.
Downtown Nokomis Association Christmas Walk: Kathy, Judy and Margie Eisenbarth are planning ornaments based on a children’s Christmas book. Instead of cookies, Abby has volunteered to have a hot cocoa bar outside. As the children leave they will be given a cup of cocoa and there will be marshmallows, whipped cream etc for them to add to their cups. Abby will contact Ugly Mugs etc to get the cups donated. Will is going to dress like the Grinch. Sales Superette Pizza is hosting “Eat With the Grinch and Rudolf” that evening. Will is going to contact them about the borrowing the costume and connecting the two events.
Winter Reading Program: Trista presented the ideas for this year’s program. There will be an event each week for six weeks. The first event is Nov 20th, at 6 pm there is a Pajama Party for children. They are encouraged to bring a stuffed animal that will spend the night at the library. The staff will take pictures of the animals doing fun things at the library; the pictures will be posted on social media sights. That evening there will also be a Fright Night starting at 7 for older children. Other events being planned are a luau, and a demonstration of e-books and how to use the site. Each event will give out chances to win a gift card. Abby made the motion that a $20 gift card for e-books be given as the prize on the e-rate evening, Judy seconded the motion and all members voted to accept the motion.
E-Rate Matrix: This topic was tabled.
New Business
Insurance Premium Increase: A new bill has an increase of $183. Debby will contact other Nokomis insurance agents for quotes.
Vacuum Cleaner: The library’s vacuum cleaner has stopped working. Jan made the motion that an allowance of $300 from the Cleaning & Maintenance budget will be used to purchase a new vacuum cleaner. Abby seconded the motion and the motion was carried by all members. Debby will purchase, if the opportunity arises she will purchase on either Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Selling Old Duplicate Yearbooks: The books will be displayed in the library window and sold in a silent auction. The starting bids will be set at $5. Anyone placing a bid will be able to use their library card number in lieu of their name, if they are a patron of NPL. An announcement will be placed on social media sites, newspapers and WSMI.
Volunteer at High School Library (12:30-2:30 pm): Volunteers are needed to help organize books at the NHS library. As the notice was sent in September it is not known if there is still a need for volunteers.
Librarian’s Report
Family Winter Reading Program: Two books that will be read during the Pajama Party are “Llama Llama Red Pajama and “Sophie and Sammy’s Library Sleepover”
Books with Old Copyright: There are many damaged books at the library that have old copyrights. The titles will be searched for value, those that have no real value will be discarded. Will also suggested that some of these books could be used in a “free library” like the program “Little Free Library” in New Orleans. Small decorated boxes can be posted in a volunteer’s yard, the boxes will hold books that can be taken for free and would not have to be returned. One test box could be placed in a high traffic area, across from Fred B. Johnson Park for example. The volunteer would take care of the box, insuring that there are books available, etc. A concern is that people would “return” due library books in the box(es) instead of taking them to the library. A suggestion was made the name of the program would include “teepee”, such as “Little Free Teepees”.
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant: Tabled until Kathy is present.
Meeting Adjourned: Jan made the motion to adjourn, Abby seconded the motion. The motion was passed by all members and the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 13, 2017
The following members were present: Jan, Judy, Cynthia, Abby, Will and Debby
Visitors: None
The secretary’s report from October was read. Jan made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Cynthia made a motion that it be accepted as written and Judy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Note: Both the president, Kathy, and vice-president, Debi, were absent so Will conducted the meeting.
State Farm Insurance Bill, see New Business below
Old Business
Active Shooter Class: Debby reported on notes from the class that she, Trista and Donna attended on Oct, 16th. The main objective is to minimize loss. Instructions included common things about shooters, indicators, planning before an incident, actions to take when an incident should occur, have a rally point, and what to expect after the incident.
It is suggested that a bucket be kept in the place you will lock down. The bucket should contain items like water, granola bars, bandages, alcohol. The bucket will probably be kept in the storage room.
It was decided that the Casey’s would be the outdoor rally point for those who escape. There will be an allowance of 15 minutes to get to Casey’s, after that anyone not there will be considered missing.
There is a device called a wedgeit that is used to keep doors from being opened. When a room is in lock down it is shoved under the door making it close to impossible to open. The library needs three of them, each costing $8.50 for a total price of $25.50.
The emergency door on the south west corner of the library sticks, it is very hard to open and not adequate for an emergency situation. Debby will report this to the city.
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act Training Certificates: Will turned his certificates into Debby.
IT Research: The retired teacher that Pana Library uses for IT needs is not available for NPL to use. The St. Louis school uses Darren Fritz but he has not returned any of Debby’s messages. It is concerning that he is hard to contact but the hope is that if he was doing work for us that he would be more available.
Library Ambassadors and the Montgomery County Community Foundation: The foundation does not give out grants nor does it match funds. The purpose is donations received would be invested and instead of using principal the library would use the interest. The Foundation manages the accounts. Will is going to call his contact to verify this information.
Downtown Nokomis Association Christmas Walk: Kathy, Judy and Margie Eisenbarth are planning ornaments based on a children’s Christmas book. Instead of cookies, Abby has volunteered to have a hot cocoa bar outside. As the children leave they will be given a cup of cocoa and there will be marshmallows, whipped cream etc for them to add to their cups. Abby will contact Ugly Mugs etc to get the cups donated. Will is going to dress like the Grinch. Sales Superette Pizza is hosting “Eat With the Grinch and Rudolf” that evening. Will is going to contact them about the borrowing the costume and connecting the two events.
Winter Reading Program: Trista presented the ideas for this year’s program. There will be an event each week for six weeks. The first event is Nov 20th, at 6 pm there is a Pajama Party for children. They are encouraged to bring a stuffed animal that will spend the night at the library. The staff will take pictures of the animals doing fun things at the library; the pictures will be posted on social media sights. That evening there will also be a Fright Night starting at 7 for older children. Other events being planned are a luau, and a demonstration of e-books and how to use the site. Each event will give out chances to win a gift card. Abby made the motion that a $20 gift card for e-books be given as the prize on the e-rate evening, Judy seconded the motion and all members voted to accept the motion.
E-Rate Matrix: This topic was tabled.
New Business
Insurance Premium Increase: A new bill has an increase of $183. Debby will contact other Nokomis insurance agents for quotes.
Vacuum Cleaner: The library’s vacuum cleaner has stopped working. Jan made the motion that an allowance of $300 from the Cleaning & Maintenance budget will be used to purchase a new vacuum cleaner. Abby seconded the motion and the motion was carried by all members. Debby will purchase, if the opportunity arises she will purchase on either Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Selling Old Duplicate Yearbooks: The books will be displayed in the library window and sold in a silent auction. The starting bids will be set at $5. Anyone placing a bid will be able to use their library card number in lieu of their name, if they are a patron of NPL. An announcement will be placed on social media sites, newspapers and WSMI.
Volunteer at High School Library (12:30-2:30 pm): Volunteers are needed to help organize books at the NHS library. As the notice was sent in September it is not known if there is still a need for volunteers.
Librarian’s Report
Family Winter Reading Program: Two books that will be read during the Pajama Party are “Llama Llama Red Pajama and “Sophie and Sammy’s Library Sleepover”
Books with Old Copyright: There are many damaged books at the library that have old copyrights. The titles will be searched for value, those that have no real value will be discarded. Will also suggested that some of these books could be used in a “free library” like the program “Little Free Library” in New Orleans. Small decorated boxes can be posted in a volunteer’s yard, the boxes will hold books that can be taken for free and would not have to be returned. One test box could be placed in a high traffic area, across from Fred B. Johnson Park for example. The volunteer would take care of the box, insuring that there are books available, etc. A concern is that people would “return” due library books in the box(es) instead of taking them to the library. A suggestion was made the name of the program would include “teepee”, such as “Little Free Teepees”.
President’s Report
Per Capita Grant: Tabled until Kathy is present.
Meeting Adjourned: Jan made the motion to adjourn, Abby seconded the motion. The motion was passed by all members and the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 9, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Debi, Jan, Judy, Cynthia, Abby
Visitors: None
The secretary’s report from September was read. Debi made a motion that it be accepted as written and Jan seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Debi made a motion that it be accepted as written and Jan seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
St. Louis Catholic School: Request for a donation for the silent auction during their Winter Wonderland. Debi made the motion to donate an out of district card. Cynthia seconded the motion. All members accept the motion.
Wareham’s Security bill: Debi offered to pay the bill
A flyer was sent to the library from Consolidated Communications Internet with the offer of 20 mbps at $56.95 a month for three years. The flyer will be kept as source material for E-rate program.
Old Business
Author Tea for J. Gasparich: Joe was happy with the event. It was attended by about 15 people and 20 books were sold. Kathy purchased a copy that she donated to NPL. Joe is working on another book about the 2016 fire that happened in Nokomis. It was agreed that more people might attend a signing for that book because of subject matter. Debi suggested that a reading by the author might bring more people. There were quite a few left over cookies that Trista took home to freeze and will use for the winter reading program party. Cynthia suggested that not all members need to bring cookies to the signings and that we should take turns.
Active Shooter Policy: tabled
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act training: Debi and Will need to submit certificates.
Librarian Training: All three of the librarians will attend on Monday Oct 16th. Kathy will work the circulation desk from 10 a.m. thru 2 p.m. that day. Kathy has questions and will ask Debby the week before. Debby had asked Kathy about mileage and lunches. Debi made the motion that the one mileage and three lunches should be paid for from library funds. Abby seconded the motion and all members accept the motion.
IT Research (checking with local libraries): Debby sent an email to several local libraries asking about the IT that they use. Pana library has a retired local teacher that takes care of all of their IT needs. Taylorville library uses Webware. Abby suggested that we should find out if the person that does the IT work for Pana would be interested in working for Nokomis on an hourly basis as needed. Debi asked about St. Louis school IT and Kathy will check with Deb Miller.
Projector Adapter: Debby has purchased per approval during Sept meeting.
New Business
Friends of the Library: Cynthia has learned of the Montgomery County Community Foundation. More information is needed but the idea is that non-government groups can receive money from the foundation. Since the board cannot receive the funds a committee could be formed for this purpose and to help with other library functions. Debi suggested that instead of calling the committee Friends of the Library a more apt name might be Library Ambassadors. The committee could also help with outreach to the community; maybe deliver books to patrons that cannot come to the library, etc. Kathy asked that we think of people that we could ask to volunteer.
Downtown Nokomis Association Christmas Walk: The DNA has asked if the board would have an ornament activity again this year for the Christmas Walk Dec 2nd or 9th. It was decided that ornaments would be made again. The ornaments will be based on children’s Christmas books. Debi, Kathy and Judy volunteered and Margie Eisenbarth will be asked to help again. Ashley Hubbard with be at the NWC craft show on Saturday and Kathy will get more details at that time.
Librarian’s Report
The librarians are planning a Family Winter Reading Program. Debby will explain more about the event at the next meeting. Trista spoke about several ideas about the program after the Author’s Tea, she will be asked to present to the board at the next meeting.
President’s Report
The three year contract with New Wave will be expiring soon. Kathy and Will will work on the matrix to present to the board and for E-rate purposes.
Cynthia, as President of the NWC, explained that there will be a collection box at Treats with Santa for used eye glasses and frames. The club is asking if they could also put a box in the library during the month of December. The board gave permission. The decorated box will have an explanation card on it, an article will be posted on the NPL fb page and submitted to the Free-Press.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:10 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 9, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Debi, Jan, Judy, Cynthia, Abby
Visitors: None
The secretary’s report from September was read. Debi made a motion that it be accepted as written and Jan seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Debi made a motion that it be accepted as written and Jan seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
St. Louis Catholic School: Request for a donation for the silent auction during their Winter Wonderland. Debi made the motion to donate an out of district card. Cynthia seconded the motion. All members accept the motion.
Wareham’s Security bill: Debi offered to pay the bill
A flyer was sent to the library from Consolidated Communications Internet with the offer of 20 mbps at $56.95 a month for three years. The flyer will be kept as source material for E-rate program.
Old Business
Author Tea for J. Gasparich: Joe was happy with the event. It was attended by about 15 people and 20 books were sold. Kathy purchased a copy that she donated to NPL. Joe is working on another book about the 2016 fire that happened in Nokomis. It was agreed that more people might attend a signing for that book because of subject matter. Debi suggested that a reading by the author might bring more people. There were quite a few left over cookies that Trista took home to freeze and will use for the winter reading program party. Cynthia suggested that not all members need to bring cookies to the signings and that we should take turns.
Active Shooter Policy: tabled
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act training: Debi and Will need to submit certificates.
Librarian Training: All three of the librarians will attend on Monday Oct 16th. Kathy will work the circulation desk from 10 a.m. thru 2 p.m. that day. Kathy has questions and will ask Debby the week before. Debby had asked Kathy about mileage and lunches. Debi made the motion that the one mileage and three lunches should be paid for from library funds. Abby seconded the motion and all members accept the motion.
IT Research (checking with local libraries): Debby sent an email to several local libraries asking about the IT that they use. Pana library has a retired local teacher that takes care of all of their IT needs. Taylorville library uses Webware. Abby suggested that we should find out if the person that does the IT work for Pana would be interested in working for Nokomis on an hourly basis as needed. Debi asked about St. Louis school IT and Kathy will check with Deb Miller.
Projector Adapter: Debby has purchased per approval during Sept meeting.
New Business
Friends of the Library: Cynthia has learned of the Montgomery County Community Foundation. More information is needed but the idea is that non-government groups can receive money from the foundation. Since the board cannot receive the funds a committee could be formed for this purpose and to help with other library functions. Debi suggested that instead of calling the committee Friends of the Library a more apt name might be Library Ambassadors. The committee could also help with outreach to the community; maybe deliver books to patrons that cannot come to the library, etc. Kathy asked that we think of people that we could ask to volunteer.
Downtown Nokomis Association Christmas Walk: The DNA has asked if the board would have an ornament activity again this year for the Christmas Walk Dec 2nd or 9th. It was decided that ornaments would be made again. The ornaments will be based on children’s Christmas books. Debi, Kathy and Judy volunteered and Margie Eisenbarth will be asked to help again. Ashley Hubbard with be at the NWC craft show on Saturday and Kathy will get more details at that time.
Librarian’s Report
The librarians are planning a Family Winter Reading Program. Debby will explain more about the event at the next meeting. Trista spoke about several ideas about the program after the Author’s Tea, she will be asked to present to the board at the next meeting.
President’s Report
The three year contract with New Wave will be expiring soon. Kathy and Will will work on the matrix to present to the board and for E-rate purposes.
Cynthia, as President of the NWC, explained that there will be a collection box at Treats with Santa for used eye glasses and frames. The club is asking if they could also put a box in the library during the month of December. The board gave permission. The decorated box will have an explanation card on it, an article will be posted on the NPL fb page and submitted to the Free-Press.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:10 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 11, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Jan, Abby, Cynthia, Will and librarian Debby
Visitors: Mike Nelms, Director of Strategic Partnerships, and Brad Blatter, Technician, of Lazerware
Lazerware presented the services they can provide (see notes below in Old Business)
The secretary’s report from Aug was read. Abby moved that it be accepted as written and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy moved that it be accepted as written and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
AT&T Internet: Notice that AT&T Internet is deploying high speed internet access services. Sales reps are available for questions at
Old Business
Active Shooter Policy: tabled
J. Gasparich author signing at the library (Sep 23rd 9:30 – 11:30): Abby, Judy and Cynthia will set up and stay for the signing. They need to set up a table for the author and one for treats. Kool –aid and cookies will be served.
Lazerware: (Note: Mike Nelms and Brad Blatter) presented at the beginning of the meeting.) The introduction letter, projected needs and bid for the coverage and hardware are attached. Mike and Brad previously surveyed the library’s current hardware, software and usage. They described how Lazerware could improve the system, help with the upkeep and IT needs. If service is needed Brad could be available within 24 hours. Rapid Replacement Program (RRP) is included, if they cannot fix a PC or covered peripheral, the item will be replaced immediately so that the item can be serviced with no down time. As new hardware is needed Lazerware will replace with an upgraded item. It was pointed out that Polaris would run much better with the better connection that they can provide. Although a one year contract is signed, the library can stop the service at any time, Lazerware will absorb any loss. The bid that was given is based on nine computers and full service. The plan can be altered to fit needs, fewer computers covered, less coverage, etc. Brad mentioned several libraries in his service area and encouraged contacting them regarding their experience with Lazerware.
Discussion regarding Lazerware: Are there competitors, other companies that can provide the same services? The service is expensive, there is no money in the current budget for the bid as given. To cut down the cost the service could cover just the computers at front desk and Debby’s desk, and not purchase all of the hardware as need arises from Lazerware. Is there a need for using Lazerware for IT services? Abby said that Chris Huff can be called at anytime for help needed. Lazerware uses Kaspersky Antivirus (KAV) for security because they can adapt the software to meet their program needs. Using KAV was brought into question as the company is currently under suspicion of having ties with Russia. Do we want a security system that could potentially have problems? The positives of using Lazerware include better wireless connections, information provided to help write grants relating to technology projects, and Polaris running better. Decision on contracting with Lazerware is tabled until more information can be obtained. Debby will contact other libraries in the area to ask what companies, if any, they use for the same services. Judy has a contact at the library in Litchfield that she will reach out to. Cynthia will contact the library in Bunker Hill, it is a smaller library and has a contract with Lazerware.
New Business
Projector (adapter): Debby reported that a patron rented the projector but that the connection would not work with their home computer. She requested approval to purchase the needed adapter so that this issue will not happen in the future. Will made the motion to approve the purchase, Jan seconded and all members approved.
Librarian’s Report
Summer Reading Program: Seventy-one K-12th graders and sixteen 2-5 year olds participated. Sheets were turned in by thirty-five of the K-12th graders and six of the 2-5 year olds. Debby read the list of companies and individuals that donated monies and prizes to the program.
Reading Program Pizza Party: The party was attended by forty-seven. The pizza was donated by Sales Superette Pizza, soft drinks and ice were donated by UJ’s.
President’s Report
Book Donation: LIG Nex1 donated the book “Korea Reborn, A Grateful Nation”
The Montgomery and Macoupin Counties library community has been invited to attend “Active Shooter” and “Bloodbourne Pathogen” training on Monday, October 16that the Litchfield Community Center in Litchfield. It was felt that this training would be a benefit to our library employees. They will register and attend. Kathy will man the circulation desk, thus keeping the library open for business.
Meeting Adjorned: 6:38 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 11, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Judy, Jan, Abby, Cynthia, Will and librarian Debby
Visitors: Mike Nelms, Director of Strategic Partnerships, and Brad Blatter, Technician, of Lazerware
Lazerware presented the services they can provide (see notes below in Old Business)
The secretary’s report from Aug was read. Abby moved that it be accepted as written and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Judy moved that it be accepted as written and Will seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
AT&T Internet: Notice that AT&T Internet is deploying high speed internet access services. Sales reps are available for questions at
Old Business
Active Shooter Policy: tabled
J. Gasparich author signing at the library (Sep 23rd 9:30 – 11:30): Abby, Judy and Cynthia will set up and stay for the signing. They need to set up a table for the author and one for treats. Kool –aid and cookies will be served.
Lazerware: (Note: Mike Nelms and Brad Blatter) presented at the beginning of the meeting.) The introduction letter, projected needs and bid for the coverage and hardware are attached. Mike and Brad previously surveyed the library’s current hardware, software and usage. They described how Lazerware could improve the system, help with the upkeep and IT needs. If service is needed Brad could be available within 24 hours. Rapid Replacement Program (RRP) is included, if they cannot fix a PC or covered peripheral, the item will be replaced immediately so that the item can be serviced with no down time. As new hardware is needed Lazerware will replace with an upgraded item. It was pointed out that Polaris would run much better with the better connection that they can provide. Although a one year contract is signed, the library can stop the service at any time, Lazerware will absorb any loss. The bid that was given is based on nine computers and full service. The plan can be altered to fit needs, fewer computers covered, less coverage, etc. Brad mentioned several libraries in his service area and encouraged contacting them regarding their experience with Lazerware.
Discussion regarding Lazerware: Are there competitors, other companies that can provide the same services? The service is expensive, there is no money in the current budget for the bid as given. To cut down the cost the service could cover just the computers at front desk and Debby’s desk, and not purchase all of the hardware as need arises from Lazerware. Is there a need for using Lazerware for IT services? Abby said that Chris Huff can be called at anytime for help needed. Lazerware uses Kaspersky Antivirus (KAV) for security because they can adapt the software to meet their program needs. Using KAV was brought into question as the company is currently under suspicion of having ties with Russia. Do we want a security system that could potentially have problems? The positives of using Lazerware include better wireless connections, information provided to help write grants relating to technology projects, and Polaris running better. Decision on contracting with Lazerware is tabled until more information can be obtained. Debby will contact other libraries in the area to ask what companies, if any, they use for the same services. Judy has a contact at the library in Litchfield that she will reach out to. Cynthia will contact the library in Bunker Hill, it is a smaller library and has a contract with Lazerware.
New Business
Projector (adapter): Debby reported that a patron rented the projector but that the connection would not work with their home computer. She requested approval to purchase the needed adapter so that this issue will not happen in the future. Will made the motion to approve the purchase, Jan seconded and all members approved.
Librarian’s Report
Summer Reading Program: Seventy-one K-12th graders and sixteen 2-5 year olds participated. Sheets were turned in by thirty-five of the K-12th graders and six of the 2-5 year olds. Debby read the list of companies and individuals that donated monies and prizes to the program.
Reading Program Pizza Party: The party was attended by forty-seven. The pizza was donated by Sales Superette Pizza, soft drinks and ice were donated by UJ’s.
President’s Report
Book Donation: LIG Nex1 donated the book “Korea Reborn, A Grateful Nation”
The Montgomery and Macoupin Counties library community has been invited to attend “Active Shooter” and “Bloodbourne Pathogen” training on Monday, October 16that the Litchfield Community Center in Litchfield. It was felt that this training would be a benefit to our library employees. They will register and attend. Kathy will man the circulation desk, thus keeping the library open for business.
Meeting Adjorned: 6:38 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 14, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from July was read. The motion to accept the minutes was made by Will and seconded by Jan. The following members voted to accept the minutes: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
The treasurer’s report from July was read. The motion to accept the report was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. The following members voted to accept the report: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
The Circulation Report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Correspondence: A letter was received from Sandy Leitheiser, the Montgomery County Clerk, regarding the Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
Old Business:
E-rate Program Webinars: Kathy and Will are meeting at 3 pm Tuesday the 15th to view.
Active Shooter Policy (panic buttons): Cynthia stated that the cost of the panic buttons will be $245 not $350 as previously stated. Debby voiced concern about the fact that the alarm buttons are only monitored until 4:00 pm when the police department’s dispatcher gets off work. She called Wareham’s and they had no solution for the issue. The board discussed, and at the moment there is no resolution to the problem. The alarm is monitored for the majority of the time the library is open.
J. Gasparich author signing at the library: The signing will be held Saturday Sept 23 from 9:30 to 11:30 am. The library will do the publicity. Kathy and Jan will set up for the signing. Board members are to bring a dozen cookies/treats to serve. Kool-Aid mix leftover from the Summer Reading Kick-off will also be served.
Patron Conduct Code: The code was written by Kathy. The motion to accept it as written was made by Debi and seconded by Will. The following members voted to accept the code: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
Hoopla: The library streaming service was explained. A letter of review from another library that offers the service was read. The service has a start-up cost of $6,000. The pros and cons of the service and the cost were discussed. Debi made the motion to table the matter.
New Business:
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act training: All trustees are required to take the training for both Acts. After completion of each training a certificate will be awarded. The certificate should be brought to the library and given to Debby before the Sept board meeting.
Lazerware: Debby met Mike Nelms, the director of Strategic Partnerships, at the regional conference. Lazerware offers products hardware, software and support technicians geared towards libraries. The company has offered a free audit of NPL current hardware and infrastructure, they will make recommendations for improvement if any is needed.
Librarian’s Report:
Animal Tales program: The program was attended by 45 children and adults. It was well received. Some of the animals that were brought included a wolf, a snake, a chinchilla as well as others.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 14, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from July was read. The motion to accept the minutes was made by Will and seconded by Jan. The following members voted to accept the minutes: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
The treasurer’s report from July was read. The motion to accept the report was made by Cynthia and seconded by Judy. The following members voted to accept the report: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
The Circulation Report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Correspondence: A letter was received from Sandy Leitheiser, the Montgomery County Clerk, regarding the Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
Old Business:
E-rate Program Webinars: Kathy and Will are meeting at 3 pm Tuesday the 15th to view.
Active Shooter Policy (panic buttons): Cynthia stated that the cost of the panic buttons will be $245 not $350 as previously stated. Debby voiced concern about the fact that the alarm buttons are only monitored until 4:00 pm when the police department’s dispatcher gets off work. She called Wareham’s and they had no solution for the issue. The board discussed, and at the moment there is no resolution to the problem. The alarm is monitored for the majority of the time the library is open.
J. Gasparich author signing at the library: The signing will be held Saturday Sept 23 from 9:30 to 11:30 am. The library will do the publicity. Kathy and Jan will set up for the signing. Board members are to bring a dozen cookies/treats to serve. Kool-Aid mix leftover from the Summer Reading Kick-off will also be served.
Patron Conduct Code: The code was written by Kathy. The motion to accept it as written was made by Debi and seconded by Will. The following members voted to accept the code: Kathy, Jan, Judy, Will, Cynthia, Abby, Debi
Hoopla: The library streaming service was explained. A letter of review from another library that offers the service was read. The service has a start-up cost of $6,000. The pros and cons of the service and the cost were discussed. Debi made the motion to table the matter.
New Business:
Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act training: All trustees are required to take the training for both Acts. After completion of each training a certificate will be awarded. The certificate should be brought to the library and given to Debby before the Sept board meeting.
Lazerware: Debby met Mike Nelms, the director of Strategic Partnerships, at the regional conference. Lazerware offers products hardware, software and support technicians geared towards libraries. The company has offered a free audit of NPL current hardware and infrastructure, they will make recommendations for improvement if any is needed.
Librarian’s Report:
Animal Tales program: The program was attended by 45 children and adults. It was well received. Some of the animals that were brought included a wolf, a snake, a chinchilla as well as others.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 10, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou, Cynthia and librarian Debby
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from May was read. The following members voted to accept the minutes: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou and Cynthia
The treasurer’s report was read. The following members voted to accept the report: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou and Cynthia
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Correspondence IHLS has a new logo. Kathy read the letter and showed the logo.
Old Business
e-Rate Program Webinars: is available
Active Shooter Policy (panic buttons): Kathy sent a letter to the city council for approval to piggy back into the system they have in place. They said yes we may. Cynthia will call Wareham’s Security and give them approval. She will ask the contact to call Debby to schedule the work. The cost is $240 for 2 panic devices and $140 for installation, testing and programming. The total sum is $380.
Newspaper column: Cynthia has put on hold because of availability to write.
Montgomery County Agricultural Literacy Program: Summer library Program featuring Inventor’s Secret What Thomas Edison told Henry Ford. Student inventors will read and then build a marshmallow cannon. The program is free and will be held July 26th from 10:00 to 11:00 am.
Joe Gasparich author signing at the library: Dates he suggested are Sept 16 or Sept 23. We chose Sept 23 from 9:30 to 11:30. Need decision on who will do the publicity, author or library? Each trustee is to bring treats. Lou has kool-aid left from the summer reading kick-off that she will bring.
Sex Offenders in the Library (policy): The children’s area will be posted as such. Adults should be with a child. If not they cannot loiter. If need be, the librarian will explain the policy and escort the offender out of the library. Kathy will write up the official policy and bring to the Aug meeting.
T-shirt sales: The shirts should be available the week of Jul 17th. Cynthia will pick up, sort and bring to the library. Profit from the sales is $160
e-Rate funding 2017: Will receive $960 for Internet reimbursement.
Real Estate Taxes: On July 3rd the library received $9,717.61 ($8, 574.36 for the library and $1,143.25 for the library building.) The estimate for total to be received is $45,559.69
Hoopla: Cynthia was asked by patron Jayna Bauer about a program called Hoopla. It lets patrons of the library stream movies, music and books to their personal devices. Debby will research.
Librarian’s Report
Plaques: They are finished and will cost $400
President’s Report
Library Trustee seats: Kathy welcomed Abby Huff and Judy Rupert as appointed trustees. Cynthia made the motion to ask Jan Foster to fill the third (and last) seat. Lou seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members.
Lou made the motion to end the meeting, Abby seconded and all members approved. The meeting ended at 5:55 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 10, 2017
The following members were present: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou, Cynthia and librarian Debby
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from May was read. The following members voted to accept the minutes: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou and Cynthia
The treasurer’s report was read. The following members voted to accept the report: Kathy, Abby, Judy, Lou and Cynthia
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Correspondence IHLS has a new logo. Kathy read the letter and showed the logo.
Old Business
e-Rate Program Webinars: is available
Active Shooter Policy (panic buttons): Kathy sent a letter to the city council for approval to piggy back into the system they have in place. They said yes we may. Cynthia will call Wareham’s Security and give them approval. She will ask the contact to call Debby to schedule the work. The cost is $240 for 2 panic devices and $140 for installation, testing and programming. The total sum is $380.
Newspaper column: Cynthia has put on hold because of availability to write.
Montgomery County Agricultural Literacy Program: Summer library Program featuring Inventor’s Secret What Thomas Edison told Henry Ford. Student inventors will read and then build a marshmallow cannon. The program is free and will be held July 26th from 10:00 to 11:00 am.
Joe Gasparich author signing at the library: Dates he suggested are Sept 16 or Sept 23. We chose Sept 23 from 9:30 to 11:30. Need decision on who will do the publicity, author or library? Each trustee is to bring treats. Lou has kool-aid left from the summer reading kick-off that she will bring.
Sex Offenders in the Library (policy): The children’s area will be posted as such. Adults should be with a child. If not they cannot loiter. If need be, the librarian will explain the policy and escort the offender out of the library. Kathy will write up the official policy and bring to the Aug meeting.
T-shirt sales: The shirts should be available the week of Jul 17th. Cynthia will pick up, sort and bring to the library. Profit from the sales is $160
e-Rate funding 2017: Will receive $960 for Internet reimbursement.
Real Estate Taxes: On July 3rd the library received $9,717.61 ($8, 574.36 for the library and $1,143.25 for the library building.) The estimate for total to be received is $45,559.69
Hoopla: Cynthia was asked by patron Jayna Bauer about a program called Hoopla. It lets patrons of the library stream movies, music and books to their personal devices. Debby will research.
Librarian’s Report
Plaques: They are finished and will cost $400
President’s Report
Library Trustee seats: Kathy welcomed Abby Huff and Judy Rupert as appointed trustees. Cynthia made the motion to ask Jan Foster to fill the third (and last) seat. Lou seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members.
Lou made the motion to end the meeting, Abby seconded and all members approved. The meeting ended at 5:55 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
Jun 12, 2017
Roll Call: Kathy, Lou, Cynthia, Debbie
Guests attending: Jake Leonard and Abby Huff
Minutes: Spelling update, motion to approve by Lou , seconded Cynthia. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report: motion to approve by Lou, seconded Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation report: Kathy read and is attached
Correspondence: Donna Mansfield memorial donation from Class of 1956, the novel Heretic by Ayaam Hirsi Ali
E-rate Program Webinars: E-rate for beginners will be held Tuesday Aug 15th 3pm
Penguin Random House book donation Radical Hope, Letters of Love and Dissent in Dangerous Times
Old Business: Active Shooter Policy- Debi makes the motion that we get 2 panic buttons on lanyards with contingency of City Council approval, Lou seconded. Upon approval Cynthia will contact Wareham’s Security. Debi has graciously offered to pay for the devices and installation. Kathy is sending letter to city council.
Newspaper column- no progress
Fund Raiser- 17 t-shirts were purchased, Cynthia will order this week.
Collaboration Montgomery County Extension- Had the 3D printing glass at the kickoff, 5 children attended.
eRead Illinois Renewal-Not going with the Cloud library because we do not have enough bar coded. We will at another date.
New Business: J. Gasparich requesting an author signing at the library for his book Trial and Commitment. Debby will get a couple of potential dates from Joe
Montgomery County Agricultural Literacy Program- Summary Library Program featuring Inventor’s Secret What Thomas Edison told Henry Ford. Student inventors will build inventions. Debby will contact them to set up a date.
Sex Offenders in the Library policy- State askes that we set up Children Areas and sex offenders will not be allowed in that area. Debby will look for model policies.
Annual Non-Resident Fee- Debby calculated what the fee should be based on a residency and taxes. The amount Debby came up with was $32.48. We will stay with the fee of $35 and we will continue to offer non-residency cards.
Prevailing Wage Ordinance-The state requires that we pass the ordinance. Sandy Leitheiser will publish the ordinance. Lou motioned that we pass the Prevailing Wage Ordinance and Cynthia seconded the motion. Motion approved
Librarians Report: Summer reading program received another donation $100 from Country Financial.
Reading program kickoff- Approximately ninety people attended. Currently, fifty-one children signed up for the K-12. Sixteen signed up for the 2-5 year old and twenty-seven families for the Community reading program (Book Explorers)
Our electronic books may not transfer to the Cloud. Decision tabled.
The Board went into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m.
Board came out of Executive Session at 6.50.
A motion to only fill 2 spots by Debi, seconded by Lou
Lou made motion to offer spots to Abby Huff and Judy Rupert, Debi seconded
Adjournment: Debi motioned to adjourn 6:55, Lou seconded motion.
Jun 12, 2017
Roll Call: Kathy, Lou, Cynthia, Debbie
Guests attending: Jake Leonard and Abby Huff
Minutes: Spelling update, motion to approve by Lou , seconded Cynthia. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report: motion to approve by Lou, seconded Debi. Motion carried.
Circulation report: Kathy read and is attached
Correspondence: Donna Mansfield memorial donation from Class of 1956, the novel Heretic by Ayaam Hirsi Ali
E-rate Program Webinars: E-rate for beginners will be held Tuesday Aug 15th 3pm
Penguin Random House book donation Radical Hope, Letters of Love and Dissent in Dangerous Times
Old Business: Active Shooter Policy- Debi makes the motion that we get 2 panic buttons on lanyards with contingency of City Council approval, Lou seconded. Upon approval Cynthia will contact Wareham’s Security. Debi has graciously offered to pay for the devices and installation. Kathy is sending letter to city council.
Newspaper column- no progress
Fund Raiser- 17 t-shirts were purchased, Cynthia will order this week.
Collaboration Montgomery County Extension- Had the 3D printing glass at the kickoff, 5 children attended.
eRead Illinois Renewal-Not going with the Cloud library because we do not have enough bar coded. We will at another date.
New Business: J. Gasparich requesting an author signing at the library for his book Trial and Commitment. Debby will get a couple of potential dates from Joe
Montgomery County Agricultural Literacy Program- Summary Library Program featuring Inventor’s Secret What Thomas Edison told Henry Ford. Student inventors will build inventions. Debby will contact them to set up a date.
Sex Offenders in the Library policy- State askes that we set up Children Areas and sex offenders will not be allowed in that area. Debby will look for model policies.
Annual Non-Resident Fee- Debby calculated what the fee should be based on a residency and taxes. The amount Debby came up with was $32.48. We will stay with the fee of $35 and we will continue to offer non-residency cards.
Prevailing Wage Ordinance-The state requires that we pass the ordinance. Sandy Leitheiser will publish the ordinance. Lou motioned that we pass the Prevailing Wage Ordinance and Cynthia seconded the motion. Motion approved
Librarians Report: Summer reading program received another donation $100 from Country Financial.
Reading program kickoff- Approximately ninety people attended. Currently, fifty-one children signed up for the K-12. Sixteen signed up for the 2-5 year old and twenty-seven families for the Community reading program (Book Explorers)
Our electronic books may not transfer to the Cloud. Decision tabled.
The Board went into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m.
Board came out of Executive Session at 6.50.
A motion to only fill 2 spots by Debi, seconded by Lou
Lou made motion to offer spots to Abby Huff and Judy Rupert, Debi seconded
Adjournment: Debi motioned to adjourn 6:55, Lou seconded motion.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 8, 2017
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Will and Librarian Debby Lehman
There were visitors: Jake Leonard, Judy Rupert
The secretary’s report from April was read. Kathy moved it be accepted as written and Debi seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Nancy. The motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy. Motion carried.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
There was no correspondence.
Old Business
The Active Shooter Policy was discussed. Debby got a quote from the city for the cost of having a panic button installed from the circulation desk to the police department. The city already has 2 installed, and it cost them $1,000. It would cost us about half that amount for one button.
Cynthia has gotten several names to follow up for the newspaper column. She will follow up with them.
Kathy delivered the letter about setting up a cooperative program to the library aid at the elementary school and discussed the idea with her.
The summer reading program/ t shirt fundraiser was discussed. Cynthia and Kathy presented the proposed design to the board. Kathy presented an overview of the summer reading program. The open design was chosen for the t shirt and it was decided to sell them for $15 each.
A discussion was held about whether to sell doughnuts this year. There will not be enough board members around to have the sale this year.
Cynthia reported on the collaboration with the BRS Museum. There is nothing new about this now.
Collaboration with the Montgomery Extension office was discussed. They will do some things at our kick-off for the summer reading program. It is probable that we can have other activities with them.
E-read Illinois Renewal was discussed. Kathy moved that the library switch from Baker and Taylor’s Title Source for ebooks to Polaris Cloud Library. Debi seconded. The following voted yes: Debi, Wll, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy, Lou.
Lou discussed the IHLS Member Day. It was a nice day. There were venders with free give aways. There was one big meeting with helpful ideas about how to be proactive for your library. We are asked to contact legislators about not freezing property taxes. There were breakout sessions in the afternoon.
Debby reported that IPLAR has been filed.
New Business
The members of the board canvassed the votes from the election.
Will, Cynthia and Debi took the oath of office.
The OCLC Contract renewal was discussed. The cost is $194.31 for a year. Debi moved and Cynthia seconded that we remain members of OCLC. The following voted yes: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy and Lou.
The following officers were elected for the coming year: President – Kathy, Vice President-Debi, Secretary – Cynthia, Treasurer – Will. The following voted to elect these officers: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy, Lou.
A discussion was held about filling empty trustee seats.
Kathy presented an idea that Margie would like to do with children this summer for an art program with children aged 5 – 10. She would have a limit of 10 children at each session. The board agreed and will charge children a dollar for each class they attend, with the balance being covered by the library. Cynthia moved we have Margie present this class, Kathy seconded and the following voted yes: Debi, Cynthia, Will, Nancy, Lou.
Librarian’s Report
There were donations made to the library from the following groups fir the Summer Reading Program: Casey’s, Pana Community Hospital, Nokomis Woman’s Club, Live Wives, A. F. & A. M.
Debby would like to have a special program during the summer reading program again this year.
A patron has volunteered to help pay to digitize newspaper microfilm. A discussion was held about what this would mean, as well as where we could get this done.
President’s Report
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40.
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 8, 2017
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Debi, Kathy, Cynthia, Will and Librarian Debby Lehman
There were visitors: Jake Leonard, Judy Rupert
The secretary’s report from April was read. Kathy moved it be accepted as written and Debi seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Nancy. The motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy. Motion carried.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
There was no correspondence.
Old Business
The Active Shooter Policy was discussed. Debby got a quote from the city for the cost of having a panic button installed from the circulation desk to the police department. The city already has 2 installed, and it cost them $1,000. It would cost us about half that amount for one button.
Cynthia has gotten several names to follow up for the newspaper column. She will follow up with them.
Kathy delivered the letter about setting up a cooperative program to the library aid at the elementary school and discussed the idea with her.
The summer reading program/ t shirt fundraiser was discussed. Cynthia and Kathy presented the proposed design to the board. Kathy presented an overview of the summer reading program. The open design was chosen for the t shirt and it was decided to sell them for $15 each.
A discussion was held about whether to sell doughnuts this year. There will not be enough board members around to have the sale this year.
Cynthia reported on the collaboration with the BRS Museum. There is nothing new about this now.
Collaboration with the Montgomery Extension office was discussed. They will do some things at our kick-off for the summer reading program. It is probable that we can have other activities with them.
E-read Illinois Renewal was discussed. Kathy moved that the library switch from Baker and Taylor’s Title Source for ebooks to Polaris Cloud Library. Debi seconded. The following voted yes: Debi, Wll, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy, Lou.
Lou discussed the IHLS Member Day. It was a nice day. There were venders with free give aways. There was one big meeting with helpful ideas about how to be proactive for your library. We are asked to contact legislators about not freezing property taxes. There were breakout sessions in the afternoon.
Debby reported that IPLAR has been filed.
New Business
The members of the board canvassed the votes from the election.
Will, Cynthia and Debi took the oath of office.
The OCLC Contract renewal was discussed. The cost is $194.31 for a year. Debi moved and Cynthia seconded that we remain members of OCLC. The following voted yes: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy and Lou.
The following officers were elected for the coming year: President – Kathy, Vice President-Debi, Secretary – Cynthia, Treasurer – Will. The following voted to elect these officers: Debi, Will, Cynthia, Kathy, Nancy, Lou.
A discussion was held about filling empty trustee seats.
Kathy presented an idea that Margie would like to do with children this summer for an art program with children aged 5 – 10. She would have a limit of 10 children at each session. The board agreed and will charge children a dollar for each class they attend, with the balance being covered by the library. Cynthia moved we have Margie present this class, Kathy seconded and the following voted yes: Debi, Cynthia, Will, Nancy, Lou.
Librarian’s Report
There were donations made to the library from the following groups fir the Summer Reading Program: Casey’s, Pana Community Hospital, Nokomis Woman’s Club, Live Wives, A. F. & A. M.
Debby would like to have a special program during the summer reading program again this year.
A patron has volunteered to help pay to digitize newspaper microfilm. A discussion was held about what this would mean, as well as where we could get this done.
President’s Report
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40.
Nokomis Public Library Board meeting
April 10, 2017
Members present: Lou, Cynthia, Nancy, Will, and librarian Deb.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Nancy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
A letter was received from the United States Dept. Commerce, US Census Bureau. Deb has filled out and returned.
Illinois State Board of Education regarding childhood hunger requesting us to serve breakfast. We do not have the facilities. First Baptist will be doing this.
Bernadine Hines sent a reply to the library’s Reading Program’s request for donations. She made a $2000.00 dollar donation to the library, with a portion to go to the reading program.
IHLS Membership Day agenda was received.
Old Business
The Active Shooter policy is tabled.
Deb shared the letter she sent to the township along with the budget for 2017-2018.
Cynthia’s newspaper article sign-up sheet was given to Deb to put out.
Fundraisers: T-shirts order 50+ for $7.00. Cynthia will pay $15 set up fee. We will discuss more at the next meeting.
Summer Reading Program Kick-off … June 3, 10 am – 1pm Need sign-up, sell shirt, food, serve food workers from library. See Lou for planning notes.
Deb contacted the Montgomery County Extension about collaborating summer programs. They have 3D printing, robots, legos, etc., for programs. Deb is going to call Aleisha Hughes to plan summer activities. Will agreed to help with the programs.
Yearbooks were returned along with the DVDs. Deb is going to submit article for Free-Press.
New Business:
eRead Illinois Renewal cost will be approximately $371.48. Nancy made a motion to renew, and Will seconded. All voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
Sharon Satterlee Memorial donations are at $1000.
Reading Program donor names were read.
The library has barcoded a total of 13,639 items.
We received a letter stating our Per Capita Grant will be funded for $2281.96.
President’s Report
Lou is planning to move to Springfield.
Meeting adjourned at 6:18 PM
April 10, 2017
Members present: Lou, Cynthia, Nancy, Will, and librarian Deb.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Nancy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
A letter was received from the United States Dept. Commerce, US Census Bureau. Deb has filled out and returned.
Illinois State Board of Education regarding childhood hunger requesting us to serve breakfast. We do not have the facilities. First Baptist will be doing this.
Bernadine Hines sent a reply to the library’s Reading Program’s request for donations. She made a $2000.00 dollar donation to the library, with a portion to go to the reading program.
IHLS Membership Day agenda was received.
Old Business
The Active Shooter policy is tabled.
Deb shared the letter she sent to the township along with the budget for 2017-2018.
Cynthia’s newspaper article sign-up sheet was given to Deb to put out.
Fundraisers: T-shirts order 50+ for $7.00. Cynthia will pay $15 set up fee. We will discuss more at the next meeting.
Summer Reading Program Kick-off … June 3, 10 am – 1pm Need sign-up, sell shirt, food, serve food workers from library. See Lou for planning notes.
Deb contacted the Montgomery County Extension about collaborating summer programs. They have 3D printing, robots, legos, etc., for programs. Deb is going to call Aleisha Hughes to plan summer activities. Will agreed to help with the programs.
Yearbooks were returned along with the DVDs. Deb is going to submit article for Free-Press.
New Business:
eRead Illinois Renewal cost will be approximately $371.48. Nancy made a motion to renew, and Will seconded. All voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
Sharon Satterlee Memorial donations are at $1000.
Reading Program donor names were read.
The library has barcoded a total of 13,639 items.
We received a letter stating our Per Capita Grant will be funded for $2281.96.
President’s Report
Lou is planning to move to Springfield.
Meeting adjourned at 6:18 PM
Nokomis Public library Board meeting
March 13, 2017
Members present: Kathy, Cynthia, Lou, Nancy, Will, and librarian Debby.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved as corrected. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Kathy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
The following correspondence was received:
A flyer was received from Illinois Heartland Library System about Member Day. Lou and Debby will attend the meeting in Effingham.
Old Business
The Local Government Travel Expense and Control Act was presented as amended. A copy of the policy is on file in the library. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded that we accept this policy. All present voted yes to the policy presented.
The Active Shooter policy is tabled.
The revised privacy policy was read and discussed. Cynthia moved and Will seconded that we accept this policy. All present voted yes.
Will suggested that we ask the bank to underwrite the cost of out of district library cards to offer to patrons to use. Lou will ask Ed Heck about doing this.
Kathy has finished drafting the letter to the school library aide. She will deliver it tomorrow.
Debby asked Will to show her how to save Montgomery Genealogical Society’s newsletter on the cloud, and be able to share it.
Kathy and Cynthia presented their work about the t-shirt fundraiser and the opening of the summer reading program. The theme is Explore Books and it would tie in to local businesses. Cynthia will have more information about the t-shirts at our next meeting.
June 1 is the target date for the Summer Reading Program kickoff.
Kathy will go to the Downtown Nokomis group’s next meeting to talk about the summer reading program theme with them.
Cynthia reported on the collaboration with the BRS.
The Art Show was discussed.
New Business:
The Montgomery County Farm Bureau Woman’s Committee donated a copy of the Montgomery County 2017 Plat Book.
Debby reported on the OCLC Global Council 2017 Elections.
A copy of the proposed budget was presented. Kathy moved that we accept the proposed budget, and Will seconded the motion. Voting yes was: Lou, Will, Cynthia, Nancy and Kathy.
The library has received $980 in memorial donations in memory of Sharon Satterlee.
Lou will ask Doris O’Malley if she will serve on the board to replace Sharon.
Librarian’s Report
The library has received $980 in memorial donations in memory of Sharon Satterlee.
Debby asked Amazon about being a recipient of Amazon Smile money. Since our tax status is through the township it is not clear that we can pursue this.
Debby reported that other libraries have kits like robots, gizmos, and others to have events for children. It was discussed having 3 d printers and other events through the Montgomery County Home Extension office.
President’s Report
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM
March 13, 2017
Members present: Kathy, Cynthia, Lou, Nancy, Will, and librarian Debby.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved as corrected. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Kathy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
The following correspondence was received:
A flyer was received from Illinois Heartland Library System about Member Day. Lou and Debby will attend the meeting in Effingham.
Old Business
The Local Government Travel Expense and Control Act was presented as amended. A copy of the policy is on file in the library. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded that we accept this policy. All present voted yes to the policy presented.
The Active Shooter policy is tabled.
The revised privacy policy was read and discussed. Cynthia moved and Will seconded that we accept this policy. All present voted yes.
Will suggested that we ask the bank to underwrite the cost of out of district library cards to offer to patrons to use. Lou will ask Ed Heck about doing this.
Kathy has finished drafting the letter to the school library aide. She will deliver it tomorrow.
Debby asked Will to show her how to save Montgomery Genealogical Society’s newsletter on the cloud, and be able to share it.
Kathy and Cynthia presented their work about the t-shirt fundraiser and the opening of the summer reading program. The theme is Explore Books and it would tie in to local businesses. Cynthia will have more information about the t-shirts at our next meeting.
June 1 is the target date for the Summer Reading Program kickoff.
Kathy will go to the Downtown Nokomis group’s next meeting to talk about the summer reading program theme with them.
Cynthia reported on the collaboration with the BRS.
The Art Show was discussed.
New Business:
The Montgomery County Farm Bureau Woman’s Committee donated a copy of the Montgomery County 2017 Plat Book.
Debby reported on the OCLC Global Council 2017 Elections.
A copy of the proposed budget was presented. Kathy moved that we accept the proposed budget, and Will seconded the motion. Voting yes was: Lou, Will, Cynthia, Nancy and Kathy.
The library has received $980 in memorial donations in memory of Sharon Satterlee.
Lou will ask Doris O’Malley if she will serve on the board to replace Sharon.
Librarian’s Report
The library has received $980 in memorial donations in memory of Sharon Satterlee.
Debby asked Amazon about being a recipient of Amazon Smile money. Since our tax status is through the township it is not clear that we can pursue this.
Debby reported that other libraries have kits like robots, gizmos, and others to have events for children. It was discussed having 3 d printers and other events through the Montgomery County Home Extension office.
President’s Report
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM
Nokomis Public Library Board meeting
February 13, 2017
Members present: Kathy, Cynthia, Debi, Will, and librarian Debby.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved as presented. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Kathy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
The following correspondence was received:
A letter was received about the Local Government Travel Expense and Control Act. Local library boards need to add to their policy what kind of expenses the library will allow and the maximum allowable for reimbursement, and the minimum documentation needed for expenses to be reimbursed.
A letter was received from an e-rate consultant wanting our business.
Old Business
The board discussed an active shooter policy. A draft proposal was presented to the board. Suggestions were made to help clarify the policy. Debi will make the changes suggested before the next meeting.
The additions to the Confidentiality policy were not ready.
A discussion about Cynthia’s idea for a newspaper article was held. Cynthia will leave forms at the desk for people to contact her about the article.
A discussion was held about the outreach to the school library.
A discussion was held about the speed we can download and upload on the computers.
A discussion was held about information from Montgomery Genealogical Society. They will be sending us their quarterly account. Debby, with help from Will, will set up a google doc to keep these in, and they can share with patrons who want to see it.
Cynthia gave us information about a t-shirt for a fundraiser. The board discussed how to tie the t-shirt sale with the beginning of the summer reading program. Kathy and Cynthia will work on a plan to present to the next meeting.
New Business:
Board members filled out the Statement of Economic Interests.
An Art Show will be held in April sponsored by the group who sponsored the Christmas walk.
Charles Turzak, an artist, would like to display his woodcuts in our display window during the Art Walk. The Board agreed to this, but do not want to hold any liability.
Our share fee this year will be $1200. The amount we pay will be half of that if we have not finished barcoding books as of July.
A discussion was held about wages for the coming year. Kathy made a motion that we raise Debby’s salary by .50 cents per hour, and raise the two library aides .25 cents per hour. Cleaning will also be raised .25cents per hour. Will seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Cynthia, Will, Kathy, and Debi.
Librarian’s Report
Debby had some old books that the board discussed whether or not they should be barcoded. The board thought the old books should be barcoded and not lent out any more. The popular damaged books should be replaced.
A discussion was held about whether to continue to track accessions or not. The board leaves this decision up to Debby.
President’s Report
A discussion was held about possible future trustees.
Cynthia will be meeting with Lisa Billingsley at the museum on Thursday to discuss collaborative ideas with the museum.
Meeting adjourned at 7:01
February 13, 2017
Members present: Kathy, Cynthia, Debi, Will, and librarian Debby.
The secretary’s report was read and was approved as presented. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented. Kathy moved and Cynthia seconded that the report be approved. All present voted yes.
The circulation count was given and is attached.
The following correspondence was received:
A letter was received about the Local Government Travel Expense and Control Act. Local library boards need to add to their policy what kind of expenses the library will allow and the maximum allowable for reimbursement, and the minimum documentation needed for expenses to be reimbursed.
A letter was received from an e-rate consultant wanting our business.
Old Business
The board discussed an active shooter policy. A draft proposal was presented to the board. Suggestions were made to help clarify the policy. Debi will make the changes suggested before the next meeting.
The additions to the Confidentiality policy were not ready.
A discussion about Cynthia’s idea for a newspaper article was held. Cynthia will leave forms at the desk for people to contact her about the article.
A discussion was held about the outreach to the school library.
A discussion was held about the speed we can download and upload on the computers.
A discussion was held about information from Montgomery Genealogical Society. They will be sending us their quarterly account. Debby, with help from Will, will set up a google doc to keep these in, and they can share with patrons who want to see it.
Cynthia gave us information about a t-shirt for a fundraiser. The board discussed how to tie the t-shirt sale with the beginning of the summer reading program. Kathy and Cynthia will work on a plan to present to the next meeting.
New Business:
Board members filled out the Statement of Economic Interests.
An Art Show will be held in April sponsored by the group who sponsored the Christmas walk.
Charles Turzak, an artist, would like to display his woodcuts in our display window during the Art Walk. The Board agreed to this, but do not want to hold any liability.
Our share fee this year will be $1200. The amount we pay will be half of that if we have not finished barcoding books as of July.
A discussion was held about wages for the coming year. Kathy made a motion that we raise Debby’s salary by .50 cents per hour, and raise the two library aides .25 cents per hour. Cleaning will also be raised .25cents per hour. Will seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Cynthia, Will, Kathy, and Debi.
Librarian’s Report
Debby had some old books that the board discussed whether or not they should be barcoded. The board thought the old books should be barcoded and not lent out any more. The popular damaged books should be replaced.
A discussion was held about whether to continue to track accessions or not. The board leaves this decision up to Debby.
President’s Report
A discussion was held about possible future trustees.
Cynthia will be meeting with Lisa Billingsley at the museum on Thursday to discuss collaborative ideas with the museum.
Meeting adjourned at 7:01
Nokomis Public Library
Board of trustees Meeting
January 9, 2017
A roll call of members was held, and the following were present: Nancy, Cynthia, Will,
Kathy, and librarian Debby.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. Nancy moved and Will seconded that we accept the report as written. Voting yes was: Cynthia, Will, Nancy, and Kathy. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Kathy moved and Will seconded that we accept the report as written. Voting yes was: Cynthia, Will, Nancy, and Kathy. The circulation report for December 2016 was read and is attached.
A thank you note was received from Sue Ade thanking us for having the book signing event for her in December.
A thank you note was received from Debby for the annual Christmas bonus and for the help trustees provide the library.
A note was sent from SHARE about the upcoming meeting on January 11, 2017. Details about the meeting were included.
Old Business
A discussion was held about the narrative answers for the Per Capita grant.
The Active Shooter policy has been tabled.
We should receive our yearbook back in 6 – 8 weeks through the OCI program.
The first draft of the Privacy Policy was distributed for board members to read. One provision was added about asking the police to verify the paperwork should it be provided.
Instead of a monthly newspaper column, Cynthia will do an article instead.
The letter to begin collaboration with area schools was read, and a discussion about how to implement it was held.
New Business
A discussion was held about the current speed of the download and uploads. Debby will try to recheck the speed at a variety of times to see if there is a difference.
The Montgomery Genealogical Society is moving to a digital quarterly. We should notify them if we wish to receive it.
A book “Whiplash” by Joi Ito has been donated to the library.
State Farm sent us a notice about our account being audited. The information gained from the audit will result in the amount of the premium we pay. This is a process that happens annually.
We received a survey from Illinet about statistics for Interlibrary Loans through Illinet.
Debby will be working on our certification through Illinois State Library.
President’s Report
There was no report this month.
Librarian’s report
There were fewer people participating in the Winter Reading Program this year.
Debby provided what the increase for SHARE would probably be for the coming year.
We received a donation from Dave Cary.
A discussion was held about the possibility of selling t shirts or book bags as a fundraiser.
Nancy moved and Will seconded that we adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 6:23.
Board of trustees Meeting
January 9, 2017
A roll call of members was held, and the following were present: Nancy, Cynthia, Will,
Kathy, and librarian Debby.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. Nancy moved and Will seconded that we accept the report as written. Voting yes was: Cynthia, Will, Nancy, and Kathy. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Kathy moved and Will seconded that we accept the report as written. Voting yes was: Cynthia, Will, Nancy, and Kathy. The circulation report for December 2016 was read and is attached.
A thank you note was received from Sue Ade thanking us for having the book signing event for her in December.
A thank you note was received from Debby for the annual Christmas bonus and for the help trustees provide the library.
A note was sent from SHARE about the upcoming meeting on January 11, 2017. Details about the meeting were included.
Old Business
A discussion was held about the narrative answers for the Per Capita grant.
The Active Shooter policy has been tabled.
We should receive our yearbook back in 6 – 8 weeks through the OCI program.
The first draft of the Privacy Policy was distributed for board members to read. One provision was added about asking the police to verify the paperwork should it be provided.
Instead of a monthly newspaper column, Cynthia will do an article instead.
The letter to begin collaboration with area schools was read, and a discussion about how to implement it was held.
New Business
A discussion was held about the current speed of the download and uploads. Debby will try to recheck the speed at a variety of times to see if there is a difference.
The Montgomery Genealogical Society is moving to a digital quarterly. We should notify them if we wish to receive it.
A book “Whiplash” by Joi Ito has been donated to the library.
State Farm sent us a notice about our account being audited. The information gained from the audit will result in the amount of the premium we pay. This is a process that happens annually.
We received a survey from Illinet about statistics for Interlibrary Loans through Illinet.
Debby will be working on our certification through Illinois State Library.
President’s Report
There was no report this month.
Librarian’s report
There were fewer people participating in the Winter Reading Program this year.
Debby provided what the increase for SHARE would probably be for the coming year.
We received a donation from Dave Cary.
A discussion was held about the possibility of selling t shirts or book bags as a fundraiser.
Nancy moved and Will seconded that we adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 6:23.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 12, 2016
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Cynthia, Kathy, Debi, Will and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from November was read. Nancy moved it be accepted as written and Debi seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Kathy, Will, Debi and Lou. Motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Debi seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Kathy, Will, Debi and Lou. Motion carried.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
A card was received from Heather Hampton Knodle thanking us for helping this year. We let them set up a display about their activities.
Old Business
A check was received from Omicron Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi for $872.00.
Lou has found a copy of the yearbook from 1988 we are missing, and it will be sent to the OCI program.
Debby had sample privacy policies available. Kathy will try to use them to make one for our next meeting.
The Ornament Program and the author signing that were held on December 3, 2016 were discussed. About 26 children and 24 adults attended.
Cynthia reported back on her plan to write a column for the paper once a month. It will highlight different patrons who use the library. A signup sheet will be on the desk to help us find patrons who would like to be written about in the paper.
New Business
Debby wrote a grant for the summer reading program and received a $500 grant.
Debi made a motion to award Christmas bonuses the same as we have given last year. Nancy seconded. Members who voted for the motion were: Debby, Will, Nancy, Cynthia, and Lou. Motion carried. Cynthia will check with her brother to see if he has any turkeys or hams we could give to the library staff in addition to the bonus.
Trustees are reminded to file their petitions with Gloria Wendling between December 12 and 19. Debby has her address and the times she is available.
Librarian’s Report
Not as many people have signed up for The Winter Reading program this year.
President’s Report
A discussion was held about setting up a collaboration project between our library and the public school system, as well as the local catholic school.
The book club members reported on the status of the book club. They are up to four members at this time, and they are reading a Man Called Ove.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 12, 2016
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Cynthia, Kathy, Debi, Will and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from November was read. Nancy moved it be accepted as written and Debi seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Kathy, Will, Debi and Lou. Motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Debi seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Kathy, Will, Debi and Lou. Motion carried.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
A card was received from Heather Hampton Knodle thanking us for helping this year. We let them set up a display about their activities.
Old Business
A check was received from Omicron Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi for $872.00.
Lou has found a copy of the yearbook from 1988 we are missing, and it will be sent to the OCI program.
Debby had sample privacy policies available. Kathy will try to use them to make one for our next meeting.
The Ornament Program and the author signing that were held on December 3, 2016 were discussed. About 26 children and 24 adults attended.
Cynthia reported back on her plan to write a column for the paper once a month. It will highlight different patrons who use the library. A signup sheet will be on the desk to help us find patrons who would like to be written about in the paper.
New Business
Debby wrote a grant for the summer reading program and received a $500 grant.
Debi made a motion to award Christmas bonuses the same as we have given last year. Nancy seconded. Members who voted for the motion were: Debby, Will, Nancy, Cynthia, and Lou. Motion carried. Cynthia will check with her brother to see if he has any turkeys or hams we could give to the library staff in addition to the bonus.
Trustees are reminded to file their petitions with Gloria Wendling between December 12 and 19. Debby has her address and the times she is available.
Librarian’s Report
Not as many people have signed up for The Winter Reading program this year.
President’s Report
A discussion was held about setting up a collaboration project between our library and the public school system, as well as the local catholic school.
The book club members reported on the status of the book club. They are up to four members at this time, and they are reading a Man Called Ove.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 14, 2016
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from October was read. Cynthia moved it be accepted as written and Nancy seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Sharon, Kathy and Lou. Motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Sharon, Nancy, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. The motion carried.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
A letter was received from St. Louis Catholic School, and they asked for a donation for the school to be auctioned in the silent auction at their fundraiser, Winter Wonderland. Kathy moved that we donate a non-resident library card for the auction, and Nancy seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Nancy, Sharon, Cynthia, Lou, and Kathy. The motion carried.
A letter was received about the annual Christmas Walk. It was decided to be part of the December 3rd day and not the 10th.
Old Business
A discussion was had about the Christmas ornament activity the library is holding. It will be held on December 3, 2016 from 10 – 12. Two authors will be present at the same time for a book signing. Cookies and punch will be served.
No response yet from the BRS.
Lou will see if Rhett has the 1988 school yearbook we are missing for the OCI program.
New Business
The Local Expense Reimbursement Policy was read. One portion, (Section 4, part 3) was changed from $3,000 to $1,000. Kathy moved to approve the resolution and Sharon seconded the motion. Those in favor of approving the resolution were: Sharon, Nancy, Cynthia, Lou, and Kathy. Resolution was approved.
The State Farm estimate for insurance was received.
Chapter 6 of Serving Our Public was gone through with the board.
Librarian’s Report
Debby described the upcoming Winter Reading Program which will start November 22nd.
President’s Report
Cynthia discussed her patron of the month program. The program will start in January, and Cynthia will spearhead it.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 14, 2016
The following members were present: Nancy, Lou, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from October was read. Cynthia moved it be accepted as written and Nancy seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Cynthia, Nancy, Sharon, Kathy and Lou. Motion carried
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Sharon, Nancy, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. The motion carried.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
A letter was received from St. Louis Catholic School, and they asked for a donation for the school to be auctioned in the silent auction at their fundraiser, Winter Wonderland. Kathy moved that we donate a non-resident library card for the auction, and Nancy seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Nancy, Sharon, Cynthia, Lou, and Kathy. The motion carried.
A letter was received about the annual Christmas Walk. It was decided to be part of the December 3rd day and not the 10th.
Old Business
A discussion was had about the Christmas ornament activity the library is holding. It will be held on December 3, 2016 from 10 – 12. Two authors will be present at the same time for a book signing. Cookies and punch will be served.
No response yet from the BRS.
Lou will see if Rhett has the 1988 school yearbook we are missing for the OCI program.
New Business
The Local Expense Reimbursement Policy was read. One portion, (Section 4, part 3) was changed from $3,000 to $1,000. Kathy moved to approve the resolution and Sharon seconded the motion. Those in favor of approving the resolution were: Sharon, Nancy, Cynthia, Lou, and Kathy. Resolution was approved.
The State Farm estimate for insurance was received.
Chapter 6 of Serving Our Public was gone through with the board.
Librarian’s Report
Debby described the upcoming Winter Reading Program which will start November 22nd.
President’s Report
Cynthia discussed her patron of the month program. The program will start in January, and Cynthia will spearhead it.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
October 17, 2016
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Debi moved and Will seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Debi, Lou, Nancy, Will, Cynthia and Kathy
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted. Cynthia seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Debi, Lou, Nancy, Will, Cynthia and Kathy
The circulation report was given and is attached.
Two requests were received for book signing. Terry Walters requested one for his book, “Twas the Night Jesus Was Born”. The other one was from Sue Ade for her book, “Friends Forever”. Debby will contact the authors and try to set up a date to both at the same time. She will report back at our next meeting.
Old Business
The BRS has not contacted us yet, but we will keep the options open.
Debi will bring the Active Shooter policy to the next meeting.
Dr. Doerr found 2 of the yearbooks we needed and lent them to us. We are still missing one year. Debby will contact the school and put an article in the paper asking people to lend us the missing yearbook. We will be working on getting them digitalized.
Cynthia is going to ask John Broux to come to our next meeting to tell us about the plans for Christmas and German Fest. Kathy and Lou gave a report on the ornament program. Books will be chosen and an ornament that goes with the book will be there to make. There will be three stations set up, and children can choose to make one or all three ornaments. Then their parents will take the children up to hang them on the tree.
There was a report given on the new law concerning local expense reimbursement policy. We worked from a copy of a resolution we received from the Illinois State Library. Members will take time to read the policy, and we will vote on it next meeting.
New Business
The Per Capita Grant is now available for the library to fill out. It is due in January.
The following people are running for Board Trustee: Will, Debi, and Cynthia. Nancy is currently not running.
Librarian Report
We had a camera that was damaged, and the person who damaged it has paid the amount listed in our camera policy.
Microfilm from the Abraham Lincoln Library has been donated . It is film of the German newspaper in Deutsh-Amerikaner that was published here in town from 1909 -1913.
A letter of resignation was received from Jamie Ashbaker. Her last day will be October 31st. It was decided, at this time, not to hire an additional library worker.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Debi moved and Will seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Debi, Lou, Nancy, Will, Cynthia and Kathy
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted. Cynthia seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Debi, Lou, Nancy, Will, Cynthia and Kathy
The circulation report was given and is attached.
Two requests were received for book signing. Terry Walters requested one for his book, “Twas the Night Jesus Was Born”. The other one was from Sue Ade for her book, “Friends Forever”. Debby will contact the authors and try to set up a date to both at the same time. She will report back at our next meeting.
Old Business
The BRS has not contacted us yet, but we will keep the options open.
Debi will bring the Active Shooter policy to the next meeting.
Dr. Doerr found 2 of the yearbooks we needed and lent them to us. We are still missing one year. Debby will contact the school and put an article in the paper asking people to lend us the missing yearbook. We will be working on getting them digitalized.
Cynthia is going to ask John Broux to come to our next meeting to tell us about the plans for Christmas and German Fest. Kathy and Lou gave a report on the ornament program. Books will be chosen and an ornament that goes with the book will be there to make. There will be three stations set up, and children can choose to make one or all three ornaments. Then their parents will take the children up to hang them on the tree.
There was a report given on the new law concerning local expense reimbursement policy. We worked from a copy of a resolution we received from the Illinois State Library. Members will take time to read the policy, and we will vote on it next meeting.
New Business
The Per Capita Grant is now available for the library to fill out. It is due in January.
The following people are running for Board Trustee: Will, Debi, and Cynthia. Nancy is currently not running.
Librarian Report
We had a camera that was damaged, and the person who damaged it has paid the amount listed in our camera policy.
Microfilm from the Abraham Lincoln Library has been donated . It is film of the German newspaper in Deutsh-Amerikaner that was published here in town from 1909 -1913.
A letter of resignation was received from Jamie Ashbaker. Her last day will be October 31st. It was decided, at this time, not to hire an additional library worker.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.
September 12, 2016
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, Sharon Satterlee, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Will, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Lou.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted, and Nancy seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Will, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Lou.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
We received the ILA Handbook of Association for 2016- 2017.
We also got IHLS Tools for Directors & Trustees.
Old Business
The board discussed the new and improved Bereavement Policy. Cynthia moved we accept the changed version, and Will seconded. Voting yes: Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, Will, and Lou. Motion carried.
Cynthia gave a report on the outreach to the BRS Museum. So far there has been no response from the museum.
The Active Shooter Policy has been tabled.
Deb contacted Dr. Doerr regarding the yearbooks we are missing. He will check to see if they have copies to share with us.
New Business
Nokomis Downtown Merchants Association would like us to have a workshop to make ornaments with children that they can hang on the town Christmas tree. Lou and Kathy will work together to come up with a plan, that would allow us to be part of the weekend. They will present it at the next meeting for the board to consider.
A discussion was held about the new law – Local Expense Reimbursement Policy. We will need to have a policy for reimbursement policy and we will also have to have a policy for those who exceed the amount decided upon by the board. A roll call vote would need to be held to approve any reimbursement that exceeds the approved amount in the policy.
We heard about the Policy For Termination of Share Membership. The policy was available for us to hear.
A State Farm grant is available, but the due date was very close. We will try to look at it and plan to apply next year.
Beta Sigma Phi is raffling off gift cards to raise money for the library.
The board was given information about a family whose behavior is causing problems in the library. This was discussed. It was suggested that the librarian tell them that one of the parents watch the children while the other parent is busy on the computer.
Someone has inquired about why we have birds that have no feathers. They have been removed to a home so they can heal.
Librarian Report
No report was given.
Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that we adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:24 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, Sharon Satterlee, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Will, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Lou.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted, and Nancy seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Will, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Lou.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
We received the ILA Handbook of Association for 2016- 2017.
We also got IHLS Tools for Directors & Trustees.
Old Business
The board discussed the new and improved Bereavement Policy. Cynthia moved we accept the changed version, and Will seconded. Voting yes: Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, Will, and Lou. Motion carried.
Cynthia gave a report on the outreach to the BRS Museum. So far there has been no response from the museum.
The Active Shooter Policy has been tabled.
Deb contacted Dr. Doerr regarding the yearbooks we are missing. He will check to see if they have copies to share with us.
New Business
Nokomis Downtown Merchants Association would like us to have a workshop to make ornaments with children that they can hang on the town Christmas tree. Lou and Kathy will work together to come up with a plan, that would allow us to be part of the weekend. They will present it at the next meeting for the board to consider.
A discussion was held about the new law – Local Expense Reimbursement Policy. We will need to have a policy for reimbursement policy and we will also have to have a policy for those who exceed the amount decided upon by the board. A roll call vote would need to be held to approve any reimbursement that exceeds the approved amount in the policy.
We heard about the Policy For Termination of Share Membership. The policy was available for us to hear.
A State Farm grant is available, but the due date was very close. We will try to look at it and plan to apply next year.
Beta Sigma Phi is raffling off gift cards to raise money for the library.
The board was given information about a family whose behavior is causing problems in the library. This was discussed. It was suggested that the librarian tell them that one of the parents watch the children while the other parent is busy on the computer.
Someone has inquired about why we have birds that have no feathers. They have been removed to a home so they can heal.
Librarian Report
No report was given.
Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that we adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:24 PM.
August 8, 2016
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Debi Dawson, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, Will, Debi and Lou.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted. Debi seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Will, Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Debi.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
A thank you note was received from Joe and Sheila Berg for helping with ancestry research. A donation was also enclosed.
Old Business
There was nothing new on the outreach to either the BRS or the Nokomis Rehab Program.
A discussion was held on the Bereavement Policy. The policy with the requested changes will be written for the next meeting.
The Krispy Kreme fundraiser was discussed. $560.77 was our profit.
We had an Ag in the Classroom program at the library. There were 15 children and 6 adults present.
Kevin Horner, a ventriloquist, presented a program at the library for 68 children and adults.
A program on active shooters in libraries was given at a recent American Libraries program. Debi is working on an active shooter policy to present at our next meeting for approval.
Input was gathered from the trustees about different options to include in the policy. When the policy is finalized, it will be shared with the local police.
A discussion was held about the OCI Yearbook program. It was suggested that we work through the local high school, but Debby has not been able to get ahold of anyone there, due to summer vacations.
New Business
A discussion was held regarding participation in a community based foundation. No action was taken.
Tax monies have been received. This distribution was $3,938.91, of which $3,475.51 is for the library and $463.40 is for the building fund.
Librarian Report
A bill came from the Free Press for false amount and Debby has taken care of the problem.
Kathy gave a report on her recent dealings with e-rate.
Cynthia told about BookBub.
Sharon moved and Nancy seconded we adjourned. All voted yes.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Roll Call
Members present: Debi Dawson, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Will Shalter, and librarian Debby Lehman
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the minutes be accepted. Voting yes: Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, Will, Debi and Lou.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read, and Kathy moved the report be accepted. Debi seconded. The motion was accepted. Voting yes: Will, Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Cynthia, and Debi.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
A thank you note was received from Joe and Sheila Berg for helping with ancestry research. A donation was also enclosed.
Old Business
There was nothing new on the outreach to either the BRS or the Nokomis Rehab Program.
A discussion was held on the Bereavement Policy. The policy with the requested changes will be written for the next meeting.
The Krispy Kreme fundraiser was discussed. $560.77 was our profit.
We had an Ag in the Classroom program at the library. There were 15 children and 6 adults present.
Kevin Horner, a ventriloquist, presented a program at the library for 68 children and adults.
A program on active shooters in libraries was given at a recent American Libraries program. Debi is working on an active shooter policy to present at our next meeting for approval.
Input was gathered from the trustees about different options to include in the policy. When the policy is finalized, it will be shared with the local police.
A discussion was held about the OCI Yearbook program. It was suggested that we work through the local high school, but Debby has not been able to get ahold of anyone there, due to summer vacations.
New Business
A discussion was held regarding participation in a community based foundation. No action was taken.
Tax monies have been received. This distribution was $3,938.91, of which $3,475.51 is for the library and $463.40 is for the building fund.
Librarian Report
A bill came from the Free Press for false amount and Debby has taken care of the problem.
Kathy gave a report on her recent dealings with e-rate.
Cynthia told about BookBub.
Sharon moved and Nancy seconded we adjourned. All voted yes.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 18, 2016
The following members were present: Lou, Nancy, Deb, Cynthia and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from Jun was read. Deb moved it to be accepted as written and Nancy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Deb moved it to be accepted as written and Cynthia seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
There was no correspondence to read.
Old Business
Lewis & Clark route schedule will be five days a week, Monday thru Friday at 10:14. There will be no stop if there is nothing to be delivered or picked up.
The decision about Bereavement policies is tabled until the August meeting. There are questions about the length of time given and the definitions of family members.
The Krispy Kreme fundraiser was held Saturday July 9th. Twenty dozen were not sold. The funds from Thrivent have not been received yet but the estimated amount raised is $552.
The program for Ag in the Classroom is scheduled for July 28th at 1 pm. The needed amount of volunteers has been met and some participants have signed up.
BRS Museum has not responded to the letter about planning events. The board is interested so Cynthia will contact either the President Jim Eisenbarth or the secretary Patty Burris before the next scheduled meeting on July 23rd.
Lou will reach out the administrator of the Nokomis Rehab and Health Care Center again. She hopes to set up a meeting to discuss the reading needs to the residents.
New Business
The Per Capital Grant 2016 has been received. It was for $2265.53 which is about $1000 less than 2015.
Tax Computation report states the library will receive $37,711.48 and $5,028.20. These figures are less than the projected amounts in the budget.
Members Matter meetings have been launched by IHLS. These are a new method of connecting with members thru a series of meetings. The intent of these bimonthly meetings is to create a forum to update the membership on regional, state and library news and developments as well as a regulary scheduled opportunity to solicit input from members. The meetings will be held every other month at alternate morning and afternoon time slots. The schedule can be viewed on L2.
Active Shooter policies are encouraged. Deb will research policies that NPL can use as guidelines for writing policies that will work for the facility.
OCI Yearbook Program copies yearbooks to an electronic format. Deb made a motion to utilize the program and Cynthia seconded the motion. All members voted to accept the motion.
Librarian’s Report
Reading Program Donations were movie passes from ED Investments and $50 from AF&AM.
Tax money was received on July 1st and July 12th in the amounts of $6212.78 and $6124.17.
There was a problem with Polaris that Debby spent two hours on the phone with a tech to resolve. She had to change passwords. She also had to uninstall printers that would not work with Polaris. The issues were resolved.
President’s Report.
Lou had nothing to report.
Deb moved and Nancy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 18, 2016
The following members were present: Lou, Nancy, Deb, Cynthia and librarian Debby.
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from Jun was read. Deb moved it to be accepted as written and Nancy seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The treasurer’s report was read. Deb moved it to be accepted as written and Cynthia seconded. All members voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
There was no correspondence to read.
Old Business
Lewis & Clark route schedule will be five days a week, Monday thru Friday at 10:14. There will be no stop if there is nothing to be delivered or picked up.
The decision about Bereavement policies is tabled until the August meeting. There are questions about the length of time given and the definitions of family members.
The Krispy Kreme fundraiser was held Saturday July 9th. Twenty dozen were not sold. The funds from Thrivent have not been received yet but the estimated amount raised is $552.
The program for Ag in the Classroom is scheduled for July 28th at 1 pm. The needed amount of volunteers has been met and some participants have signed up.
BRS Museum has not responded to the letter about planning events. The board is interested so Cynthia will contact either the President Jim Eisenbarth or the secretary Patty Burris before the next scheduled meeting on July 23rd.
Lou will reach out the administrator of the Nokomis Rehab and Health Care Center again. She hopes to set up a meeting to discuss the reading needs to the residents.
New Business
The Per Capital Grant 2016 has been received. It was for $2265.53 which is about $1000 less than 2015.
Tax Computation report states the library will receive $37,711.48 and $5,028.20. These figures are less than the projected amounts in the budget.
Members Matter meetings have been launched by IHLS. These are a new method of connecting with members thru a series of meetings. The intent of these bimonthly meetings is to create a forum to update the membership on regional, state and library news and developments as well as a regulary scheduled opportunity to solicit input from members. The meetings will be held every other month at alternate morning and afternoon time slots. The schedule can be viewed on L2.
Active Shooter policies are encouraged. Deb will research policies that NPL can use as guidelines for writing policies that will work for the facility.
OCI Yearbook Program copies yearbooks to an electronic format. Deb made a motion to utilize the program and Cynthia seconded the motion. All members voted to accept the motion.
Librarian’s Report
Reading Program Donations were movie passes from ED Investments and $50 from AF&AM.
Tax money was received on July 1st and July 12th in the amounts of $6212.78 and $6124.17.
There was a problem with Polaris that Debby spent two hours on the phone with a tech to resolve. She had to change passwords. She also had to uninstall printers that would not work with Polaris. The issues were resolved.
President’s Report.
Lou had nothing to report.
Deb moved and Nancy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 13, 2016
The following members were present: Will, Lou, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and librarian Debby
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from May was read. Kathy moved it be accepted as written and Cynthia seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. Motion carried. (Sharon was not at the meeting yet.)
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Will seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. The motion carried.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Reading Across Illinois has established a Freedom of Information Act hotline to answer questions about FOIA requests.
Access to the Edge program is free for 60 days, but after that date there will be a fee to use that program.
Darci Harrison contacted the library on behalf of the teacher union. The teachers would like to help support the summer reading program in some way, and made some suggestions. The board liked the idea of teachers taking a picture of themselves with one of the books on our list and recommending it. Debby will get a copy of the lists to Darci so they can begin working on that program.
Heartland Library System notified us that they are changing their delivery schedule and trying to get deliveries back up to 5 days a week. Some libraries may be asked to partner with another library for pick- up and deliveries.
Information was received from Montgomery County about upcoming elections. There will be 2 two year terms and 2 six year terms. The following trustees are up for re-election: Will, Cynthia, Nancy and Deb.
Old Business
New officers were elected for the coming year: President Lou Spengel, Vice President Sharon Satterlee, Treasurer Nancy Sperry, and Secretary Kathy Moore. Kathy moved that they be elected by acclamation and the following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy, Lou.
Various Bereavement policies were discussed. Kathy will take the suggestions and put them into a form to vote on in the August meeting.
It was decided to hold the Krispy Kreme doughnut sale on the Saturday of Homecoming weekend. Pro-orders will be available and Thrivent has given us seed money for this fundraiser. Sharon moved that we hold the sale, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou.
Non-resident cards were discussed. Kathy moved we sell them, and Will seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy Lou. The fee for a non-resident card is $35, and this amount is determined by a mathematical method set by the state.
Delores Wheelhouse has asked to pay for a print cartridge for the microfilm reader/printer. In return she wishes to print out 1000 pages for the project she is working on for the Catholic school. Kathy moved she be allowed to do this, and Sharon seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou.
Ag in the Classroom has programs to offer that would benefit the summer reading program. Kathy moved we use these programs, and Will seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou. Debby will contact them to set it up.
Librarian’s Report
Computers were offered to library by Eric Bruder, the high school principal. They are older computers with Windows Vista. The board declined them.
The subscription for the State Journal Register will be cancelled. If there are requests from patrons for it we may decide to re-subscribe.
Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:34 PM
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 13, 2016
The following members were present: Will, Lou, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and librarian Debby
There were no visitors.
The secretary’s report from May was read. Kathy moved it be accepted as written and Cynthia seconded. The following members voted to accept the motion: Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. Motion carried. (Sharon was not at the meeting yet.)
The treasurer’s report was read. Kathy moved to accept it as written, and Will seconded the motion. The following members voted to accept the motion: Will, Cynthia, Kathy and Lou. The motion carried.
The Circulation report was read and is attached to the minutes.
Reading Across Illinois has established a Freedom of Information Act hotline to answer questions about FOIA requests.
Access to the Edge program is free for 60 days, but after that date there will be a fee to use that program.
Darci Harrison contacted the library on behalf of the teacher union. The teachers would like to help support the summer reading program in some way, and made some suggestions. The board liked the idea of teachers taking a picture of themselves with one of the books on our list and recommending it. Debby will get a copy of the lists to Darci so they can begin working on that program.
Heartland Library System notified us that they are changing their delivery schedule and trying to get deliveries back up to 5 days a week. Some libraries may be asked to partner with another library for pick- up and deliveries.
Information was received from Montgomery County about upcoming elections. There will be 2 two year terms and 2 six year terms. The following trustees are up for re-election: Will, Cynthia, Nancy and Deb.
Old Business
New officers were elected for the coming year: President Lou Spengel, Vice President Sharon Satterlee, Treasurer Nancy Sperry, and Secretary Kathy Moore. Kathy moved that they be elected by acclamation and the following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy, Lou.
Various Bereavement policies were discussed. Kathy will take the suggestions and put them into a form to vote on in the August meeting.
It was decided to hold the Krispy Kreme doughnut sale on the Saturday of Homecoming weekend. Pro-orders will be available and Thrivent has given us seed money for this fundraiser. Sharon moved that we hold the sale, and Cynthia seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou.
Non-resident cards were discussed. Kathy moved we sell them, and Will seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy Lou. The fee for a non-resident card is $35, and this amount is determined by a mathematical method set by the state.
Delores Wheelhouse has asked to pay for a print cartridge for the microfilm reader/printer. In return she wishes to print out 1000 pages for the project she is working on for the Catholic school. Kathy moved she be allowed to do this, and Sharon seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou.
Ag in the Classroom has programs to offer that would benefit the summer reading program. Kathy moved we use these programs, and Will seconded. The following voted yes: Will, Cynthia, Sharon, Kathy and Lou. Debby will contact them to set it up.
Librarian’s Report
Computers were offered to library by Eric Bruder, the high school principal. They are older computers with Windows Vista. The board declined them.
The subscription for the State Journal Register will be cancelled. If there are requests from patrons for it we may decide to re-subscribe.
Will moved and Cynthia seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:34 PM
On May 9, 2016 the following trustees met in the library for their regular meeting: Cynthia Crowe, Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, and Will Shalter. Debby Lehman Library Director was also present.
The minutes of the April meeting were presented. Nancy moved to accept and Cynthia seconded.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Cynthia moved to accept with Nancy seconding.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi Dawson.
Correspondence: Debby submitted the email received from IHLS & SHARE stating how the lack of an Illinois budget is affecting libraries.
Old Business
The Bereavement Policy was tabled until next month.
Annual Report has been filed.
Illinois Humanities Grant – No action taken.
Patron Database- There is no program that will upload to Polaris. Cynthia Crowe will be happy to help with that project when the time comes.
Krispy Kreme fundraiser – Debby is working with RuthAnn Broers to try to get Thrivent seed money.
Debi reported that the New Wave bill will be $30.00 less per month to make of for the company’s mistake in previous charges. Debby reported the last bill received was lower than previously.
New Employee – Jamie Ashbaker was selected for the new part-time position.
New Business
Illinet/OCLC contract of $190.62 was approved for the coming year.
Illinois Tax Allocation Error – Illinois Dept. of Revenue overpaid Replacement Tax. We may need to pay them back or have the amount deducted from incoming revenue.
Election of Officers – Will Shalter made a motion to table this until next month.
Cynthia Crowe will attend the May 21st meeting at the BRS museum. We are planning on creating a partnership for a BRS/Library Event.
Two donation plaques needing updated were taken and picked up at Bohannon’s in Pana by Kathy.
Reading Program donations were received from Fusion, Ronk’s, Nokomis Woman’s Club, Magic House, Nokomis Rotary, Nokomis Eastern Star, and Pana McDonald’s.
Will made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cynthia. Meeting Adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
The minutes of the April meeting were presented. Nancy moved to accept and Cynthia seconded.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Cynthia moved to accept with Nancy seconding.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi Dawson.
Correspondence: Debby submitted the email received from IHLS & SHARE stating how the lack of an Illinois budget is affecting libraries.
Old Business
The Bereavement Policy was tabled until next month.
Annual Report has been filed.
Illinois Humanities Grant – No action taken.
Patron Database- There is no program that will upload to Polaris. Cynthia Crowe will be happy to help with that project when the time comes.
Krispy Kreme fundraiser – Debby is working with RuthAnn Broers to try to get Thrivent seed money.
Debi reported that the New Wave bill will be $30.00 less per month to make of for the company’s mistake in previous charges. Debby reported the last bill received was lower than previously.
New Employee – Jamie Ashbaker was selected for the new part-time position.
New Business
Illinet/OCLC contract of $190.62 was approved for the coming year.
Illinois Tax Allocation Error – Illinois Dept. of Revenue overpaid Replacement Tax. We may need to pay them back or have the amount deducted from incoming revenue.
Election of Officers – Will Shalter made a motion to table this until next month.
Cynthia Crowe will attend the May 21st meeting at the BRS museum. We are planning on creating a partnership for a BRS/Library Event.
Two donation plaques needing updated were taken and picked up at Bohannon’s in Pana by Kathy.
Reading Program donations were received from Fusion, Ronk’s, Nokomis Woman’s Club, Magic House, Nokomis Rotary, Nokomis Eastern Star, and Pana McDonald’s.
Will made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cynthia. Meeting Adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
April 11, 206
On April 11, 2016, the following library trustees met in the library for their regular meeting: Lou , Debi, Cynthia, Nancy, Sharon, Will, Librarian Debby, and Kathy. The minutes of the March meeting were presented and Lou moved to accept as written with Will seconding the motion. All present voted to pass the motion.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Sharon moved to accept with Nancy seconding. All present voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi Dawson and a copy is attached.
Correspondence: A Thank you was received from Debby Lehman for flowers on her Mother’s death. We received a letter from the White Sox.
Old Business: Lou felt the Adult Coloring Night that Tina Koeppen suggested was a good idea. Kathy gave a report on Edge Assessment, which is an overall picture of how our library is using technology. This has been completed. The board feels someone should contact NewWave advising them we are not getting speeds on uploads and downloads per our contract. Debi Dawson will contact Tucker and Debi and Kathy will get together and will call NewWave. April 24th there will be a book signing for Charles Taylor from 2 to 4. We are to bring cookies and drinks. It will be held in the library. Debby will talk with Thrivent to see if they will go along with us on the Krispy Kreme Sale this year. Will, Lou and Cynthia met in Cynthia’s home to come up with suggestions to promote the library. The following are some of the IDEAS they came up with. 1) Computerize a list of card holders and addresses. Asked Debby to find out what Share is going to want. 2) A category list for the nursing home. 3) Lou and another trustee to go to nursing home and see if people want certain books. 4) Possibly an Open House at BRS Baseball Museum. Kathy moved and Lou seconded proceeding with the Nursing Home plans. All present voted yes. Lou and Kathy will proceed with plans for the BRS. Kathy reminded the group that due to Open Meetings Act there should be minutes posted for the planning meeting.
Will mentioned he had visited the Bentonville Arkansas Library. One thing he noted was they bundle books by themes such as nighttime stories. It raises their circulation numbers. They do this for children and adults.
Kathy informed us E-Rate form 471 is due by April 28th. She has started on this.
Debby reported on Summer Reading Program donations.
Trista is going to be able to go on the trip to Australia.
It was discussed hiring an additional part time worker. We will advertise and have a special meeting for interviews when we get some resumes.
It was asked if we had a bereavement policy. We need to check into that and work on one.
On April 11, 2016, the following library trustees met in the library for their regular meeting: Lou , Debi, Cynthia, Nancy, Sharon, Will, Librarian Debby, and Kathy. The minutes of the March meeting were presented and Lou moved to accept as written with Will seconding the motion. All present voted to pass the motion.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Sharon moved to accept with Nancy seconding. All present voted to accept the motion.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi Dawson and a copy is attached.
Correspondence: A Thank you was received from Debby Lehman for flowers on her Mother’s death. We received a letter from the White Sox.
Old Business: Lou felt the Adult Coloring Night that Tina Koeppen suggested was a good idea. Kathy gave a report on Edge Assessment, which is an overall picture of how our library is using technology. This has been completed. The board feels someone should contact NewWave advising them we are not getting speeds on uploads and downloads per our contract. Debi Dawson will contact Tucker and Debi and Kathy will get together and will call NewWave. April 24th there will be a book signing for Charles Taylor from 2 to 4. We are to bring cookies and drinks. It will be held in the library. Debby will talk with Thrivent to see if they will go along with us on the Krispy Kreme Sale this year. Will, Lou and Cynthia met in Cynthia’s home to come up with suggestions to promote the library. The following are some of the IDEAS they came up with. 1) Computerize a list of card holders and addresses. Asked Debby to find out what Share is going to want. 2) A category list for the nursing home. 3) Lou and another trustee to go to nursing home and see if people want certain books. 4) Possibly an Open House at BRS Baseball Museum. Kathy moved and Lou seconded proceeding with the Nursing Home plans. All present voted yes. Lou and Kathy will proceed with plans for the BRS. Kathy reminded the group that due to Open Meetings Act there should be minutes posted for the planning meeting.
Will mentioned he had visited the Bentonville Arkansas Library. One thing he noted was they bundle books by themes such as nighttime stories. It raises their circulation numbers. They do this for children and adults.
Kathy informed us E-Rate form 471 is due by April 28th. She has started on this.
Debby reported on Summer Reading Program donations.
Trista is going to be able to go on the trip to Australia.
It was discussed hiring an additional part time worker. We will advertise and have a special meeting for interviews when we get some resumes.
It was asked if we had a bereavement policy. We need to check into that and work on one.
Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustee Meeting
February 8, 2016
Roll Call showed the following trustees present: Martha Beaman, Nancy Sperry, Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, and librarian Debby Lehman
The Secretary’s report was approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Circulation numbers were given and are attached to this report.
We received our e-read agreement for the year.
The Library’s yearly certification has been submitted to the Illinois State Library.
A reminder was received about the Legislative Meet-Ups.
We received a notice about registering our library domain website. Debby sent it in.
There will be an Autism Spectrum Disorder Workshop.
Macon County Conservation District is offering a summer reading program called, “Read for the Win”
Old Business
A Share update was given. We are currently in the process of bar coding our collection.
The Trustees took the Short Takes for Trustees on Jan. 29, 2016. The Trustees were Debi, Nancy, Cynthia and Kathy.
A notification of our renewal for e-read Illinois was received.
Debby has sent in to IHLS to renew our domain registration.
No one is attending the Legislative meet-ups.
The certification for our library was submitted to the Illinois State Library.
We discussed our progress in cataloguing our collection for SHARE.
New Business
The board got their annual Statement of Economic Interests to be filled out.
A discussion was held about wages for the coming year. Kathy moved that the board raise Debby’s salary 50 cents an hour and Donna and Trista’s salary 25 cents per hour. Martha seconded. Voting yes: Martha, Nancy, Kathy, and Debi. Motion carried.
The Board accepted Martha’s resignation form the board of trustees at the end of the meeting, and appointed Will Shalter to be her replacement. Kathy made a motion to appoint him, Nancy seconded, and all present voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
We received a reimbursement check from New Wave for E-rate.
Debby let us know about new rules for grant applications. She will keep it on file.
President’s report
Kathy gave an update on E-rate filing. She also plans to poll patrons about what technology they would find helpful so classes can be planned.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM
February 8, 2016
Roll Call showed the following trustees present: Martha Beaman, Nancy Sperry, Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, and librarian Debby Lehman
The Secretary’s report was approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Circulation numbers were given and are attached to this report.
We received our e-read agreement for the year.
The Library’s yearly certification has been submitted to the Illinois State Library.
A reminder was received about the Legislative Meet-Ups.
We received a notice about registering our library domain website. Debby sent it in.
There will be an Autism Spectrum Disorder Workshop.
Macon County Conservation District is offering a summer reading program called, “Read for the Win”
Old Business
A Share update was given. We are currently in the process of bar coding our collection.
The Trustees took the Short Takes for Trustees on Jan. 29, 2016. The Trustees were Debi, Nancy, Cynthia and Kathy.
A notification of our renewal for e-read Illinois was received.
Debby has sent in to IHLS to renew our domain registration.
No one is attending the Legislative meet-ups.
The certification for our library was submitted to the Illinois State Library.
We discussed our progress in cataloguing our collection for SHARE.
New Business
The board got their annual Statement of Economic Interests to be filled out.
A discussion was held about wages for the coming year. Kathy moved that the board raise Debby’s salary 50 cents an hour and Donna and Trista’s salary 25 cents per hour. Martha seconded. Voting yes: Martha, Nancy, Kathy, and Debi. Motion carried.
The Board accepted Martha’s resignation form the board of trustees at the end of the meeting, and appointed Will Shalter to be her replacement. Kathy made a motion to appoint him, Nancy seconded, and all present voted yes.
Librarian’s Report
We received a reimbursement check from New Wave for E-rate.
Debby let us know about new rules for grant applications. She will keep it on file.
President’s report
Kathy gave an update on E-rate filing. She also plans to poll patrons about what technology they would find helpful so classes can be planned.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM
Nokomis Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2016
Trustees present for the monthly meeting: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Martha Beaman, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Will Shalter from the U of I Extension Office in Montgomery County came to talk to the board about a proposal to agree to an Ordinance Abating Real Property Taxes for C+C Heating & Cooling, Inc. Jason Osborn is building a new building that will also include hardware sales and wants a tax abatement for 4 years. We would receive current assessed taxes on the existing property – and – after 4 years we would get the new assessed amount.
Lou moved and Martha seconded that we approve the ordinance abating real property taxes for C+C Heating &Cooling, Inc. as presented. Martha, Cynthia, Kathy, Lou, Nancy, and Debi voted yes. No one voted nay. Motion carried.
Lou moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Kathy seconded. Martha, Cynthia, Kathy, Lou, Nancy, and Debi voted yes. No nays. Motion carried.
The Circulation Report was given and a copy is attached.
Cards were received from Donna Wieneke and Debra Lehman thanking the board for their Christmas bonus.
E-mail from Marvin Gallegos about building a new website.
Lou gave an update on the Book Club.
Debby Lehman gave an update on the Share progress. All large print has been barcoded and work has begun on the biographies. The SWAT team from IHLS has been here and started on the nonfiction books.
Short Takes for Trustees was discussed. The Trustees will meet on January 29, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. to view and discuss.
Kathy reported on E-rate and Edge.
The Illinois State Library’s Trustee and Public Library Administration web page has been updated and expanded. Showing links to various resources that are available.
Domain registration renewal by IHLS for a cost of $9.95 per year has been approved.
e-Read Illinois billing is due and agreement needs signed and returned. Cost is $556.00 for 18 months. We requested that we pay in 6 month increments. Kathy moved and Lou seconded. All voted yes.
State Farm Policy audit will happen in the near future. Debby will send in payroll information.
Debby requested an okay to purchase a second barcode scanner to ease the process of barcoding our collection. Lou moved and Martha seconded. All voted yes.
We were invited to attend one of the ILA Legislative Meet Up groups to speak to our legislators on Feburary 19th in Bloomington. Kathy will attend. Debby will register her.
Per Capita Grant has been submitted.
E-rate Bear form for the second quarter has been submitted
Meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
Board Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2016
Trustees present for the monthly meeting: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Cynthia Crowe, Martha Beaman, and Librarian Debby Lehman
Will Shalter from the U of I Extension Office in Montgomery County came to talk to the board about a proposal to agree to an Ordinance Abating Real Property Taxes for C+C Heating & Cooling, Inc. Jason Osborn is building a new building that will also include hardware sales and wants a tax abatement for 4 years. We would receive current assessed taxes on the existing property – and – after 4 years we would get the new assessed amount.
Lou moved and Martha seconded that we approve the ordinance abating real property taxes for C+C Heating &Cooling, Inc. as presented. Martha, Cynthia, Kathy, Lou, Nancy, and Debi voted yes. No one voted nay. Motion carried.
Lou moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Kathy seconded. Martha, Cynthia, Kathy, Lou, Nancy, and Debi voted yes. No nays. Motion carried.
The Circulation Report was given and a copy is attached.
Cards were received from Donna Wieneke and Debra Lehman thanking the board for their Christmas bonus.
E-mail from Marvin Gallegos about building a new website.
Lou gave an update on the Book Club.
Debby Lehman gave an update on the Share progress. All large print has been barcoded and work has begun on the biographies. The SWAT team from IHLS has been here and started on the nonfiction books.
Short Takes for Trustees was discussed. The Trustees will meet on January 29, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. to view and discuss.
Kathy reported on E-rate and Edge.
The Illinois State Library’s Trustee and Public Library Administration web page has been updated and expanded. Showing links to various resources that are available.
Domain registration renewal by IHLS for a cost of $9.95 per year has been approved.
e-Read Illinois billing is due and agreement needs signed and returned. Cost is $556.00 for 18 months. We requested that we pay in 6 month increments. Kathy moved and Lou seconded. All voted yes.
State Farm Policy audit will happen in the near future. Debby will send in payroll information.
Debby requested an okay to purchase a second barcode scanner to ease the process of barcoding our collection. Lou moved and Martha seconded. All voted yes.
We were invited to attend one of the ILA Legislative Meet Up groups to speak to our legislators on Feburary 19th in Bloomington. Kathy will attend. Debby will register her.
Per Capita Grant has been submitted.
E-rate Bear form for the second quarter has been submitted
Meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
On Tuesday, October 13, 2015, the following board members met in the library for the monthly
meeting: Debi Dawson, Lou Spengel, Sharon Satterlee, Cathy Moore, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes of the September 2015 were read. Cathy Moore moved and Lou seconded accepting the
minutes as approved. All members voted to accept the minutes.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Cathy moved and Lou seconded approving the report. All
members voted to accept the report.
The Circulation Report was given and a copy is attached. It was noted it is up 200 from last year.
Under CORRESPONDANCE: E-RATE NEW WAVE does not want to credit our account. They have forms
for us to present to them for reimbursement. It was decided to do this quarterly.
PER CAPITA: Next month we will need to go over Chapter 5 of Serving Our Public for Per Capita. We will
need to schedule something.
NEW BUSINESS: We received the settlement sheet from County (Brenda). We still have $9678 to
receive for 2015.
Lou moved and Cathy seconded approving the Montgomery County Board Mutual Aid Agreement.
This motion was approved by all present.
Margie has been on the board since 1983, and is retiring. We will buy her a Smoke Bush (5 gallon) and
take her to Diana’s for dinner on October 22, 2015 at 5:30.
Debby asked for clarification on our User Agreement on Minors on the Internet. She wanted to know if
we require a parent’s presence while the minor is using the internet? We decided to update the
agreement to have parents determine if that is something they want or not.
Reminder there is a Grant Workshop in Beardstown tomorrow. Also, RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois
Library System) has 10 short videos about being a trustee. The web address was passed out and we can
do these at home.
Cynthia Crow will join us as a new trustee in November.
The local Christmas Walk will be December 12 from 10 to 2 and we will participate. We discussed
something to hand out along with cookies. Lou moved to purchase bags for the Christmas Walk. Kathy
seconded. Debby will order. Kathy moved to participate and to donate $42 to the advertising for same.
Lou seconded. All present approved.
Nothing has been done on updating the letter of appeal for help with the sign fund, nor has anything
been done on the sign project.
Next meeting will be November 9th. Meeting adjourned.
meeting: Debi Dawson, Lou Spengel, Sharon Satterlee, Cathy Moore, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes of the September 2015 were read. Cathy Moore moved and Lou seconded accepting the
minutes as approved. All members voted to accept the minutes.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Cathy moved and Lou seconded approving the report. All
members voted to accept the report.
The Circulation Report was given and a copy is attached. It was noted it is up 200 from last year.
Under CORRESPONDANCE: E-RATE NEW WAVE does not want to credit our account. They have forms
for us to present to them for reimbursement. It was decided to do this quarterly.
PER CAPITA: Next month we will need to go over Chapter 5 of Serving Our Public for Per Capita. We will
need to schedule something.
NEW BUSINESS: We received the settlement sheet from County (Brenda). We still have $9678 to
receive for 2015.
Lou moved and Cathy seconded approving the Montgomery County Board Mutual Aid Agreement.
This motion was approved by all present.
Margie has been on the board since 1983, and is retiring. We will buy her a Smoke Bush (5 gallon) and
take her to Diana’s for dinner on October 22, 2015 at 5:30.
Debby asked for clarification on our User Agreement on Minors on the Internet. She wanted to know if
we require a parent’s presence while the minor is using the internet? We decided to update the
agreement to have parents determine if that is something they want or not.
Reminder there is a Grant Workshop in Beardstown tomorrow. Also, RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois
Library System) has 10 short videos about being a trustee. The web address was passed out and we can
do these at home.
Cynthia Crow will join us as a new trustee in November.
The local Christmas Walk will be December 12 from 10 to 2 and we will participate. We discussed
something to hand out along with cookies. Lou moved to purchase bags for the Christmas Walk. Kathy
seconded. Debby will order. Kathy moved to participate and to donate $42 to the advertising for same.
Lou seconded. All present approved.
Nothing has been done on updating the letter of appeal for help with the sign fund, nor has anything
been done on the sign project.
Next meeting will be November 9th. Meeting adjourned.
On Monday, September 14, 2015, the following board members met in the library for the monthly meeting: Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee, and librarian Debby Lehman. The minutes of August 10, 2015 were read and Kathy moved and Sharon seconded approving as presented. All present voted yes. The minutes of August 26, 2015, were read and Kathy moved and Lou seconded passing same. All present voted yes. The treasurer’s report was given. Sharon moved and Lou seconded approving with all members voting yes. The circulation numbers were read by president Debi and a copy is attached.
A Community Grants and Programs workshop will be held 10/14/15 from 1 to 3 in the Beardstown Library. It is free and open to the public if anyone is interested in going.
Reading Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) has trustee training videos that we have access to through January 2017.
ILA (Illinois Library Association) Handbook of Organization & Membership Directory was given to us. We also received an Illinet Interlibrary Loan Code book from Jesse White.
We discussed the letter that Kathy had formulated to be sent the community in an attempt to make the public aware of what the library has to offer and the cost of same. It was discussed making it a shorter letter and to use it as a newspaper article. It will be sent to Free Press and Montgomery County News as well as organizations and churches. We would be willing to speak to any organization that asks for us to do so.
College Illinois was discussed again. Lou moved and Nancy seconded our not doing this at this time. All members present voted yes.
Per Capita/Edge Webinar was discussed. Kathy reported we are current with Per Capita.
We were informed of a Libraries and Autism Webinar.
Kathy and Margie are taking care of the credit card change.
Library Policy updates will be ready for adoption at our October meeting.
Lou gave a report on our sign project. We are going to go to the Firemen to see if we could “share” their sign until spring in order to see if it is feasible for us to proceed with this expense. We would then purchase one in the spring for approximately $4000.
We have received $29153.78 of tax money to date with $14206.18 yet to get, making a total of $43359.96 to be received this year.
We are funded for E Rate.
Our next meeting will be October 13th with possibly a dinner following with Margie.
Kathy will ask Cynthia Crow if she would like to be a trustee and will also ask her to attend this next meeting.
On Monday, September 14, 2015, the following board members met in the library for the monthly meeting: Lou Spengel, Kathy Moore, Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee, and librarian Debby Lehman. The minutes of August 10, 2015 were read and Kathy moved and Sharon seconded approving as presented. All present voted yes. The minutes of August 26, 2015, were read and Kathy moved and Lou seconded passing same. All present voted yes. The treasurer’s report was given. Sharon moved and Lou seconded approving with all members voting yes. The circulation numbers were read by president Debi and a copy is attached.
A Community Grants and Programs workshop will be held 10/14/15 from 1 to 3 in the Beardstown Library. It is free and open to the public if anyone is interested in going.
Reading Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) has trustee training videos that we have access to through January 2017.
ILA (Illinois Library Association) Handbook of Organization & Membership Directory was given to us. We also received an Illinet Interlibrary Loan Code book from Jesse White.
We discussed the letter that Kathy had formulated to be sent the community in an attempt to make the public aware of what the library has to offer and the cost of same. It was discussed making it a shorter letter and to use it as a newspaper article. It will be sent to Free Press and Montgomery County News as well as organizations and churches. We would be willing to speak to any organization that asks for us to do so.
College Illinois was discussed again. Lou moved and Nancy seconded our not doing this at this time. All members present voted yes.
Per Capita/Edge Webinar was discussed. Kathy reported we are current with Per Capita.
We were informed of a Libraries and Autism Webinar.
Kathy and Margie are taking care of the credit card change.
Library Policy updates will be ready for adoption at our October meeting.
Lou gave a report on our sign project. We are going to go to the Firemen to see if we could “share” their sign until spring in order to see if it is feasible for us to proceed with this expense. We would then purchase one in the spring for approximately $4000.
We have received $29153.78 of tax money to date with $14206.18 yet to get, making a total of $43359.96 to be received this year.
We are funded for E Rate.
Our next meeting will be October 13th with possibly a dinner following with Margie.
Kathy will ask Cynthia Crow if she would like to be a trustee and will also ask her to attend this next meeting.
On Monday, August 10, 2015, the Nokomis Public Library Trustees met in the library for their monthly meeting with the following trustees present: Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee, Debi Dawson, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes from July’s meeting were read. Kathy moved and Margie seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Sharon moved and Nancy seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi, and a copy is attached.
Under Correspondence we received $25 in memory of Robert Snell from the Class of 1953. The deadline for the Per Capita Grant application is January 15, 2016. There will be a webinar September 24, 2015 at 1:30 to 3:00 in the Illinois State Library on Libraries and Autism.
Under OLD BUSINESS it was noted we made $500 on our Krispy Kreme sales. We decided to postpone any decision on the sign at this time. We will think about it for a while. With a tear in our eye, we said goodbye to Margie, who has dedicated many years to the library. We will miss her.
Under NEW BUSINESS we discussed whose name should go on the credit card we have from the bank. At present we have Margie but she will be retiring. Martha moved and Nancy seconded putting Kathy’s name on the card. All present voted yes. Kathy reported we received $19.87 credit from Illinois Consolidated. Debby asked if we had a policy on checking out our laptops. We decided to not do so at this time. Tech Soup changed rates effective July 18, 2015. We will join later if we need to. There will be a Swimming Party August 17th from 6 to 8 for the Summer Reading Program conclusion.
Our next meeting will be September 14th.
Meeting adjourned.
The minutes from July’s meeting were read. Kathy moved and Margie seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Sharon moved and Nancy seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi, and a copy is attached.
Under Correspondence we received $25 in memory of Robert Snell from the Class of 1953. The deadline for the Per Capita Grant application is January 15, 2016. There will be a webinar September 24, 2015 at 1:30 to 3:00 in the Illinois State Library on Libraries and Autism.
Under OLD BUSINESS it was noted we made $500 on our Krispy Kreme sales. We decided to postpone any decision on the sign at this time. We will think about it for a while. With a tear in our eye, we said goodbye to Margie, who has dedicated many years to the library. We will miss her.
Under NEW BUSINESS we discussed whose name should go on the credit card we have from the bank. At present we have Margie but she will be retiring. Martha moved and Nancy seconded putting Kathy’s name on the card. All present voted yes. Kathy reported we received $19.87 credit from Illinois Consolidated. Debby asked if we had a policy on checking out our laptops. We decided to not do so at this time. Tech Soup changed rates effective July 18, 2015. We will join later if we need to. There will be a Swimming Party August 17th from 6 to 8 for the Summer Reading Program conclusion.
Our next meeting will be September 14th.
Meeting adjourned.
On Monday, July 13, 2015, the Nokomis Public Library Trustees met in the library for their monthly meeting with the following trustees present: Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry, Kathy Moore, Sharon Satterlee, and Librarian Debby Lehman. We also had a guest attending.
The minutes from June’s meeting were read. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Kathy moved and Nancy seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by Vice President Lou, acting for President Debi who was absent following shoulder replacement surgery.
Under Correspondence it was noted the Illinois Heartland Library holiday schedule was sent to us. We received confirmation that we received the 2015 System Area Per Capita Grant. Also, we received Real Estate and Library Building taxes.
1. Krispy Kremes have been ordered and we will be selling Saturday, July 18th, the cost is $7 per dozen. Debi or Lou will pick them up in Fair View Heights that day.
2. Debby reported the University of Illinois Extension “Wonderful World of Worms” program went over very well.
3. Lou reported she had talked with Nokomis City Council regarding sharing the cost of the sign and they are to get back to us. Lou will follow up to see what they have decided. She will also check on a letter or an article for the paper to advise the community of our needing funds to complete this project.
4. New Wave service has been installed and we have received a bill for $204.83.
5. Debby found a filtering system that could be applied to the router. It has been applied and we are in compliance with CIPA. It was free to download.
1. We will need to replace Margie as a trustee. Our guest is possibly interested in filling the position. She will get back to us with her decision.
2. We discussed having a tea for Amanda Springer, a local writer, who has Nokomis as the location in two of her books, “Cameo and Roses” and “Cold January”. We will check to see if she is interested.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. at Nancy’s suggestion.
The minutes from June’s meeting were read. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Kathy moved and Nancy seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by Vice President Lou, acting for President Debi who was absent following shoulder replacement surgery.
Under Correspondence it was noted the Illinois Heartland Library holiday schedule was sent to us. We received confirmation that we received the 2015 System Area Per Capita Grant. Also, we received Real Estate and Library Building taxes.
1. Krispy Kremes have been ordered and we will be selling Saturday, July 18th, the cost is $7 per dozen. Debi or Lou will pick them up in Fair View Heights that day.
2. Debby reported the University of Illinois Extension “Wonderful World of Worms” program went over very well.
3. Lou reported she had talked with Nokomis City Council regarding sharing the cost of the sign and they are to get back to us. Lou will follow up to see what they have decided. She will also check on a letter or an article for the paper to advise the community of our needing funds to complete this project.
4. New Wave service has been installed and we have received a bill for $204.83.
5. Debby found a filtering system that could be applied to the router. It has been applied and we are in compliance with CIPA. It was free to download.
1. We will need to replace Margie as a trustee. Our guest is possibly interested in filling the position. She will get back to us with her decision.
2. We discussed having a tea for Amanda Springer, a local writer, who has Nokomis as the location in two of her books, “Cameo and Roses” and “Cold January”. We will check to see if she is interested.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. at Nancy’s suggestion.
Nokomis Public Library
June 8, 2015
On Monday, June 8, 2015, the following trustees met in the library for their monthly meeting: Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Lou Spengel, Debi Dawson, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee and Librarian Debby Lehman. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by all present after Lou moved and Kathy seconded to do so. The treasurer’s report was reviewed and Kathy moved, Nancy seconded, approving. All present voted yes. The circulation report was given and a copy is attached.
Illinois Association sent a request letter asking us to vote no to any legislation freezing local property levies. Debby responded with a letter requesting no limits.
It was noted there is a summer training schedule of training courses for the Edge Assessment Program that can help achieve better technology outcomes for your community.
Trustee Margie Eisenbarth sent a letter of resignation. She indicated she would serve until September 2015 if we could not find a replacement prior to then. It is with great sadness the board accepted her resignation. Margie has been on the board for many years and will not be easily replaced.
Krispy Kremes will be unavailable for the weekend of the Homecoming as they are doing a 100 Year Celebration. Lou moved to do the week after the Homecoming, July 18th. Nancy seconded and all agreed.
The library carnival received good reviews. Our ladies thought it was great. Many children signed up for the Summer Reading Program.
Lou reported on what she had learned on the sign project. It would run approximately $3000 for the one she showed us. She is going to discuss with Nokomis City Council and report back at the next meeting.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded continuing with non-resident cards at a $35 charge. All present voted to accept.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded accepting the Prevailing Wage Rate. Motion carried with all present in agreement.
It was reported the Garden Friends will be hosting a Summer Camp in the library for at-risk students.
Extension is doing Wonderful Worms for children.
Debby reported a Firewall has been installed with our new router. All the computers will need CIPA compliant filters when we switch to NewWave. We have to call Consolidated and cancel.
Debby thanked all who helped with the carnival and for donations of cookies.
President Debi thanked Margie for all her years of service and stated she will be missed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.
June 8, 2015
On Monday, June 8, 2015, the following trustees met in the library for their monthly meeting: Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Lou Spengel, Debi Dawson, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee and Librarian Debby Lehman. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by all present after Lou moved and Kathy seconded to do so. The treasurer’s report was reviewed and Kathy moved, Nancy seconded, approving. All present voted yes. The circulation report was given and a copy is attached.
Illinois Association sent a request letter asking us to vote no to any legislation freezing local property levies. Debby responded with a letter requesting no limits.
It was noted there is a summer training schedule of training courses for the Edge Assessment Program that can help achieve better technology outcomes for your community.
Trustee Margie Eisenbarth sent a letter of resignation. She indicated she would serve until September 2015 if we could not find a replacement prior to then. It is with great sadness the board accepted her resignation. Margie has been on the board for many years and will not be easily replaced.
Krispy Kremes will be unavailable for the weekend of the Homecoming as they are doing a 100 Year Celebration. Lou moved to do the week after the Homecoming, July 18th. Nancy seconded and all agreed.
The library carnival received good reviews. Our ladies thought it was great. Many children signed up for the Summer Reading Program.
Lou reported on what she had learned on the sign project. It would run approximately $3000 for the one she showed us. She is going to discuss with Nokomis City Council and report back at the next meeting.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded continuing with non-resident cards at a $35 charge. All present voted to accept.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded accepting the Prevailing Wage Rate. Motion carried with all present in agreement.
It was reported the Garden Friends will be hosting a Summer Camp in the library for at-risk students.
Extension is doing Wonderful Worms for children.
Debby reported a Firewall has been installed with our new router. All the computers will need CIPA compliant filters when we switch to NewWave. We have to call Consolidated and cancel.
Debby thanked all who helped with the carnival and for donations of cookies.
President Debi thanked Margie for all her years of service and stated she will be missed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm.
On Monday, May 11, 2015, the Nokomis Public Library Trustees met in the library for their monthly meeting with the following trustees present: Martha Beaman, Debi Dawson, Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes from April’s meeting were read. Lou moved and Martha seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Sharon moved and Lou seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi.
Under Correspondence it was noted the Executive Council has been elected for Share. Martha, Lou, Nancy and Kathy were elected to serve as Nokomis Public Library Trustees for differing terms over the next 2 to 6 years. The City of Nokomis gave a $100 contribution for the annual Summer Reading Program. This is an annual donation from them and we are very thankful for their help with this program. We received a book, “The Hope We Seek” by author Rich Shapiro. It was donated by Too Far Media.
1) Lou gave a report on the sign we have been discussing for the library. Lou stated she was not having good thoughts about spending the money at this time as our financial picture is not as good as it has been in the past. She will pursue getting prices and report back to us at the next meeting. We can see what we think at that time.
2) It was decided we will go with glazed donuts as we have in the past. Thrivent will
donate $250 toward this project. The Krispy Crème sale will be on Saturday, July
11th, coinciding with the annual Homecoming Celebration.
1. Ryan, who assisted Tucker, (GetTUCKER) with the virus problem and firewall has expressed an interest in obtaining our old ones. Lou moved and Martha seconded giving them to Ryan. All present voted yes.
2. Debby completed the IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual Report) and presented a copy for us to look over.
3. OCLC Services Program Agreement was discussed. Lou moved and Nancy seconded to join. All present voted yes.
4. We need to renew the bond for our Treasurer, Nancy. It was decided we would check on this and wait until the next meeting to take action.
5. We are planning on starting off the Summer Reading Program with a carnival. This will be held on Monday, June 1, 2015, from 3 to 7 pm. We are planning on many activities, some of which are a dunk tank, face paintings, pies at the librarians, a scavenger hunt, and more! We will need volunteers to man some of the booths and to bring cookies.
6. Our newly elected trustees recited The Oath of Office.
7. We held our annual election of officers. Debi will be president, Lou vice-president, Nancy treasurer, and Sharon secretary. All present approved this roster for the coming year.
Librarian Report:
1. Debby did the Fraud Audit Report and sent to Pattons.
2. Debby did a story letter and sent it regarding LSTA Grants. Government budget cuts
are threatening the cancellation of LSTA Grants and LSTA is asking for a story/letter
to be forwarded in an attempt to convince them not to take this action. It was a very
good story letter she wrote.
Meeting adjourned by President Debi at 6:20 p.m.
The minutes from April’s meeting were read. Lou moved and Martha seconded approving. All members present voted yes.
The Treasurer’s Report was given and Sharon moved and Lou seconded accepting the report. All present voted yes.
The Circulation Report was given by President Debi.
Under Correspondence it was noted the Executive Council has been elected for Share. Martha, Lou, Nancy and Kathy were elected to serve as Nokomis Public Library Trustees for differing terms over the next 2 to 6 years. The City of Nokomis gave a $100 contribution for the annual Summer Reading Program. This is an annual donation from them and we are very thankful for their help with this program. We received a book, “The Hope We Seek” by author Rich Shapiro. It was donated by Too Far Media.
1) Lou gave a report on the sign we have been discussing for the library. Lou stated she was not having good thoughts about spending the money at this time as our financial picture is not as good as it has been in the past. She will pursue getting prices and report back to us at the next meeting. We can see what we think at that time.
2) It was decided we will go with glazed donuts as we have in the past. Thrivent will
donate $250 toward this project. The Krispy Crème sale will be on Saturday, July
11th, coinciding with the annual Homecoming Celebration.
1. Ryan, who assisted Tucker, (GetTUCKER) with the virus problem and firewall has expressed an interest in obtaining our old ones. Lou moved and Martha seconded giving them to Ryan. All present voted yes.
2. Debby completed the IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual Report) and presented a copy for us to look over.
3. OCLC Services Program Agreement was discussed. Lou moved and Nancy seconded to join. All present voted yes.
4. We need to renew the bond for our Treasurer, Nancy. It was decided we would check on this and wait until the next meeting to take action.
5. We are planning on starting off the Summer Reading Program with a carnival. This will be held on Monday, June 1, 2015, from 3 to 7 pm. We are planning on many activities, some of which are a dunk tank, face paintings, pies at the librarians, a scavenger hunt, and more! We will need volunteers to man some of the booths and to bring cookies.
6. Our newly elected trustees recited The Oath of Office.
7. We held our annual election of officers. Debi will be president, Lou vice-president, Nancy treasurer, and Sharon secretary. All present approved this roster for the coming year.
Librarian Report:
1. Debby did the Fraud Audit Report and sent to Pattons.
2. Debby did a story letter and sent it regarding LSTA Grants. Government budget cuts
are threatening the cancellation of LSTA Grants and LSTA is asking for a story/letter
to be forwarded in an attempt to convince them not to take this action. It was a very
good story letter she wrote.
Meeting adjourned by President Debi at 6:20 p.m.
Nokomis Public library Board meeting
April 13, 2015
Members present: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Debi, Martha, Lou, Margie, and librarian Debby.
Tucker Aumann spoke to the board about the problem with our computers. Our XP computer hardware is outdated and the solution is to replace the computers. The library’s router has been replaced with a new more efficient model complete with a secure firewall. The printers have also been connected to the new system. The recommendation is to replace three XP guest computers with Asus Desktop Computers at $425 each.
Donna Wieneke spoke to the board concerning the cleaning wages. She feels it is unfair that the janitor’s salary is less than the library wages. She wishes it to be the same.
Lou made the motion to raise the janitor’s salary to $9.50 per hour. Kathy seconded the motion. All voted yes except Margie.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed. The minutes were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was approved as written. Nancy brought it to the board’s attention that we spent $3000 more than we took in last year.
The circulation report was read and is attached. The circulation numbers continue to decline.
We received a note from State Farm that Terrorism insurance has been added to our Workman’s Comp policy.
We received the per Capita Grant for 2015. $3673.75 was the total amount received.
We received a letter stating that funding for IMLS and LSTA may be eliminated. We are asked to send our successful LSTA stories to Karen Egan by Friday April 17.
Old business:
Lou attended the 3 D printer workshop in Collinsville. She reported that it is a fabulous program but it is not right for us at this time.
The Cat in the Hat story time was well attended and fun.
Lou has been checking into a sign for the library. She has found a company to work with her. She will continue to work on the project.
Not much has been happening on the EDGE project yet. Work should begin next month.
New Business:
Lou and Kathy wrote a letter to the general public about the state of the library. It lists all the items and programs that the library has to offer. It also explains what is happening with the financial base and the cost it takes to operate the library. The letter is an appeal for donations. The letter will be sent to local organizations and churches later in the year. Facebook and an editorial were discussed.
A list of bidders for new internet provider service was presented. New Wave had the highest score on the matrix. Lou moved to accept New Wave; seconded by Sharon. The board voted to give the contract for service to New Wave. Kathy will proceed with the process.
Debby presented a flyer Summer Reading Camp. This is a grant program is funded through CEFS that Linda Johnston is working on. The dates are June 1st through August 10th. Any child in grades k through 12 can sign up. This program will be held in the library.
The meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM
April 13, 2015
Members present: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Debi, Martha, Lou, Margie, and librarian Debby.
Tucker Aumann spoke to the board about the problem with our computers. Our XP computer hardware is outdated and the solution is to replace the computers. The library’s router has been replaced with a new more efficient model complete with a secure firewall. The printers have also been connected to the new system. The recommendation is to replace three XP guest computers with Asus Desktop Computers at $425 each.
Donna Wieneke spoke to the board concerning the cleaning wages. She feels it is unfair that the janitor’s salary is less than the library wages. She wishes it to be the same.
Lou made the motion to raise the janitor’s salary to $9.50 per hour. Kathy seconded the motion. All voted yes except Margie.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed. The minutes were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was approved as written. Nancy brought it to the board’s attention that we spent $3000 more than we took in last year.
The circulation report was read and is attached. The circulation numbers continue to decline.
We received a note from State Farm that Terrorism insurance has been added to our Workman’s Comp policy.
We received the per Capita Grant for 2015. $3673.75 was the total amount received.
We received a letter stating that funding for IMLS and LSTA may be eliminated. We are asked to send our successful LSTA stories to Karen Egan by Friday April 17.
Old business:
Lou attended the 3 D printer workshop in Collinsville. She reported that it is a fabulous program but it is not right for us at this time.
The Cat in the Hat story time was well attended and fun.
Lou has been checking into a sign for the library. She has found a company to work with her. She will continue to work on the project.
Not much has been happening on the EDGE project yet. Work should begin next month.
New Business:
Lou and Kathy wrote a letter to the general public about the state of the library. It lists all the items and programs that the library has to offer. It also explains what is happening with the financial base and the cost it takes to operate the library. The letter is an appeal for donations. The letter will be sent to local organizations and churches later in the year. Facebook and an editorial were discussed.
A list of bidders for new internet provider service was presented. New Wave had the highest score on the matrix. Lou moved to accept New Wave; seconded by Sharon. The board voted to give the contract for service to New Wave. Kathy will proceed with the process.
Debby presented a flyer Summer Reading Camp. This is a grant program is funded through CEFS that Linda Johnston is working on. The dates are June 1st through August 10th. Any child in grades k through 12 can sign up. This program will be held in the library.
The meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM
Nokomis Public Library Trustees Meeting
March 9, 2015
The following members were present at the meeting: Nancy, Kathy, Sharon, Debi, Lou, Margie, and librarian Debby.
The minutes were presented and reviewed. Kathy moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Lou. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Kathy made the motion to approve it as presented, it was seconded by Nancy . Motion to accept the treasurer’s report passed.
Circulation report for February was read. A copy is attached.
We received a donation from Dave Carey. Debby sent a thank you.
Alison Marley will be reading Cat In the Hat on Saturday March 28. Kathy and Margie will have art activity to correspond to the Seuss stories.
ILA sent initiative to support HB200 and to oppose HB2689.
Debby sent a thank you note to Mary Hermann for the Smithsonian Magazine subscription.
Edge is offering 4 interactive online courses to help us apply Edge strategies for planning and outreach activities. These will be offered in March and April
Old business:
The College Illinois Prepaid tuition program was discussed that we partner with the parent organizations at the schools to be presented at one of their meetings. Debi will get more information on the presentation and take it to the schools. She will report back at our next meeting.
Kathy explained her research into the different companies that are possible E rate providers: Proficient Telecom, New Wave, Jive, Il Century Network. After a lengthy discussion the board decided that we stay with Consolidated Telephone for this year in order to do more planning. The motion was made by Lou and seconded by Debi. The motion passed.
New Business:
Ag in the Classroom: Margie will do the grant and find out more details to report back at the April meeting.
On March 28 Barbara Rhodes is hosting a 3D printer workshop. Debi will be going to the meeting in Collinsville.
Trustees will be viewing short videos to train on the importance of the trustee role. There are 10 videos. One will be shown each month beginning in April.
The library will hold the Krispy Kreme fund raiser On July 11. More discussion will follow as the date approaches.
Lou is continuing to work on the library sign for outside the library.
Librarian Report:
The proposed budget was reviewed by board. They approved after adjustments.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30.
March 9, 2015
The following members were present at the meeting: Nancy, Kathy, Sharon, Debi, Lou, Margie, and librarian Debby.
The minutes were presented and reviewed. Kathy moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Lou. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Kathy made the motion to approve it as presented, it was seconded by Nancy . Motion to accept the treasurer’s report passed.
Circulation report for February was read. A copy is attached.
We received a donation from Dave Carey. Debby sent a thank you.
Alison Marley will be reading Cat In the Hat on Saturday March 28. Kathy and Margie will have art activity to correspond to the Seuss stories.
ILA sent initiative to support HB200 and to oppose HB2689.
Debby sent a thank you note to Mary Hermann for the Smithsonian Magazine subscription.
Edge is offering 4 interactive online courses to help us apply Edge strategies for planning and outreach activities. These will be offered in March and April
Old business:
The College Illinois Prepaid tuition program was discussed that we partner with the parent organizations at the schools to be presented at one of their meetings. Debi will get more information on the presentation and take it to the schools. She will report back at our next meeting.
Kathy explained her research into the different companies that are possible E rate providers: Proficient Telecom, New Wave, Jive, Il Century Network. After a lengthy discussion the board decided that we stay with Consolidated Telephone for this year in order to do more planning. The motion was made by Lou and seconded by Debi. The motion passed.
New Business:
Ag in the Classroom: Margie will do the grant and find out more details to report back at the April meeting.
On March 28 Barbara Rhodes is hosting a 3D printer workshop. Debi will be going to the meeting in Collinsville.
Trustees will be viewing short videos to train on the importance of the trustee role. There are 10 videos. One will be shown each month beginning in April.
The library will hold the Krispy Kreme fund raiser On July 11. More discussion will follow as the date approaches.
Lou is continuing to work on the library sign for outside the library.
Librarian Report:
The proposed budget was reviewed by board. They approved after adjustments.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30.
Nokomis Public Library Trustees Meeting
February 9, 2015
The Nokomis Public Library trustees met in the library on February 9th with the following members present: Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Debi, Sharon and librarian Debby.
The minutes were presented and Kathy moved, Nancy seconded approving same. All present voted to accept the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was given and Kathy moved, Martha seconded approving. All present voted to accept the report.
Circulation report was given and a copy is attached.
Under Correspondence we received a refund check of $1.01 from State Farm, a Share Transitional Member Progress Report, a resume from Andrea Carter of Decatur, a brochure from Illinois Heartland Library System, IHLS brochure with information on how we receive our books, and a letter from Governor Rauner that budget cuts most likely will affect our library.
Old Business:
Regarding Share and Polaris programs, Kathy moved and Sharon seconded giving Debby permission to purchase whatever we reasonably need to proceed.
We will discuss the sign for out front at the next meeting.
New Business:
We discussed the cost of bulk mailing letters to our citizens in an appeal for help with funding our library. Kathy presented a copy of a possible letter for this purpose. We will discuss further at our next meeting.
College of Illinois has kits for applying for college funding for parents to purchase. Would need a minimum of 10 parents willing to come to meeting. We will further discuss at the February meeting.
Allison Marley has volunteered to read the story A CAT IN THE HAT in costume at our library. Kathy volunteered herself and Margie to come up with something to go along with this presentation. Debby is to let her know when she has it scheduled.
Kathy gave an update on our technology plan. She gave us several points to consider and we will continue our discussion at the February meeting.
We went over the current payroll for librarian Debby and assistant librarians Donna and Trista. Sharon moved to give Debby 40 hours of paid vacation per week, raise her wages to $17 per hour, and increase personal days to 6. Martha seconded. Discussion followed and all present approved. Kathy moved, Martha seconded increasing the assistant librarians’ wages from $9.25 to $9.50 per hour. All members present voted yes. Motion passed. Kathy moved and Martha seconded increasing cleaning from $9.00 to $9.25 per hour. All voted yes. Motion passed.
Debby reported that we do not have to keep OCLC if we are not a cataloging library but those that are need to. They are working on a 3rd option and will let us know details before OCLC is due.
Martha moved and Nancy seconded adjourning the business meeting. All approved.
February 9, 2015
The Nokomis Public Library trustees met in the library on February 9th with the following members present: Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Debi, Sharon and librarian Debby.
The minutes were presented and Kathy moved, Nancy seconded approving same. All present voted to accept the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was given and Kathy moved, Martha seconded approving. All present voted to accept the report.
Circulation report was given and a copy is attached.
Under Correspondence we received a refund check of $1.01 from State Farm, a Share Transitional Member Progress Report, a resume from Andrea Carter of Decatur, a brochure from Illinois Heartland Library System, IHLS brochure with information on how we receive our books, and a letter from Governor Rauner that budget cuts most likely will affect our library.
Old Business:
Regarding Share and Polaris programs, Kathy moved and Sharon seconded giving Debby permission to purchase whatever we reasonably need to proceed.
We will discuss the sign for out front at the next meeting.
New Business:
We discussed the cost of bulk mailing letters to our citizens in an appeal for help with funding our library. Kathy presented a copy of a possible letter for this purpose. We will discuss further at our next meeting.
College of Illinois has kits for applying for college funding for parents to purchase. Would need a minimum of 10 parents willing to come to meeting. We will further discuss at the February meeting.
Allison Marley has volunteered to read the story A CAT IN THE HAT in costume at our library. Kathy volunteered herself and Margie to come up with something to go along with this presentation. Debby is to let her know when she has it scheduled.
Kathy gave an update on our technology plan. She gave us several points to consider and we will continue our discussion at the February meeting.
We went over the current payroll for librarian Debby and assistant librarians Donna and Trista. Sharon moved to give Debby 40 hours of paid vacation per week, raise her wages to $17 per hour, and increase personal days to 6. Martha seconded. Discussion followed and all present approved. Kathy moved, Martha seconded increasing the assistant librarians’ wages from $9.25 to $9.50 per hour. All members present voted yes. Motion passed. Kathy moved and Martha seconded increasing cleaning from $9.00 to $9.25 per hour. All voted yes. Motion passed.
Debby reported that we do not have to keep OCLC if we are not a cataloging library but those that are need to. They are working on a 3rd option and will let us know details before OCLC is due.
Martha moved and Nancy seconded adjourning the business meeting. All approved.
Nokomis Library board meeting
January 12, 2015
Members present: Kathy, Nancy, Deb, Margie, Sharon, Lou and Debby.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Circulation report is attached.
Thank you notes from Debby and Donna were received for their Christmas bonuses.
The library received a donation in honor of Janet Bowers; Unbroken will be purchased from Paula and Greg Seifert
We received a notice that we received $3,673.75 Per Capita Grant
The requirements for the Per Capita Grant FY16 & FY17 are available on line.
Notice II that Public Library Annual Report is on line for Debby to fill out after the end of the fiscal year.
Debby submitted the library’s domain registration for website to be renewed.
Debby submitted yearly library certification with the state.
The Statements of Economic Interest were received and filled out by board members.
Old Business:
Christmas walk was not very well attended.
Debby and Lou have not looked into the sign yet.
Kathy updated us on the technology plan. She had reps. from New Wave and Consolidated explain their plans as compared to our current dry pair connection. We will address the issue at a later meeting.
We are still waiting on Polaris.
New Business:
Debby reported on the survey that the library has given out.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00.
January 12, 2015
Members present: Kathy, Nancy, Deb, Margie, Sharon, Lou and Debby.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Circulation report is attached.
Thank you notes from Debby and Donna were received for their Christmas bonuses.
The library received a donation in honor of Janet Bowers; Unbroken will be purchased from Paula and Greg Seifert
We received a notice that we received $3,673.75 Per Capita Grant
The requirements for the Per Capita Grant FY16 & FY17 are available on line.
Notice II that Public Library Annual Report is on line for Debby to fill out after the end of the fiscal year.
Debby submitted the library’s domain registration for website to be renewed.
Debby submitted yearly library certification with the state.
The Statements of Economic Interest were received and filled out by board members.
Old Business:
Christmas walk was not very well attended.
Debby and Lou have not looked into the sign yet.
Kathy updated us on the technology plan. She had reps. from New Wave and Consolidated explain their plans as compared to our current dry pair connection. We will address the issue at a later meeting.
We are still waiting on Polaris.
New Business:
Debby reported on the survey that the library has given out.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00.
Nokomis Public
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
December 8, 2015
Members present: Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Lou, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
A review of filing procedures was done for those filing to run for election in the spring.
The minutes were read and approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented.
The circulation numbers were read and are attached.
ISL sent a reminder about library certification.
Debby is signed up to take a webinar sponsored by Tech Soup about updating your web presence.
Information about a grant project targeting autism
Information from New Wave about providing Internet
Nokomis Downtown Christmas Walk will be Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014
Information about E-Rate was received
A notice from Edge was received showing we belong to the very small library group and the results in contrast to other libraries our size
A notice about an OCLC training session was received –
A Christmas card was received from the Star Shooter 4 H Club
New Business
Christmas bonuses were discussed. Kathy moved we give $150 to Debby and $50 for the other two employees. Martha seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The Maker Lab grant was discussed. It was decided not to try for the grant at this time. We will investigate buying a 3 D printer on our own.
The new sign was discussed. Debi asked for someone to take that task on. Lou and Debby Lehman will work on that project.
Old Business
Kathy discussed the technology plan which she will be updating
Debby gave us an update on Polaris. We are on the list and waiting.
Librarian’s report
Debby told us about a communication she received from the ISL about proposed rule changes.
Debby and the librarians are working on a survey to gather suggestions from patrons about the library. It was suggested that the survey needs to go beyond the library. Lou and Kathy offered to work on this in conjunction with the articles they are going to do in January.
The library will participate in the Downtown Christmas Walk on Saturday the 13th. All board members will bring treats, and Nancy will set up the table. Lou will bring Bandit down at about 11:00 and have a reading corner. Martha will help clean up afterwards.
Sharon and Martha offered to help deliver books to patrons if needed.
The final report for the grant was filed on time.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10
December 8, 2015
Members present: Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Lou, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
A review of filing procedures was done for those filing to run for election in the spring.
The minutes were read and approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was read and approved as presented.
The circulation numbers were read and are attached.
ISL sent a reminder about library certification.
Debby is signed up to take a webinar sponsored by Tech Soup about updating your web presence.
Information about a grant project targeting autism
Information from New Wave about providing Internet
Nokomis Downtown Christmas Walk will be Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014
Information about E-Rate was received
A notice from Edge was received showing we belong to the very small library group and the results in contrast to other libraries our size
A notice about an OCLC training session was received –
A Christmas card was received from the Star Shooter 4 H Club
New Business
Christmas bonuses were discussed. Kathy moved we give $150 to Debby and $50 for the other two employees. Martha seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The Maker Lab grant was discussed. It was decided not to try for the grant at this time. We will investigate buying a 3 D printer on our own.
The new sign was discussed. Debi asked for someone to take that task on. Lou and Debby Lehman will work on that project.
Old Business
Kathy discussed the technology plan which she will be updating
Debby gave us an update on Polaris. We are on the list and waiting.
Librarian’s report
Debby told us about a communication she received from the ISL about proposed rule changes.
Debby and the librarians are working on a survey to gather suggestions from patrons about the library. It was suggested that the survey needs to go beyond the library. Lou and Kathy offered to work on this in conjunction with the articles they are going to do in January.
The library will participate in the Downtown Christmas Walk on Saturday the 13th. All board members will bring treats, and Nancy will set up the table. Lou will bring Bandit down at about 11:00 and have a reading corner. Martha will help clean up afterwards.
Sharon and Martha offered to help deliver books to patrons if needed.
The final report for the grant was filed on time.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10
Library Board meeting
November 10, 2014
Members present: Kathy Moore, Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry Deb Dawson, Martha Beaman, Margie Eisenbarth, and Director Debby Lehman.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Lou moved and Martha seconded that the report be accepted. Report was accepted as presented.
Kathy made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Lou seconded the motion. The report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was read and is attached.
State Farm increased insurance premium by $76 a year.
The library received a poll from Youth Services surveying a list of programs to encourage more library usage by youth and family.
Edge Assessment sent a list of classes to be offered to staff this November through December.
Mary Johnson of Pana sent a historic photo that she found at a resale shop to be added to our genealogy collection.
Old business:
The board addressed the SHARE Program. Lou made a motion that we participate in SHARE. Kathy seconded the motion. Discussion followed on the pros and cons of membership. Vote: Margie –no, Kathy – yes, Martha – yes, Debi – yes, Lou – yes, Nancy – no. The motion carried.
Debi is working writing a grant for 3D printer though MakerLab.
Kathy reported on the new reports we have to file for the end of the Back2Books grant.
New Business
Debby reported on the new World Book offerings. There is a fee per year for the e- books and digital resources, but the library could put this on the web page and they could be used or checked out. The cost would be $365 per year for 2 databases, and $150 for the World Book and Classic e-books.
Lou suggested we write a series of articles to highlight our library. The articles should start in January and be weekly. Lou volunteered to chair the committee. Kathy volunteered to assist.
Debby had a question on holiday closures and staffing. If the school is closed on the holiday, just one person will work with an hour off for lunch. The library will close for this hour.
It was stipulated that the library employees when opening a library account for a new patron request a phone number, which will be verified before the patron receives a library card.
The members discussed the upcoming Library Board election.
Debi moved and Martha seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
November 10, 2014
Members present: Kathy Moore, Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry Deb Dawson, Martha Beaman, Margie Eisenbarth, and Director Debby Lehman.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Lou moved and Martha seconded that the report be accepted. Report was accepted as presented.
Kathy made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Lou seconded the motion. The report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was read and is attached.
State Farm increased insurance premium by $76 a year.
The library received a poll from Youth Services surveying a list of programs to encourage more library usage by youth and family.
Edge Assessment sent a list of classes to be offered to staff this November through December.
Mary Johnson of Pana sent a historic photo that she found at a resale shop to be added to our genealogy collection.
Old business:
The board addressed the SHARE Program. Lou made a motion that we participate in SHARE. Kathy seconded the motion. Discussion followed on the pros and cons of membership. Vote: Margie –no, Kathy – yes, Martha – yes, Debi – yes, Lou – yes, Nancy – no. The motion carried.
Debi is working writing a grant for 3D printer though MakerLab.
Kathy reported on the new reports we have to file for the end of the Back2Books grant.
New Business
Debby reported on the new World Book offerings. There is a fee per year for the e- books and digital resources, but the library could put this on the web page and they could be used or checked out. The cost would be $365 per year for 2 databases, and $150 for the World Book and Classic e-books.
Lou suggested we write a series of articles to highlight our library. The articles should start in January and be weekly. Lou volunteered to chair the committee. Kathy volunteered to assist.
Debby had a question on holiday closures and staffing. If the school is closed on the holiday, just one person will work with an hour off for lunch. The library will close for this hour.
It was stipulated that the library employees when opening a library account for a new patron request a phone number, which will be verified before the patron receives a library card.
The members discussed the upcoming Library Board election.
Debi moved and Martha seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
Public Library
Minutes October 20, 2014
Roll Call – The following members were present: Sharon, Lou, Debi, Kathy, and Librarian Debby Lehman. The following were absent: Margie, Nancy, and Martha.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Sharon moved and Lou seconded that the report be accepted. The minutes were approved as presented.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded the treasurer’s report be accepted. The report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was presented and is attached.
A letter of resume was received from Charyl Pingelton.
We received a book from the Friends of Richard Riordan about his work as mayor in Los Angelos.
An email from David Seleb was received about merging public library districts.
Petitions and nominating papers have been received for those who need to run for re-election: Kathy, Martha, Lou and Nancy.
An email was received from Patricia Novosel about e-read Illinois. Our membership is due to be renewed. The amount will be approximately $570. The board reviewed the usage by library members of those who use e-books.
A notice was received from Heartland Library System, and they will be picking up and delivering books only one time per week from now on.
Debby Lehman received and filled out the survey and sent it in to ALA.
Trista has had her baby and will be back this week.
Old Business
Kathy gave a report on The Edge training and assessment that Debby and she took prior to writing the Per Capita grant.
Kathy presented a review of the board’s work on SWOT and how that applied to the Per Capita grant.
A discussion was held about a sign for the outside. Kathy moved that the library purchase a sign for outside with the cost being up to $500. A donor has volunteered to pay the remainder to make it a permanent sign not a movable one. Lou seconded. Voting yes: Kathy, Debby, Lou and Sharon. Motion carried.
A discussion was held about SHARE program that had been tabled. Sharon moved this issue be tabled to the Nov meeting.
New Business
We received information about MakerLab for 3D printers. If we apply for membership in the MakerLab Club we could get a 3D printer for the library. Debi will take the lead on writing this application.
Kathy will be offering more technology classes this year, and she will start with an e-book class.
Lou reported on the fundraiser her sorority is holding to benefit the library.
Librarian’s Report
Debby has sent a letter to SHARE letting them know we are trying to find ways to afford to join SHARE.
Lou moved we adjourn and Sharon seconded that motion. All members present voted yes. Meeting was adjourned at 6:43pm.
Minutes October 20, 2014
Roll Call – The following members were present: Sharon, Lou, Debi, Kathy, and Librarian Debby Lehman. The following were absent: Margie, Nancy, and Martha.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Sharon moved and Lou seconded that the report be accepted. The minutes were approved as presented.
Kathy moved and Lou seconded the treasurer’s report be accepted. The report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was presented and is attached.
A letter of resume was received from Charyl Pingelton.
We received a book from the Friends of Richard Riordan about his work as mayor in Los Angelos.
An email from David Seleb was received about merging public library districts.
Petitions and nominating papers have been received for those who need to run for re-election: Kathy, Martha, Lou and Nancy.
An email was received from Patricia Novosel about e-read Illinois. Our membership is due to be renewed. The amount will be approximately $570. The board reviewed the usage by library members of those who use e-books.
A notice was received from Heartland Library System, and they will be picking up and delivering books only one time per week from now on.
Debby Lehman received and filled out the survey and sent it in to ALA.
Trista has had her baby and will be back this week.
Old Business
Kathy gave a report on The Edge training and assessment that Debby and she took prior to writing the Per Capita grant.
Kathy presented a review of the board’s work on SWOT and how that applied to the Per Capita grant.
A discussion was held about a sign for the outside. Kathy moved that the library purchase a sign for outside with the cost being up to $500. A donor has volunteered to pay the remainder to make it a permanent sign not a movable one. Lou seconded. Voting yes: Kathy, Debby, Lou and Sharon. Motion carried.
A discussion was held about SHARE program that had been tabled. Sharon moved this issue be tabled to the Nov meeting.
New Business
We received information about MakerLab for 3D printers. If we apply for membership in the MakerLab Club we could get a 3D printer for the library. Debi will take the lead on writing this application.
Kathy will be offering more technology classes this year, and she will start with an e-book class.
Lou reported on the fundraiser her sorority is holding to benefit the library.
Librarian’s Report
Debby has sent a letter to SHARE letting them know we are trying to find ways to afford to join SHARE.
Lou moved we adjourn and Sharon seconded that motion. All members present voted yes. Meeting was adjourned at 6:43pm.
Public Library
Minutes of the Board of Trustees
September 8, 2014
Board trustees present: Debi, Lou, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, Kathy and librarian Debby
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. The corrections are noted in the last month’s minutes and are attached. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
The Circulation Report was given and is attached.
A thank you note was received from the Stolte family thanking the library for the summer reading program.
A book was received from the Illinois State Library – A Handbook of Organization and Membership Directory for ILA.
A notice was received from Illinois Heartland Library System concerning a Membership Day on October 20th from 9 – 3 in Effingham, IL. The cost is $10 per person and includes lunch and breakout session for those attending.
Old Business
A discussion of the SHARE program will be held at the end of the meeting.
Kathy and Debby will take the EDGE training at the end of Spetember before they write the Per Capita Grant. A report of the information received in the training will be presented at the next board meeting.
New Business
Debby presented fundraising information for a program through Pizza Hut. The library would sell cards for $10 each and get to keep $6 of that amount. The cards would entitle the owners to get free medium sized pizzas with a $15 purchase. This was tabled until the next meeting.
Lou brought up buying a sign for outside the library at a cost of $300 - $400. Debby will check with the city to see if we can have one outside our building. Lou moved and Martha seconded that Debi and Lou be the ones to find and purchase a sign if we get permission from the city. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
Two high school students have asked to do 2 hours of community service in the library for credit in a class they are taking at the high school.
Lou provided the library with data concerning tutoring done in the library over the summer for Garden Friends. This information will be kept on file.
Librarian’s Report
Debby and Kathy are working on finishing up reports for the Back 2 Books grant.
Shannon Gunn has volunteered to help out at the circulation desk while Trista is on maternity leave.
Board President’s report
A discussion as held about the SHARE program. This is a program to help us automate our library. The $2000 initial cost would be covered by a grant, but there are costs to the library: $125 for a barcode scanner, $20 per thousand barcodes, $1100 per year to belong to the consortium, and a $10 per book cataloguing fee for books that are not in Polaris. Some libraries in our system are already automated, but their systems do not work with what SHARE uses. 175 libraries in our district are using SHARE, 10 have their own systems, 15 are transitional and an additional 3 have committed but have not signed up officially. Lou requested this be tabled until the October meeting.
Lou moved and Nancy seconded the meeting adjourn. All present voted yes and the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees
September 8, 2014
Board trustees present: Debi, Lou, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, Kathy and librarian Debby
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. The corrections are noted in the last month’s minutes and are attached. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
The Circulation Report was given and is attached.
A thank you note was received from the Stolte family thanking the library for the summer reading program.
A book was received from the Illinois State Library – A Handbook of Organization and Membership Directory for ILA.
A notice was received from Illinois Heartland Library System concerning a Membership Day on October 20th from 9 – 3 in Effingham, IL. The cost is $10 per person and includes lunch and breakout session for those attending.
Old Business
A discussion of the SHARE program will be held at the end of the meeting.
Kathy and Debby will take the EDGE training at the end of Spetember before they write the Per Capita Grant. A report of the information received in the training will be presented at the next board meeting.
New Business
Debby presented fundraising information for a program through Pizza Hut. The library would sell cards for $10 each and get to keep $6 of that amount. The cards would entitle the owners to get free medium sized pizzas with a $15 purchase. This was tabled until the next meeting.
Lou brought up buying a sign for outside the library at a cost of $300 - $400. Debby will check with the city to see if we can have one outside our building. Lou moved and Martha seconded that Debi and Lou be the ones to find and purchase a sign if we get permission from the city. Voting yes – Sharon, Lou, Debi, Martha, Nancy and Kathy
Two high school students have asked to do 2 hours of community service in the library for credit in a class they are taking at the high school.
Lou provided the library with data concerning tutoring done in the library over the summer for Garden Friends. This information will be kept on file.
Librarian’s Report
Debby and Kathy are working on finishing up reports for the Back 2 Books grant.
Shannon Gunn has volunteered to help out at the circulation desk while Trista is on maternity leave.
Board President’s report
A discussion as held about the SHARE program. This is a program to help us automate our library. The $2000 initial cost would be covered by a grant, but there are costs to the library: $125 for a barcode scanner, $20 per thousand barcodes, $1100 per year to belong to the consortium, and a $10 per book cataloguing fee for books that are not in Polaris. Some libraries in our system are already automated, but their systems do not work with what SHARE uses. 175 libraries in our district are using SHARE, 10 have their own systems, 15 are transitional and an additional 3 have committed but have not signed up officially. Lou requested this be tabled until the October meeting.
Lou moved and Nancy seconded the meeting adjourn. All present voted yes and the meeting was adjourned.
Nokomis Public Library Board Meeting
August 11, 2014 Members present: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Martha Beaman, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Lehman.
Two visitors were present Chris Dawdy and Ellen Popit to talk to us about SHARE Inter- Library Loan System. Illinois State Library Grant to automate their collections. {Polaris} Visitors spoke to the details and handed out information that explain the program.
Minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Sharon to approve as presented, seconded by Nancy. Motion passed.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented. Motion was made by Martha and seconded by Sharon. Motion passed.
Circulation report is attached.
Received check from Thrivent for $350.00
2015 Per Capita Grant forms
E-rate funding approved
Ill State Library seeking input on proposed changes to the administrative rules and standards for Illinois library systems. Meetings will be held in various locations in August. Can also contact online.
Thank you for participating in prevailing wage rates.
The library received a gift book about war on terror by Dr. M.A. Saloomi.
Nokomis Rehab and Health Care Center held a bake sale and donated the profits to the library
Old Business:
Per Capita Grant training
Debby contacted the freedom on information personal and solved the issues about our financial records. (Corrected to read: Debby contacted the people who made the freedom of information request and solved the issues about sending our financial records.)
The children’s story hour was cancelled because no one signed up.
The “A Good Book for Dessert” event had 8 ladies in attendance. Deb felt it was a success
Kathy and Debby are going to view an EDGE training video for the Per Capita Grant requirements.
New Business:
The SHARE decision and discussion was tabled until next meeting due to time involved.
Next application for E-rate may include a request for a new wireless router.
Election for trustees will be in April 2015. Kathy, Nancy, Martha, and Mary Lou are up for re-election.
We received second real estate tax payment installment on August 12, 2014.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45
August 11, 2014 Members present: Debi Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Martha Beaman, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Lehman.
Two visitors were present Chris Dawdy and Ellen Popit to talk to us about SHARE Inter- Library Loan System. Illinois State Library Grant to automate their collections. {Polaris} Visitors spoke to the details and handed out information that explain the program.
Minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Sharon to approve as presented, seconded by Nancy. Motion passed.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented. Motion was made by Martha and seconded by Sharon. Motion passed.
Circulation report is attached.
Received check from Thrivent for $350.00
2015 Per Capita Grant forms
E-rate funding approved
Ill State Library seeking input on proposed changes to the administrative rules and standards for Illinois library systems. Meetings will be held in various locations in August. Can also contact online.
Thank you for participating in prevailing wage rates.
The library received a gift book about war on terror by Dr. M.A. Saloomi.
Nokomis Rehab and Health Care Center held a bake sale and donated the profits to the library
Old Business:
Per Capita Grant training
Debby contacted the freedom on information personal and solved the issues about our financial records. (Corrected to read: Debby contacted the people who made the freedom of information request and solved the issues about sending our financial records.)
The children’s story hour was cancelled because no one signed up.
The “A Good Book for Dessert” event had 8 ladies in attendance. Deb felt it was a success
Kathy and Debby are going to view an EDGE training video for the Per Capita Grant requirements.
New Business:
The SHARE decision and discussion was tabled until next meeting due to time involved.
Next application for E-rate may include a request for a new wireless router.
Election for trustees will be in April 2015. Kathy, Nancy, Martha, and Mary Lou are up for re-election.
We received second real estate tax payment installment on August 12, 2014.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45
Nokomis Public Library Board Meeting
July 14, 2014
Members present: Deb Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Lehman and one visitor Charleen Cheek.
The old business was reviewed Nancy made the motion to approve as written, seconded by Sharon, motion passed.
The treasurer report was reviewed Sharon made the motion to approve the report as presented. seconded by Margie. Motion passed.
The circulation report was read and is attached.
Charleen Cheek came to the meeting to express a concern over our materials. She feels our materials are too conservative and would like to see more liberal materials.
We received a thank you from Jayde and Peyton Gonet for the fun reading nights.
We were granted an increase in our Visa account at the First National Bank. It is up to $19,000.
Two books donated by Dan Matthews…The Fine Art of Collecting and Displaying Petroliana vol. I and II
Old Business:
Margie reported on the Ag in the Classroom story hour on July 24 at 1:00 for kids aged 4 to 10. There is a sign- up sheet and an article will run in the Free Press next week.
The Krispy Kreme sale was successful. We sold all but 2 dozen.
New business:
We received another request from IHLS to join SHARE. The representative will be invited to or August meeting.
Per Capita Grant EDGE Training will be held on August 21. The librarian and one board member need to attend.
The library received a letter from The Freedom of Information Act collection Dept. chairman Adam Andrzejewski requesting an electronic copy of the library vendor payee payments for 2008 – 2013.
Librarian’s report: The last event for the grant will be August 6 from 3 – 4. A Good Book For Dessert. The new large print books and audio books will be presented.
Adjourned at 6:15.
July 14, 2014
Members present: Deb Dawson, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Lehman and one visitor Charleen Cheek.
The old business was reviewed Nancy made the motion to approve as written, seconded by Sharon, motion passed.
The treasurer report was reviewed Sharon made the motion to approve the report as presented. seconded by Margie. Motion passed.
The circulation report was read and is attached.
Charleen Cheek came to the meeting to express a concern over our materials. She feels our materials are too conservative and would like to see more liberal materials.
We received a thank you from Jayde and Peyton Gonet for the fun reading nights.
We were granted an increase in our Visa account at the First National Bank. It is up to $19,000.
Two books donated by Dan Matthews…The Fine Art of Collecting and Displaying Petroliana vol. I and II
Old Business:
Margie reported on the Ag in the Classroom story hour on July 24 at 1:00 for kids aged 4 to 10. There is a sign- up sheet and an article will run in the Free Press next week.
The Krispy Kreme sale was successful. We sold all but 2 dozen.
New business:
We received another request from IHLS to join SHARE. The representative will be invited to or August meeting.
Per Capita Grant EDGE Training will be held on August 21. The librarian and one board member need to attend.
The library received a letter from The Freedom of Information Act collection Dept. chairman Adam Andrzejewski requesting an electronic copy of the library vendor payee payments for 2008 – 2013.
Librarian’s report: The last event for the grant will be August 6 from 3 – 4. A Good Book For Dessert. The new large print books and audio books will be presented.
Adjourned at 6:15.
Nokomis Public Library Board Meeting
June 9, 2014
Members present: Mary Lou, Nancy, Kathy, Margie, Debi, and Librarian Debby.
Minutes were reviewed and accepted with the correction that prevailing rate was changed to general mathematic formula.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Circulation report is attached.
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
IHLS sent a list of members we are not included yet due to costs.
July 24 is the date set for the Ag in the Classroom story hour put on by Montgomery County Extension. Margie is in charge of the program.
Fifty children turned out for the new book kick off for the summer reading program. The evaluation was very positive. June 30 is the date of the next event “Ice Cream for Reading” for parents and children of emergent readers. The last one will be an afternoon event in (August) for the large print books for adults.
New Business:
C D coming due. It will be allowed to roll over for another 12 months.
IL. State Library sent a copy of Illinois State Library Heritage because it’s their 175 year anniversary.
Motion was made by Nancy and seconded by Lou that we adopt the 2014 Prevailing Wage Ordinance. Nancy- yes Lou- yes Margie- yes, Kathy- yes, Deb-yes. The motion passed.
Librarian’s Report:
Automatic door is broken. We will table it due to expense.
Krispy Kreme Donut sale will be July 12. We will order 100 dozen. Thrivent will match up to $350. Debi will pick up the order. Any members who are able should try to come to help at 8:00 to 10:30. Lou will borrow Beaman’s sign to advertise the donuts two weeks before the sale.
Lou reported that Garden Friends has 7 children signed up for the summer tutoring program that will meet in the library this summer.
Meeting adjourned at 6:13.
June 9, 2014
Members present: Mary Lou, Nancy, Kathy, Margie, Debi, and Librarian Debby.
Minutes were reviewed and accepted with the correction that prevailing rate was changed to general mathematic formula.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Circulation report is attached.
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
IHLS sent a list of members we are not included yet due to costs.
July 24 is the date set for the Ag in the Classroom story hour put on by Montgomery County Extension. Margie is in charge of the program.
Fifty children turned out for the new book kick off for the summer reading program. The evaluation was very positive. June 30 is the date of the next event “Ice Cream for Reading” for parents and children of emergent readers. The last one will be an afternoon event in (August) for the large print books for adults.
New Business:
C D coming due. It will be allowed to roll over for another 12 months.
IL. State Library sent a copy of Illinois State Library Heritage because it’s their 175 year anniversary.
Motion was made by Nancy and seconded by Lou that we adopt the 2014 Prevailing Wage Ordinance. Nancy- yes Lou- yes Margie- yes, Kathy- yes, Deb-yes. The motion passed.
Librarian’s Report:
Automatic door is broken. We will table it due to expense.
Krispy Kreme Donut sale will be July 12. We will order 100 dozen. Thrivent will match up to $350. Debi will pick up the order. Any members who are able should try to come to help at 8:00 to 10:30. Lou will borrow Beaman’s sign to advertise the donuts two weeks before the sale.
Lou reported that Garden Friends has 7 children signed up for the summer tutoring program that will meet in the library this summer.
Meeting adjourned at 6:13.
Nokomis Library Board
Trustee Meeting
May 12, 2014
Members present: Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Lou Spengel, Debi Dawson, and librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented and approved with no corrections.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved with no corrections.
The Circulation Report was presented and is attached.
The library received a list of acronyms used by the Illinois State Library which will be kept on file.
Two checks, a Per Capita Grant check in the amount of $3673.75 and a Back to Books Grant check in the amount of $5000 were received.
The Illinet renewal form was received and it was sent in by our librarian.
Old Business
Susan Wilson came to the library to work with adult learners, but no one showed up.
Margie will be working on the Paws to Read program as a part of the summer reading program in July.
We have until October to have a board member and a staff member watch an online video for the Illinois Edge Resource program.
New Business
Linda Johnston from Garden Friends came to discuss collaborating with the library to provide tutoring for students over the summer. The tutoring would be one on one, and there would be no fees for this service. Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the library join into collaboration with Garden United Incorporated to provide summer tutoring for students. The following board members voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy, Martha, Lou and Debi. There were no nay votes.
A discussion was held about the cost of non-resident cards. Currently they cost $35 per year, and that cost is set by the prevailing rate for non-resident cards. Margie moved and Martha seconded that the amount for non-resident cards stay $35 based upon the prevailing rate for non-resident cards not changing. All members voted yes.
A discussion was held about overdue fines. No action was taken.
The annual report is finished and available to be seen.
Librarian Debby Lehman has opened an account at the First National Bank for the Back to Book grant.
Margie is holding a summer reading program in conjunction with the Smithsonian’s program with the BRS Baseball Museum. It will be held on Tuesday June 10 from 9:30 to 11:00. It is called “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and will be for students in grades 1 – 4.
The election of Officers was held. The results were: President – Debi Dawson, Vice President – Sharon Satterlee, Secretary – Margie Eisenbarth, and Treasurer – Nancy Sperry. These members were elected with a vote of acclamation.
Librarian’s Report
Our auditor, Patton, sent some articles on embezzlement and fraud along with a questionnaire about these subjects. Debby filled out the questionnaire and sent it in.
Debby attended a meeting about SHARE at the Litchfield Library. It centered on a program called Polaris that is being used to automate libraries so they can share their resources statewide. There is grant money to help libraries that are not automated to become automated using this Polaris program. The cost would be $1100 per year, and the library would receive a receipt printer. The library would have to purchase a scanner and bar codes. Helpers would come for 3 – 4 days to help put bar codes on the items, but the library would need to do the remainder of the work bar coding after the helpers left. The grant program runs for two years. Lou moved that we table this idea for the present.
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM.
May 12, 2014
Members present: Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Lou Spengel, Debi Dawson, and librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented and approved with no corrections.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved with no corrections.
The Circulation Report was presented and is attached.
The library received a list of acronyms used by the Illinois State Library which will be kept on file.
Two checks, a Per Capita Grant check in the amount of $3673.75 and a Back to Books Grant check in the amount of $5000 were received.
The Illinet renewal form was received and it was sent in by our librarian.
Old Business
Susan Wilson came to the library to work with adult learners, but no one showed up.
Margie will be working on the Paws to Read program as a part of the summer reading program in July.
We have until October to have a board member and a staff member watch an online video for the Illinois Edge Resource program.
New Business
Linda Johnston from Garden Friends came to discuss collaborating with the library to provide tutoring for students over the summer. The tutoring would be one on one, and there would be no fees for this service. Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the library join into collaboration with Garden United Incorporated to provide summer tutoring for students. The following board members voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy, Martha, Lou and Debi. There were no nay votes.
A discussion was held about the cost of non-resident cards. Currently they cost $35 per year, and that cost is set by the prevailing rate for non-resident cards. Margie moved and Martha seconded that the amount for non-resident cards stay $35 based upon the prevailing rate for non-resident cards not changing. All members voted yes.
A discussion was held about overdue fines. No action was taken.
The annual report is finished and available to be seen.
Librarian Debby Lehman has opened an account at the First National Bank for the Back to Book grant.
Margie is holding a summer reading program in conjunction with the Smithsonian’s program with the BRS Baseball Museum. It will be held on Tuesday June 10 from 9:30 to 11:00. It is called “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and will be for students in grades 1 – 4.
The election of Officers was held. The results were: President – Debi Dawson, Vice President – Sharon Satterlee, Secretary – Margie Eisenbarth, and Treasurer – Nancy Sperry. These members were elected with a vote of acclamation.
Librarian’s Report
Our auditor, Patton, sent some articles on embezzlement and fraud along with a questionnaire about these subjects. Debby filled out the questionnaire and sent it in.
Debby attended a meeting about SHARE at the Litchfield Library. It centered on a program called Polaris that is being used to automate libraries so they can share their resources statewide. There is grant money to help libraries that are not automated to become automated using this Polaris program. The cost would be $1100 per year, and the library would receive a receipt printer. The library would have to purchase a scanner and bar codes. Helpers would come for 3 – 4 days to help put bar codes on the items, but the library would need to do the remainder of the work bar coding after the helpers left. The grant program runs for two years. Lou moved that we table this idea for the present.
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM.
Nokomis Library minutes
April 14, 2014
Board members present: Nancy, Lou, Sharon, Debi, Margie, and Debby Lehman.
Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report including the 2013 budget was read and discussed. Motion was made that it be accepted. Motion passed.
Circulation report for March was down a little from last year. (attached)
Mary Herman adopted our library to receive a subscription to Smithsonian Magazine for 2014.
CD matured at First National Bank. It will not be rolled over this time.
We received a copy of How Did That Get In My Lunch Box from Montgomery County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee.
Macon County is offering a summer reading program titled “Paws to Read”. Margie will look into it for a possible reading program.
Old Business:
Illinois Edge Resource Program, 1 board member and 1 staff person must attend for the per capita grant.
The reading time with Bandit went well. There were 2 different groups. Bandit received thank you notes from the kids.
Susan Wilson will be at our library April 23 to meet with adult learners and tutors.
New Business:
The Image Technology Group graphic Sciences, Inc. & Rob Schneider contacted the library to convert newspaper microfilm to digital image. It was decided to send the information on to the Nokomis Historical society to see if they are interested.
Debby sent a letter to the Nokomis Township Members on behalf of the library for maximum increased allowable for the library funding this fiscal year.
It was decided to do the Krispy Kreme donut sale at homecoming again this year.
Someone needs to take the donor plaques over to Litchfield to get the new donor names updated.
Board members are needed to work stations at the Summer Reading Program kick off on June 5. Details will be discussed at the next meeting.
Chapter 7 of Serving Our Public was reviewed by the board for the per capita grant.
Librarian’s report:
The new schedule with just 3 employees is going well for now.
The School District will be changing their internet provider. So the library needs to begin looking for a new provider for our services. Lou will check with the St. Louis School to see what they are doing for their service.
Illinois Library system has received a grant to increase membership in SHARE. For $1100 per year they would bar code and catalogue our collection. The cost is a concern at this time. Debby will go to a demonstration of Polaris in Litchfield to see how the system runs if possible.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25
Margie Eisenbarth: acting secretary
April 14, 2014
Board members present: Nancy, Lou, Sharon, Debi, Margie, and Debby Lehman.
Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report including the 2013 budget was read and discussed. Motion was made that it be accepted. Motion passed.
Circulation report for March was down a little from last year. (attached)
Mary Herman adopted our library to receive a subscription to Smithsonian Magazine for 2014.
CD matured at First National Bank. It will not be rolled over this time.
We received a copy of How Did That Get In My Lunch Box from Montgomery County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee.
Macon County is offering a summer reading program titled “Paws to Read”. Margie will look into it for a possible reading program.
Old Business:
Illinois Edge Resource Program, 1 board member and 1 staff person must attend for the per capita grant.
The reading time with Bandit went well. There were 2 different groups. Bandit received thank you notes from the kids.
Susan Wilson will be at our library April 23 to meet with adult learners and tutors.
New Business:
The Image Technology Group graphic Sciences, Inc. & Rob Schneider contacted the library to convert newspaper microfilm to digital image. It was decided to send the information on to the Nokomis Historical society to see if they are interested.
Debby sent a letter to the Nokomis Township Members on behalf of the library for maximum increased allowable for the library funding this fiscal year.
It was decided to do the Krispy Kreme donut sale at homecoming again this year.
Someone needs to take the donor plaques over to Litchfield to get the new donor names updated.
Board members are needed to work stations at the Summer Reading Program kick off on June 5. Details will be discussed at the next meeting.
Chapter 7 of Serving Our Public was reviewed by the board for the per capita grant.
Librarian’s report:
The new schedule with just 3 employees is going well for now.
The School District will be changing their internet provider. So the library needs to begin looking for a new provider for our services. Lou will check with the St. Louis School to see what they are doing for their service.
Illinois Library system has received a grant to increase membership in SHARE. For $1100 per year they would bar code and catalogue our collection. The cost is a concern at this time. Debby will go to a demonstration of Polaris in Litchfield to see how the system runs if possible.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25
Margie Eisenbarth: acting secretary
Public Library
March 10, 2014
Members present: Lou, Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Margie and librarian Debby Lehman
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Lou moved and Nancy seconded the minutes be approved. All present voted for approval. The minutes were approved.
The treasurer’s report was presented. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded that the treasurer’s report be approved. All present voted yes, and the report was approved.
The circulation report was presented, and the totals showed that the circulation numbers were down from last year’s numbers.
Old Business
The author of “A Whelse in the Darkness” will get back to us if he wants an author tea.
A statement from the Sec of State was received about Illinet and OCLC renewal. The cost is $186. The board voted that Debby should pay this amount.
A discussion was held about the new grant awarded to the library “Feeding Literacy: This grant provides money for books in the emergent level, children’s non-fiction, audio books, and large print books. The library will provide the food for the programs that help highlight these new books.
Kathy filed 471 e-rate form today.
New Business
A discussion was held about Montgomery Ag in the Classroom program available to our library. We will sign up to have this program at our library this summer, and Kathy and Margie will try to build a program around it.
Debby put an article in the paper about e-books available through e-read Illinois program for our library.
A discussion was held about updating the 6 computers that have Windows XP on them.
A grant was received for helping students with using technology.
We received a reimbursement from the township for social security and library liability insurance. The amount for social security was $3516.75 and the amount for the liability insurance levy was $1323.
There will be a Technology Petting Zoo for IHLS members. The dates sent were not good for our staff to attend.
For this year’s per capita grant requires the library to participate in the Illinois Edge Resource program. At least one staff member and one board must attend. Debby will email us information. We must also review chapter 7, and one staff member must attend an instructional course from a library system or the Il State Library, a staff and board member must attend an Edge Initiative session. The board must analyze the current budget.
Kathy had written a letter on behalf of the library for the literacy program sponsored by C E F S .
We received a grant opportunity through the Illinois State Library about setting up a technology hub. The deadline is too soon, and we chose not to operate.
We received a request from Heather Hampton Knodle asking for ideas or programs to use to spend Montgomery County coal funds on. The programs and ideas should improve the lives of Montgomery County citizens.
The board discussed the resignation of one of our employees. The board discussed whether to replace that employee. It was decided to accept Carol’s resignation and not hire anyone at this time. Margie moved to accept Carol’s resignation immediately, Kathy seconded, and the vote was as follows: yes – Lou, Nancy, Margie, Sharon. There were no no votes.
The board discussed the budget for the coming year. There were two budgets presented. The first one had a lower estimate of expenses, and the second budget had a higher estimate. Lou moved and Kathy seconded we accept budget #2. The votes were as follow: Yes – Lou, Nancy, Kathy, Margie and Sharon. There were no no votes.
Lou will be at the library with Bandit on Tuesday to meet with Catholic school kindergarten and pre-k students.
The meeting adjourned at 6:32 PM
March 10, 2014
Members present: Lou, Sharon, Nancy, Kathy, Margie and librarian Debby Lehman
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Lou moved and Nancy seconded the minutes be approved. All present voted for approval. The minutes were approved.
The treasurer’s report was presented. Kathy moved and Nancy seconded that the treasurer’s report be approved. All present voted yes, and the report was approved.
The circulation report was presented, and the totals showed that the circulation numbers were down from last year’s numbers.
Old Business
The author of “A Whelse in the Darkness” will get back to us if he wants an author tea.
A statement from the Sec of State was received about Illinet and OCLC renewal. The cost is $186. The board voted that Debby should pay this amount.
A discussion was held about the new grant awarded to the library “Feeding Literacy: This grant provides money for books in the emergent level, children’s non-fiction, audio books, and large print books. The library will provide the food for the programs that help highlight these new books.
Kathy filed 471 e-rate form today.
New Business
A discussion was held about Montgomery Ag in the Classroom program available to our library. We will sign up to have this program at our library this summer, and Kathy and Margie will try to build a program around it.
Debby put an article in the paper about e-books available through e-read Illinois program for our library.
A discussion was held about updating the 6 computers that have Windows XP on them.
A grant was received for helping students with using technology.
We received a reimbursement from the township for social security and library liability insurance. The amount for social security was $3516.75 and the amount for the liability insurance levy was $1323.
There will be a Technology Petting Zoo for IHLS members. The dates sent were not good for our staff to attend.
For this year’s per capita grant requires the library to participate in the Illinois Edge Resource program. At least one staff member and one board must attend. Debby will email us information. We must also review chapter 7, and one staff member must attend an instructional course from a library system or the Il State Library, a staff and board member must attend an Edge Initiative session. The board must analyze the current budget.
Kathy had written a letter on behalf of the library for the literacy program sponsored by C E F S .
We received a grant opportunity through the Illinois State Library about setting up a technology hub. The deadline is too soon, and we chose not to operate.
We received a request from Heather Hampton Knodle asking for ideas or programs to use to spend Montgomery County coal funds on. The programs and ideas should improve the lives of Montgomery County citizens.
The board discussed the resignation of one of our employees. The board discussed whether to replace that employee. It was decided to accept Carol’s resignation and not hire anyone at this time. Margie moved to accept Carol’s resignation immediately, Kathy seconded, and the vote was as follows: yes – Lou, Nancy, Margie, Sharon. There were no no votes.
The board discussed the budget for the coming year. There were two budgets presented. The first one had a lower estimate of expenses, and the second budget had a higher estimate. Lou moved and Kathy seconded we accept budget #2. The votes were as follow: Yes – Lou, Nancy, Kathy, Margie and Sharon. There were no no votes.
Lou will be at the library with Bandit on Tuesday to meet with Catholic school kindergarten and pre-k students.
The meeting adjourned at 6:32 PM
Nokomis Public
Feb. 10, 2014
Trustee Meeting Minutes
Present: Nancy, Margie, Sharon, Debi, Kathy, and librarian Debby Lehman
The minutes from the January meeting were circulated. Sharon moved and Nancy seconded that the minutes be approved as presented. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
The treasurer’s report was presented, and Kathy moved they be accepted and Margie seconded. The Treasurer’s report was approved by acclamation.
The Circulation report was given, and it is attached.
Under Correspondence the following was received:
A donation was received from Dave Carey, and Debby will send a thank you note.
A donation of a book called The Love Playbook was received from Books A Million.
A notification was received that we have been awarded a Per Capita grant for this year.
Under Old Business:
We received the information about eRead Illinois. The cost will be $370 per year. Debby will send it in.
There was no news about the Interact Club helping with the Treehouse.
The Board reviewed the library’s Internet Usage policy. The following was changed: The amount of time patrons may use the computer for 1 hour – a change from 30 minutes. The vote was taken with the following voting yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy, Debby. The usage policy will be changed accordingly. The guideline #1, which is a passage about use of the computers being used for educational and informational purposes, was deleted except that nothing of an obscene nature is permitted. The guideline #3 about Internet gaming was also deleted. The statement about Instant Messaging was also deleted. Kathy moved these changes be implemented in the Internet usage policy. The following voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy and Debby.
Under New Business:
Kathy reported that she has filed the 470 form to begin this year’s e-rate application.
A copy of the book, “A Whelse in the Darkness” was received for us to look at. The author would like to sell them in our library. Debby will contact him and see if he would like us to host an author’s tea where he can sell his book.
A discussion was held about whether to let the Woman’s Club use the library facility to hold some of their meetings.
Support is ending for Windows XP and Office 2003 on April 3, 2014. To upgrade these computers the cost through Tech Soup is small. Debby is asked to check on the viability of upgrading our computers.
It was decided not to engage in the survey about ObamaCare.
Board members were asked to complete the Consulting Services Survey.
A discussion about next year’s wages was held. The Board reviewed the sheet of possible wages that was prepared by the librarian. Kathy moved that the following raises be made for library staff: Debby .70 per hour and the librarians .25 per hour and cleaning should stay the same. Margie seconded this. The following voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy and Debby.
There was no Board President report.
There was no Librarian report.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Feb. 10, 2014
Trustee Meeting Minutes
Present: Nancy, Margie, Sharon, Debi, Kathy, and librarian Debby Lehman
The minutes from the January meeting were circulated. Sharon moved and Nancy seconded that the minutes be approved as presented. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
The treasurer’s report was presented, and Kathy moved they be accepted and Margie seconded. The Treasurer’s report was approved by acclamation.
The Circulation report was given, and it is attached.
Under Correspondence the following was received:
A donation was received from Dave Carey, and Debby will send a thank you note.
A donation of a book called The Love Playbook was received from Books A Million.
A notification was received that we have been awarded a Per Capita grant for this year.
Under Old Business:
We received the information about eRead Illinois. The cost will be $370 per year. Debby will send it in.
There was no news about the Interact Club helping with the Treehouse.
The Board reviewed the library’s Internet Usage policy. The following was changed: The amount of time patrons may use the computer for 1 hour – a change from 30 minutes. The vote was taken with the following voting yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy, Debby. The usage policy will be changed accordingly. The guideline #1, which is a passage about use of the computers being used for educational and informational purposes, was deleted except that nothing of an obscene nature is permitted. The guideline #3 about Internet gaming was also deleted. The statement about Instant Messaging was also deleted. Kathy moved these changes be implemented in the Internet usage policy. The following voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy and Debby.
Under New Business:
Kathy reported that she has filed the 470 form to begin this year’s e-rate application.
A copy of the book, “A Whelse in the Darkness” was received for us to look at. The author would like to sell them in our library. Debby will contact him and see if he would like us to host an author’s tea where he can sell his book.
A discussion was held about whether to let the Woman’s Club use the library facility to hold some of their meetings.
Support is ending for Windows XP and Office 2003 on April 3, 2014. To upgrade these computers the cost through Tech Soup is small. Debby is asked to check on the viability of upgrading our computers.
It was decided not to engage in the survey about ObamaCare.
Board members were asked to complete the Consulting Services Survey.
A discussion about next year’s wages was held. The Board reviewed the sheet of possible wages that was prepared by the librarian. Kathy moved that the following raises be made for library staff: Debby .70 per hour and the librarians .25 per hour and cleaning should stay the same. Margie seconded this. The following voted yes: Sharon, Nancy, Margie, Kathy and Debby.
There was no Board President report.
There was no Librarian report.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.
Nokomis Public Library
Trustees Board Meeting
January 13, 2014
Members present: Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee, Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry, and librarian Debby Lehman
Minutes – The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Sharon moved and Nancy seconded that the minutes be approved. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report- The Treasurer’s Report was presented. There were no questions. Kathy moved and Martha Seconded the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. The report was accepted.
Circulation Report – The Circulation Report was given and is attached.
Correspondence – The following correspondence was received:
Statement of Economic Interests were received,
An online Library Certification notification was received and Debby has already filed it,
Notification of a Walmart Foundation Grant for $250 that was granted to our Summer Reading Program
A Pew Research Study information was received indicating that library usage is down but communities place value on having libraries,
A thank you for the Christmas Bonus from Debby
There is a new edition of Serving Our Public available in February.
Old Business –
An ILA Library Trustee Forum workshop will be held Feb. 22, 2014. It will cost $135 to attend. Debi may attend.
There is no news from EReadIllinois.
The Downtown Christmas Walk was briefly discussed.
There was no news about whether Interact Club will help with Treehouse Projects.
New Business –
Statements of Economic Interest were passed out.
The Domain Registration Renewal was discussed. Debby has already taken care of this.
Debby has found a grant from the Margaret Alexander Edwards Trust Grant to promote the free reading of teenagers. This grant opportunity was discussed.
A request was received from Sec. of State Jesse White for compelling stories about our library to be published in Continuance Magazine.
A CD maturity notice was received from First National Bank.
Board President’s Report –
The St. Louis Catholic School is sending the 22 – 24 pre-school and kindergarten students to the library for a tour and story time. Lou Spengel and Bandit will be here to read the story to the students.
Debi brought in a newspaper article about how libraries in the future may not have books. A discussion was held about this article.
Librarian’s report –
Two young teens come in on school days and use the 2 new computers all day long. Other patrons then are denied using the fastest computers. The board decided to limit the use of the two large screen HP computers to everyone for one hour per day. The whole Internet policy will be reviewed in February.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05.
Trustees Board Meeting
January 13, 2014
Members present: Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Sharon Satterlee, Lou Spengel, Nancy Sperry, and librarian Debby Lehman
Minutes – The minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Sharon moved and Nancy seconded that the minutes be approved. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report- The Treasurer’s Report was presented. There were no questions. Kathy moved and Martha Seconded the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. The report was accepted.
Circulation Report – The Circulation Report was given and is attached.
Correspondence – The following correspondence was received:
Statement of Economic Interests were received,
An online Library Certification notification was received and Debby has already filed it,
Notification of a Walmart Foundation Grant for $250 that was granted to our Summer Reading Program
A Pew Research Study information was received indicating that library usage is down but communities place value on having libraries,
A thank you for the Christmas Bonus from Debby
There is a new edition of Serving Our Public available in February.
Old Business –
An ILA Library Trustee Forum workshop will be held Feb. 22, 2014. It will cost $135 to attend. Debi may attend.
There is no news from EReadIllinois.
The Downtown Christmas Walk was briefly discussed.
There was no news about whether Interact Club will help with Treehouse Projects.
New Business –
Statements of Economic Interest were passed out.
The Domain Registration Renewal was discussed. Debby has already taken care of this.
Debby has found a grant from the Margaret Alexander Edwards Trust Grant to promote the free reading of teenagers. This grant opportunity was discussed.
A request was received from Sec. of State Jesse White for compelling stories about our library to be published in Continuance Magazine.
A CD maturity notice was received from First National Bank.
Board President’s Report –
The St. Louis Catholic School is sending the 22 – 24 pre-school and kindergarten students to the library for a tour and story time. Lou Spengel and Bandit will be here to read the story to the students.
Debi brought in a newspaper article about how libraries in the future may not have books. A discussion was held about this article.
Librarian’s report –
Two young teens come in on school days and use the 2 new computers all day long. Other patrons then are denied using the fastest computers. The board decided to limit the use of the two large screen HP computers to everyone for one hour per day. The whole Internet policy will be reviewed in February.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05.
Nokomis Public Library
December 9, 2013
Library Trustee Meeting
Present: Margie, Sharon, Nancy, Debi, Kathy, and librarian Debby Lehman.
Minutes were read from the previous meeting and Margie moved to approve them, and Nancy seconded the motion. All present voted yes to approve the minutes.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Kathy moved the treasurer’s report be approved and Sharon seconded. All present voted to accept the report as presented.
The Circulation Report was given and it is attached.
The following correspondence was received. Lou and Martha sent notices they could not attend the meeting. There will be an ILA Library Trustee Forum workshop Feb. 22, 2014 at Crown Plaza in Springfield.
Under Old Business we received a notice from IHLS eReadIllinois. Our application has been received, and we will be notified when our library will be able to have access to the consortium. All trustees will bring 2 dozen cookies for the Downtown Christmas Walk. Nancy will set up the table. Lou will be here with Bandit from 10 to 12. Our book sale is over. It is against the law in Nokomis to carry a concealed weapon so the City of Nokomis is not posting signs about concealed carry. The library will post signs outside of the library about concealed carrying of weapons. The Board read through the Concealed Carry Policy, and Kathy moved to accept it and Margie seconded it. The following trustees voted to adopt it: Kathy, Margie, Sharon, Nancy, and Debi. No one voted no. The Back 2 Book grant has been submitted by the deadline.
Under New Business Margie moved we give $150 to Debby and $50 to each of the other librarians as a Christmas bonus. Sharon seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Kathy, Margie, Sharon, Nancy, and Debi.
We received $150 donation from the Preceptor Epsilon Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi.
Debi wished everyone a merry Christmas season.
The meeting adjourned at 5:45.
December 9, 2013
Library Trustee Meeting
Present: Margie, Sharon, Nancy, Debi, Kathy, and librarian Debby Lehman.
Minutes were read from the previous meeting and Margie moved to approve them, and Nancy seconded the motion. All present voted yes to approve the minutes.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and Kathy moved the treasurer’s report be approved and Sharon seconded. All present voted to accept the report as presented.
The Circulation Report was given and it is attached.
The following correspondence was received. Lou and Martha sent notices they could not attend the meeting. There will be an ILA Library Trustee Forum workshop Feb. 22, 2014 at Crown Plaza in Springfield.
Under Old Business we received a notice from IHLS eReadIllinois. Our application has been received, and we will be notified when our library will be able to have access to the consortium. All trustees will bring 2 dozen cookies for the Downtown Christmas Walk. Nancy will set up the table. Lou will be here with Bandit from 10 to 12. Our book sale is over. It is against the law in Nokomis to carry a concealed weapon so the City of Nokomis is not posting signs about concealed carry. The library will post signs outside of the library about concealed carrying of weapons. The Board read through the Concealed Carry Policy, and Kathy moved to accept it and Margie seconded it. The following trustees voted to adopt it: Kathy, Margie, Sharon, Nancy, and Debi. No one voted no. The Back 2 Book grant has been submitted by the deadline.
Under New Business Margie moved we give $150 to Debby and $50 to each of the other librarians as a Christmas bonus. Sharon seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Kathy, Margie, Sharon, Nancy, and Debi.
We received $150 donation from the Preceptor Epsilon Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi.
Debi wished everyone a merry Christmas season.
The meeting adjourned at 5:45.
Nokomis Public Library Minutes
November 18, 2013 Members present: Margie, Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Debi D., new member Lou Spengel, Sharon and librarian, Debby Lehman.
Members reviewed the minutes of the October meeting. The minutes were approved as written. Margie moved and Nancy seconded the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
The treasurer’s report was presented, and it was accepted by acclamation with a movement by Kathy and a second by Martha.
The circulation report was read by President Debi and it is attached.
Correspondence was as follows:
November 18, 2013 Members present: Margie, Nancy, Martha, Kathy, Debi D., new member Lou Spengel, Sharon and librarian, Debby Lehman.
Members reviewed the minutes of the October meeting. The minutes were approved as written. Margie moved and Nancy seconded the minutes be approved. All present voted yes.
The treasurer’s report was presented, and it was accepted by acclamation with a movement by Kathy and a second by Martha.
The circulation report was read by President Debi and it is attached.
Correspondence was as follows:
- A quote was received from a vinyl
records company that has a large data base of newspapers, digitized books,
census records, and other materials. The
fee would be $200 per year.
- A letter from Universal Service that
they received our form 486
- Quotes were received from State Farm
for liability insurance and workman’s comp, and the rates went up from last
- A notice that the Junie B. Jones author has died
- A notice came from ILA concerning the
Firearms Concealed Carry Act, and the ILA has written a model policy they feel
all libraries should pass
- The State of Illinois has sent us
information on E-Pay
- IMLS sent information about the state
of small and rural libraries in the United States. Apparently small and rural libraries are
growing and technology is helping libraries..
- We discussed participating in the
Downtown Christmas Walk. It will cost
$45 to be a part of the advertising.
Kathy moved that we participate in the Christmas walk and help pay the
advertising costs. Margie seconded. Lou will bring Bandit and all board members
will donate cookies and Margie will bring candy canes. All present voted yes.
- The book sale is moving slowly.
- A discussion was held about the offer
from World Vital Records. The offer was
tabled at Kathy’s suggestion until there is more interest.
- Margie made a motion to accept the
conceal carry model policy and bring it up to a vote at our next meeting. Sharon seconded the motion. We will check with City Hall about signage
- Margie mentioned that the Interact
Club at the high school is looking for service projects. Possibly we could ask them to help with setting
up the activities in the Treehouse. Margie
will report back on this at our next meeting.
- Kathy reported on the progress of the
Back 2 Book grant she and Debby Lehman are writing.
- Tween involvement in the library was
- A discussion was held about E-Read
Illinois. The board did decide to join
at the special meeting earlier in the month.
We should be getting our welcome packet, and when possible we will begin
the process of letting our patrons know about checking out books from this
On Monday, October 4,2013,the Nokomis Public Library Trustees met with the following members
present: Debi, Nancy, Martha, Sharon, and Librarian Debbie.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved with a notation that President Debi's
name was misspelled.
The treasurer's report was given and approved.
The Circulation Report for September was read by Debi and is about the same as the last 2 years have
A.K. Frailey donated 3 ARAM books to the library, along with 20 Day Trips in and around Shawnee
National Forest from Womens' Club. Also, Margie Eisenbarth donated ln Seafch of Large
IHLS sent an email concerning a new E-read lllinois consortium and how it might work if it goes as
planned. Martha moved and Nancy seconded to let Debbie go if she is interested. Martha, Debi, Sharon
and Nancy voted yes.
Debbie informed us there are 51 books and 5 cards on the Magic Wall of our website.
It was reported the Book Sale was slower than usual.
Martha moved and Sharon seconded adopting the short measureable goals for SWOT analysis. Nancy,
Debi, Sharon and Martha voted yes.
The Board President had nothing new to report.
Librarian Debbie Lehman reported there is a LSTA Grant available, Back 2 Books.
Meeting adjourned.
present: Debi, Nancy, Martha, Sharon, and Librarian Debbie.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved with a notation that President Debi's
name was misspelled.
The treasurer's report was given and approved.
The Circulation Report for September was read by Debi and is about the same as the last 2 years have
A.K. Frailey donated 3 ARAM books to the library, along with 20 Day Trips in and around Shawnee
National Forest from Womens' Club. Also, Margie Eisenbarth donated ln Seafch of Large
IHLS sent an email concerning a new E-read lllinois consortium and how it might work if it goes as
planned. Martha moved and Nancy seconded to let Debbie go if she is interested. Martha, Debi, Sharon
and Nancy voted yes.
Debbie informed us there are 51 books and 5 cards on the Magic Wall of our website.
It was reported the Book Sale was slower than usual.
Martha moved and Sharon seconded adopting the short measureable goals for SWOT analysis. Nancy,
Debi, Sharon and Martha voted yes.
The Board President had nothing new to report.
Librarian Debbie Lehman reported there is a LSTA Grant available, Back 2 Books.
Meeting adjourned.
Nokomis Public Library
September 9, 2013 Minutes
Present: Nancy, Sharon, Martha, Kathy, Debi, and Librarian Debby Lehman.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The Circulation Report was given for the month of August, and the amount was down from the previous year.
The following correspondence was received:
A letter was received from the Illinois Humanity Council with a list of speakers who will come to present at our library for a fee of $75.
A statement from First National Bank was received.
Montgomery County sent a settlement sheet which breaks down the amounts of money received from taxes.
USAC sent a notice that our e-rate application has been funded.
Old Business
Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the treasurer can put some of the tax money into cds. Vote: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon,
Martha, and Debby voted yes. There were no nay votes.
Kathy reported on the short term goals for the SWOT at the library. It was decided to adopt the following goals:
The library will offer technology classes for interested patrons;
The library will offer classes aimed at helping patrons understand and better utilize e-readers.;
The library will offer a workshop for interested teachers about resources available at the library. (Teachers who attend this workshop will receive library cards so they can check out materials.);
The library will participate in the Christmas Walk on December 14th; in order to raise awareness of the library within the community.;
The library will hold a workshop for parents who homeschool to showcase resources available for them to checkout.;
The library will host a genealogy club.;
The library will advertise to small businesses and local organizations about resources and technology in the library from which they could benefit.
New Business
A discussion was held about whether to lend or rent the projector the library owns. Martha moved and Sharon seconded that we allow the projector to be rented. The renter must be a library patron in good standing, and they must pay $40. They get $20 back when it is returned in good condition. Votes: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha and Debby voted yes. There were no nay votes.
A discussion was held about what should go in the Per Capita grant.
Librarian’s Report
Debby asked for permission to buy more e-books for the Magic Wall on our website. The board left it at Debby’s discretion when to spend the grant monies that are left on e-books.
President’s Report – There was none given.
The meeting adjourned at 6:25. The motion was made by Martha and seconded by Debi. Motion carried.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as presented.
The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The Circulation Report was given for the month of August, and the amount was down from the previous year.
The following correspondence was received:
A letter was received from the Illinois Humanity Council with a list of speakers who will come to present at our library for a fee of $75.
A statement from First National Bank was received.
Montgomery County sent a settlement sheet which breaks down the amounts of money received from taxes.
USAC sent a notice that our e-rate application has been funded.
Old Business
Kathy moved and Sharon seconded that the treasurer can put some of the tax money into cds. Vote: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon,
Martha, and Debby voted yes. There were no nay votes.
Kathy reported on the short term goals for the SWOT at the library. It was decided to adopt the following goals:
The library will offer technology classes for interested patrons;
The library will offer classes aimed at helping patrons understand and better utilize e-readers.;
The library will offer a workshop for interested teachers about resources available at the library. (Teachers who attend this workshop will receive library cards so they can check out materials.);
The library will participate in the Christmas Walk on December 14th; in order to raise awareness of the library within the community.;
The library will hold a workshop for parents who homeschool to showcase resources available for them to checkout.;
The library will host a genealogy club.;
The library will advertise to small businesses and local organizations about resources and technology in the library from which they could benefit.
New Business
A discussion was held about whether to lend or rent the projector the library owns. Martha moved and Sharon seconded that we allow the projector to be rented. The renter must be a library patron in good standing, and they must pay $40. They get $20 back when it is returned in good condition. Votes: Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha and Debby voted yes. There were no nay votes.
A discussion was held about what should go in the Per Capita grant.
Librarian’s Report
Debby asked for permission to buy more e-books for the Magic Wall on our website. The board left it at Debby’s discretion when to spend the grant monies that are left on e-books.
President’s Report – There was none given.
The meeting adjourned at 6:25. The motion was made by Martha and seconded by Debi. Motion carried.
Nokomis Public Library
Board of Trustee Meeting
August 12, 2013
The following were present: Debi, Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha, Margie, and librarian Debby.
The following changes were made in the minutes: The e-book fee is for $20 per year not per month. Lou Spengel not Lou Stauder was asked to be on the board. The minutes were approved with those two corrections.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was read and showed the total amount was down from last year’s amount, but up from the year before.
Under Old Business it was reported that Lou Spengel would like to attend a few meetings before she commits to being a board member to fill in an expired term. Margie moved and Sharon seconded that we do not deal with the recycled phone project at this time. Voting yes was: Debi,
Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha, and Margie. There were no nays. The Krispy Kreme doughnut sale netted the library $338, and Thrivent will match those funds plus. A donation of $314.77 was made to the library. The prefix for checking out library e-books may be changed by the
library, but then the old prefix will no longer work.
Kathy gave the board a report on her work with writing goals derived from last month’s SWOT work at the board meeting.
The board discussed possible interest groups the library should think about as they are writing goals for the library. Kathy will have something more definite to report next month.
Under correspondence – Debby got a notice for proposed comments for the FCC about rule changes for e-rate. Kathy will send a comment about how valuable the e-rate program is for the library.
The Per Capita grant is now available on line.
The settlement sheet from Nokomis Township was received showing our share of this year’s taxes paid so far is $7201.68.
We got the newsletter from Axis 360 which showed that we are a new member.
We got a notice about the Affordable Care Act from the Illinois State Library. There will be a Web Junction webinar focused on how the library can help its patrons learn about the AFC act.
The Gigabit Libraries Network is offering an opportunity to become a technology hub for the community. Kathy moved this issue be
We got a notice about Call One being approved as an affinity partner. Margie moved that we table any more on this information.
The library received a copy of the notification of the prevailing wage rate that was published in the paper from Sandy Leitheiser.
A discussion was made about collecting art produced by local artists. Sharon has offered a work by Atron Regan.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Board of Trustee Meeting
August 12, 2013
The following were present: Debi, Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha, Margie, and librarian Debby.
The following changes were made in the minutes: The e-book fee is for $20 per year not per month. Lou Spengel not Lou Stauder was asked to be on the board. The minutes were approved with those two corrections.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
The circulation report was read and showed the total amount was down from last year’s amount, but up from the year before.
Under Old Business it was reported that Lou Spengel would like to attend a few meetings before she commits to being a board member to fill in an expired term. Margie moved and Sharon seconded that we do not deal with the recycled phone project at this time. Voting yes was: Debi,
Kathy, Nancy, Sharon, Martha, and Margie. There were no nays. The Krispy Kreme doughnut sale netted the library $338, and Thrivent will match those funds plus. A donation of $314.77 was made to the library. The prefix for checking out library e-books may be changed by the
library, but then the old prefix will no longer work.
Kathy gave the board a report on her work with writing goals derived from last month’s SWOT work at the board meeting.
The board discussed possible interest groups the library should think about as they are writing goals for the library. Kathy will have something more definite to report next month.
Under correspondence – Debby got a notice for proposed comments for the FCC about rule changes for e-rate. Kathy will send a comment about how valuable the e-rate program is for the library.
The Per Capita grant is now available on line.
The settlement sheet from Nokomis Township was received showing our share of this year’s taxes paid so far is $7201.68.
We got the newsletter from Axis 360 which showed that we are a new member.
We got a notice about the Affordable Care Act from the Illinois State Library. There will be a Web Junction webinar focused on how the library can help its patrons learn about the AFC act.
The Gigabit Libraries Network is offering an opportunity to become a technology hub for the community. Kathy moved this issue be
We got a notice about Call One being approved as an affinity partner. Margie moved that we table any more on this information.
The library received a copy of the notification of the prevailing wage rate that was published in the paper from Sandy Leitheiser.
A discussion was made about collecting art produced by local artists. Sharon has offered a work by Atron Regan.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Nokomis Public Library Minutes
July 8, 2013
Roll Call – Margie, Nancy, Debby D., Kathy and Debby L, Librarian
Minutes from previous meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The Circulation Report was given for the month of June. The amount of materials checked out was down from the previous year.
The following correspondence was received.
A letter from ILA was received showing that the amount of money for this year’s grants was increased by the state legislation, which means if we get a per capita grant the amount will be more than last year’s amount.
A letter was received from IHLS concerning lending practices.
A letter from ISL was received concerning the need for a technology plan if we are to file for e-rate funds. Kathy reminded the board that our technology plan was renewed last year for five years.
A notice from the bank was received letting us know that our credit limit has been raised. Another notice was received from the
bank stating their penalties and fees.
Old Business
The board discussed a needed e-book policy. Kathy moved that the fee for the e-book card be $20 per year. Margie seconded the motion.
The votes were Margie- yes, Nancy –yes, Kathy – yes, and Debby –yes. The motion carried. The board feels that the policy should contain the following: e-reader cards are per person not per family, patrons who apply for a e-reader card will pay a yearly fee of $20 patrons can check out only one book at a time, e-books will be checked out for a two week period, but patrons can return a book two days after they checked it out, if patrons abuse the policy their privileges will be revoked. Kathy moved to accept the policy, and Margie seconded the motion . The
votes were Nancy – yes, Kathy – yes, Margie – yes, Debby – yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about whom to ask to fill the library trustee vacancy. Debby will ask Lou Stauder.
New Business
It was decided to table a request to help recycle phones pending further information.
Librarian’s Report
Debby reported on the finish of the EDD grant. The final report has been filed.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be picked up by Saturday morning by Debby Dawson. Thrivent ladies will help that
President’s Report
The board did a SWOT analysis, and will come up with some short measurable goals based upon the SWOT at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:38.
July 8, 2013
Roll Call – Margie, Nancy, Debby D., Kathy and Debby L, Librarian
Minutes from previous meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The Circulation Report was given for the month of June. The amount of materials checked out was down from the previous year.
The following correspondence was received.
A letter from ILA was received showing that the amount of money for this year’s grants was increased by the state legislation, which means if we get a per capita grant the amount will be more than last year’s amount.
A letter was received from IHLS concerning lending practices.
A letter from ISL was received concerning the need for a technology plan if we are to file for e-rate funds. Kathy reminded the board that our technology plan was renewed last year for five years.
A notice from the bank was received letting us know that our credit limit has been raised. Another notice was received from the
bank stating their penalties and fees.
Old Business
The board discussed a needed e-book policy. Kathy moved that the fee for the e-book card be $20 per year. Margie seconded the motion.
The votes were Margie- yes, Nancy –yes, Kathy – yes, and Debby –yes. The motion carried. The board feels that the policy should contain the following: e-reader cards are per person not per family, patrons who apply for a e-reader card will pay a yearly fee of $20 patrons can check out only one book at a time, e-books will be checked out for a two week period, but patrons can return a book two days after they checked it out, if patrons abuse the policy their privileges will be revoked. Kathy moved to accept the policy, and Margie seconded the motion . The
votes were Nancy – yes, Kathy – yes, Margie – yes, Debby – yes. The motion carried.
A discussion was held about whom to ask to fill the library trustee vacancy. Debby will ask Lou Stauder.
New Business
It was decided to table a request to help recycle phones pending further information.
Librarian’s Report
Debby reported on the finish of the EDD grant. The final report has been filed.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be picked up by Saturday morning by Debby Dawson. Thrivent ladies will help that
President’s Report
The board did a SWOT analysis, and will come up with some short measurable goals based upon the SWOT at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:38.
Minutes for the Nokomis Public Library Board of Trustees
June 10, 2013
Members present: Martha Beaman, Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Dawson, Kathy
Moore, and librarian Debby Lehman
The treasurer’s report was presented and approved by acclamation.
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented and approved with no additions or
The circulation report was read and the total the totals were down from the previous two
An appendix for ILLINET was received from the Office of the Secretary of State.
It shows a price list for products and services from OCLC that are not included in the group service
A notice was received from the Nokomis Savings Bank concerning our current CD.
One was received from the First National Bank also concerning our CD at that institution. A discussion was
held about cashing in the smaller CD. Kathy Moore moved that we cash in the smaller CD at the First National
Bank and Nancy Sperry seconded the motion. The following members voted yes: Margie, Nancy, Kathy, Martha and Debby.
The motion carried.
A discussion was held about the environmental scan that we must do for the upcoming Per Capita grant. It was decided that Kathy would head up this effort for the board. She will be ready to work with the board on it for the July Board meeting.
The results of the Pew Report on “Library Services in the Digital Age” were received. The report showed how the public
responds to library, and the results were broken down by age groups. A variety of suggested services, library priorities, and services were
included in the report.
A Per Capita Grant payment of $3020.26 was received.
Old Business:
A list of hosting libraries was received from Amy Ihnen in regards to “Responses to Library Board and staff building
The Prevailing Wage Ordinance was presented to the Board for approval. Martha moved that we accept the prevailing wage act and Margie seconded it. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy, Kathy, Martha, and Debby. Motion carried.
Kathy told the board that her last computer class would be held on June 11, 2013. It will be about using digital cameras, video camera, and the digital scanner.
New Business:
We received a contract for non-SHARE member library in IHLS. The contract says
that we as a library plans not to join the SHARE consortium for the coming
year. Since we are not an automated library, we are not able to join the consortium.
Margie moved that we sign the contract as a non-SHARE library member. Kathy seconded. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy,
Kathy, Martha, and Debby. Motion carried.
Margie reported on the Summer Reading Program that she and Kathy will be doing in July 22 – 25th. The program will be titled the Dog Days
of Summer.
Librarian’s Report:
Debby wrote a letter to the city about the leaky window in the front of the library.
Debby Lehman reported on the e-book contract she signed with Axis 360. She is looking to see what books are available. Debby Dawson suggested no digitally read books, and that we should get books with a narrator instead. Patrons who use electronic will have to have a new card with a prefix and post fix number. A discussion was held about whether Debby should focus on buying e-books or add audio e-books or both. Martha moved to have Debby should buy a mixture of both kinds. Nancy seconded the motion. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy, Martha, Debby. Motion carried.
President’s Report:
We need to think about a new board member. Board members are asked to think about possible recruits.
The Board reviewed Chapter 4 of Standards for Public Libraries.
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM
June 10, 2013
Members present: Martha Beaman, Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Dawson, Kathy
Moore, and librarian Debby Lehman
The treasurer’s report was presented and approved by acclamation.
The minutes from the previous meeting were presented and approved with no additions or
The circulation report was read and the total the totals were down from the previous two
An appendix for ILLINET was received from the Office of the Secretary of State.
It shows a price list for products and services from OCLC that are not included in the group service
A notice was received from the Nokomis Savings Bank concerning our current CD.
One was received from the First National Bank also concerning our CD at that institution. A discussion was
held about cashing in the smaller CD. Kathy Moore moved that we cash in the smaller CD at the First National
Bank and Nancy Sperry seconded the motion. The following members voted yes: Margie, Nancy, Kathy, Martha and Debby.
The motion carried.
A discussion was held about the environmental scan that we must do for the upcoming Per Capita grant. It was decided that Kathy would head up this effort for the board. She will be ready to work with the board on it for the July Board meeting.
The results of the Pew Report on “Library Services in the Digital Age” were received. The report showed how the public
responds to library, and the results were broken down by age groups. A variety of suggested services, library priorities, and services were
included in the report.
A Per Capita Grant payment of $3020.26 was received.
Old Business:
A list of hosting libraries was received from Amy Ihnen in regards to “Responses to Library Board and staff building
The Prevailing Wage Ordinance was presented to the Board for approval. Martha moved that we accept the prevailing wage act and Margie seconded it. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy, Kathy, Martha, and Debby. Motion carried.
Kathy told the board that her last computer class would be held on June 11, 2013. It will be about using digital cameras, video camera, and the digital scanner.
New Business:
We received a contract for non-SHARE member library in IHLS. The contract says
that we as a library plans not to join the SHARE consortium for the coming
year. Since we are not an automated library, we are not able to join the consortium.
Margie moved that we sign the contract as a non-SHARE library member. Kathy seconded. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy,
Kathy, Martha, and Debby. Motion carried.
Margie reported on the Summer Reading Program that she and Kathy will be doing in July 22 – 25th. The program will be titled the Dog Days
of Summer.
Librarian’s Report:
Debby wrote a letter to the city about the leaky window in the front of the library.
Debby Lehman reported on the e-book contract she signed with Axis 360. She is looking to see what books are available. Debby Dawson suggested no digitally read books, and that we should get books with a narrator instead. Patrons who use electronic will have to have a new card with a prefix and post fix number. A discussion was held about whether Debby should focus on buying e-books or add audio e-books or both. Martha moved to have Debby should buy a mixture of both kinds. Nancy seconded the motion. Members voting yes: Margie, Nancy, Martha, Debby. Motion carried.
President’s Report:
We need to think about a new board member. Board members are asked to think about possible recruits.
The Board reviewed Chapter 4 of Standards for Public Libraries.
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM
Nokomis Library Trustee Meeting
May 13, 2013
Members present: Debi Dawson, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Debby Lehman, Martha Beaman.
The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Deb Dawson made a motion to approve the corrected minutes, seconded by Sharon. All members voted yes. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Circulation report from March was read. The total was down from last year.
State Farm Adjustment Statement was received informing us that additional unemployment amount was waived.
The state informed us that the amount for grants has been reduced to $5, 333,615 for this fiscal year of 2013. That is down approximately
Old Business:
Debby gave a report on the changes in the SHARE program. Our library will see no change because we do not have our own automated
Information on the training sessions for WorldShare was shared by Debby. The sessions will be a webinar. Our librarians will register.
Kathy explained a survey she gives to the computer classes and patrons who use the library computers. Hopefully this will satisfy the youth requirements of the EDD grant.
The election results were canvassed. The newly elected received a certificate of election from Montgomery County.
The Illinet agreement has been renewed for 2013.
The per Capita Grant requires SWOT which is a tool for an Environmental scan of ourfacilities.
New Business:
June will be the time to pass the Prevailing wage Rate. It will be tabled it until election of new officers.
The Annual Report was signed and is ready to be sent.
Information was received on continuing Education for board members and was shared with the members. The idea is that board members visit other libraries to learn from one another.
The new copier had to be repaired as it was still under warranty there was no cost to us. Debby was able to reprogram the laptops
so they are now able to print to either the HP printer or the Savin copier.
The non-resident fee has to be raised because the tax base has raised. Margie made the motion that the non-resident fee be raised to
$35.00. The motion was seconded by Nancy. After discussion members voted: Martha-yes, Nancy-yes, Deb-yes, Sharon-yes. Margie – yes, Kathy- yes. Motion passed.
Election of officers for 2013 – 14.
Nancy Sperry volunteered to be Treasurer.
Deb Dawson agreed to do the President.
Sharon Satterlee will be Vice President.
Kathy Moore will be Secretary.
Margie made a motion that the slate of officers be accepted. Deb seconded the motion. All members voted yes.
Librarian’s Report:
The board was updated on e-books. Baker and Taylor’s company presented an affordable and easy to use system for our library.
The cost is $500 per year for them to oversee the program the rest of our money can be used to purchase e-books.
Patrons will be given access to a number that will enable them to download books from our library e-book collection.
The motion was made by Deb to sign on with Baker and Taylor’s Axis 360 e-book program. Martha seconded. All members voted yes.
Debby explained that Quick Books will be updated by the township and the library will be able to use it.
President report:
Another computer class will be offered in June.
Chapter 3 –Standards for Libraries was reviewed by the board. Personnel policies were reviewed in order to meet the per Capita Grant
The meeting adjourned at 6:30
Margie Eisenbarth,
The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Deb Dawson made a motion to approve the corrected minutes, seconded by Sharon. All members voted yes. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Circulation report from March was read. The total was down from last year.
State Farm Adjustment Statement was received informing us that additional unemployment amount was waived.
The state informed us that the amount for grants has been reduced to $5, 333,615 for this fiscal year of 2013. That is down approximately
Old Business:
Debby gave a report on the changes in the SHARE program. Our library will see no change because we do not have our own automated
Information on the training sessions for WorldShare was shared by Debby. The sessions will be a webinar. Our librarians will register.
Kathy explained a survey she gives to the computer classes and patrons who use the library computers. Hopefully this will satisfy the youth requirements of the EDD grant.
The election results were canvassed. The newly elected received a certificate of election from Montgomery County.
The Illinet agreement has been renewed for 2013.
The per Capita Grant requires SWOT which is a tool for an Environmental scan of ourfacilities.
New Business:
June will be the time to pass the Prevailing wage Rate. It will be tabled it until election of new officers.
The Annual Report was signed and is ready to be sent.
Information was received on continuing Education for board members and was shared with the members. The idea is that board members visit other libraries to learn from one another.
The new copier had to be repaired as it was still under warranty there was no cost to us. Debby was able to reprogram the laptops
so they are now able to print to either the HP printer or the Savin copier.
The non-resident fee has to be raised because the tax base has raised. Margie made the motion that the non-resident fee be raised to
$35.00. The motion was seconded by Nancy. After discussion members voted: Martha-yes, Nancy-yes, Deb-yes, Sharon-yes. Margie – yes, Kathy- yes. Motion passed.
Election of officers for 2013 – 14.
Nancy Sperry volunteered to be Treasurer.
Deb Dawson agreed to do the President.
Sharon Satterlee will be Vice President.
Kathy Moore will be Secretary.
Margie made a motion that the slate of officers be accepted. Deb seconded the motion. All members voted yes.
Librarian’s Report:
The board was updated on e-books. Baker and Taylor’s company presented an affordable and easy to use system for our library.
The cost is $500 per year for them to oversee the program the rest of our money can be used to purchase e-books.
Patrons will be given access to a number that will enable them to download books from our library e-book collection.
The motion was made by Deb to sign on with Baker and Taylor’s Axis 360 e-book program. Martha seconded. All members voted yes.
Debby explained that Quick Books will be updated by the township and the library will be able to use it.
President report:
Another computer class will be offered in June.
Chapter 3 –Standards for Libraries was reviewed by the board. Personnel policies were reviewed in order to meet the per Capita Grant
The meeting adjourned at 6:30
Margie Eisenbarth,
Nokomis Public Library
April 8, 2013
A roll call of members was held, and the following were present: Martha, Sharon, Nancy, Debi, Kathy, and librarian Debby.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved by members. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. The circulation report for March 2013 was read.
A renewal for OCLC was received. Debi moved we renew our membership to OCLC, Martha seconded. The motion carried with the following
voting yes: Martha, Sharon, Nancy, Debi and Kathy.
The library was notified by Secretary of State Jessie White that our request for a Per Capita Grant has been funded in the amount of
We have been notified that e-rate form 471 has been received.
Margie and Kathy will work on developing a summer reading program for this summer. It will be built around the theme of
dogs, and it will include a component from the Macon County Conservation Dept. about the dog that went with Lewis and Clark on their journey.
They are moving from the WorldCat program to the WorldShare program this spring. As of December 31, 2013 the WorldCat program will be
phased out and we will need to use the WorldShare program. It is strongly suggested that we send librarians to be trained in the program next fall. The board decided to send 2 librarians to be trained and will pay for their expenses.
It was decided to hold the Krispy Kreme fundraiser again this year. Debi agreed to pick up the donuts. Debby has already contacted
Thrivent and reserved the room.
Students from North School wrote 2 books, published them and donated them to the
The EDD grant program 3rd quarter report is due this week. Debby and Kathy have worked on this.
The board discussed the perimeters for checking out the digital and video cameras that were bought for the classes. Debi moved that cameras be checked out for a 3 day period with a refundable $5 deposit, and the same conditions for checking out the e-readers be applied to the cameras. The following people voted yes: Debi, Martha, Sharon, Nancy, and Kathy. The motion carried.
There was a discussion about e-books. The board decided not to join the consortium but to purchase our own e-books for our
e-readers. Children’s books can be put on our website so that patrons can download them from there. Martha made a motion that we not join a
consortium, but use our e-book money to purchase e-books for our patrons. Sharon seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Nancy, Sharon, Martha, Debi, and Kathy. Motion carried.
The board reviewed Chapter 1 of Standards for Illinois Public Libraries.
Meeting adjourned.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved by members. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. The circulation report for March 2013 was read.
A renewal for OCLC was received. Debi moved we renew our membership to OCLC, Martha seconded. The motion carried with the following
voting yes: Martha, Sharon, Nancy, Debi and Kathy.
The library was notified by Secretary of State Jessie White that our request for a Per Capita Grant has been funded in the amount of
We have been notified that e-rate form 471 has been received.
Margie and Kathy will work on developing a summer reading program for this summer. It will be built around the theme of
dogs, and it will include a component from the Macon County Conservation Dept. about the dog that went with Lewis and Clark on their journey.
They are moving from the WorldCat program to the WorldShare program this spring. As of December 31, 2013 the WorldCat program will be
phased out and we will need to use the WorldShare program. It is strongly suggested that we send librarians to be trained in the program next fall. The board decided to send 2 librarians to be trained and will pay for their expenses.
It was decided to hold the Krispy Kreme fundraiser again this year. Debi agreed to pick up the donuts. Debby has already contacted
Thrivent and reserved the room.
Students from North School wrote 2 books, published them and donated them to the
The EDD grant program 3rd quarter report is due this week. Debby and Kathy have worked on this.
The board discussed the perimeters for checking out the digital and video cameras that were bought for the classes. Debi moved that cameras be checked out for a 3 day period with a refundable $5 deposit, and the same conditions for checking out the e-readers be applied to the cameras. The following people voted yes: Debi, Martha, Sharon, Nancy, and Kathy. The motion carried.
There was a discussion about e-books. The board decided not to join the consortium but to purchase our own e-books for our
e-readers. Children’s books can be put on our website so that patrons can download them from there. Martha made a motion that we not join a
consortium, but use our e-book money to purchase e-books for our patrons. Sharon seconded the motion. The following voted yes: Nancy, Sharon, Martha, Debi, and Kathy. Motion carried.
The board reviewed Chapter 1 of Standards for Illinois Public Libraries.
Meeting adjourned.
Nokomis Public Library Trustee Board Meeting
March 11, 2013
Members present: Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Debi Dawson. Margie Eisenbarth, Deb Lehman.
Sharon Satterlee was acting president for the meeting.
The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
Correspondence included; Information was received from the Macon County Conservation District Summer a reading program. “Have Book Will Travel” will be introduced this summer. Books will be brought to life through the explorations of Lewis and Clark and their dog Seaman. Margie agreed to look into the matter and report at next meeting.
We received a copy of the ILA Handbook.
Old business:
The library received reimbursement of the Social Security and insurance levies for 2012 of $4438.12 from Nokomis Township.
New Business:
Dave Cary donated $1000 to the library.
We received a $15 check for proctoring from western Governor’s University.
A 90 day CD will be rolled over.
An anonymous donation of $200 was received to purchase biographies of famous men of the Renaissance and Reformation; 16th through 20th century. The series is published by Greenleaf Press.
We received a copy of Soybeans from the Agriculture Council of America.
We also received a copy of Figurative Language Rhyme Friends written by Mrs. Brown’s class at North School from Garden Friends afterschool program.
Debi presented 4 budget proposals for 2013-2014 for the board to review.
After many questions and much discussion Deb Dawson made a motion to accept budget #3 and also to combine the categories of books, subscriptions, and other media. Nancy Sperry seconded the motion. All members voted yes. Motion passed.
Librarian’s report:
Deb showed the board the new Optelec magnifier purchased as part of the grant requirements.
Deb received the grant’s new revised budget. The grant is now 25653.00. and all requirements have been met to receive all funds due us.
Meeting adjourned at 6:12.
Margie Eisenbarth, Secretary
Sharon Satterlee was acting president for the meeting.
The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
The circulation report was given and is attached.
Correspondence included; Information was received from the Macon County Conservation District Summer a reading program. “Have Book Will Travel” will be introduced this summer. Books will be brought to life through the explorations of Lewis and Clark and their dog Seaman. Margie agreed to look into the matter and report at next meeting.
We received a copy of the ILA Handbook.
Old business:
The library received reimbursement of the Social Security and insurance levies for 2012 of $4438.12 from Nokomis Township.
New Business:
Dave Cary donated $1000 to the library.
We received a $15 check for proctoring from western Governor’s University.
A 90 day CD will be rolled over.
An anonymous donation of $200 was received to purchase biographies of famous men of the Renaissance and Reformation; 16th through 20th century. The series is published by Greenleaf Press.
We received a copy of Soybeans from the Agriculture Council of America.
We also received a copy of Figurative Language Rhyme Friends written by Mrs. Brown’s class at North School from Garden Friends afterschool program.
Debi presented 4 budget proposals for 2013-2014 for the board to review.
After many questions and much discussion Deb Dawson made a motion to accept budget #3 and also to combine the categories of books, subscriptions, and other media. Nancy Sperry seconded the motion. All members voted yes. Motion passed.
Librarian’s report:
Deb showed the board the new Optelec magnifier purchased as part of the grant requirements.
Deb received the grant’s new revised budget. The grant is now 25653.00. and all requirements have been met to receive all funds due us.
Meeting adjourned at 6:12.
Margie Eisenbarth, Secretary
Nokomis Public Library
February 11,2013
Nokomis Library Board of Trustees Minutes
Roll Call taken: Present were Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Martha
Beaman and Debby Lehman
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
Treasurer’s report was distributed read and called for approval by Debi dawson, seconded by Sharon
Satterlee and yes votes by Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha and Kathy.
Circulation report was read and is attached
Kathy and Debi reported on the e-rate progress
New Business:
USA Patriot Act update was brought up Debi asked that it be tabled until the May meeting
OCLC notified us that staff training is taking place
Cornerstone Academy requested that their students and faculty be able to check out books from
our library. Debi made a motion that a card be donated to the school that students can use with the
stipulation that a teacher or administrator bear complete responsibility for cost of replacement of any
book(s) that is lost or damaged. Furthermore, that the card is for the borrowing of books only. Motion
seconded and a voice vote: yes by Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, and Kathy
Donation of $2,000 was made in memory of Yolanda Tosetti by Bernadine Hines Foundation.
Librarian Debby found a way to make Quickbooks work with the computers that we still have, she just
needed to rearrange.
Debby also reported the EDD grant budget adjustment form went out wrong so they sent a new one.
We are to track all usage of technology. All but $60 of the grant monies has been paid.
President Kathy reported that the donation jar on the counter was stolen from the library so it has been
Payroll raises were voted on for the 2013-14 year. Debi made a motion to raise Carol, Donna and
Trista’s hourly rate by .25 and Debby’s by .75 Motion was seconded and a voice ballot was taken with
Debi, Sharonm Nancy, Martha and Kathy all voting yes. The board thanked Debby for her diligent work
on obtaining grants.’’
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm
Nokomis Library Board of Trustees Minutes
Roll Call taken: Present were Debi Dawson, Kathy Moore, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Martha
Beaman and Debby Lehman
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
Treasurer’s report was distributed read and called for approval by Debi dawson, seconded by Sharon
Satterlee and yes votes by Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha and Kathy.
Circulation report was read and is attached
Kathy and Debi reported on the e-rate progress
New Business:
USA Patriot Act update was brought up Debi asked that it be tabled until the May meeting
OCLC notified us that staff training is taking place
Cornerstone Academy requested that their students and faculty be able to check out books from
our library. Debi made a motion that a card be donated to the school that students can use with the
stipulation that a teacher or administrator bear complete responsibility for cost of replacement of any
book(s) that is lost or damaged. Furthermore, that the card is for the borrowing of books only. Motion
seconded and a voice vote: yes by Debi, Sharon, Nancy, Martha, and Kathy
Donation of $2,000 was made in memory of Yolanda Tosetti by Bernadine Hines Foundation.
Librarian Debby found a way to make Quickbooks work with the computers that we still have, she just
needed to rearrange.
Debby also reported the EDD grant budget adjustment form went out wrong so they sent a new one.
We are to track all usage of technology. All but $60 of the grant monies has been paid.
President Kathy reported that the donation jar on the counter was stolen from the library so it has been
Payroll raises were voted on for the 2013-14 year. Debi made a motion to raise Carol, Donna and
Trista’s hourly rate by .25 and Debby’s by .75 Motion was seconded and a voice ballot was taken with
Debi, Sharonm Nancy, Martha and Kathy all voting yes. The board thanked Debby for her diligent work
on obtaining grants.’’
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm
Nokomis Library Board Meeting January 14, 2013
Members present: Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Margie, Eisenbarth, Debi Dawson and Deb Lehman
The minutes from December were approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as reported.
The circulation report is attached. The numbers are down from the last two years.
The library received correspondence from the IL State Library that a webinar is available to help people with disabilities apply for jobs with the state. After a brief discussion it was decided to go ahead with the webinar. Deb will set it up on the laptops.
We received the OCLC annual report.
Old Business:
We received and reviewed the Certification of Ballot Form.
Deb has updated the trustee brochure for 2013.
New Business:
The Beta Sigma phi sent a $150 donation.
Kathy read the new changes in the laws concerning the OMA. The changes were in effect January 1, 2013.
An epay seminar will be held at Litchfield Library on Feb. 25 at 9 am. The board agreed that we are not interested at this time.
All board members need to fill out the Statement of Economic Interest form at this meeting.
Debi and Carol wrote a grant to Wal-Mart and received a one thousand dollar grant for the 2013 Summer Reading Program.
We will let the IL Heartland Library System handle the renewal of the library’s domain name.
Librarian’s Report:
The quarterly report for EDD (Eliminate the Digital Divide) grant has been successfully filed.
The addendum to the EDD grant has been received. The amount added to the grant was $4,575 to be used for software and ebooks.
The certification process for membership to ILLINET has been completed by Debby.
Debby has experienced difficulties loading Quick Books on the library’s computer as it is not compatible. The board decided to purchase a new Quick Books program for 2012. The motion was made by Sharon and seconded by Nancy . The motion passed. All members voted yes.
President’s Report:
Kathy updated the board on the technology classes. She will be going to organizations in the community to peak interest in the computer classes. The numbers need to be up for the final reports.
The library needs to update the technology plan in order to apply for the E-Rate funding. Goal #5 was added; the library will offer ebooks to patrons for checkout. The plan was accepted.
The board members reviewed Chapter 2 Serving Our Public/ Core Standards- Governance and Administration. We will review Chapter 1 next month.
The meeting adjourned at 6:02.
Margie Eisenbarth, Secretary
The minutes from December were approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as reported.
The circulation report is attached. The numbers are down from the last two years.
The library received correspondence from the IL State Library that a webinar is available to help people with disabilities apply for jobs with the state. After a brief discussion it was decided to go ahead with the webinar. Deb will set it up on the laptops.
We received the OCLC annual report.
Old Business:
We received and reviewed the Certification of Ballot Form.
Deb has updated the trustee brochure for 2013.
New Business:
The Beta Sigma phi sent a $150 donation.
Kathy read the new changes in the laws concerning the OMA. The changes were in effect January 1, 2013.
An epay seminar will be held at Litchfield Library on Feb. 25 at 9 am. The board agreed that we are not interested at this time.
All board members need to fill out the Statement of Economic Interest form at this meeting.
Debi and Carol wrote a grant to Wal-Mart and received a one thousand dollar grant for the 2013 Summer Reading Program.
We will let the IL Heartland Library System handle the renewal of the library’s domain name.
Librarian’s Report:
The quarterly report for EDD (Eliminate the Digital Divide) grant has been successfully filed.
The addendum to the EDD grant has been received. The amount added to the grant was $4,575 to be used for software and ebooks.
The certification process for membership to ILLINET has been completed by Debby.
Debby has experienced difficulties loading Quick Books on the library’s computer as it is not compatible. The board decided to purchase a new Quick Books program for 2012. The motion was made by Sharon and seconded by Nancy . The motion passed. All members voted yes.
President’s Report:
Kathy updated the board on the technology classes. She will be going to organizations in the community to peak interest in the computer classes. The numbers need to be up for the final reports.
The library needs to update the technology plan in order to apply for the E-Rate funding. Goal #5 was added; the library will offer ebooks to patrons for checkout. The plan was accepted.
The board members reviewed Chapter 2 Serving Our Public/ Core Standards- Governance and Administration. We will review Chapter 1 next month.
The meeting adjourned at 6:02.
Margie Eisenbarth, Secretary
Library Board Trustee meeting
December 10, 2012
Members present: Sharon Hough, Nancy Sperry, Margie Eisenbarth, Kathy Moore, Martha Beaman, Deb Lehman
The minutes of the November meeting were accepted as presented.
The treasurer’s report was discussed and accepted.
The board reviewed the circulation report for November. Attached.
Sandy Leitheiser informed us that December 26th is the last day to file petitions. The first day is December 17th.
Old Business:
The board had the second reading of the E-Reader policy and Agreement. After reviewing the policy and discussion the policy was accepted. Martha moved to adopt policy, Nancy seconded the motion. All members voted yes.
President Kathy reviewed the new trustee pamphlet for the board. A few updates were suggested to make it current.
The librarians are looking for the extra library key. No members present were aware of the key’s location.
The library received a letter from the bank that informed us of the expiration of temporary full FDIC coverage.
New Business:
The right of privacy of patrons in regards to family cards was discussed. The board decided not to take any further action at this time.
Deb Lehman has successfully completed the course to be qualified as a certified Illinois Worknet advisor to fulfill the technology grant requirement.
Librarian Debby spoke to the board about new issues that technology issues. She contacted the Nokomis school tech person and he is not willing to help us with the problems. The problem was solved through contacting HP personnel. The library may need to consider upgrading our technology equipment in the future.
With left over money one laptop, a Kindle Fire and received two free Nooks with that purchase.
An additional four thousand dollars of grant money will be used to purchase e-books. Deb is waiting to hear from Cheryl.
Christmas bonuses: Motion made by Nancy and seconded by Martha to give the following bonuses.
Deb- $150
Carol - $50
Donna -$50
Trista - $50
The board reviewed the Core Standards of chapter 11 of Standards for Public Libraries which covered System and Illnet Membership Responsibilities.
Margie reported that the library will be part of the Nokomis Christmas Walk Saturday December 15th from 10 – 2.
Meeting adjourned at 6:04.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
The minutes of the November meeting were accepted as presented.
The treasurer’s report was discussed and accepted.
The board reviewed the circulation report for November. Attached.
Sandy Leitheiser informed us that December 26th is the last day to file petitions. The first day is December 17th.
Old Business:
The board had the second reading of the E-Reader policy and Agreement. After reviewing the policy and discussion the policy was accepted. Martha moved to adopt policy, Nancy seconded the motion. All members voted yes.
President Kathy reviewed the new trustee pamphlet for the board. A few updates were suggested to make it current.
The librarians are looking for the extra library key. No members present were aware of the key’s location.
The library received a letter from the bank that informed us of the expiration of temporary full FDIC coverage.
New Business:
The right of privacy of patrons in regards to family cards was discussed. The board decided not to take any further action at this time.
Deb Lehman has successfully completed the course to be qualified as a certified Illinois Worknet advisor to fulfill the technology grant requirement.
Librarian Debby spoke to the board about new issues that technology issues. She contacted the Nokomis school tech person and he is not willing to help us with the problems. The problem was solved through contacting HP personnel. The library may need to consider upgrading our technology equipment in the future.
With left over money one laptop, a Kindle Fire and received two free Nooks with that purchase.
An additional four thousand dollars of grant money will be used to purchase e-books. Deb is waiting to hear from Cheryl.
Christmas bonuses: Motion made by Nancy and seconded by Martha to give the following bonuses.
Deb- $150
Carol - $50
Donna -$50
Trista - $50
The board reviewed the Core Standards of chapter 11 of Standards for Public Libraries which covered System and Illnet Membership Responsibilities.
Margie reported that the library will be part of the Nokomis Christmas Walk Saturday December 15th from 10 – 2.
Meeting adjourned at 6:04.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
Nokomis Library Trustee Meeting
November 19, 2012
Members present: Sharon Hough, Nancy Sperry, Martha Beaman, Kathy Moore, Deb Dawson, Margie Eisenbarth, Sharon Satterlee, and Debby Lehman.
Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Communications: We received a Thanksgiving greeting from Tim Huber.
Circulation report was read by President Kathy.
Old Business:
An E-Reader user policy was reviewed by the board. After discussion a motion was made by Deb Dawson and seconded by Sharon Saterlee that the rental fee be lifted. The $5 deposit fee will remain. Six members voted yes. Nancy Sperry voted against lifting the rental fee. The entire policy will be reviewed and voted on next month.
After checking with Joyce Matthews it was discovered that we already levy funds for Medicare
We received a check from the state for our per capita grant in the amount of $3013.95.
New Business:
JoAnn Keele offered the library an original painting by local artist Fred Crumbaugh that she purchased from the Nelda Brackenoff estate. The painting is titled “Prelude to Spring”. She left information about the artist so that a plaque can be made to go with the painting. The offer was greatly accepted.
We received a new insurance statement from State Farm.
The Secretary of State sent a copy of Illinois Seasons of Light by Robert Shaw.
Librarian’s Report:
Debby updated the board on the EDD Grant. She has over a $1,000 left to spend. She may possibly purchase Kindle Fires with it. The first class is completed. It was well attended (16) and got mostly positive evaluations from the participants. Space was an issue. The second class will begin November 26. The grant stipulated that the site must have a Certified Work Net Advisor. Debby will test for the position on line.
President’s Report:
The library entered a wreath in the Festival of Trees. We received a check for $37 for our efforts.
The board reviewed chapter 10 of Standards for Illinois Public Libraries on Marketing, Promotion, and Collaboration.
The meeting adjourned at 6:17.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
Special Meeting of the Library Trustee Board
September 24, 2012
Present: Kathy Moore, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Martha Beaman, Margie Eisenbarth, Debby Lehman, Debi Dawson, and Sharon Hough.
President Kathy called the meeting to order to discuss the Technology Grant which has been funded. Kathy and Debby participated in the state webinar in which they were informed that the board had to review the library policies on Personal Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, The Drug Free Workplace Policy, The Sexual Harassment Policy, and The Americans With Disabilities Act.
The board reviewed the policies.
1. The Personal Equal Employment Act was accepted as written.
2. The Drug Free Workplace: Debby Dawson made the motion, seconded by Sharon Satterlee. Motion passed.
3. The Sexual Harassment Policy: Motion by Sharon, seconded by Debby to accept as amended. Motion passed
4. The Americans With Disabilities Act: Nancy made the motion to accept as written, seconded by Martha. Motion passed.
The policies can be viewed in the Library Policy Book.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
President Kathy called the meeting to order to discuss the Technology Grant which has been funded. Kathy and Debby participated in the state webinar in which they were informed that the board had to review the library policies on Personal Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, The Drug Free Workplace Policy, The Sexual Harassment Policy, and The Americans With Disabilities Act.
The board reviewed the policies.
1. The Personal Equal Employment Act was accepted as written.
2. The Drug Free Workplace: Debby Dawson made the motion, seconded by Sharon Satterlee. Motion passed.
3. The Sexual Harassment Policy: Motion by Sharon, seconded by Debby to accept as amended. Motion passed
4. The Americans With Disabilities Act: Nancy made the motion to accept as written, seconded by Martha. Motion passed.
The policies can be viewed in the Library Policy Book.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
Nokomis Public Library Minutes
October 15, 2012
Members present: Kathy Moore, Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Martha Beaman, librarian Debby Lehman.
The minutes from the previous meeting (9/10/12) were approved as corrected. The correction was that Aaron Brown was to sign books at the library.
The minutes from the special meeting (9/24/12) were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The circulation report was given. The numbers were up from last year, but down from the year before. The report is attached.
A thank you note was received from Broadband Illinois because Debby had completed a survey for them.
Old Business:
EDD grant funds have been received. The funds were put in an interest bearing account as stipulated in the grant.
The board members discussed whether to levy for Medicare Fund. Kathy will call and ask someone from the Nokomis Township about levying for this tax fund and report back for the next meeting.
The Annual report was done last April, but a new system is being used and we received a notice that our report had been transferred over to this new system.
Ne w Business:
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry and seconded by Martha Beaman to amend the library budget to reflect the funds received for the EDD grant. All members present voted yes. The budget was amended.
A board policy to use for the new e-readers was discussed. Two current policies from different libraries were read. It was decided to use the policy from Smithton and adapt it to reflect our library. This board policy will be presented at the next meeting.
A memo about three levels of membership in Illinois Heartland Library System was read and discussed. We are a SHARE Affiliate member at this time.
A CD has matured at the First National Bank has matured. It is worth $3,072.97 at this time. It has rolled over for 91 days.
A notice was read from Illinois Humanities Council about a workshop for non-profits in November in Mattoon.
Librarian’s Report:
Debby gave an update on what has been purchased for the EDD grant. She has purchased 2 PC’s, 1 mobile charging station, 11 laptops, 10 digital cameras, 10 video cameras, Microsoft Office 2012 licenses, and a projector. A total of $11,376.93 has been expended so far. Other items have been ordered, but are not in yet.
A patron with a large fine has asked to be able to use the city’s floor buffer and buff our floors to work off the remainder of her fine. A discussion was held about this topic, and it was decided to let the patron work off her fine if the city will lend its buffer..
Board President:
The Per Capita Grant has been filed.
A discussion was held about a wreath being made for the Festival of Trees this year.
Chapter 9 of Serving Our Public was discussed. Board members discussed several ways that we work to meet the ideas set out in this chapter.
The meeting was adjourned.
The minutes from the previous meeting (9/10/12) were approved as corrected. The correction was that Aaron Brown was to sign books at the library.
The minutes from the special meeting (9/24/12) were approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The circulation report was given. The numbers were up from last year, but down from the year before. The report is attached.
A thank you note was received from Broadband Illinois because Debby had completed a survey for them.
Old Business:
EDD grant funds have been received. The funds were put in an interest bearing account as stipulated in the grant.
The board members discussed whether to levy for Medicare Fund. Kathy will call and ask someone from the Nokomis Township about levying for this tax fund and report back for the next meeting.
The Annual report was done last April, but a new system is being used and we received a notice that our report had been transferred over to this new system.
Ne w Business:
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry and seconded by Martha Beaman to amend the library budget to reflect the funds received for the EDD grant. All members present voted yes. The budget was amended.
A board policy to use for the new e-readers was discussed. Two current policies from different libraries were read. It was decided to use the policy from Smithton and adapt it to reflect our library. This board policy will be presented at the next meeting.
A memo about three levels of membership in Illinois Heartland Library System was read and discussed. We are a SHARE Affiliate member at this time.
A CD has matured at the First National Bank has matured. It is worth $3,072.97 at this time. It has rolled over for 91 days.
A notice was read from Illinois Humanities Council about a workshop for non-profits in November in Mattoon.
Librarian’s Report:
Debby gave an update on what has been purchased for the EDD grant. She has purchased 2 PC’s, 1 mobile charging station, 11 laptops, 10 digital cameras, 10 video cameras, Microsoft Office 2012 licenses, and a projector. A total of $11,376.93 has been expended so far. Other items have been ordered, but are not in yet.
A patron with a large fine has asked to be able to use the city’s floor buffer and buff our floors to work off the remainder of her fine. A discussion was held about this topic, and it was decided to let the patron work off her fine if the city will lend its buffer..
Board President:
The Per Capita Grant has been filed.
A discussion was held about a wreath being made for the Festival of Trees this year.
Chapter 9 of Serving Our Public was discussed. Board members discussed several ways that we work to meet the ideas set out in this chapter.
The meeting was adjourned.
Nokomis Library Board minutes
September 10, 2012
Members present: Kathy Moore, Sharon Satterlee, Nancy Sperry, Martha Beaman, Debby Lehman, Margie Eisenbarth .
The secretary’s report was read and approved.
The treasure’s report was reviewed and approved. It was noted that tax monies are beginning to come in.
The library received a letter from the First National Bank with information about overdraft privileges. The board took no action.
Old Business:
The board received a list of donors for the summer Reading program. There was a total of 35 donors and the total cash amount received was $1,065.
The NCI Business System serviced and updated the copier this month.
The Technology grant webinar was cancelled and has not been rescheduled yet. The contract has been signed but the library has received no check to purchase the equipment in order to schedule the classes for the public. The board agreed that there needs to be some guarantee of the funds before any purchasing can be done.
New Business:
The board agreed to hold a book signing for Aaron Brown on Sunday September 30 from 2-4 at the library. Aaron will be available to sing his newly released book. The board will serve cookies and drinks.
Librarian Debby reported that the Summer Reading Program was very successful again this year. There were 99 participants K- 12. Fifty five readers completed the program and were treated to a pizza party and prizes. Pre k children also took part in the reading with their parents and received special awards separated from the K-12 readers.
President Kathy reminded members that some still need to take the OMA training.
Petitions and form were handed out for those seeking re-election in April.
Next meeting will be Oct 15. Meeting adjourned at 6:02.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
The secretary’s report was read and approved.
The treasure’s report was reviewed and approved. It was noted that tax monies are beginning to come in.
The library received a letter from the First National Bank with information about overdraft privileges. The board took no action.
Old Business:
The board received a list of donors for the summer Reading program. There was a total of 35 donors and the total cash amount received was $1,065.
The NCI Business System serviced and updated the copier this month.
The Technology grant webinar was cancelled and has not been rescheduled yet. The contract has been signed but the library has received no check to purchase the equipment in order to schedule the classes for the public. The board agreed that there needs to be some guarantee of the funds before any purchasing can be done.
New Business:
The board agreed to hold a book signing for Aaron Brown on Sunday September 30 from 2-4 at the library. Aaron will be available to sing his newly released book. The board will serve cookies and drinks.
Librarian Debby reported that the Summer Reading Program was very successful again this year. There were 99 participants K- 12. Fifty five readers completed the program and were treated to a pizza party and prizes. Pre k children also took part in the reading with their parents and received special awards separated from the K-12 readers.
President Kathy reminded members that some still need to take the OMA training.
Petitions and form were handed out for those seeking re-election in April.
Next meeting will be Oct 15. Meeting adjourned at 6:02.
Margie Eisenbarth, secretary
Nokomis Public Library Board Meeting
August 13, 2012
Roll Call: Nancy Sperry, Sharon Satterlee, Martha Beaman, Debby Lehman, Kathy Moore, Debi Dawson, and Margie Eisenbarth
Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
The circulation report continues to show an upward trend over the past two months with a total of 4387 transactions in the month of July.
A request was received from a man in Kentucky for one of our library cards for his collection. After discussing the pros and cons the board agreed not to participate in his request.
A request was received to display a flyer for the International Fellowship, Inc. The request was approved by Debby.
The library received notification that the Open Meetings Act requires a more detailed agenda. The board agreed that our agenda is detailed enough.
Librarian Debby explained that the NCI Business Copy Plan that was discussed last month does cover two years in the agreement at a cost of $591. Debi made a motion to accept the contract, 2nd by Martha. All voted yes. The contract was signed.
The library received information on the Prevailing Wage ad and proof that we were included in it from the County Clerk’s office.
There will be a Trustee Day at the library conference in Peoria on Wednesday October 10. Debi Dawson expressed that she may be interested in going.
New information and updates for our 2012 Visa Card was received. Margie Eisenbarth needs to sign the account.
The library received a letter of application for employment. The letter will be kept on file as the library is not hiring at this time.
Librarian’s Report:
The board was able to review the new web page that was designed by Debby and Martha Beaman’s daughter.
The library has not received the contract for the $21,000 Technology Grant yet so no orders for the materials have been made yet.
President’s Report:
The form for the Per Capita Grant has been received. It is due in September.
OMA training certification information was distributed to all trustees.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30.
Margie Eisenbarth,
Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
The circulation report continues to show an upward trend over the past two months with a total of 4387 transactions in the month of July.
A request was received from a man in Kentucky for one of our library cards for his collection. After discussing the pros and cons the board agreed not to participate in his request.
A request was received to display a flyer for the International Fellowship, Inc. The request was approved by Debby.
The library received notification that the Open Meetings Act requires a more detailed agenda. The board agreed that our agenda is detailed enough.
Librarian Debby explained that the NCI Business Copy Plan that was discussed last month does cover two years in the agreement at a cost of $591. Debi made a motion to accept the contract, 2nd by Martha. All voted yes. The contract was signed.
The library received information on the Prevailing Wage ad and proof that we were included in it from the County Clerk’s office.
There will be a Trustee Day at the library conference in Peoria on Wednesday October 10. Debi Dawson expressed that she may be interested in going.
New information and updates for our 2012 Visa Card was received. Margie Eisenbarth needs to sign the account.
The library received a letter of application for employment. The letter will be kept on file as the library is not hiring at this time.
Librarian’s Report:
The board was able to review the new web page that was designed by Debby and Martha Beaman’s daughter.
The library has not received the contract for the $21,000 Technology Grant yet so no orders for the materials have been made yet.
President’s Report:
The form for the Per Capita Grant has been received. It is due in September.
OMA training certification information was distributed to all trustees.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30.
Margie Eisenbarth,